First Report of Root-Knot Nematode, Meloidogyne arenaria on Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis L.) in Turkey
Year 2022,
, 176 - 179, 30.12.2022
Hürkan Ataş
Gülsüm Uysal
Çiğdem Gözel
Uğur Gözel
Zübeyir Devran
Lemon palm (Melissa officinalis L.), a perennial plant from Lamiaceae family, is cultivated in all Mediterranean countries and coastal regions of Türkiye. It can be attacked by several pathogens like nematodes which reduce its yield and quality. In this study, morphometric measurements, morphological and molecular identifications were done using juveniles and females obtained from galled roots of lemon balm collected from Balıkesir province of Türkiye. As a result, M. arenaria was the only identified species in analyzed samples. This is the first report of M. arenaria detected on lemon balm in Türkiye.
- Akhondzadeh S, Nooroonzian M, Mohammadi M, Ohadinia S, Jamshidi AH, Khani M 2003. Melissa officinalis extract in the treatment of patient with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease: A double blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial. Journal of Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 6(4): 625-632.
- Ataş H, Uysal G, Gözel Ç, Özalp T, Gözel U, Devran Z 2021 First report of root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita on calendula in Turkey. Journal of Nematology 53: 1-5.
- Baytop T 1994. Türkçe Bitki Adları Sözlüğü. Atatürk Kültür, Dil ve Tarih Yüksek Kurumu. Türk Dil Kurumu Yayınları, Türk Tarih Kurumu Basımevi, Ankara, 578 sy.
- Bokor P, Tancik J, Haban M, Marinkovic BJ, Polacek M 2008. The occurrence of pests [and diseases] on lemon balm (Melissa [ie Melissa] officinalis) and garden sage (Salvia officinalis). Matica Srpska Proceedings for Natural Sciences.
- Chitwood BG 1949. ‘Root-knot nematodes’ Part 1. A revision of the genus Meloidogyne Goeldi, 1987. Proceedings of the Helminthological Society of Washington 16(2): 90-104.
- Carneiro RMDG, Carneiro RG, Abrantes IDO, Santos MDA, Almeida MRA 1996. Meloidogyne paranaensis n. sp. (Nemata: Meloidogynidae), a root-knot nematode parasitizing coffee in Brazil. Journal of Nematology 28(2): 177-189.
- Cliff GM, Hirschmann H 1985. Evaluation of morphological variability in Meloidogyne arenaria. Journal of Nematology 17(4): 445.
- Devran Z, Polat İ, Mıstanoğlu İ, Baysal Ö 2018. A novel multiplex PCR tool for simultaneous detection of three root-knot nematodes. Australasian Plant Pathology 47: 389-92.
- Hooper DJ 1986. Extraction of free-living stages from soil. (Laboratory Methods for Work with Plant Soil Nematodes, Her Majesty’s Stationary Office, London: Ed. Southey JF) 5-30.
- Jepson SB 1987. Identification of Root-knot Nematodes Meloidogyne species. CABI Wallingford, Oxfordshire.
Karanastasi E, Conceição ID, Santos MD, Tzortzakakis E, Abrantes IDO 2008. Occurrence of the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne arenaria on balm and in a mixed population with M. javanica on grapevine in Greece. Helminthologia 45(1): 52-53.
- Karssen G 2002. The plant parasitic nematode genus Meloidogyne Goeldi, 1892 (Tylenchida) in Europe. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers.
- Karssen G, Wesemael W, Moens M 2013. Root-knot nematodes. (Plant Nematology, CAB International, Wallingford: Ed. Perry RN, Moens M) 59-90.
- Kindelan A, Gutierrez CE, Martinez M 1990. New pathogens in Melissa officinalis. Revista Plantas Medicinales 10: 83-85.
- Koshy PK, Pandey R, Eapen SJ 2005. Nematode Parasites of Spices, Condiments and Medicinal Plants. (Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Subtropical and Tropical Agriculture, University of Bonn, Germany, J. Bridge, CABI, Bioscience, Egham, Surrey, U.K: Ed. Luc M, Orstom F, Sikora RA) 751-791.
- Mendonça CI, Mattos JKA, Carneiro RMDG 2017. Host status of medicinal plants to Meloidogyne paranaensis. Nematropica 47: 49-54.
- Mill RR 1982. Melissa L. (Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh: Ed. Davis PH) vol 7.
- Pandey R 2017. Diseases of medicinal and aromatic plants: Insights in nematode bio management. Indian Phytopathology 70(1): 12-21.
- Randig O, Bongiovanni M, Carneiro RM, Castagnone-Sereno P 2002. Genetic diversity of root-knot nematodes from Brazil and development of SCAR marker specific for the coffee damaging species. Genome 45: 862-870.
- Seinhorst JW 1959. A rapid method for the transfer of nematodes from fixative to anhydrous glycerin. Nematologica 4: 67-69.
- Özalp T, Könül G, Ayyıldız Ö, Tülek A, Devran Z. 2020. First report of root-knot nematode Meloidogyne arenaria, on lavender in Turkey. Journal of Nematology 52: 1-3.
- Verma PS, Singh A, Rahaman L, Bahl JR 2015. Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis L.) an herbal medicinal plant with broad therapeutic uses and cultivation practices: A review. Internal Journal of Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Research 2: 928-33.
- Walker JT 1995. Garden herbs as hosts for southern root-knot nematode [Meloidogyne incognita (Kofoid & White) Chitwood, race 3]. HortScience 30(2): 292-293.
- Whitehead AG 1968. Taxonomy of Meloidogyne (Nematodea: Heteroderidae) with descriptions of four new species. The Transactions of Zoological Society of London 31(3): 263-401.
- Wishart J, Phillips MS, Blok VC 2002. Ribosomal Intergenic Spacer: A Polymerase chain reaction diagnostic for Meloidogyne chitwoodi, M. fallax, and M. hapla. Nematology 92: 884-92.
- Zijlstra C, Donkers-Venne DTHM, Fargette M 2000. Identification of Meloidogyne incognita, M. javanica and M. arenaria using sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR) based PCR assays. Nematology 2: 847-853.
Türkiye'de Melisada (Melissa officinalis L.) Bulunan Kök-ur Nematodu Meloidogyne arenaria'nın İlk Kaydı
Year 2022,
, 176 - 179, 30.12.2022
Hürkan Ataş
Gülsüm Uysal
Çiğdem Gözel
Uğur Gözel
Zübeyir Devran
Lamiaceae familyasından çok yıllık bir bitki olan melisa (Melissa officinalis L.), tüm Akdeniz ülkelerinde ve Türkiye'nin kıyı bölgelerinde yetiştirilmektedir. Melisa bitkileri nematodlar gibi verim ve kalitede düşüşe yol açan çeşitli patojenler tarafından saldırıya uğramaktadır. Bu çalışma kapsamında Balıkesir ilinden toplanan melisa bitkilerinin urlu köklerinden elde edilen larvalar ve dişi bireyler kullanılarak morfometrik ölçümler, morfolojik ve moleküler tanılamalar yapılmıştır. Sonuç olarak, M. arenaria, analiz edilen örneklerde tespit edilen tek tür olmuştur. Bu çalışma Türkiye'de melisa üzerinde M. arenaria’nın ilk tespitidir.
- Akhondzadeh S, Nooroonzian M, Mohammadi M, Ohadinia S, Jamshidi AH, Khani M 2003. Melissa officinalis extract in the treatment of patient with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease: A double blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial. Journal of Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 6(4): 625-632.
- Ataş H, Uysal G, Gözel Ç, Özalp T, Gözel U, Devran Z 2021 First report of root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita on calendula in Turkey. Journal of Nematology 53: 1-5.
- Baytop T 1994. Türkçe Bitki Adları Sözlüğü. Atatürk Kültür, Dil ve Tarih Yüksek Kurumu. Türk Dil Kurumu Yayınları, Türk Tarih Kurumu Basımevi, Ankara, 578 sy.
- Bokor P, Tancik J, Haban M, Marinkovic BJ, Polacek M 2008. The occurrence of pests [and diseases] on lemon balm (Melissa [ie Melissa] officinalis) and garden sage (Salvia officinalis). Matica Srpska Proceedings for Natural Sciences.
- Chitwood BG 1949. ‘Root-knot nematodes’ Part 1. A revision of the genus Meloidogyne Goeldi, 1987. Proceedings of the Helminthological Society of Washington 16(2): 90-104.
- Carneiro RMDG, Carneiro RG, Abrantes IDO, Santos MDA, Almeida MRA 1996. Meloidogyne paranaensis n. sp. (Nemata: Meloidogynidae), a root-knot nematode parasitizing coffee in Brazil. Journal of Nematology 28(2): 177-189.
- Cliff GM, Hirschmann H 1985. Evaluation of morphological variability in Meloidogyne arenaria. Journal of Nematology 17(4): 445.
- Devran Z, Polat İ, Mıstanoğlu İ, Baysal Ö 2018. A novel multiplex PCR tool for simultaneous detection of three root-knot nematodes. Australasian Plant Pathology 47: 389-92.
- Hooper DJ 1986. Extraction of free-living stages from soil. (Laboratory Methods for Work with Plant Soil Nematodes, Her Majesty’s Stationary Office, London: Ed. Southey JF) 5-30.
- Jepson SB 1987. Identification of Root-knot Nematodes Meloidogyne species. CABI Wallingford, Oxfordshire.
Karanastasi E, Conceição ID, Santos MD, Tzortzakakis E, Abrantes IDO 2008. Occurrence of the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne arenaria on balm and in a mixed population with M. javanica on grapevine in Greece. Helminthologia 45(1): 52-53.
- Karssen G 2002. The plant parasitic nematode genus Meloidogyne Goeldi, 1892 (Tylenchida) in Europe. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers.
- Karssen G, Wesemael W, Moens M 2013. Root-knot nematodes. (Plant Nematology, CAB International, Wallingford: Ed. Perry RN, Moens M) 59-90.
- Kindelan A, Gutierrez CE, Martinez M 1990. New pathogens in Melissa officinalis. Revista Plantas Medicinales 10: 83-85.
- Koshy PK, Pandey R, Eapen SJ 2005. Nematode Parasites of Spices, Condiments and Medicinal Plants. (Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Subtropical and Tropical Agriculture, University of Bonn, Germany, J. Bridge, CABI, Bioscience, Egham, Surrey, U.K: Ed. Luc M, Orstom F, Sikora RA) 751-791.
- Mendonça CI, Mattos JKA, Carneiro RMDG 2017. Host status of medicinal plants to Meloidogyne paranaensis. Nematropica 47: 49-54.
- Mill RR 1982. Melissa L. (Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh: Ed. Davis PH) vol 7.
- Pandey R 2017. Diseases of medicinal and aromatic plants: Insights in nematode bio management. Indian Phytopathology 70(1): 12-21.
- Randig O, Bongiovanni M, Carneiro RM, Castagnone-Sereno P 2002. Genetic diversity of root-knot nematodes from Brazil and development of SCAR marker specific for the coffee damaging species. Genome 45: 862-870.
- Seinhorst JW 1959. A rapid method for the transfer of nematodes from fixative to anhydrous glycerin. Nematologica 4: 67-69.
- Özalp T, Könül G, Ayyıldız Ö, Tülek A, Devran Z. 2020. First report of root-knot nematode Meloidogyne arenaria, on lavender in Turkey. Journal of Nematology 52: 1-3.
- Verma PS, Singh A, Rahaman L, Bahl JR 2015. Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis L.) an herbal medicinal plant with broad therapeutic uses and cultivation practices: A review. Internal Journal of Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Research 2: 928-33.
- Walker JT 1995. Garden herbs as hosts for southern root-knot nematode [Meloidogyne incognita (Kofoid & White) Chitwood, race 3]. HortScience 30(2): 292-293.
- Whitehead AG 1968. Taxonomy of Meloidogyne (Nematodea: Heteroderidae) with descriptions of four new species. The Transactions of Zoological Society of London 31(3): 263-401.
- Wishart J, Phillips MS, Blok VC 2002. Ribosomal Intergenic Spacer: A Polymerase chain reaction diagnostic for Meloidogyne chitwoodi, M. fallax, and M. hapla. Nematology 92: 884-92.
- Zijlstra C, Donkers-Venne DTHM, Fargette M 2000. Identification of Meloidogyne incognita, M. javanica and M. arenaria using sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR) based PCR assays. Nematology 2: 847-853.