Çanakkale Bölgesinde Yetişen Crepis L. Cinsine Ait Taksonların Palinolojisi
Year 2024,
, 82 - 91, 28.02.2024
Hanife Akyalçın
Sunay Altan
toplanılan Crepis L. cinsine ait taksonların polen morfolojisi araştırılmıştır. Araştırmada Wodehouse (1935) ve Asetoliz (Erdtman, 1960) yöntemleri kullanılmıştır. Crepis L. cinsine ait 3 tür ve 2 alt türün polen morfolojileri ışık mikroskobu (LM) ve taramalı elektron mikroskobu (SEM) incelemelerine göre tanımlanmıştır. LM incelemelerinde polenler monad, radyal simetrili ve izopolardır. Polenler suboblat ve oblat sferoidal, Amb şekli interhegzagonal-subtriangular biçimdedir. Cinsin polenleri trikolporattır. Ekvatordan görünüş sirkular, ovaldir. LM ile yapılan incelemelerde ornamentasyon ekinülofattır. Polenler 3 poral, 6 abporal, 6 paraboral olmak üzere 15 lakunaya sahiptir. Ornamentasyon ekinülofat, tektum yüzeyi mikroperforat bir yapıdadır. C. smyrnaea ve C. commutata polenlerinin SEM mikrograflarında polar alanın köşelerinde çöküntüler mevcuttur. Çöküntüler paraboral lakunalar üstünde bulunmakta ve belirgin olarak lakuna görünümündedir Sonuç olarak bu çalışmada C. smyrnaea DC., C. micrantha Czerep., C. commutata (Spreng.), C. reuterana Boiss. & Heldr. subsp. reuterana taksonlarının palinolojik özellikleri ilk defa çalışılmıştır. C. smyrnaea DC. ex Froel. Flora of Turkey’deki tip kayıtlarına göre Çanakkale’de ilk defa bu çalışma kapsamında toplanmıştır.
- Dauti, A., Kapidani, G., Pupuleku, B., Kallajxhiu, N., & Jançe, A. (2018). Pollen grains morphology of Crepis albanica (jav.) Babcock (Sin. C. Baldaccii subsp. Albanica jav.). Thalassia Salentina, 40(supp2), 39-44.
- Davis P., H. (1975). Flora Of Turkey And The East Aegean Islands. Edinburg at the University Press, Edingburg, 5, 609.
- Enke N. (2009). Contributions Towards a Revised İnfrageneric Classification of Crepis (Cichorieae, Compositae). Willdenowia, Berlin-Dahlem, 39, 229-245.
- Erdtman G. (1943). An Introduction to Pollen Analysis. Chronica Botanica, Waltham, Mass. USA, 1-293 p.
- Erdtman G. (1960). The Acetolysis Method. A Revised Description Svensk. Bot. Tidskr. 54, 561-564.
- Erdtman G. (1969). Handbook of Palynology. Munksgaard, Copenhagen, 486 p.
- Erdtman G., Berglund, B., & Praglowski, J. (1961). An Introduction to a Scandinavian Pollen Flora. Grana Palynologica, 2 (2), 3–92.
- Faegri K., & Iverson J. (1992). Textbook of Pollen Analysis. Haffner Press, New York, 1-328 p.
- Güner A., Aslan S., Ekim T., Vural M., & Babaç M.T. (edlr.) (2012). Türkiye Bitkileri Listesi (Damarlı Bitkiler). Nezahat Gökyiğit Botanik Bahçesi ve Flora Araştırmaları Derneği Yayını, İstanbul,758 p.
- İnceoğlu Ö., & Karamustafa F. (1977). The Pollen Morphology of Plants In Ankara Region I. Compositae. Ankara Üniversitesi Basımevi Fen Fakültesi Tebliğler Dergisi, 21, 77-105.
- Kadereit J., W., & Jeffrey C. (eds) (2007). Flowering Plants. Eudicots: Asterales. In Kubitzki K (ed.). The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants, Vol. 8. Springer, Verlag Berlin Germany, 62 p.
- Moore P.D., & Webb J.A. (1983). An Illustrated. Guide To Pollen Analysis. Printed in Hong Kong, Hodder and Stoughton Educational, London, Sydney, Auckland, Toronto, 1-129 p.
- Osman A., K., E. (2006). Pollen types of the Egyptian species of tribe Lactuceae (subfamily Cichorioideae-Compositae). Acta Botanica Croatica, 65 (2), 161–180.
- Peng Y., Gao X., & Peng L. (2013). Pollen Morphology of Youngia and Six Related Genera (Asteraceae: Cichorieae) and its Systematic Significance. Phytotaxa, 139 (1), 39-62.
- Pinar N. M., Coskuncelebi K., Simsek D., Okur S., Makbul S., & Acar, A. (2016). Pollen morphology of Scorzonera (Asteraceae) in Turkey. Phytotaxa, 252(4), 233-262. http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/ phytotaxa.252.4.1
- Punt W., Hoen P. P., Blackmore S., Nilsson S., & Le Thomas A. (2007). Glossary of Pollen and Spore Terminology. Rev. Palaebot. Palynol., 143, 1-81.
- Qiu, J., Zhang, J., Gao, T., & Tan, D. (2020). Crepis desertorum (Asteraceae, Cichorieae), a new species from northern Xinjiang (China) based on morphological and molecular data. Plant Diversity, 42 (2), 74-82.
- Qureshi S., J., Awan A., G., Khan M., A., & Bano S. (2002). Palynological Study of the Genus Crepis from Pakistan. Asian Journal of Plant Sciences, 1 (2), 182-187.
- Skvarla J., J., & Turner B., L. (1966). Systematic İmplications From Electron Microscopic Studies of Compositae Pollen. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden, 53 (2), 220-256.
- Skvarla J., J., & Turner B., L. (1971). Fine structure of the Pollen of Anthemis nobilis L. (Anthemideae-Compositae). Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science, 51, 61-62.
- SPSS, (2013). IBM SPSS Statistics 22.0 for Windows. Armonk, NY.
- Türkmen Z., Makbul S., Çoşkunçelebi K., & Beyazoğlu O. (2010). Palynological observations on the genus Scorzonera L.(Asteraceae) from north-east Anatolia (Turkey). Turkish Journal of Botany, 34(6), 495-512. http://dx.doi.org/10.3906/bot-0909-17
- Wang H., Wortley A., H., & Blackmore S. (2009). Pollen Morphology of Crepidinae and Lactucinae (Asteraceae: Cichorieae) and its Systematic Significance. Grana, 48, 160–178.
- Wodehouse R.P. (1935). Pollen Grains. Their Structure, Identification and Significance in Science and Medicine. Mc. Graw-Hill, New York, 574 p.
- Yıldırım H., Bingöl Ö., & Armağan M. (2011). Crepis gemicii sp. nov. (Asteraceae) from east Anatolia, Turkey. Nordic Journal of Botany, 29, 14-19.
- Yıldız B., & Aktoklu E. (2010). Bitki Sistematiği İlkin Karasal Bitkilerden Bir Çeneklilere. Palme Yayıncılık, Ankara, 1-396 sy.
Palynology of Taxa of Crepis L. Genus Growing in Çanakkale, Türkiye
Year 2024,
, 82 - 91, 28.02.2024
Hanife Akyalçın
Sunay Altan
This study investigated the pollen morphology of the taxa belonging to the genus Crepis L. collected from various localities in Çanakkale in 2015. Wodehouse (1935) and Acetolysis (Erdtman, 1960) methods were used in the research. Pollen morphologies of 3 species and two subspecies belonging to the Crepis L. genus were defined according to light microscopy (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) examinations. In LM, pollens are monad, radially symmetrical and isopolar. Pollens are suboblate and oblate spheroidal, Amb shape is inter-hexagonal-subtriangular. The pollen of the genus is tricolporate. The view from the equator is circular and oval. In the examinations made with LM, the ornamentation is echinulophate. Pollen has 15 lacunae as 3 poral, 6 abporal, 6 paraboral. Ornamentation is echinulophate; the tectum surface is microperforate. SEM micrographs of C. smyrnaea and C. commutata pollen show depressions at the corners of the polar field. The collapses are located on the paraboral lacunae and are distinctly lacuna-like. As a result, in this study, palynological features of C. smyrnaea DC., C. micrantha Czerep., C. commutata (Spreng.), C. reuterana Boiss. & Heldr. subsp. reuterana taxa were studied for the first time. C. smyrnaea DC. ex Froel. was collected for the first time in Çanakkale within the scope of this study, according to the type records in Flora of Turkey.
Supporting Institution
Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi Bil,msel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinasyon Birimi
This project is supported by Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Scientific Research Foundation (Project No:2010/200). We thank Bayram YILDIZ and Gül TARIMCILAR for their help in identifying the plants. We want to thank Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Science and Technology Application and Research Center (ÇOBİLTUM) for SEM microphotographs and Nilay TEZEL for their assistance.
- Dauti, A., Kapidani, G., Pupuleku, B., Kallajxhiu, N., & Jançe, A. (2018). Pollen grains morphology of Crepis albanica (jav.) Babcock (Sin. C. Baldaccii subsp. Albanica jav.). Thalassia Salentina, 40(supp2), 39-44.
- Davis P., H. (1975). Flora Of Turkey And The East Aegean Islands. Edinburg at the University Press, Edingburg, 5, 609.
- Enke N. (2009). Contributions Towards a Revised İnfrageneric Classification of Crepis (Cichorieae, Compositae). Willdenowia, Berlin-Dahlem, 39, 229-245.
- Erdtman G. (1943). An Introduction to Pollen Analysis. Chronica Botanica, Waltham, Mass. USA, 1-293 p.
- Erdtman G. (1960). The Acetolysis Method. A Revised Description Svensk. Bot. Tidskr. 54, 561-564.
- Erdtman G. (1969). Handbook of Palynology. Munksgaard, Copenhagen, 486 p.
- Erdtman G., Berglund, B., & Praglowski, J. (1961). An Introduction to a Scandinavian Pollen Flora. Grana Palynologica, 2 (2), 3–92.
- Faegri K., & Iverson J. (1992). Textbook of Pollen Analysis. Haffner Press, New York, 1-328 p.
- Güner A., Aslan S., Ekim T., Vural M., & Babaç M.T. (edlr.) (2012). Türkiye Bitkileri Listesi (Damarlı Bitkiler). Nezahat Gökyiğit Botanik Bahçesi ve Flora Araştırmaları Derneği Yayını, İstanbul,758 p.
- İnceoğlu Ö., & Karamustafa F. (1977). The Pollen Morphology of Plants In Ankara Region I. Compositae. Ankara Üniversitesi Basımevi Fen Fakültesi Tebliğler Dergisi, 21, 77-105.
- Kadereit J., W., & Jeffrey C. (eds) (2007). Flowering Plants. Eudicots: Asterales. In Kubitzki K (ed.). The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants, Vol. 8. Springer, Verlag Berlin Germany, 62 p.
- Moore P.D., & Webb J.A. (1983). An Illustrated. Guide To Pollen Analysis. Printed in Hong Kong, Hodder and Stoughton Educational, London, Sydney, Auckland, Toronto, 1-129 p.
- Osman A., K., E. (2006). Pollen types of the Egyptian species of tribe Lactuceae (subfamily Cichorioideae-Compositae). Acta Botanica Croatica, 65 (2), 161–180.
- Peng Y., Gao X., & Peng L. (2013). Pollen Morphology of Youngia and Six Related Genera (Asteraceae: Cichorieae) and its Systematic Significance. Phytotaxa, 139 (1), 39-62.
- Pinar N. M., Coskuncelebi K., Simsek D., Okur S., Makbul S., & Acar, A. (2016). Pollen morphology of Scorzonera (Asteraceae) in Turkey. Phytotaxa, 252(4), 233-262. http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/ phytotaxa.252.4.1
- Punt W., Hoen P. P., Blackmore S., Nilsson S., & Le Thomas A. (2007). Glossary of Pollen and Spore Terminology. Rev. Palaebot. Palynol., 143, 1-81.
- Qiu, J., Zhang, J., Gao, T., & Tan, D. (2020). Crepis desertorum (Asteraceae, Cichorieae), a new species from northern Xinjiang (China) based on morphological and molecular data. Plant Diversity, 42 (2), 74-82.
- Qureshi S., J., Awan A., G., Khan M., A., & Bano S. (2002). Palynological Study of the Genus Crepis from Pakistan. Asian Journal of Plant Sciences, 1 (2), 182-187.
- Skvarla J., J., & Turner B., L. (1966). Systematic İmplications From Electron Microscopic Studies of Compositae Pollen. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden, 53 (2), 220-256.
- Skvarla J., J., & Turner B., L. (1971). Fine structure of the Pollen of Anthemis nobilis L. (Anthemideae-Compositae). Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science, 51, 61-62.
- SPSS, (2013). IBM SPSS Statistics 22.0 for Windows. Armonk, NY.
- Türkmen Z., Makbul S., Çoşkunçelebi K., & Beyazoğlu O. (2010). Palynological observations on the genus Scorzonera L.(Asteraceae) from north-east Anatolia (Turkey). Turkish Journal of Botany, 34(6), 495-512. http://dx.doi.org/10.3906/bot-0909-17
- Wang H., Wortley A., H., & Blackmore S. (2009). Pollen Morphology of Crepidinae and Lactucinae (Asteraceae: Cichorieae) and its Systematic Significance. Grana, 48, 160–178.
- Wodehouse R.P. (1935). Pollen Grains. Their Structure, Identification and Significance in Science and Medicine. Mc. Graw-Hill, New York, 574 p.
- Yıldırım H., Bingöl Ö., & Armağan M. (2011). Crepis gemicii sp. nov. (Asteraceae) from east Anatolia, Turkey. Nordic Journal of Botany, 29, 14-19.
- Yıldız B., & Aktoklu E. (2010). Bitki Sistematiği İlkin Karasal Bitkilerden Bir Çeneklilere. Palme Yayıncılık, Ankara, 1-396 sy.