Research Article
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The Effect of Leaf Removal and Topping at Different Stages on the Grape Leaf Characteristics

Year 2023, , 271 - 281, 30.04.2023


This research was conducted in Thrace, at the latitude and longitude of 41° 01' 11.41" N and 27° 39' 49.14" E, in the vineyard. Different leaf removal and topping were applied to vines at different phenological development stages, and their effects on leaf characteristics were investigated on cv. Michele Palieri. The trial was conducted for two years in the 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 development periods. In the experiment, there were three different phenological stages (Berry Set, Bunch Closure, Veraison) and four different applications (Control, Topping, Leaf Removal, Leaf Removal+Topping). To determine the leaf area characteristics, phenological stages, average main leaf and lateral shoot leaf area (cm2), main leaf and lateral shoot leaf area per vine (cm2 vine-1), total leaf area per vine (cm2 vine-1), yield per decare (kg da-1), leaf area per one-kilogram grape (cm2 kg-1), leaf area exposed to the sunlight (m2 da-1) and sun-exposed leaf area per kilogram grape (cm2 kg-1) were made. As a result, in the province of Tekirdağ, it was determined that the Leaf Removal and Leaf Removal+Topping applications carried out in the Bunch Closure period of the table grape cv. Michele Palieri increased the leaf area.


  • Anic, M., Osrecak, M., Andabaka, Z., Tomaz, I., Vecenaj, Z., Jelic, D., Kozina, B., Karaoglan Kontic, J., & Karaoglan M 2021. The Effect of Leaf Removal on Canopy Microclimate, Vine Performance and Grape Phenolic Composition of Merlot (Vitis vinifera L.) Grapes in the Continental Part of Croatia. Scientia Hort 285, 110161.
  • Bakhsh, A., Akhtar, A., Hussain, F., & Ahmed S 2021. Impact of Fruit Zone Leaf Removal on Fruit Quality and Yield of King’s Ruby Grapes (Vitis vinifera L.). Sarhad J of Agric 37(3), 774-780.
  • Bubola, M., Lukic, I., Radeka, S., Sivilotti, P., Grozic, K., Vanzo, A., & Lisjak K 2019. Enhancement of Istrian Malvasia Wine Aroma and Hydroxycinnamate Composition by Hand and Mechanical Leaf Removal. J Sci Food Agric 99(2), 904-914.
  • Bucur GM 2021. Research on Some Methods of Canopy Management to Mitigate the Effects of Climate Warming at Grapevine. Scientific Papers Series B Horticulture 6(1), 305-310.
  • Candar S 2018. Farklı Taç Mikroklimalarının Merlot (Vitis vinifera L.) Üzüm Çeşidine Ait Asmalarda Fizyolojik Faaliyetler ve Kalite Üzerine Etkileri. Namık Kemal Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Bahçe Bitkileri Anabilim Dalı, Doktora Tezi. Tekirdağ 451s.
  • Candar, S., Açıkbaş, B., Korkutal, İ., & Bahar E 2021. Trakya Bölgesi Şaraplık Üzüm Çeşitlerinde Kısıntılı Sulama Uygulamalarının Yaprak ve Stoma Morfolojik Özelliklerine Etkileri. KSÜ Tarım ve Doğa Derg 24(4), 766-776.
  • Carbonneau A 1980. Recherche Sur Les Systèmes De Conduite De La Vigne, Essai De Maîtrise Du Microclimat Et De La Plante Entière Pour Produire Économiquement Du Raisin De Qualité. Thèse Université Bordeaux 2, Lavoisier, Payot Ed. 240p.
  • Carbonneau A 1983. Methodes de Mesure Simple de la Surface Foliaire Exposee par Hectare, Element Determinant du Systeme de Conduite de la Vigne. Connaissance Vigne Vin 17(4), 281-285.
  • Cirkovic, D., Matijasevic, S., Cirkovic, B., Laketic, D., Jovanovic, Z., Kostic, B., Beslic, Z., Sredojevic, M., Tesic, Z., Banjanac, T., & Gasic U 2022. Influence of Different Defoliation Timings on Quality and Phenolic Composition of the Wines Produced from the Serbian Autochthonous Variety Prokupac (Vitis vinifera L.). Horticulturae 8(4), 296.
  • Da Silva, DQ., Aguiar, AS., Dos Santos, FN., Sousa, AJ., Rabino, D., Biddoccu, M., Bagagiolo, G., & Delmastro M 2021. Measuring Canopy Geometric Structure Using Optical Sensors Mounted on Terrestrial Vehicles, A Case Study in Vineyards. Agriculture 11, 208.
  • Dayer, S., Murcia, G., Prieto, JA., Duran, M., Martinez, L., Piccoli, P., & Pena JP 2021. Non-structural Carbohydrates and Sugar Export in Grapevine Leaves Exposed to Different Light Regimes. Physiologia Plantarum 171, 728-738.
  • De Toda, FM., & Balda P 2013. Delaying Berry Ripening Through Manipulating Leaf Area to Fruit Ratio. Vitis 52(4), 171-176.
  • Di Lorenzo, R., & Pisciotta A 2019. Combined Influence of Bud Load and Bud Position Along the Cane on Vegetative and Reproductive Parameters of Grape cv. Grillo. BIO Web of Conferences 13, 04012.
  • Ferlito, F., Allegra, M., Torrisini, B., Pappalardo, H., Gentile, A., La Malfa, S., Continella, A., Stagno, F., & Nicolosi E 2020. Early Defoliation Effects on Water Status, Fruit Yield and Must Quality of Nerello Mascalese Grapes. Scientia Agricola 77.
  • Filippetti, I., Allegro, O., Movahed, N., Pastore, C., Valentini, G., & Intrieri C 2011. Effects of Late Season Source Limitation by Trimming and Antitranspirants Canopy Spray on Grape Composition During Ripening in Vitis vinifera cv. Sangiovese. Proceedings 17th International Symposium GiESCO, August 29-September 2 2011, Asti - Alba (CN), Italy, 259-262.
  • Gomez del Campo, M., Ruiz, C., & Lisarrague JR 2002. Effect of Water Stress on Leaf Area Development, Photosynthesis, and Productivity in Chardonnay and Airén Grapevines. Amer J Enol Vitic 53, 138-143.
  • Grantz, DA., & Williams LE 1993. An Empirical Protocol for Indirect Measurement of Leaf Area Index in Grape (Vitis vinifera L.). HortScience 28(8), 777-779.
  • Guidoni, S., Oggero, G., Cravero, S., Rabino, M., Cravero, MC., & Balsari P 2008. Manual and Mechanical Leaf Removal in the Bunch Zone (Vitis vinifera L., cv Barbera), Effects on Berry Composition, Health, Yield and Wine Quality, in a Warm Temperate Area. J Int Sci Vigne Vin 42(1), 49-58.
  • Hickey, CC., & Wolf TK 2019. Intensive Fruit-zone Leaf Thinning Increases Vitis vinifera L. ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’ Berry Temperature and Berry Phenolics without Adversely Affecting Berry Anthocyanins in Virginia. HortScience 54(7), 1181-1189.
  • Intrieri, C., Filippetti, I., Allegro, G., Centinari, M., & Poni S 2008. Early Defoliation (hand vs mechanical) for Improved Crop Control and Grape Composition in Sangiovese (Vitis vinifera L.). Aust J Grape and Wine Res 14, 25-32.
  • Irimia, L., & Tardea C 2006. The Exposable Leaf Area and the Leaf Index, which Characterize the Grapevine Training Systems in the Avereşti Wine-Growing Centre, Huşi Vineyard. Agron Res in Moldavia J 3(127), 41-46.
  • Kliewer WM 1980. Vineyard Canopy Management-a Review. In, Webb, A.D. (ed.) Production Grape and Wine Centennial Symposium, 342-352, 18-21 June 1980, Davis, California.
  • Kliewer, WM., & Dokoozlian NK 2005. Leaf Area/Crop Weight Ratios of Grapevines, Influence on Fruit Composition and Wine Quality. Amer J Enol Vitic 56(2), 170-181.
  • Korkutal, İ., Bahar, E., & Bayram S 2018. Farklı Toprak İşleme ve Yaprak Alma Uygulamalarının Syrah Üzüm Çeşidinde, Sürgün ve Yaprak Özellikleri ile Su Stresi Üzerine Etkileri. J Tekirdag Agric Fac 15(1), 1-13.
  • Korkutal, İ., Bahar, E., & Zinni A 2021. Farklı Zamanlarda Yapılan Yaprak Alma ve Uç Alma Uygulamalarının Üzümde Salkım Özellikleri Üzerine Etkilerinin Belirlenmesi. Adnan Menderes Üniv Zir Derg 18(2), 157-164.
  • Kraft A 1995. Flachenberechnung Einer SW-Grafik Flaeche Packing Programme.
  • Lopes, C., & Pinto PA 2005. Easy and Accurate Estimation of Grapevine Leaf Area with Simple Mathematical Models. Vitis 44, 55-61.
  • Lorenz, D., Eichhorn, KW., Bleiholder, H., Klose, R., Meier, U., & Weber E 1995. Phenological Growth Stages of the Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L. ssp. vinifera) Codes and Descriptions According to the Extended BBCH Scale. Aust J Grape and Wine Res 1, 100-110.
  • Nagy, A., Sardy, DN., Ladanyi, M., Bodor, P., Fazekas, I., Somogyi, E., & Balo B 2021. Effect of Early Leaf Removal and Vineyard Characteristics on Zweigelt Grapevines (Vitis vinifera L.) in Different Sites. Mitteilungen Klosterneuburg 71, 156-169.
  • Palliotti, A., Tombesi, S., Silvestroni, O., Lanari, V., Gatti, M., & Poni S 2014. Changes in Vineyard Establishment and Canopy Management Urged by Earlier Climate-related Grape Ripening, A Review. Scientia Horticulturae 178, 43-54.
  • Prior B 2010, Qualitätsorientierte Traubenproduktion für die Fassweinvermarktung aus Sicht der Anbautechnik. Dienstleistungszentrum Ländlicher Raum Rheinhessen-Nahe-Hunsrück, 99-103.
  • Risco, D., Perez, D., Yeves, A., Castel, JR., & Intrigliolo DS 2014. Early Defoliation in a Temperate Warm and Semiarid Tempranillo Vineyard, Vine Performance and Grape Composition. Aust J Grape Wine Res 20, 111-122.
  • Sanchez-de-Miguel, P., Baeza, P., Junquera, P., & Lissarrague JR 2010. Chapter, 3 Vegetative Development, Total Leaf Area and Surface Area Indexes. S. Delrot et al. (eds.) Methodologies and Results in Grapevine Research. Springer, Dordrecht, Switzerland, 448 p.
  • Schultz HR 1993. Photosynthesis of Sun and Shade Leaves Offield-grown Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) and Relation to Leaf Age. Suitability of the Plastochron Concept for the Expression of Physiological Age. Vitis 32, 197-205.
  • Schultz HR 1995. Grape Canopy Structure, Light Microclimate and Photosynthesis. I. A Two dimensional Model of the Spatial Distribution of Surface Area Densities and Leaf Ages in Two Canopy Systems. Vitis 34, 211-215.
  • Smart, RE., Robinson, JB., Due, GR., & Brian CJ 1985. Canopy Microclimate Modificassion for the Cultivar Shiraz. II. Effects on Must and Wine Composition. Vitis 24, 119-128.
  • Stefanovic, D., Nikolic, N., Kostic, L., Todic, S., & Nikolic M 2021. Early Leaf Removal Increases Berry and Wine Phenolics in Cabernet Sauvignon Grown in Eastern Serbia. Agronomy 11, 238.
  • Stoll, M., Scheidweiler, M., Lafontaine, M., & Schultz HR 2009. Possibilities to Reduce the Velocity of Berry Maturation Through Various Leaf Area to Fruit Ratio Modifications in Vitis vinifera L. Riesling. Prog Agric Vitic 127, 68-71.
  • Türker, L., & Dardeniz A 2014. Sofralık Üzüm Çeşitlerinde Farklı Düzeylerdeki Koltuk Alma Uygulamalarının Verim ve Kalite Özellikleri Üzerindeki Etkileri. Çanakkale Onsekizmart Üniv Zir Fak Derg 2(2), 73-82.
  • Weraduwage, SM., Chen, J., Anozie, FC., Morales, A., Weise, SE., & Sharkey TD 2015. The Relationship Between Leaf Area Growth and Biomass Accumulation in Arabidopsis thaliana. Frontiers in Plant Science 6(167), 1-21.
  • Würz, DA., Allebrandt, R., Marcon Filho, JL., Bem, BPD., Brighenti, AF., Rufato, L., & Kretzschmar AA 2018. Leaf Removal Timing and its Influence on Wine Grape Performance Sauvignon Blanc in High Altitude Region. Revista de Ciencias Agroveterinarias 17(1), 91-99.
  • Yue, X., Ju, Y., Tang, Z., Zhao, Y., Jiao, X., & Zhang Z 2019. Effects of the Severity and Timing of Basal Leaf Removal on the Amino Acids Profiles of Sauvignon Blanc Grapes and Wines. J Integrative Agric 18(9), 2052-2062.

Değişik Gelişme Dönemlerinde Yapılan Yaprak Alma ve Uç Alma Uygulamalarının Asma Yaprak Alanı Özelliklerine Etkisi

Year 2023, , 271 - 281, 30.04.2023


Bu araştırma; Trakya’da, 41° 01'11.41" K ve 27°39'49.14" D enlem ve boylamlarında Michele Palieri üzüm çeşidi bağında yürütülmüştür. Omcalara farklı yaprak alma - uç alma uygulamaları farklı fenolojik gelişme aşamalarında uygulanmış ve bunların yaprak özelliklerine etkisi araştırılmıştır. Deneme 2018-2019 ve 2019-2020 gelişme periyotlarında yürütülmüştür. Denemede 3 değişik gelişme döneminde (Tane Tutumu, İri Koruk, Ben Düşme) ve 4 farklı uygulama (Kontrol, Uç Alma, Yaprak Alma ve Yaprak Alma+Uç Alma) yapılmıştır. Yaprak alanı özelliklerini belirlemek için; fenolojik gelişme aşamaları, ortalama ana yaprak ve koltuk yaprak alanı (cm2), omca başına ana yaprak ve koltuk yaprak alanı (cm2 omca-1), omca başına toplam yaprak alanı (cm2 omca-1), dekara verim (kg da-1), bir kilogram üzüme düşen gerçek yaprak alanı (cm2 kg-1) doğrudan güneş gören yaprak alanı (m2 da-1) ve bir kilogram üzüme düşen güneş gören yaprak alanı (cm2 kg-1) hesaplamaları yapılmıştır. Sonuç olarak; Tekirdağ ilinde Michele Palieri sofralık üzüm çeşidinde İri Koruk döneminde gerçekleştirilen Yaprak Alma ve Yaprak Alma+Uç Alma uygulamalarının yaprak alanlarını artırdığı belirlenmiştir.


  • Anic, M., Osrecak, M., Andabaka, Z., Tomaz, I., Vecenaj, Z., Jelic, D., Kozina, B., Karaoglan Kontic, J., & Karaoglan M 2021. The Effect of Leaf Removal on Canopy Microclimate, Vine Performance and Grape Phenolic Composition of Merlot (Vitis vinifera L.) Grapes in the Continental Part of Croatia. Scientia Hort 285, 110161.
  • Bakhsh, A., Akhtar, A., Hussain, F., & Ahmed S 2021. Impact of Fruit Zone Leaf Removal on Fruit Quality and Yield of King’s Ruby Grapes (Vitis vinifera L.). Sarhad J of Agric 37(3), 774-780.
  • Bubola, M., Lukic, I., Radeka, S., Sivilotti, P., Grozic, K., Vanzo, A., & Lisjak K 2019. Enhancement of Istrian Malvasia Wine Aroma and Hydroxycinnamate Composition by Hand and Mechanical Leaf Removal. J Sci Food Agric 99(2), 904-914.
  • Bucur GM 2021. Research on Some Methods of Canopy Management to Mitigate the Effects of Climate Warming at Grapevine. Scientific Papers Series B Horticulture 6(1), 305-310.
  • Candar S 2018. Farklı Taç Mikroklimalarının Merlot (Vitis vinifera L.) Üzüm Çeşidine Ait Asmalarda Fizyolojik Faaliyetler ve Kalite Üzerine Etkileri. Namık Kemal Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Bahçe Bitkileri Anabilim Dalı, Doktora Tezi. Tekirdağ 451s.
  • Candar, S., Açıkbaş, B., Korkutal, İ., & Bahar E 2021. Trakya Bölgesi Şaraplık Üzüm Çeşitlerinde Kısıntılı Sulama Uygulamalarının Yaprak ve Stoma Morfolojik Özelliklerine Etkileri. KSÜ Tarım ve Doğa Derg 24(4), 766-776.
  • Carbonneau A 1980. Recherche Sur Les Systèmes De Conduite De La Vigne, Essai De Maîtrise Du Microclimat Et De La Plante Entière Pour Produire Économiquement Du Raisin De Qualité. Thèse Université Bordeaux 2, Lavoisier, Payot Ed. 240p.
  • Carbonneau A 1983. Methodes de Mesure Simple de la Surface Foliaire Exposee par Hectare, Element Determinant du Systeme de Conduite de la Vigne. Connaissance Vigne Vin 17(4), 281-285.
  • Cirkovic, D., Matijasevic, S., Cirkovic, B., Laketic, D., Jovanovic, Z., Kostic, B., Beslic, Z., Sredojevic, M., Tesic, Z., Banjanac, T., & Gasic U 2022. Influence of Different Defoliation Timings on Quality and Phenolic Composition of the Wines Produced from the Serbian Autochthonous Variety Prokupac (Vitis vinifera L.). Horticulturae 8(4), 296.
  • Da Silva, DQ., Aguiar, AS., Dos Santos, FN., Sousa, AJ., Rabino, D., Biddoccu, M., Bagagiolo, G., & Delmastro M 2021. Measuring Canopy Geometric Structure Using Optical Sensors Mounted on Terrestrial Vehicles, A Case Study in Vineyards. Agriculture 11, 208.
  • Dayer, S., Murcia, G., Prieto, JA., Duran, M., Martinez, L., Piccoli, P., & Pena JP 2021. Non-structural Carbohydrates and Sugar Export in Grapevine Leaves Exposed to Different Light Regimes. Physiologia Plantarum 171, 728-738.
  • De Toda, FM., & Balda P 2013. Delaying Berry Ripening Through Manipulating Leaf Area to Fruit Ratio. Vitis 52(4), 171-176.
  • Di Lorenzo, R., & Pisciotta A 2019. Combined Influence of Bud Load and Bud Position Along the Cane on Vegetative and Reproductive Parameters of Grape cv. Grillo. BIO Web of Conferences 13, 04012.
  • Ferlito, F., Allegra, M., Torrisini, B., Pappalardo, H., Gentile, A., La Malfa, S., Continella, A., Stagno, F., & Nicolosi E 2020. Early Defoliation Effects on Water Status, Fruit Yield and Must Quality of Nerello Mascalese Grapes. Scientia Agricola 77.
  • Filippetti, I., Allegro, O., Movahed, N., Pastore, C., Valentini, G., & Intrieri C 2011. Effects of Late Season Source Limitation by Trimming and Antitranspirants Canopy Spray on Grape Composition During Ripening in Vitis vinifera cv. Sangiovese. Proceedings 17th International Symposium GiESCO, August 29-September 2 2011, Asti - Alba (CN), Italy, 259-262.
  • Gomez del Campo, M., Ruiz, C., & Lisarrague JR 2002. Effect of Water Stress on Leaf Area Development, Photosynthesis, and Productivity in Chardonnay and Airén Grapevines. Amer J Enol Vitic 53, 138-143.
  • Grantz, DA., & Williams LE 1993. An Empirical Protocol for Indirect Measurement of Leaf Area Index in Grape (Vitis vinifera L.). HortScience 28(8), 777-779.
  • Guidoni, S., Oggero, G., Cravero, S., Rabino, M., Cravero, MC., & Balsari P 2008. Manual and Mechanical Leaf Removal in the Bunch Zone (Vitis vinifera L., cv Barbera), Effects on Berry Composition, Health, Yield and Wine Quality, in a Warm Temperate Area. J Int Sci Vigne Vin 42(1), 49-58.
  • Hickey, CC., & Wolf TK 2019. Intensive Fruit-zone Leaf Thinning Increases Vitis vinifera L. ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’ Berry Temperature and Berry Phenolics without Adversely Affecting Berry Anthocyanins in Virginia. HortScience 54(7), 1181-1189.
  • Intrieri, C., Filippetti, I., Allegro, G., Centinari, M., & Poni S 2008. Early Defoliation (hand vs mechanical) for Improved Crop Control and Grape Composition in Sangiovese (Vitis vinifera L.). Aust J Grape and Wine Res 14, 25-32.
  • Irimia, L., & Tardea C 2006. The Exposable Leaf Area and the Leaf Index, which Characterize the Grapevine Training Systems in the Avereşti Wine-Growing Centre, Huşi Vineyard. Agron Res in Moldavia J 3(127), 41-46.
  • Kliewer WM 1980. Vineyard Canopy Management-a Review. In, Webb, A.D. (ed.) Production Grape and Wine Centennial Symposium, 342-352, 18-21 June 1980, Davis, California.
  • Kliewer, WM., & Dokoozlian NK 2005. Leaf Area/Crop Weight Ratios of Grapevines, Influence on Fruit Composition and Wine Quality. Amer J Enol Vitic 56(2), 170-181.
  • Korkutal, İ., Bahar, E., & Bayram S 2018. Farklı Toprak İşleme ve Yaprak Alma Uygulamalarının Syrah Üzüm Çeşidinde, Sürgün ve Yaprak Özellikleri ile Su Stresi Üzerine Etkileri. J Tekirdag Agric Fac 15(1), 1-13.
  • Korkutal, İ., Bahar, E., & Zinni A 2021. Farklı Zamanlarda Yapılan Yaprak Alma ve Uç Alma Uygulamalarının Üzümde Salkım Özellikleri Üzerine Etkilerinin Belirlenmesi. Adnan Menderes Üniv Zir Derg 18(2), 157-164.
  • Kraft A 1995. Flachenberechnung Einer SW-Grafik Flaeche Packing Programme.
  • Lopes, C., & Pinto PA 2005. Easy and Accurate Estimation of Grapevine Leaf Area with Simple Mathematical Models. Vitis 44, 55-61.
  • Lorenz, D., Eichhorn, KW., Bleiholder, H., Klose, R., Meier, U., & Weber E 1995. Phenological Growth Stages of the Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L. ssp. vinifera) Codes and Descriptions According to the Extended BBCH Scale. Aust J Grape and Wine Res 1, 100-110.
  • Nagy, A., Sardy, DN., Ladanyi, M., Bodor, P., Fazekas, I., Somogyi, E., & Balo B 2021. Effect of Early Leaf Removal and Vineyard Characteristics on Zweigelt Grapevines (Vitis vinifera L.) in Different Sites. Mitteilungen Klosterneuburg 71, 156-169.
  • Palliotti, A., Tombesi, S., Silvestroni, O., Lanari, V., Gatti, M., & Poni S 2014. Changes in Vineyard Establishment and Canopy Management Urged by Earlier Climate-related Grape Ripening, A Review. Scientia Horticulturae 178, 43-54.
  • Prior B 2010, Qualitätsorientierte Traubenproduktion für die Fassweinvermarktung aus Sicht der Anbautechnik. Dienstleistungszentrum Ländlicher Raum Rheinhessen-Nahe-Hunsrück, 99-103.
  • Risco, D., Perez, D., Yeves, A., Castel, JR., & Intrigliolo DS 2014. Early Defoliation in a Temperate Warm and Semiarid Tempranillo Vineyard, Vine Performance and Grape Composition. Aust J Grape Wine Res 20, 111-122.
  • Sanchez-de-Miguel, P., Baeza, P., Junquera, P., & Lissarrague JR 2010. Chapter, 3 Vegetative Development, Total Leaf Area and Surface Area Indexes. S. Delrot et al. (eds.) Methodologies and Results in Grapevine Research. Springer, Dordrecht, Switzerland, 448 p.
  • Schultz HR 1993. Photosynthesis of Sun and Shade Leaves Offield-grown Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) and Relation to Leaf Age. Suitability of the Plastochron Concept for the Expression of Physiological Age. Vitis 32, 197-205.
  • Schultz HR 1995. Grape Canopy Structure, Light Microclimate and Photosynthesis. I. A Two dimensional Model of the Spatial Distribution of Surface Area Densities and Leaf Ages in Two Canopy Systems. Vitis 34, 211-215.
  • Smart, RE., Robinson, JB., Due, GR., & Brian CJ 1985. Canopy Microclimate Modificassion for the Cultivar Shiraz. II. Effects on Must and Wine Composition. Vitis 24, 119-128.
  • Stefanovic, D., Nikolic, N., Kostic, L., Todic, S., & Nikolic M 2021. Early Leaf Removal Increases Berry and Wine Phenolics in Cabernet Sauvignon Grown in Eastern Serbia. Agronomy 11, 238.
  • Stoll, M., Scheidweiler, M., Lafontaine, M., & Schultz HR 2009. Possibilities to Reduce the Velocity of Berry Maturation Through Various Leaf Area to Fruit Ratio Modifications in Vitis vinifera L. Riesling. Prog Agric Vitic 127, 68-71.
  • Türker, L., & Dardeniz A 2014. Sofralık Üzüm Çeşitlerinde Farklı Düzeylerdeki Koltuk Alma Uygulamalarının Verim ve Kalite Özellikleri Üzerindeki Etkileri. Çanakkale Onsekizmart Üniv Zir Fak Derg 2(2), 73-82.
  • Weraduwage, SM., Chen, J., Anozie, FC., Morales, A., Weise, SE., & Sharkey TD 2015. The Relationship Between Leaf Area Growth and Biomass Accumulation in Arabidopsis thaliana. Frontiers in Plant Science 6(167), 1-21.
  • Würz, DA., Allebrandt, R., Marcon Filho, JL., Bem, BPD., Brighenti, AF., Rufato, L., & Kretzschmar AA 2018. Leaf Removal Timing and its Influence on Wine Grape Performance Sauvignon Blanc in High Altitude Region. Revista de Ciencias Agroveterinarias 17(1), 91-99.
  • Yue, X., Ju, Y., Tang, Z., Zhao, Y., Jiao, X., & Zhang Z 2019. Effects of the Severity and Timing of Basal Leaf Removal on the Amino Acids Profiles of Sauvignon Blanc Grapes and Wines. J Integrative Agric 18(9), 2052-2062.
There are 42 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Agricultural, Veterinary and Food Sciences

İlknur Korkutal 0000-0002-8016-9804

Elman Bahar 0000-0002-8842-7695

Arzu Zinni 0000-0003-2410-4747

Publication Date April 30, 2023
Submission Date February 7, 2022
Acceptance Date August 24, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Korkutal, İ., Bahar, E., & Zinni, A. (2023). Değişik Gelişme Dönemlerinde Yapılan Yaprak Alma ve Uç Alma Uygulamalarının Asma Yaprak Alanı Özelliklerine Etkisi. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım Ve Doğa Dergisi, 26(2), 271-281.


2022-JIF = 0.500

2022-JCI = 0.170

Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi (International Peer Reviewed Journal)

       Dergimiz, herhangi bir başvuru veya yayımlama ücreti almamaktadır. (Free submission and publication)

      Yılda 6 sayı yayınlanır. (Published 6 times a year)


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Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi
e-ISSN: 2619-9149