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Year 2023, Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 1 - 10, 30.01.2023



  • Akyol, E. and Korkmaz, A. 2005. Bal arısı (Apis mellifera) zararlısı Varroa destructor’un biyolojisi. Uludag Bee Journal, 5 (3): 122-127. [In Turkish]
  • Akyol, E. and Korkmaz, A. 2006. Varroa destructor’un biyolojik kontrol yöntemleri. Uludag Bee Journal, 6 (2): 62-67. [In Turkish]
  • Akyol, E. and Özkök, D. 2005. Varroa (Varroa destructor) mücadelesinde organik asitlerin kullanımı. Uludag Bee Journal, 5 (4): 167-174. [In Turkish]
  • Akyol, E. and Ünalan, A. 2017. Effect of oxalic acid treatment in different seasons on varroa (Varroa destructor) population in honeybee colonies. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 26 (6): 3863-3867.
  • Akyol, E. and Yeninar, H. 2009. Use of oxalic acid to control Varroa destructor in honeybee (Apis mellifera L.) colonies. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 33 (4): 285-288. doi: 10.3906/vet-0712-16
  • Akyol, E. and Yeninar, H. 2011. The effects of varroa (Varroa destructor) infestation level on wintering ability and survival rates of honeybee (Apis mellifera L.) colonies. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 10 (11): 1427-1430. doi: 10.3923/javaa.2011.1427.1430
  • Alaux, C., Ducloz, F., Crauser, D. and Le Conte, Y. 2010. Diet effects on honeybee immunocompetence. Biology Letter, 6 (4): 562-565. doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2009.0986
  • Anderson, D.L. and Trueman, J.W.H. 2000. Varroa jacobsoni (Acari: Varroidae) is more than species. Experimental and Applied Acarology, 24 (3): 165-189. doi: 10.1023/A:1006456720416
  • Anonymous. 2010. Bal arılarının Varroasis’ine karşı korunma ve mücadele talimatı. Available (Last accessed: 03 September 2022). [In Turkish]
  • Anonymous. 2001. Report to the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. A review of treatment options for control of varroa mite in New Zealand. The Horticulture and Food Research Institute of New Zealand. Available (Last accessed: 19 July 2022).
  • Anonymous. 2020. Available.,pro_44662.html (Last accessed: 06 September 2022). [In Turkish]
  • Anonymous. 2021. Gıda hattı. Available (Last accessed: 28 May 2021). [In Turkish]
  • Anonymous. 2022. Arıcılık istatistikleri. Available (Last accessed: 28 October 2022). [In Turkish]
  • Arslan, S. and Cengiz, M.M. 2020. Türkiye’nin farklı illerinde sonbahar döneminde üretilen ana arıların kalite kriterlerinin değerlendirilmesi. Uludag Bee Journal, 20 (1): 62-71. [In Turkish] doi: 10.31467/uluaricilik.710209
  • Avvakumova, N.P., Gerchikov, A.Y., Khairullina, V.R. and Zhdanova, A.V. 2011. Antioxidant properties of humic substances isolated from peloids. Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal, 45 (3): 118-124. doi: 10.1007/s11094-011-0590-2
  • Aydın, L. 2001. Arıcılıkta ilaç kullanımı. Uludag Bee Journal, 1 (2): 32-34. [In Turkish]
  • Bogdanov, S. 2006. Contaminants of bee products. Apidologie, 37 (1): 1-18. doi: 10.1051/apido:2005043
  • Borum, A.E. 2015. Balların antibakteriyel özellikleri ve medikal kullanımı. Arıcılık Araştırma Dergisi, 13: 21-24. [In Turkish]
  • Carreck, N.L. 2011. Varroa still a problem in the 21st century. International Bee Research Association, Cardiff, UK.
  • Cengiz, M.M. 2012. Bal arısı (Apis mellifera L.) kolonilerinde Varroa destructor enfestasyonu ile mücadelede farklı organik bileşiklerin kullanımı ve koloni performansına etkileri. Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 18: 133-137. [In Turkish] doi: 10.9775/kvfd.2012.6000
  • Cengiz, M.M., Emsen Steinman, B. and Genç, F. 2010. Bal arısı (Apis mellifera L.) kolonilerinde varroa (Varroa destructor Anderson and Trueman) paraziti ile mücadelede organik asitlerin kullanımı. Türkiye IV. Organik Tarım Sempozyumu, 28 June-1 July 2010, Erzurum, Türkiye, 50-53. [In Turkish]
  • Cobey, S. and Lawrence, T. 1988. Varroa mite; potential methods of control. Apis mellifera. American Bee Journal, 128 (2): 112-117.
  • Cronje, I.K., Cloete, T.E. and Dekker, J. 1991. Composition having bacteriocidal or bacteriostatic activity. US Patent, Patent Number: 4,999,202A.
  • Çakmak, I. 2010. The over wintering survival of highly Varroa destructor infested honey bee colonies determined to be hygienic using the liquid nitrogen freeze killed brood assay. Journal of Apicultural Research, 49 (2): 197-201. doi: 10.3896/IBRA.
  • Çakmak, I. 2012. Bal arısı koloni kayıpları ve çözüm yolları. Arıcılık Araştırma Dergisi, 4 (1): 3-8. [In Turkish]
  • Degrandi-Hoffman, G., Chen, Y., Huang, E. and Huang, M.H. 2010. The effect of diet on protein concentration, hypopharyngeal gland development and virus load in worker honey bees (Apis mellifera L.). Journal of Insect Physiology, 56 (9): 1184-1191. doi: 10.1016/j.jinsphys.2010.03.017
  • De Melo, B.A.G., Motta, F.L. and Santana, M.H.A. 2016. Humic acids: structural properties and multiple functionalities for novel technological developments. Materials Science and Engineering C, 62 (1): 967–974. doi: 10.1016/j.msec.2015.12.001
  • Eguaras, M., Palacio, M.A., Faverin, C., Basualdo, M., Hoyo, M.L.D., Velis, G. and Bedascarrasbure, E. 2003. Efficacy of formic acid in gel for varroa control in Apis mellifera importance of the dispenser position inside the hive. Veterinary Parasitology, 111 (2-3): 241-245. doi: 10.1016/S0304-4017(02)00377-1
  • Elzen, P.J., Baxter, J.R., Spivak, M. and Wilson, W.T. 2000. Control of Varroa jacobsoni oud. resistant to fluvalinate and amitraz using coumaphos. Apidologie, 31 (3): 437-441. doi: 10.1051/apido:2000134
  • Giray, T., Kence, M., Oskay, D., Döke, M.A. and Kence, A. 2010. Colony losses in Turkey and causes of bee deaths. Apidologie, 41 (4): 451-453. doi: 10.1051/apido/2009077
  • Girişgin, A.O. and Aydın, L. 2010. Efficacies of formic, oxalic and lactic acids against Varroa destructor in naturally infested honeybee (Apis mellifera L.) colonies in Turkey. Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 18 (6): 941-945. doi: 10.9775/kvfd.2010.1965
  • Goodwin, M. and VanEaton, C. 2001. Control of varroa: a guide for New Zealand beekeepers. New Zealand Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, 127 pp.
  • Gregorc, A. and Planinc, I. 2004. Dynamics of falling varroa mites in honeybee (Apis mellifera) colonies following oxalic acid treatments. Acta Veterinaria Brno, 73 (3): 385-391. doi: 10.2754/avb200473030385
  • Islam, K.M.S., Schuhmacher, A. and Gropp, J.M. 2005. Humic acid substances in animal agriculture. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 4 (3): 126-134. doi: 10.3923/pjn.2005.126.134
  • Johnson, R.M., Pollock, H.S. and Berenbaum, M.R. 2009. Synergistic interactions between in-hive miticides in Apis mellifera. Journal of Economic Entomology, 102 (2): 474-479. doi: 10.1603/029.102.0202
  • Kaftanoğlu, O., Kumova, U. and Yeninar, H. 1995. Effectiveness of drugs commonly used against Varroa jacobsoni and their effect on honeybees (Apis mellifera L.). XXXIVth International Apicultural Congress of Apimondia, 15-19 August 1995, Lousanne, Sweden, p. 180.
  • Kodama, H. 2007. Antitumor effect of humus extract on murine transplantable L1210 leukemia. Journal of Veterinary Medical Science, 69: 1069-1071. doi: 10.1292/jvms.69.1069
  • Koeniger, N. and Fuchs, S. 1988 Control of Varroa jacobsoni Qudemans in honeybee colonies containing sealed brood cells. Apidologie, 19 (2): 117-130.
  • Kumova, U. 1987. Sonbahar mevsiminde bal arısı (Apis mellifera L., 1758) paraziti Varroa jacobsoni Qudemans, 1904'e uygulanan çeşitli kimyasal maddelerin etkileri üzerine bir araştırma. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 5 (1): 73-85.
  • Kumova, U. 2000. Bal arısı (Apis mellifera L.) kolonilerinde farklı besleme yöntemlerinin koloni gelişimi ve bal verimi üzerine etkilerinin araştırılması. Journal Animal Production, 41 (1): 55-64. [In Turkish]
  • Kumova, U. 2001. Varroa jacobsoni kontrolünde ülkemizde kullanılan bazı ilaçların etkinliğinin araştırılması. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 25 (4): 597-602. [In Turkish]
  • Kuvancı, A., Yılmaz, F., Konak, F., Öztürk S.H. and, Akdeniz, G. 2013. Ordu-Merkez ilçede kışlatma öncesi varroa mücadelesi tamamlanan kolonilerde bulaşıklık düzeylerinin araştırılması. Arıcılık Araştırma Dergisi, 9: 26-29. [In Turkish]
  • Kuvancı, A., Yılmaz, F., Öztürk, S.H., Konak, F. and Buldağ, M. 2017. Doğu Karadeniz bölgesi arıcılığına genel bakış. Arıcılık Araştırma Dergisi, 9 (2): 47-55. [In Turkish]
  • Le Conte, Y., Ellis, M. and Ritter, W. 2010. Varroa mites and honey bee health: can Varroa explain part of the colony losses? Apidologie, 41 (3): 353-363. doi: 10.1051/apido/2010017
  • Marletto, F., Pateta, A. and Manino, A. 1991. Further tests on varroa disease control by means of periodical drone brood removal. Apicultura Moderno, 82 (6): 219-224. Milani, N. 1999. The resistance of Varroa jacobsoni Oud. to acaricides. Apidologie, 30 (2-3): 229-234. doi: 10.1051/apido:19990211
  • Mitchell, E.A.D., Mulhauser, B., Mulot, M., Mutabazi, A., Glauser, G. and Aebi, A. 2017. A worldwide survey of neonicotinoids in honey. Science, 358 (6359): 109-111. doi: 10.1126/science.aan3684
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  • Oskay, D. and Sönmez Oskay, G. 2017. Bal arısı ek beslenmesinde sorunlar ve çözüm önerileri, Arıcılık Araştırma Dergisi, 9 (1): 1-8. [In Turkish]
  • Pettis, J.F. 2004. A scientific note on Varroa destructor resistance to coumaphos in the United States. Apidologie, 35 (1): 91-92. doi: 10.1051/apido:2003060
  • Portakal, P. and Yarsan, E. 2010. Varroa jacobsoni ile doğal enfeste balarısı kolonilerinde koumafos etken maddesi içeren farklı farmasötik şekillerin etkinliği ve baldaki kalıntılarının araştırılması. Üçüncü UlusalVeteriner Farmakoloji ve Toksikoloji Kongresi, 29 Eylül-2 Ekim 2010, Aydın, Türkiye. [In Turkish]
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  • Rosenkranz, P., Aumeier, P. and Ziegelmann, B. 2010. Biology and control of Varroa destructor. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 103 (1): 96–119. doi: 10.1016/j.jip.2009.07.016
  • Sanmiguel, R.P. and Rondan I.B. 2016. Supplementation with humic substances affects the innate immunity in layer hens in posfasting phase. Revista MVZ Cordoba, 21 (1): 5198-5210.
  • Sıralı, R. and Doğaroğlu, M. 2005. Trakya Bölgesi arı hastalıkları ve zararlıları üzerine anket sonuçları. Uludag Bee Journal, 5 (2): 71-78. [In Turkish]
  • Soysal, M.I. and Gürcan, E.K. 2005. Tekirdağ ili arı yetiştiriciliği üzerine bir araştırma. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 2 (2): 161-165. [In Turkish]
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The use of humic acids in the fight against Varroa destructor (Mesostigmata: Varroidae)

Year 2023, Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 1 - 10, 30.01.2023


Humic acids, which are known for their use in agricultural areas and are very popular in this field, have the potential to be used for all living things. These acids are yellow to black in color and are a component of the humic substances found in the humus of the soil. They are fully decomposed remains of organic life and natural matters obtained as a result of the microbial degradation of plants. Humic acid refers to a complex mixture of many different organic acids soluble in alkaline solutions. These acids, we encounter in a different area every day, are important in the beekeeping sector, as well. Even though Türkiye has met all the requirements of the beekeeping sector in terms of both climate and wealth of flora, it is known that honeybees’ health and quality and production of honey have fallen below the targeted levels. The major factor behind the low level of production and failing to keep bee colonies’ health is that beekeepers insist on sticking to conventional methods. The nutrition and health of individuals in bee colonies directly affect the quality and amount of honey they make. For this reason, humic acids can be regarded as an alternative product in order to maintain their nutrition and health. In this review, the causes of Varroa destructor infestations, the applied control methods and the applicability of humic acids were examined.


  • Akyol, E. and Korkmaz, A. 2005. Bal arısı (Apis mellifera) zararlısı Varroa destructor’un biyolojisi. Uludag Bee Journal, 5 (3): 122-127. [In Turkish]
  • Akyol, E. and Korkmaz, A. 2006. Varroa destructor’un biyolojik kontrol yöntemleri. Uludag Bee Journal, 6 (2): 62-67. [In Turkish]
  • Akyol, E. and Özkök, D. 2005. Varroa (Varroa destructor) mücadelesinde organik asitlerin kullanımı. Uludag Bee Journal, 5 (4): 167-174. [In Turkish]
  • Akyol, E. and Ünalan, A. 2017. Effect of oxalic acid treatment in different seasons on varroa (Varroa destructor) population in honeybee colonies. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 26 (6): 3863-3867.
  • Akyol, E. and Yeninar, H. 2009. Use of oxalic acid to control Varroa destructor in honeybee (Apis mellifera L.) colonies. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 33 (4): 285-288. doi: 10.3906/vet-0712-16
  • Akyol, E. and Yeninar, H. 2011. The effects of varroa (Varroa destructor) infestation level on wintering ability and survival rates of honeybee (Apis mellifera L.) colonies. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 10 (11): 1427-1430. doi: 10.3923/javaa.2011.1427.1430
  • Alaux, C., Ducloz, F., Crauser, D. and Le Conte, Y. 2010. Diet effects on honeybee immunocompetence. Biology Letter, 6 (4): 562-565. doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2009.0986
  • Anderson, D.L. and Trueman, J.W.H. 2000. Varroa jacobsoni (Acari: Varroidae) is more than species. Experimental and Applied Acarology, 24 (3): 165-189. doi: 10.1023/A:1006456720416
  • Anonymous. 2010. Bal arılarının Varroasis’ine karşı korunma ve mücadele talimatı. Available (Last accessed: 03 September 2022). [In Turkish]
  • Anonymous. 2001. Report to the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. A review of treatment options for control of varroa mite in New Zealand. The Horticulture and Food Research Institute of New Zealand. Available (Last accessed: 19 July 2022).
  • Anonymous. 2020. Available.,pro_44662.html (Last accessed: 06 September 2022). [In Turkish]
  • Anonymous. 2021. Gıda hattı. Available (Last accessed: 28 May 2021). [In Turkish]
  • Anonymous. 2022. Arıcılık istatistikleri. Available (Last accessed: 28 October 2022). [In Turkish]
  • Arslan, S. and Cengiz, M.M. 2020. Türkiye’nin farklı illerinde sonbahar döneminde üretilen ana arıların kalite kriterlerinin değerlendirilmesi. Uludag Bee Journal, 20 (1): 62-71. [In Turkish] doi: 10.31467/uluaricilik.710209
  • Avvakumova, N.P., Gerchikov, A.Y., Khairullina, V.R. and Zhdanova, A.V. 2011. Antioxidant properties of humic substances isolated from peloids. Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal, 45 (3): 118-124. doi: 10.1007/s11094-011-0590-2
  • Aydın, L. 2001. Arıcılıkta ilaç kullanımı. Uludag Bee Journal, 1 (2): 32-34. [In Turkish]
  • Bogdanov, S. 2006. Contaminants of bee products. Apidologie, 37 (1): 1-18. doi: 10.1051/apido:2005043
  • Borum, A.E. 2015. Balların antibakteriyel özellikleri ve medikal kullanımı. Arıcılık Araştırma Dergisi, 13: 21-24. [In Turkish]
  • Carreck, N.L. 2011. Varroa still a problem in the 21st century. International Bee Research Association, Cardiff, UK.
  • Cengiz, M.M. 2012. Bal arısı (Apis mellifera L.) kolonilerinde Varroa destructor enfestasyonu ile mücadelede farklı organik bileşiklerin kullanımı ve koloni performansına etkileri. Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 18: 133-137. [In Turkish] doi: 10.9775/kvfd.2012.6000
  • Cengiz, M.M., Emsen Steinman, B. and Genç, F. 2010. Bal arısı (Apis mellifera L.) kolonilerinde varroa (Varroa destructor Anderson and Trueman) paraziti ile mücadelede organik asitlerin kullanımı. Türkiye IV. Organik Tarım Sempozyumu, 28 June-1 July 2010, Erzurum, Türkiye, 50-53. [In Turkish]
  • Cobey, S. and Lawrence, T. 1988. Varroa mite; potential methods of control. Apis mellifera. American Bee Journal, 128 (2): 112-117.
  • Cronje, I.K., Cloete, T.E. and Dekker, J. 1991. Composition having bacteriocidal or bacteriostatic activity. US Patent, Patent Number: 4,999,202A.
  • Çakmak, I. 2010. The over wintering survival of highly Varroa destructor infested honey bee colonies determined to be hygienic using the liquid nitrogen freeze killed brood assay. Journal of Apicultural Research, 49 (2): 197-201. doi: 10.3896/IBRA.
  • Çakmak, I. 2012. Bal arısı koloni kayıpları ve çözüm yolları. Arıcılık Araştırma Dergisi, 4 (1): 3-8. [In Turkish]
  • Degrandi-Hoffman, G., Chen, Y., Huang, E. and Huang, M.H. 2010. The effect of diet on protein concentration, hypopharyngeal gland development and virus load in worker honey bees (Apis mellifera L.). Journal of Insect Physiology, 56 (9): 1184-1191. doi: 10.1016/j.jinsphys.2010.03.017
  • De Melo, B.A.G., Motta, F.L. and Santana, M.H.A. 2016. Humic acids: structural properties and multiple functionalities for novel technological developments. Materials Science and Engineering C, 62 (1): 967–974. doi: 10.1016/j.msec.2015.12.001
  • Eguaras, M., Palacio, M.A., Faverin, C., Basualdo, M., Hoyo, M.L.D., Velis, G. and Bedascarrasbure, E. 2003. Efficacy of formic acid in gel for varroa control in Apis mellifera importance of the dispenser position inside the hive. Veterinary Parasitology, 111 (2-3): 241-245. doi: 10.1016/S0304-4017(02)00377-1
  • Elzen, P.J., Baxter, J.R., Spivak, M. and Wilson, W.T. 2000. Control of Varroa jacobsoni oud. resistant to fluvalinate and amitraz using coumaphos. Apidologie, 31 (3): 437-441. doi: 10.1051/apido:2000134
  • Giray, T., Kence, M., Oskay, D., Döke, M.A. and Kence, A. 2010. Colony losses in Turkey and causes of bee deaths. Apidologie, 41 (4): 451-453. doi: 10.1051/apido/2009077
  • Girişgin, A.O. and Aydın, L. 2010. Efficacies of formic, oxalic and lactic acids against Varroa destructor in naturally infested honeybee (Apis mellifera L.) colonies in Turkey. Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 18 (6): 941-945. doi: 10.9775/kvfd.2010.1965
  • Goodwin, M. and VanEaton, C. 2001. Control of varroa: a guide for New Zealand beekeepers. New Zealand Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, 127 pp.
  • Gregorc, A. and Planinc, I. 2004. Dynamics of falling varroa mites in honeybee (Apis mellifera) colonies following oxalic acid treatments. Acta Veterinaria Brno, 73 (3): 385-391. doi: 10.2754/avb200473030385
  • Islam, K.M.S., Schuhmacher, A. and Gropp, J.M. 2005. Humic acid substances in animal agriculture. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 4 (3): 126-134. doi: 10.3923/pjn.2005.126.134
  • Johnson, R.M., Pollock, H.S. and Berenbaum, M.R. 2009. Synergistic interactions between in-hive miticides in Apis mellifera. Journal of Economic Entomology, 102 (2): 474-479. doi: 10.1603/029.102.0202
  • Kaftanoğlu, O., Kumova, U. and Yeninar, H. 1995. Effectiveness of drugs commonly used against Varroa jacobsoni and their effect on honeybees (Apis mellifera L.). XXXIVth International Apicultural Congress of Apimondia, 15-19 August 1995, Lousanne, Sweden, p. 180.
  • Kodama, H. 2007. Antitumor effect of humus extract on murine transplantable L1210 leukemia. Journal of Veterinary Medical Science, 69: 1069-1071. doi: 10.1292/jvms.69.1069
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There are 70 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Structural Biology, Agricultural Engineering
Journal Section Review

Raşit Fikret Yılmaz 0000-0001-5505-1727

Mümin Dizman 0000-0002-2354-1817

Publication Date January 30, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 5 Issue: 1


APA Yılmaz, R. F., & Dizman, M. (2023). The use of humic acids in the fight against Varroa destructor (Mesostigmata: Varroidae). Acarological Studies, 5(1), 1-10.
AMA Yılmaz RF, Dizman M. The use of humic acids in the fight against Varroa destructor (Mesostigmata: Varroidae). Acarol. Stud. January 2023;5(1):1-10. doi:10.47121/acarolstud.1146616
Chicago Yılmaz, Raşit Fikret, and Mümin Dizman. “The Use of Humic Acids in the Fight Against Varroa Destructor (Mesostigmata: Varroidae)”. Acarological Studies 5, no. 1 (January 2023): 1-10.
EndNote Yılmaz RF, Dizman M (January 1, 2023) The use of humic acids in the fight against Varroa destructor (Mesostigmata: Varroidae). Acarological Studies 5 1 1–10.
IEEE R. F. Yılmaz and M. Dizman, “The use of humic acids in the fight against Varroa destructor (Mesostigmata: Varroidae)”, Acarol. Stud., vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 1–10, 2023, doi: 10.47121/acarolstud.1146616.
ISNAD Yılmaz, Raşit Fikret - Dizman, Mümin. “The Use of Humic Acids in the Fight Against Varroa Destructor (Mesostigmata: Varroidae)”. Acarological Studies 5/1 (January 2023), 1-10.
JAMA Yılmaz RF, Dizman M. The use of humic acids in the fight against Varroa destructor (Mesostigmata: Varroidae). Acarol. Stud. 2023;5:1–10.
MLA Yılmaz, Raşit Fikret and Mümin Dizman. “The Use of Humic Acids in the Fight Against Varroa Destructor (Mesostigmata: Varroidae)”. Acarological Studies, vol. 5, no. 1, 2023, pp. 1-10, doi:10.47121/acarolstud.1146616.
Vancouver Yılmaz RF, Dizman M. The use of humic acids in the fight against Varroa destructor (Mesostigmata: Varroidae). Acarol. Stud. 2023;5(1):1-10.


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