Research Article
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Efficiency Ranking of Journals in Turkey with DEA and DR/DEA Methods

Year 2023, Volume: 13 Issue: 2, 336 - 346, 15.06.2023


Today, all countries publish many scientific studies in order to make progress in a scientific sense and plan for the future. Many criteria, such as impact factor, citation count, and article impact score, have been developed to measure, compare, and rank the quality of journals in which these studies are published. These criteria are used for purposes such as academic promotion, hiring, publication support, project support, and scholarships. It is extremely important to evaluate the quality standards of journals published in any field objectively in order to determine their quality and improve their standards. In this study, effective analysis was performed on certain journals published in Turkey using suitable input and output variables selected from these criteria. The efficiency scores of the journals were calculated using the Data Envelopment Analysis method and Discriminant Ratio Data Envelopment Analysis was applied. The journals were ranked according to the efficiency scores obtained. The efficiency scores obtained using Discriminant Ratio Data Envelopment Analysis were found to give better results in evaluating the performance of journals. In addition, the obtained efficiency scores were compared with the journal rankings given by Journal Citation Reports. As a result of this study, the importance of evaluating the performance of journals using objective criteria has once again been emphasized.


  • Charnes, A., Cooper, W.W., and Rhodes, E. (1978). Measuring the efficiency of decision making units. European Journal of Operational Research, 2(6), 429-444.
  • Chen, K., Ren, X. T., and Yang, G. L. (2021). A novel approach for assessing academic journals: Application of integer DEA model for management science and operations research field. Journal of Informetrics, 15(3), 101176.
  • Dias, L. C., and Kadziński, M. (2022). Meta-Rankings of Journals Publishing Multiple Criteria Decision Aiding Research: Benefit-of-Doubt Composite Indicators for Heterogeneous Qualitative Scales. In Intelligent Decision Support Systems: Combining Operations Research and Artificial Intelligence-Essays in Honor of Roman Słowiński (pp. 245-268). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
  • Liu, Z. (2020). Evaluating Special Education Journals with H-type Indices and Journal Impact Factors. Library Philosophy and Practice, 1-14.
  • Lorcu, F. (2008). Veri zarflama analizi ile Türkiye ve Avrupa Birliği ülkelerinin sağlık alanındaki etkinliklerinin değerlendirilmesi. (Doctoral dissertation, İstanbul Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü İşletme Anabilim Dalı). İstanbul.
  • Luptacik, M. (2010). Mathematical optimization and economic analysis. Springer, New York.
  • Mingers, J., Macri, F., and Petrovici, D. (2012). Using the h-index to measure the quality of journals in the field of business and management. Information Processing & Management, 48(2), 234-241.
  • Morrison, D. F. (1976). Multivariate Statistical Methods (2nd edition). McGraw-Hill, New York.
  • Petković, J., Jovanović, M., Jakšić, M. L., Marinković, S., and Djordjević, M. (2015). Ranking technology forecasting journals by using data envelopment analysis. Management: Journal of Sustainable Business and Management Solutions in Emerging Economies, 20(76), 49-61.
  • Ramanathan, R. (2003). An introduction to data envelopment analysis: A tool for Performance Measurement. Sage Publications, New Delhi.
  • Rosenthal, E. C., and Weiss, H. J. (2017). A data envelopment analysis approach for ranking journals. Omega, 70, 135-147.
  • Sevinç, E. B., and Zeren, E. (2015). SSCI Kapsamındaki Dergilerin Kamu Yönetimi Alanına Katkısı Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme. Optimum: Journal of Economics & Management Sciences/Ekonomi ve Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, 2(2).
  • Sinuany-Stern, Z., and Friedman, L. (1998). DEA and the discriminant analysis of ratios for ranking units. European Journal of Operational Research, 111(3), 470-478.
  • Tamilselven, N., and Balasubramanian, S. (2012). Journal impact factor (JIF) in digital era. International Journal of Library and Information Science, 1(1), 1-14.
  • Thanassoulis, E., Portela, M. C., and Allen, R. (2004). Incorporating value judgment in DEA. In Handbook on Data Envelopment Analysis (pp. 119-147). Kluwer Academic Publisher, New York.
  • Tüselmann, H., Sinkovics, R. R., and Pishchulov, G. (2015). Towards a consolidation of worldwide journal rankings–a classification using random forests and aggregate rating via data envelopment analysis. Omega, 51, 11-23.
  • Tüselmann, H., Sinkovics, R. R., and Pishchulov, G. (2016). Revisiting the standing of international business journals in the competitive landscape. Journal of World Business, 51(4), 487-498.
  • Ulucan, A. (2000). Şirket performanslarının ölçülmesinde veri zarflama analizi yaklaşımı: Genel ve sektörel bazda değerlendirmeler. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, 18, 405-418.
  • Vana, L., Hochreiter, R., and Hornik, K. (2016). Computing a journal meta-ranking using paired comparisons and adaptive lasso estimators. Scientometrics, 106, 229-251.
  • Yolalan, R. (1993). İşletmeler Arası Göreli Etkinlik Ölçümü. MPM Yayınları, Ankara.

VZA ve DO/VZA Yöntemleri ile Türkiye’deki Dergilerin Etkinlik Sıralaması

Year 2023, Volume: 13 Issue: 2, 336 - 346, 15.06.2023


Günümüzde tüm ülkeler, bilimsel anlamda ilerleme kaydetmek ve geleceğe yönelik planlamalar yapmak amacıyla birçok bilimsel çalışma yayınlamaktadır. Bu çalışmaların yer aldığı dergilerin niteliğini ölçmek, karşılaştırmak ve sıralamak amacıyla geliştirilen etki faktörü, atıf sayısı, makale etki puanı gibi birçok kriter geliştirilmiştir. Bu kriterler akademik yükseltme, işe alma, yayın destekleme, proje destekleri, burslar gibi amaçlar için kullanılmaktadır. Hangi alanda olursa olsun yayınlanan dergilerin kalite standartlarının belirlenip, niteliklerinin artması için objektif kriterlerle değerlendirilmesi son derece önemlidir. Bu çalışmada, Türkiye’de yayınlanan belirli dergiler ele alınarak, kriterlerden seçilen uygun girdi ve çıktı değişkenleriyle etkinlik analizi yapılmıştır. Veri zarflama analizi yöntemi ve diskriminant oranı veri zarflama analizi uygulanarak, dergilerin etkinlik skorları hesaplanmıştır. Elde edilen etkinlik skorlarına göre dergiler sıralanmıştır. Diskriminant oranı veri zarflama analizi yöntemi, dergilerin performansının değerlendirilmesinde daha iyi sonuçlar vermiştir. Ayrıca, elde edilen etkinlik skorları, Journal Citation Reports tarafından verilen dergi sıralamaları ile de karşılaştırılmıştır. Bu çalışma sonucunda, dergilerin performanslarının objektif kriterler kullanılarak değerlendirilmesinin önemi bir kez daha vurgulanmıştır.


  • Charnes, A., Cooper, W.W., and Rhodes, E. (1978). Measuring the efficiency of decision making units. European Journal of Operational Research, 2(6), 429-444.
  • Chen, K., Ren, X. T., and Yang, G. L. (2021). A novel approach for assessing academic journals: Application of integer DEA model for management science and operations research field. Journal of Informetrics, 15(3), 101176.
  • Dias, L. C., and Kadziński, M. (2022). Meta-Rankings of Journals Publishing Multiple Criteria Decision Aiding Research: Benefit-of-Doubt Composite Indicators for Heterogeneous Qualitative Scales. In Intelligent Decision Support Systems: Combining Operations Research and Artificial Intelligence-Essays in Honor of Roman Słowiński (pp. 245-268). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
  • Liu, Z. (2020). Evaluating Special Education Journals with H-type Indices and Journal Impact Factors. Library Philosophy and Practice, 1-14.
  • Lorcu, F. (2008). Veri zarflama analizi ile Türkiye ve Avrupa Birliği ülkelerinin sağlık alanındaki etkinliklerinin değerlendirilmesi. (Doctoral dissertation, İstanbul Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü İşletme Anabilim Dalı). İstanbul.
  • Luptacik, M. (2010). Mathematical optimization and economic analysis. Springer, New York.
  • Mingers, J., Macri, F., and Petrovici, D. (2012). Using the h-index to measure the quality of journals in the field of business and management. Information Processing & Management, 48(2), 234-241.
  • Morrison, D. F. (1976). Multivariate Statistical Methods (2nd edition). McGraw-Hill, New York.
  • Petković, J., Jovanović, M., Jakšić, M. L., Marinković, S., and Djordjević, M. (2015). Ranking technology forecasting journals by using data envelopment analysis. Management: Journal of Sustainable Business and Management Solutions in Emerging Economies, 20(76), 49-61.
  • Ramanathan, R. (2003). An introduction to data envelopment analysis: A tool for Performance Measurement. Sage Publications, New Delhi.
  • Rosenthal, E. C., and Weiss, H. J. (2017). A data envelopment analysis approach for ranking journals. Omega, 70, 135-147.
  • Sevinç, E. B., and Zeren, E. (2015). SSCI Kapsamındaki Dergilerin Kamu Yönetimi Alanına Katkısı Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme. Optimum: Journal of Economics & Management Sciences/Ekonomi ve Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, 2(2).
  • Sinuany-Stern, Z., and Friedman, L. (1998). DEA and the discriminant analysis of ratios for ranking units. European Journal of Operational Research, 111(3), 470-478.
  • Tamilselven, N., and Balasubramanian, S. (2012). Journal impact factor (JIF) in digital era. International Journal of Library and Information Science, 1(1), 1-14.
  • Thanassoulis, E., Portela, M. C., and Allen, R. (2004). Incorporating value judgment in DEA. In Handbook on Data Envelopment Analysis (pp. 119-147). Kluwer Academic Publisher, New York.
  • Tüselmann, H., Sinkovics, R. R., and Pishchulov, G. (2015). Towards a consolidation of worldwide journal rankings–a classification using random forests and aggregate rating via data envelopment analysis. Omega, 51, 11-23.
  • Tüselmann, H., Sinkovics, R. R., and Pishchulov, G. (2016). Revisiting the standing of international business journals in the competitive landscape. Journal of World Business, 51(4), 487-498.
  • Ulucan, A. (2000). Şirket performanslarının ölçülmesinde veri zarflama analizi yaklaşımı: Genel ve sektörel bazda değerlendirmeler. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, 18, 405-418.
  • Vana, L., Hochreiter, R., and Hornik, K. (2016). Computing a journal meta-ranking using paired comparisons and adaptive lasso estimators. Scientometrics, 106, 229-251.
  • Yolalan, R. (1993). İşletmeler Arası Göreli Etkinlik Ölçümü. MPM Yayınları, Ankara.
There are 20 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Mervenur Sözen 0000-0001-5603-5382

Çağlar Sözen 0000-0002-3732-5058

Early Pub Date June 15, 2023
Publication Date June 15, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 13 Issue: 2


APA Sözen, M., & Sözen, Ç. (2023). Efficiency Ranking of Journals in Turkey with DEA and DR/DEA Methods. Karadeniz Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 13(2), 336-346.