Research Article
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Year 2016, Volume: 2 Issue: 3, 1024 - 1029, 01.07.2016



  • Adam, M., Cızkov a, A., Eisner, A., Ventura, K., (2013). Solid-phase microextraction based method for determination of essential oils components in herbal bever-ages, J. Sep. Sci., 36, 764–772.
  • Al-Harbi, M. M., Qureshi, S., Raza, M., Ahmed, M. M., Giangreco, A. B., Shah, A. H., (1995). Influence of anethole treatment on the tumour induced by Ehrlich asci-tes carcinoma cells in paw of Swiss albino mice, Eur J Cancer Eur. J. Cancer Prev., 4, 307–318.
  • Andrzej,L., Dawidowicz,M.P., (2014). Simple SPE–GC method for anethole determi-nation in human serum, J. Sep. Sci., 37, 393–397.
  • Beserra,F.P.,Santos, R.C.,Périco,L.L., Rodrigues,V.P., Kiguti,L.C.A.,Saldanha,L.L., Pupo,A.S.,Rocha,L.R.M.,Dokkedal,A.L, Vilegas,W., Hiruma-Lima,C.A., (2016). Cissus sicyoides: Pharmacological Mechanisms Involved in the Anti-Inflammatory and Antidiarrheal Activities, Int. .J. Mol. Sci., 17, 149.
  • Bodsgard,B.R., Lien,N.R., Waulters,Q.T., (2016). Liquid CO2 Extraction and NMR Characterization of Anethole from Fennel Seed: A General Chemistry Laborato-ry, J. Chem. Educ., 93, 397−400.
  • Bouchemal, K.; Briancon, S.; Perrier, E.; Fessi, H.; Bonnet, I.; Zydowicz, N. (2004). Synthesis and characterization of polyurethane and poly(ether urethane) nanocapsules using a new technique of interfacial polycondensation combined to spontaneous emulsification, Int. J. Pharm., 269, 89-100.
  • Chainy, G. B.,Manna, S. K., Chaturvedi, M. M., Aggarwal, B. B., (2000). Anethole blocks both early and late cellular responses transduced by tumor necrosis fac-tor: effect on NF-kappaB, AP-1, JNK, MAPKK and apoptosis, Oncogene, 19, 2943–2950.
  • Domiciano,T.P., Dalalio,M.M.O., Silva,E.L., Ritter,A.M.V.,Estevão-Silva,C.F., Ra-mos,F.S., Caparroz-Assef ,S.M.,Cuman,R.K.N.,Bersani-Amado, C.A., (2013). In-hibitory effect of anethole innonimmune acute inflammation, Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Arch Pharmacol, 386:331–338.
  • Donatia,M., Mondin,A.,Chena,Z.,Mirandac,F.M., Nascimento Jrc,B.B., Schiratod, G., Pastoreb,P., Froldi, G., (2015). Radical scavenging and antimicrobial activities of Croton zehntneri, Pterodon emarginatus and Schinopsis brasiliensis essential oils and their major constituents: estragole, trans-anethole, b-caryophyllene and myrcene, Natural Product Research, 29-10, 939–946.
  • Fiori, J., Hudaib,M., Valgimigli, L.,Gabbanini, S., Cavrini, V., (2002). Determination of trans-anethole in Salvia sclarea essential oil by liquid chromatography and GC–MS, J. Sep. Sci., 25, 703–709.
  • Freire, R. S., Morais, S. M., Catunda-Junior, F. E., Pinherio, D. C., (2005). Synthesis and antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and gastroprotector activities of anethole and related compounds, Bioorg. Med. Chem., 13, 4353–4358.
  • Ganachaud, F.; Katz, J. L., (2005). Nanoparticles and Nanocapsules Created Using the Ouzo Effect: Spontaneous Emulsification as an Alternative to Ultrasonic and High‐Shear Devices, ChemPhysChem, 6, 209-216.
  • Ghelardini, C., Galeotti, N., Mazzanti, G., (2001). Local anaesthetic activity of mono-terpenes and phenylpropanes of essential oils, Planta. Med., 67, 564–566.
  • Gökalp, F., (2014)..A theoritical study of Curcuma longa’s anticancer agents, curcu-min I and curcumin II, ın blood and gas by using density functional theory (DFT) and hartree–fock (HF). International Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences, 6, 146-150.
  • Harrison, A., (1989). An Exploration of the Nature and Quality of Undergraduate Education in Science,Mathematics, and Engineering, Sigma Xi.
  • Jurado, J. M., Alcazar, A., Martin, M. J., (2006). LC Determination of Anethole in Ani-seed Drinks. Chro – matographia, Chromatogr. A, 64, 223–226.
  • Moursund,D., (1995). Increasing Your Expertise as a Problem Solver: Some Roles of Computers, Int’l Soc. for Technology in Education.
  • Napoli,C., Paolisso,G.,Casamassimi,A.,Al-Omran,M., Barbieri, M.,Sommese,L., Infan-te,T., Ignarro,L.J., (2013). Effects of Nitric Oxide on Cell Proliferation : Novel In-sights, Journal of the American College of Cardiology,89–95.
  • Rutherford,F.J., Ahlgren,A., (1996). Science For All Americans, Oxford Univ. Press, 1990. 5. US Nat’l Science Foundation, Shaping the Future: New Expectations for Undergrad Education in Science, Math, Engineering and Technology, NSF 96-139, tech. report.
  • Ryu, S.,Seol,G.H., Park,H., Choi,I.Y., (2014). Trans-anethole protects cortical neuronal cells against oxygen–glucose deprivation/reoxygenation, Neurol Sci 35:1541–1547.
  • Sanders,N.E.,Faesi,C., Goodman,A.A., (2014). A New Approach to Developing Interac-tive Software Modules Through Graduate Education, J Sci Educ Technol 23:431–440).
  • Scholten, E.,Linden, E.,This,H., (2008). The Life of an Anise-Flavored Alcoholic Bev-erage: Does Its Stability Cloud or Confirm Theory,Langmuir, 24, 1701-1706.
  • Soares, P. M. G., Lima, R. F., Pires, A. F., Souza, E. P., Assreuy, A. M. S., Criddle, D. N., (2007). Effects of anethole and structural analogues on the contractility of rat isolated aorta: involvement of voltage-dependent Ca2+-channels. Life Sci., 81, 1085–1093.
  • Takao K., Thomas J. B., Joseph P. N., and Eran P., (2009). Biosynthesis of t-Anethole in Anise: Characterization of t-Anol/Isoeugenol Synthase and an O-Methyltransferase Specific for a C7-C8 Propenyl Side Chain, Plant Physiology, 149, 384–394.
  • Wang, Z.,Wang, L., Li, T., Zhou, X., Ding, L., Yu, Y., Yu, A., Zhang, H., (2006). Rapid analysis of the essential oils from dried Illicium verum Hook. f. and Zingiber of-ficinale Rosc. by improved solvent-free microwave extraction with three types of microwave-absorption medium.Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 386, 1863–1868.
  • Yaşar, O.,Maliekal,J., Little,L.J., Jones,D., (2006). A Computatıonal Technology Ap-proach To Educatıon, Ieee Computıng In Scıence & Engıneerıng.

A new approach to teach the stability of anethole in different solutions as theoretical

Year 2016, Volume: 2 Issue: 3, 1024 - 1029, 01.07.2016


Anethole, having medical activity for a lot of diseases and used in the food industry,is changing solublity in different solutions (water,ethanole,methanol especially in blood). we prefer safe,cheap and time-saving materials to teach the properties of the most important effective substances in plants. We selected anethole to teach  as a subject for this study to explain the properties in different solutions by using DFT method as theoretical.


  • Adam, M., Cızkov a, A., Eisner, A., Ventura, K., (2013). Solid-phase microextraction based method for determination of essential oils components in herbal bever-ages, J. Sep. Sci., 36, 764–772.
  • Al-Harbi, M. M., Qureshi, S., Raza, M., Ahmed, M. M., Giangreco, A. B., Shah, A. H., (1995). Influence of anethole treatment on the tumour induced by Ehrlich asci-tes carcinoma cells in paw of Swiss albino mice, Eur J Cancer Eur. J. Cancer Prev., 4, 307–318.
  • Andrzej,L., Dawidowicz,M.P., (2014). Simple SPE–GC method for anethole determi-nation in human serum, J. Sep. Sci., 37, 393–397.
  • Beserra,F.P.,Santos, R.C.,Périco,L.L., Rodrigues,V.P., Kiguti,L.C.A.,Saldanha,L.L., Pupo,A.S.,Rocha,L.R.M.,Dokkedal,A.L, Vilegas,W., Hiruma-Lima,C.A., (2016). Cissus sicyoides: Pharmacological Mechanisms Involved in the Anti-Inflammatory and Antidiarrheal Activities, Int. .J. Mol. Sci., 17, 149.
  • Bodsgard,B.R., Lien,N.R., Waulters,Q.T., (2016). Liquid CO2 Extraction and NMR Characterization of Anethole from Fennel Seed: A General Chemistry Laborato-ry, J. Chem. Educ., 93, 397−400.
  • Bouchemal, K.; Briancon, S.; Perrier, E.; Fessi, H.; Bonnet, I.; Zydowicz, N. (2004). Synthesis and characterization of polyurethane and poly(ether urethane) nanocapsules using a new technique of interfacial polycondensation combined to spontaneous emulsification, Int. J. Pharm., 269, 89-100.
  • Chainy, G. B.,Manna, S. K., Chaturvedi, M. M., Aggarwal, B. B., (2000). Anethole blocks both early and late cellular responses transduced by tumor necrosis fac-tor: effect on NF-kappaB, AP-1, JNK, MAPKK and apoptosis, Oncogene, 19, 2943–2950.
  • Domiciano,T.P., Dalalio,M.M.O., Silva,E.L., Ritter,A.M.V.,Estevão-Silva,C.F., Ra-mos,F.S., Caparroz-Assef ,S.M.,Cuman,R.K.N.,Bersani-Amado, C.A., (2013). In-hibitory effect of anethole innonimmune acute inflammation, Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Arch Pharmacol, 386:331–338.
  • Donatia,M., Mondin,A.,Chena,Z.,Mirandac,F.M., Nascimento Jrc,B.B., Schiratod, G., Pastoreb,P., Froldi, G., (2015). Radical scavenging and antimicrobial activities of Croton zehntneri, Pterodon emarginatus and Schinopsis brasiliensis essential oils and their major constituents: estragole, trans-anethole, b-caryophyllene and myrcene, Natural Product Research, 29-10, 939–946.
  • Fiori, J., Hudaib,M., Valgimigli, L.,Gabbanini, S., Cavrini, V., (2002). Determination of trans-anethole in Salvia sclarea essential oil by liquid chromatography and GC–MS, J. Sep. Sci., 25, 703–709.
  • Freire, R. S., Morais, S. M., Catunda-Junior, F. E., Pinherio, D. C., (2005). Synthesis and antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and gastroprotector activities of anethole and related compounds, Bioorg. Med. Chem., 13, 4353–4358.
  • Ganachaud, F.; Katz, J. L., (2005). Nanoparticles and Nanocapsules Created Using the Ouzo Effect: Spontaneous Emulsification as an Alternative to Ultrasonic and High‐Shear Devices, ChemPhysChem, 6, 209-216.
  • Ghelardini, C., Galeotti, N., Mazzanti, G., (2001). Local anaesthetic activity of mono-terpenes and phenylpropanes of essential oils, Planta. Med., 67, 564–566.
  • Gökalp, F., (2014)..A theoritical study of Curcuma longa’s anticancer agents, curcu-min I and curcumin II, ın blood and gas by using density functional theory (DFT) and hartree–fock (HF). International Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences, 6, 146-150.
  • Harrison, A., (1989). An Exploration of the Nature and Quality of Undergraduate Education in Science,Mathematics, and Engineering, Sigma Xi.
  • Jurado, J. M., Alcazar, A., Martin, M. J., (2006). LC Determination of Anethole in Ani-seed Drinks. Chro – matographia, Chromatogr. A, 64, 223–226.
  • Moursund,D., (1995). Increasing Your Expertise as a Problem Solver: Some Roles of Computers, Int’l Soc. for Technology in Education.
  • Napoli,C., Paolisso,G.,Casamassimi,A.,Al-Omran,M., Barbieri, M.,Sommese,L., Infan-te,T., Ignarro,L.J., (2013). Effects of Nitric Oxide on Cell Proliferation : Novel In-sights, Journal of the American College of Cardiology,89–95.
  • Rutherford,F.J., Ahlgren,A., (1996). Science For All Americans, Oxford Univ. Press, 1990. 5. US Nat’l Science Foundation, Shaping the Future: New Expectations for Undergrad Education in Science, Math, Engineering and Technology, NSF 96-139, tech. report.
  • Ryu, S.,Seol,G.H., Park,H., Choi,I.Y., (2014). Trans-anethole protects cortical neuronal cells against oxygen–glucose deprivation/reoxygenation, Neurol Sci 35:1541–1547.
  • Sanders,N.E.,Faesi,C., Goodman,A.A., (2014). A New Approach to Developing Interac-tive Software Modules Through Graduate Education, J Sci Educ Technol 23:431–440).
  • Scholten, E.,Linden, E.,This,H., (2008). The Life of an Anise-Flavored Alcoholic Bev-erage: Does Its Stability Cloud or Confirm Theory,Langmuir, 24, 1701-1706.
  • Soares, P. M. G., Lima, R. F., Pires, A. F., Souza, E. P., Assreuy, A. M. S., Criddle, D. N., (2007). Effects of anethole and structural analogues on the contractility of rat isolated aorta: involvement of voltage-dependent Ca2+-channels. Life Sci., 81, 1085–1093.
  • Takao K., Thomas J. B., Joseph P. N., and Eran P., (2009). Biosynthesis of t-Anethole in Anise: Characterization of t-Anol/Isoeugenol Synthase and an O-Methyltransferase Specific for a C7-C8 Propenyl Side Chain, Plant Physiology, 149, 384–394.
  • Wang, Z.,Wang, L., Li, T., Zhou, X., Ding, L., Yu, Y., Yu, A., Zhang, H., (2006). Rapid analysis of the essential oils from dried Illicium verum Hook. f. and Zingiber of-ficinale Rosc. by improved solvent-free microwave extraction with three types of microwave-absorption medium.Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 386, 1863–1868.
  • Yaşar, O.,Maliekal,J., Little,L.J., Jones,D., (2006). A Computatıonal Technology Ap-proach To Educatıon, Ieee Computıng In Scıence & Engıneerıng.
There are 26 citations in total.


Journal Section Makaleler

Faik Gökalp

Publication Date July 1, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 2 Issue: 3


APA Gökalp, F. (2016). A new approach to teach the stability of anethole in different solutions as theoretical. International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research, 2(3), 1024-1029.
AMA Gökalp F. A new approach to teach the stability of anethole in different solutions as theoretical. International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research. April 2016;2(3):1024-1029. doi:10.24289/ijsser.279044
Chicago Gökalp, Faik. “A New Approach to Teach the Stability of Anethole in Different Solutions As Theoretical”. International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research 2, no. 3 (April 2016): 1024-29.
EndNote Gökalp F (April 1, 2016) A new approach to teach the stability of anethole in different solutions as theoretical. International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research 2 3 1024–1029.
IEEE F. Gökalp, “A new approach to teach the stability of anethole in different solutions as theoretical”, International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 1024–1029, 2016, doi: 10.24289/ijsser.279044.
ISNAD Gökalp, Faik. “A New Approach to Teach the Stability of Anethole in Different Solutions As Theoretical”. International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research 2/3 (April 2016), 1024-1029.
JAMA Gökalp F. A new approach to teach the stability of anethole in different solutions as theoretical. International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research. 2016;2:1024–1029.
MLA Gökalp, Faik. “A New Approach to Teach the Stability of Anethole in Different Solutions As Theoretical”. International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research, vol. 2, no. 3, 2016, pp. 1024-9, doi:10.24289/ijsser.279044.
Vancouver Gökalp F. A new approach to teach the stability of anethole in different solutions as theoretical. International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research. 2016;2(3):1024-9.