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Sprague-Dawley Sıçanlarda Deneysel Meme Kanseri Modelinde Pistacia terebinthus L. Subsp palaestina ve Rhus coriaria L. Bitkilerinin Beyin Dokusunun Bazı Biyokimyasal Parametreleri Üzerindeki Etkileri

Year 2022, , 33 - 41, 30.12.2022


Bu çalışmada, dişi 66 Sprague-Dawley ratında DMBA ile indüklenen meme kanserine karşı Pistacia terebinthus L. subsp Palaestina (terebinth) ve Rhus coriaria L. (sumak)’nin iyileştirici etkileri biyokimyasal olarak incelendi. Sıçanlar, Kontrol, DMBA (7.12-Dimetilbenzantrasene), PT (menengiç), RC (sumak), PT+DMBA ve RC+DMBA olmak üzere 6 gruba ayrıldı. DMBA, vücut ağırlıklarına göre, tek doz 80 mg/kg olacak şekilde, gavaj yoluyla, 8 haftalık dişi Sprague-Dawley sıçanlara uygulandı. Antioksidan gruplarındaki ratlara oral yolla menengiç ve sumak’ın sulu ekstraktları verildi. Biyokimyasal çalışmalarda beyin dokusunda antioksidan enzimler olan CAT (katalaz), GST (glutatyon transferaz) ve SOD (süperoksit dismutaz) aktivitelerindeki değişiklikler, total protein, MDA, (malondialdehit) GSH (glutatyon), yağ asidi ve vitamin düzeyleri belirlendi. Toplam protein seviyelerinin genellikle DMBA grubunda kontrole göre azaldığı gözlendi (p<0.05). DMBA beyin dokusu gruplarındaki MDA seviyeleri kontrol grubuna göre arttığı; antioksidan gruplarında azaldığı saptandı (p<0.01; p<0.001). Kolesterol seviyeleri ve lipofilik vitaminler HPLC ile belirlendi. DMBA ve antioksidan gruplarında bunların derecelerinin farklı olduğu görüldü. Yağ asitleri GC ile analiz edildi. Analiz sonucunda dokularda palmitik, palmitoleik, stearik, oleik, linoleik, araşidonik, dokosaheksaenoik gibi yağ asitlerinin yüksek olduğu bulundu (p<0.01; p<0.001). Bu yağ asidi seviyeleri DMBA ve antioksidan doku gruplarında değişiklikler gösterdi. Bu veriler, Pistacia terebinthus ve Rhus coriaria bitkilerinin meme kanseri ve olumsuzluklarına karşı bir uygulama olarak kullanılabileceği, güvenli tıbbi uygulaması için çalışmaların sürdürülmesi önerilir.

Supporting Institution

Fırat Üniversitesi

Project Number

FUBAP FF. 18.14


  • Abbas S, Chang‐Claude J, Linseisen J 2009. Plasma 25‐Hydroxyvitamin D and Premenopausal Breast Cancer Risk in a German Case‐Control Study. International Journal of Cancer, 124: 250-255.
  • Aebi H 1984. Catalase In vitro. Methods in Enzymology, 105: 121-126.
  • Bell JG, Cowey CB, Adron JW, Shanks AM 1985. Some Effects of Vitamin E and Selenium Deprivation on Tissue Enzyme Levels and Indices of Tissue Peroxidation in Rainbow Trout (Salmo gairdneri). British Journal of Nutrition, 53: 149–157.
  • Chakraborty A, Ferk F, Simic T, Brantner A, Dusinska M, Kundi M, Hoelzl C, Nersesyen A, Knasmüller S 2009. DNA-Protective Effects of Sumach (Rhus coriaria L.) a Common Spice:Results of Human and Animal Studies. Mutation Research, 661:10-17.
  • Christie WW 1999. Gas Chromatography and Lipids. The Oil.
  • Christie WW 1982. Lipid Analysis, 2nd edn., Pergamon Press, Oxford, United Kingdom. Coughlin SS 2018. Oxidative Stress, Antioxidants, Physical Activity and the Prevention of Breast Cancer Initiation and Progression. Journal of Environment and Health Science, 4: 55-57.
  • De La Puente-Yague M, Cuadrado-Cenzual MA, Ciudad-Cabañas MJ, Hernández-Cabria M, Collado-Yurrita L 2018. Vitamin D: and Its Role in Breast Cancer. The Kaohsiung Journal of Medicinal Science, 34: 423-427.
  • Dong X, Yang Y, Zhou Y, Bi X, Zhao N, Zhang Z, Li L, Hang Q., Zhang R., Chen D, Cao P, Yin Z, Luo L 2019. Glutathione S-transferases P1 Protects Breast Cancer Cell from Adriamycin-Induced Cell Death Through Promoting Autophagy. Cell Death and Differentiation, 26: 2086-2099.
  • El Hasasna H, Saleh A, Al Samri H, Athamneh K, Attoub S, Arafat K, Benhalilou N, Alyan S, Viallet J, Dhaheri YA, Eid A, Iratni R 2016. Rhus coriaria Suppresses Angiogenesis, Metastasis and Tumor Growth of Breast Cancer Through Inhibition of STAT3, NFκB and Nitric Oxide Pathways. Scientific Reports, 6: 21144.
  • El Kholy W, Serag H, Zakaria A, El Metwaly A 2013. The Potency of Some Natural Products on Dimethylbenz(a)antheracene (DMBA) Induced Hepatotoxicity in Rats. The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine, 53: 1036– 1048.
  • Elman GI 1959. Tissue Sulfhydryl Groups. Archives of Biochemisty and Biophysics, 70-77.
  • Kumar V, Cotran RS, Robins SL (Ed) 2013. Temel Patoloji. 9. Baskı. İstanbul, TÜRKİYE: Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri. 623-635.
  • Garland C, Garland F, Gorham E, Lipkin M, Newmark H, Mohr SB, Holick MF 2006. The Role of Vitamin D in Cancer Prevention. American Journal of Public Health, 6: 252-261.
  • Ge Y, Chen Z, Kang ZB, Cluette-Brown J, Laposata M, Kang JX 2002. Effects of Adenoviral Gene Transfer of C. elegans n-3 Fatty Acid Desaturase on The Lipid Profile and Growth of Human Breast Cancer Cells. Anticancer Research, 22: 537-544.
  • Germano MP, Pasqualo RD, Angelo V, Catania S, Silvari V, Costa C 2002. Evaluation of Extracts and Isolated Fraction from Capparis spinosa L. Buds as an Antioxidant Source. Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry, 50: 1168-1171.
  • GLOBOCAN 2018. Global Cancer Observatory, International Agency for Research on Cancer. (
  • Glorieux C, Sandoval JM, Dejeans N, Nonckreman S, Bahloula K, Poirel HA, Calderon PB 2018. Evaluation of Potential Mechanisms Controlling The Catalase Expression in Breast Cancer Cells. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, 10.
  • Gomez-Perez FJ, Bustamante F, Vergara A, Villasenor J, Wong B, Rull JA 1992. A Controlled Trial of Provastatin vs. Probucol in the Treatment of Primary Hypercholesterolaemia. Revista De Investigacion Clinica, 44: 53-61.
  • Guerrero-Beltrán CE, Calderón-Oliver M, Tapia E, Medina-Campos ON, Sánchez-González DJ, Martínez-Martínez CM, Ortiz-Vega KM, Franco M, Pedraza-Chaverri J 2010. Sulforaphane Protects Against Cisplatin-Induced Nephrotoxicity. Toxicology Letter, 192(3): 278-285.
  • Hara A, Radin NS 1978. Lipid Extraction of Tissues With a Low-Toxicity Solvent. Analytical Biochemistry, 90: 420–426.
  • Horrobin DF 1993. Fatty Acid Metabolism in Health and Disease: The Role of D-6 Desaturase. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 57: 732-737.
  • Hughes-Fulford M, Li CF, Boonyaratanakornkit J, Sayyah S 2006. Arachidonic Acid Activates Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase Signaling and Induces Gene Expression in Prostate Cancer. Cancer Research, 66: 1427–1433.
  • İçen MS, Karakuş F, Tosun E, Yılmaz K 2015. Antiproliferative Potential of Pistacia terebinthus L. on Breast Cancer Cell Lines. Conference: Gazi Pharma Symposium Series.
  • Jezierska-Drutel A, Rosenzweig SA, Neumann CA 2013. Role of Oxidative Stress and The Microenvironment in Breast Cancer Development and Progression. Advances in Cancer Research, 119: 107–125.
  • Kawashima M, Iwamoto N, Kawaguchi-Sakita N, Sugimoto M, Ueno T, Mikami Y, Terasawa K, Sato TA, Tanaka K, Shimizu K, Toi M 2013. High-Resolution Imaging Mass Spectrometry Reveals Detailed Spatial Distribution of Phosphatidylinositols in Human Breast Cancer. Cancer Science, 104: 1372-1379.
  • Kulisic-Bilusi, T, Schmöller I, Schnäbele K, Siracusa L, Ruberto G 2012. The Anticarcinogenic Potential of Essential Oil and Aqueous Infusion from Caper (Capparis spinosa L.) Food Chemistry, 32: 261–267.
  • Lowry OH, Rosebrough NJ, Farr AL, Randall RJ 1951. Protein Measurement with The Folin Phenol Reagent. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 193(1): 265-275.
  • Mundhe NA, Kumar P, Ahmed S, Jamdade V, Mundhe S, Lahkar M 2015. Nordihydroguaiaretic Acid Ameliorates Cisplatin Induced Nephrotoxicity and Potentiates Its Anti-Tumor Activity in DMBA Induced Breast Cancer in Female Sprague–Dawley Rats. International Immunopharmacology, 228: 634–642.
  • Ohkawa H, Ohishi N, Yagi K 1972. Assay for Lipid Peroxides in Animal Tissues by Thiobarbituric Acid Reaction. Analytical Biochemistry, 95: 351-358.
  • Özdemir I, Selamoglu Z, Ates B, Gok Y, Yilmaz I 2007. Modulation of DMBA-Induced Biochemical Changes by Organoselenium Compounds in Blood of Rats. Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 4: 257-259.
  • Panchenko LF, Brusov OS, Gerasimov AM, Loktaeva TD 1975. Intramitochondrial Localization and Release of Rat Liver Superoxide Dismutase. Febs Letters, 55: 84–87.
  • Rule DC, Busboom JR, Kercher CJ 1994. Effect of Dietary Canola on Fatty Acid Composition of Bovine Adipose Tissue, Muscle, Kidney and Liver. Journal of Animal Science, 72: 2735-2744.
  • Sağlam M, Köseoğlu S, Hatipoğlu M, Esen HH, Köksal E 2015. Effect of Sumac Extract on Serum Oxidative Status, RANKL/OPG System and Alveolar Bone Loss in Experimental Periodontitis in Rats. Journal of Applied Oral Science, 23(1): 33-41.
  • Sanchez-Machado DI, Lopez-Hernandez J, Paseiro-Losada P, Lopez-Cervantes J 2004. An HPLC Method for The Quantification of Sterols in Edible Sea Weeds. Biomedical Chromatography, 18: 183-90.
  • Schroeder CP, Yang P, Newman RA, Lotan R 2004. Eicosanoid Metabolism in Squamous Cell Carcinoma Cell Lines Derived from Primary and Metastatic Head and Neck Cancer and Its Modulation by Celecoxib. Cancer Biology and Therapy, 3: 847-852.
  • Sharma P, Kumar S 2018. Metformin Inhibits Human Breast Cancer Cell Growth by Promoting Apoptosis Via a ROS-Independent Pathway Involving Mitochondrial Dysfunction: Pivotal Role of Superoxide Dismutase (SOD). Cellular Oncology, 41: 637-650.
  • Sheokand S, Navik U, Bansal AK 2019. Nanocrystalline Solid Dispersions (NSD) of Hesperetin (HRN) for Prevention of 7, 12-Dimethylbenz [a] anthracene (DMBA)-Induced Breast Cancer in Sprague-Dawley (SD) Rats. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 128: 240-249.
  • Shokrzadeh M, Ahangar N, Mohammadpour A, Golmohammadzadeh G 2019. A Review of GENETIC Polymorphism of GSTs (Glutathione–s Transferase) Genes in Breast Cancer. Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International, 1-12.
  • Tesoriere L, Butera D, Gentile C, Livrae MA 2007. Bioactive Components of Caper (Capparis spinosa L.) from Sicily and Antioxidant Effects in a Red Meat Simulated Gastric Digestion. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 55: 8465-8471.
  • Traverso N, Ricciarelli R, Nitti M, Marengo B, Furfaro AL, Pronzato MA, Marinari UM, Domenicotti C 2013. Role of Glutathione in Cancer Progression and Chemoresistance. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, 972913.
  • Verzele M, Delahaye P, Van Damme F 1985. Determination of The Tanning Capacity of Tannic Acids by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography. Journal of Chromatography A, 362: 363-372.
  • Zarrini AS, Moslemi D, Pasian H, Vessal M, Mosapour A, Kelagari ZS 2016. The Status of Antioxidants, Malondialdehyde and Some Trace Elements in Serum of Patients with Breast Cancer. Caspian Journal of Internal Medicine, 7(1): 31-36.

Effects of Pistacia terebinthus L. Subsp. palaestina and Rhus coriaria L. Plants on Some Biochemical Parameters of Brain Tissue of Sprague-Dawley Rats in Experimental Breast Cancer Model

Year 2022, , 33 - 41, 30.12.2022


In this study, the therapeutic effects of Pistacia terebinthus L. subsp. Palaestina (terebinth) and Rhus coriaria L (sumac) plants on DMBA-induced breast cancer in 66 female Sprague-Dawley rats were investigated through biochemical analysis. The rats were divided into 6 groups as Control, DMBA (7.12-Dimethylbenzanthracene), PT (terebinth), RC (sumac), PT+DMBA and RC+DMBA. DMBA was administered to 8-week-old rats via gavage, a single dose of 80 mg/kg according to body weight. Aqueous extracts of terebinth and sumac were given orally to rats in antioxidant groups 3 days a week.
In biochemical studies, changes in activities of the antioxidant enzymes CAT (catalase), GST (glutathione transferase), and SOD (superoxide dismutase) in brain tissues as well as total protein, MDA (malondialdehyde), GSH (glutathione), fatty acid, and vitamin levels were determined. Total protein levels generally reduced in the DMBA group compared to the control group (p<0.05)while the levels of the MDA in the DMBA brain tissue groups elevated compared to the control group and reduced in antioxidant groups (p<0.01; p<0.001). Cholesterol levels and lipophilic vitamins were determined by HPLC. Their grades were different in the DMBA and antioxidant groups. Fatty acids were analyzed by GC. As a result of analysis, fatty acids such as palmitic, palmitoleic, stearic, oleic, linoleic, arachidonic, and docosahexaenoic were high in the tissues examined (p<0.01; p<0.001). The fatty acid levels were also found to vary in the DMBA and antioxidant tissue groups. These data suggest that Pistacia terebinthus and Rhus coriaria plants can be used against breast cancer and to reduce its negative outcomes, and studies should be continued for their safe medical application.

Project Number

FUBAP FF. 18.14


  • Abbas S, Chang‐Claude J, Linseisen J 2009. Plasma 25‐Hydroxyvitamin D and Premenopausal Breast Cancer Risk in a German Case‐Control Study. International Journal of Cancer, 124: 250-255.
  • Aebi H 1984. Catalase In vitro. Methods in Enzymology, 105: 121-126.
  • Bell JG, Cowey CB, Adron JW, Shanks AM 1985. Some Effects of Vitamin E and Selenium Deprivation on Tissue Enzyme Levels and Indices of Tissue Peroxidation in Rainbow Trout (Salmo gairdneri). British Journal of Nutrition, 53: 149–157.
  • Chakraborty A, Ferk F, Simic T, Brantner A, Dusinska M, Kundi M, Hoelzl C, Nersesyen A, Knasmüller S 2009. DNA-Protective Effects of Sumach (Rhus coriaria L.) a Common Spice:Results of Human and Animal Studies. Mutation Research, 661:10-17.
  • Christie WW 1999. Gas Chromatography and Lipids. The Oil.
  • Christie WW 1982. Lipid Analysis, 2nd edn., Pergamon Press, Oxford, United Kingdom. Coughlin SS 2018. Oxidative Stress, Antioxidants, Physical Activity and the Prevention of Breast Cancer Initiation and Progression. Journal of Environment and Health Science, 4: 55-57.
  • De La Puente-Yague M, Cuadrado-Cenzual MA, Ciudad-Cabañas MJ, Hernández-Cabria M, Collado-Yurrita L 2018. Vitamin D: and Its Role in Breast Cancer. The Kaohsiung Journal of Medicinal Science, 34: 423-427.
  • Dong X, Yang Y, Zhou Y, Bi X, Zhao N, Zhang Z, Li L, Hang Q., Zhang R., Chen D, Cao P, Yin Z, Luo L 2019. Glutathione S-transferases P1 Protects Breast Cancer Cell from Adriamycin-Induced Cell Death Through Promoting Autophagy. Cell Death and Differentiation, 26: 2086-2099.
  • El Hasasna H, Saleh A, Al Samri H, Athamneh K, Attoub S, Arafat K, Benhalilou N, Alyan S, Viallet J, Dhaheri YA, Eid A, Iratni R 2016. Rhus coriaria Suppresses Angiogenesis, Metastasis and Tumor Growth of Breast Cancer Through Inhibition of STAT3, NFκB and Nitric Oxide Pathways. Scientific Reports, 6: 21144.
  • El Kholy W, Serag H, Zakaria A, El Metwaly A 2013. The Potency of Some Natural Products on Dimethylbenz(a)antheracene (DMBA) Induced Hepatotoxicity in Rats. The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine, 53: 1036– 1048.
  • Elman GI 1959. Tissue Sulfhydryl Groups. Archives of Biochemisty and Biophysics, 70-77.
  • Kumar V, Cotran RS, Robins SL (Ed) 2013. Temel Patoloji. 9. Baskı. İstanbul, TÜRKİYE: Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri. 623-635.
  • Garland C, Garland F, Gorham E, Lipkin M, Newmark H, Mohr SB, Holick MF 2006. The Role of Vitamin D in Cancer Prevention. American Journal of Public Health, 6: 252-261.
  • Ge Y, Chen Z, Kang ZB, Cluette-Brown J, Laposata M, Kang JX 2002. Effects of Adenoviral Gene Transfer of C. elegans n-3 Fatty Acid Desaturase on The Lipid Profile and Growth of Human Breast Cancer Cells. Anticancer Research, 22: 537-544.
  • Germano MP, Pasqualo RD, Angelo V, Catania S, Silvari V, Costa C 2002. Evaluation of Extracts and Isolated Fraction from Capparis spinosa L. Buds as an Antioxidant Source. Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry, 50: 1168-1171.
  • GLOBOCAN 2018. Global Cancer Observatory, International Agency for Research on Cancer. (
  • Glorieux C, Sandoval JM, Dejeans N, Nonckreman S, Bahloula K, Poirel HA, Calderon PB 2018. Evaluation of Potential Mechanisms Controlling The Catalase Expression in Breast Cancer Cells. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, 10.
  • Gomez-Perez FJ, Bustamante F, Vergara A, Villasenor J, Wong B, Rull JA 1992. A Controlled Trial of Provastatin vs. Probucol in the Treatment of Primary Hypercholesterolaemia. Revista De Investigacion Clinica, 44: 53-61.
  • Guerrero-Beltrán CE, Calderón-Oliver M, Tapia E, Medina-Campos ON, Sánchez-González DJ, Martínez-Martínez CM, Ortiz-Vega KM, Franco M, Pedraza-Chaverri J 2010. Sulforaphane Protects Against Cisplatin-Induced Nephrotoxicity. Toxicology Letter, 192(3): 278-285.
  • Hara A, Radin NS 1978. Lipid Extraction of Tissues With a Low-Toxicity Solvent. Analytical Biochemistry, 90: 420–426.
  • Horrobin DF 1993. Fatty Acid Metabolism in Health and Disease: The Role of D-6 Desaturase. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 57: 732-737.
  • Hughes-Fulford M, Li CF, Boonyaratanakornkit J, Sayyah S 2006. Arachidonic Acid Activates Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase Signaling and Induces Gene Expression in Prostate Cancer. Cancer Research, 66: 1427–1433.
  • İçen MS, Karakuş F, Tosun E, Yılmaz K 2015. Antiproliferative Potential of Pistacia terebinthus L. on Breast Cancer Cell Lines. Conference: Gazi Pharma Symposium Series.
  • Jezierska-Drutel A, Rosenzweig SA, Neumann CA 2013. Role of Oxidative Stress and The Microenvironment in Breast Cancer Development and Progression. Advances in Cancer Research, 119: 107–125.
  • Kawashima M, Iwamoto N, Kawaguchi-Sakita N, Sugimoto M, Ueno T, Mikami Y, Terasawa K, Sato TA, Tanaka K, Shimizu K, Toi M 2013. High-Resolution Imaging Mass Spectrometry Reveals Detailed Spatial Distribution of Phosphatidylinositols in Human Breast Cancer. Cancer Science, 104: 1372-1379.
  • Kulisic-Bilusi, T, Schmöller I, Schnäbele K, Siracusa L, Ruberto G 2012. The Anticarcinogenic Potential of Essential Oil and Aqueous Infusion from Caper (Capparis spinosa L.) Food Chemistry, 32: 261–267.
  • Lowry OH, Rosebrough NJ, Farr AL, Randall RJ 1951. Protein Measurement with The Folin Phenol Reagent. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 193(1): 265-275.
  • Mundhe NA, Kumar P, Ahmed S, Jamdade V, Mundhe S, Lahkar M 2015. Nordihydroguaiaretic Acid Ameliorates Cisplatin Induced Nephrotoxicity and Potentiates Its Anti-Tumor Activity in DMBA Induced Breast Cancer in Female Sprague–Dawley Rats. International Immunopharmacology, 228: 634–642.
  • Ohkawa H, Ohishi N, Yagi K 1972. Assay for Lipid Peroxides in Animal Tissues by Thiobarbituric Acid Reaction. Analytical Biochemistry, 95: 351-358.
  • Özdemir I, Selamoglu Z, Ates B, Gok Y, Yilmaz I 2007. Modulation of DMBA-Induced Biochemical Changes by Organoselenium Compounds in Blood of Rats. Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 4: 257-259.
  • Panchenko LF, Brusov OS, Gerasimov AM, Loktaeva TD 1975. Intramitochondrial Localization and Release of Rat Liver Superoxide Dismutase. Febs Letters, 55: 84–87.
  • Rule DC, Busboom JR, Kercher CJ 1994. Effect of Dietary Canola on Fatty Acid Composition of Bovine Adipose Tissue, Muscle, Kidney and Liver. Journal of Animal Science, 72: 2735-2744.
  • Sağlam M, Köseoğlu S, Hatipoğlu M, Esen HH, Köksal E 2015. Effect of Sumac Extract on Serum Oxidative Status, RANKL/OPG System and Alveolar Bone Loss in Experimental Periodontitis in Rats. Journal of Applied Oral Science, 23(1): 33-41.
  • Sanchez-Machado DI, Lopez-Hernandez J, Paseiro-Losada P, Lopez-Cervantes J 2004. An HPLC Method for The Quantification of Sterols in Edible Sea Weeds. Biomedical Chromatography, 18: 183-90.
  • Schroeder CP, Yang P, Newman RA, Lotan R 2004. Eicosanoid Metabolism in Squamous Cell Carcinoma Cell Lines Derived from Primary and Metastatic Head and Neck Cancer and Its Modulation by Celecoxib. Cancer Biology and Therapy, 3: 847-852.
  • Sharma P, Kumar S 2018. Metformin Inhibits Human Breast Cancer Cell Growth by Promoting Apoptosis Via a ROS-Independent Pathway Involving Mitochondrial Dysfunction: Pivotal Role of Superoxide Dismutase (SOD). Cellular Oncology, 41: 637-650.
  • Sheokand S, Navik U, Bansal AK 2019. Nanocrystalline Solid Dispersions (NSD) of Hesperetin (HRN) for Prevention of 7, 12-Dimethylbenz [a] anthracene (DMBA)-Induced Breast Cancer in Sprague-Dawley (SD) Rats. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 128: 240-249.
  • Shokrzadeh M, Ahangar N, Mohammadpour A, Golmohammadzadeh G 2019. A Review of GENETIC Polymorphism of GSTs (Glutathione–s Transferase) Genes in Breast Cancer. Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International, 1-12.
  • Tesoriere L, Butera D, Gentile C, Livrae MA 2007. Bioactive Components of Caper (Capparis spinosa L.) from Sicily and Antioxidant Effects in a Red Meat Simulated Gastric Digestion. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 55: 8465-8471.
  • Traverso N, Ricciarelli R, Nitti M, Marengo B, Furfaro AL, Pronzato MA, Marinari UM, Domenicotti C 2013. Role of Glutathione in Cancer Progression and Chemoresistance. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, 972913.
  • Verzele M, Delahaye P, Van Damme F 1985. Determination of The Tanning Capacity of Tannic Acids by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography. Journal of Chromatography A, 362: 363-372.
  • Zarrini AS, Moslemi D, Pasian H, Vessal M, Mosapour A, Kelagari ZS 2016. The Status of Antioxidants, Malondialdehyde and Some Trace Elements in Serum of Patients with Breast Cancer. Caspian Journal of Internal Medicine, 7(1): 31-36.
There are 42 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Structural Biology

Figen Erdem Erişir 0000-0002-0499-9339

Oğuz Ayhan Kireçci 0000-0003-2205-4758

Ayşe Dilek Özşahin 0000-0002-1832-7082

Prof. Dr. Ökkeş Yılmaz 0000-0002-8276-4498

Project Number FUBAP FF. 18.14
Publication Date December 30, 2022
Submission Date February 16, 2022
Acceptance Date July 18, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Erdem Erişir, F., Kireçci, O. A., Özşahin, A. D., Yılmaz, P. D. . Ö. (2022). Effects of Pistacia terebinthus L. Subsp. palaestina and Rhus coriaria L. Plants on Some Biochemical Parameters of Brain Tissue of Sprague-Dawley Rats in Experimental Breast Cancer Model. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım Ve Doğa Dergisi, 25(Ek Sayı 1), 33-41.


2022-JIF = 0.500

2022-JCI = 0.170

Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi (International Peer Reviewed Journal)

       Dergimiz, herhangi bir başvuru veya yayımlama ücreti almamaktadır. (Free submission and publication)

      Yılda 6 sayı yayınlanır. (Published 6 times a year)


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Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi
e-ISSN: 2619-9149