Determination of in vitro antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of shoot and root extracts of Astragalus diphtherites FENZL var. diphtherites and Astragalus gymnalopecias RECH. FIL. obtained by different solvents.
Year 2018,
, 157 - 166, 30.04.2018
Cumali Keskin
Hasan Çetin Özen
Zuhal Toker
Göksel Kızıl
Murat Kızıl
The aim of this study is to investigate the
antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of shoot and root parts of Astragalus diphtherites var. diphtherites (A. diphtherites) and Astragalus
gymnalopecias (A. gymnalopecias)
species which were subjected to solvent series having different polarity. Total
phenolic, total flavonoid, 2.2-diphenyl-1-picryl-hydrazyl (DPPH), metal chelating,
reducing power and hydroxy radicals scavenging activities of the extracts were
tested in order to determine antioxidant properties. While the highest amount
of total phenolic contents was obtained from the methanol extract in the shoot
part of A. diphtherites and from the acetone extract in the root part of it, it
was obtained from the methanol extract in the shoot part of A. gymnalopecias and from the ethyl
acetate extract in the root part of it. The highest amount of total flavonoids
and reducing power activities of A.
diphtherites and A. gymnalopecias
were obtained from the acetone extracts in the shoot part and from the ethyl
acetate extracts in the root part. While the highest DPPH radical scavenging
activity was determined in the methanol extract in the shoot part of A. diphtherites and in the acetone
extract in the root part of it, it was determined in the methanol extract in
the shoot part of A. gymnalopecias
and in the ethyl acetate extract in the root part of it. The highest metal
chelating activity was seen in the
methanol extracts that were obtained from shoot parts of the A. diphtherites,
and in the hexane extracts that were obtained from of the root part of it, whereas it was seen
in the methanol extracts that were obtained from the shoot and root part of the
A. gymnalopecias. The ethyl acetate extracts of the shoot and root part in both
species showed the highest hydroxyl radical scavenging activity. It was determined that
acetone and methanol extracts of the shoot part of A. gymnalopecias have
inhibition effect on the growth of Streptococcus
- Adıgüzel A, Sökmen M, Özkan H, Agar G, Güllüce M, Şahin F 2009. In vitro antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of methanol and hexane extract of Astragalus species growing in the eastern Anatolia region of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Biology, 33: 65-71.
- Akan H, Civelek S 2001. Astragalus aytatchii (Fabaceae), a new species from Anatolia, Turkey. Annales Botanici Fennici, 38: 167-170.
- Aktepe N, Kocyigit A, Yukselten Y, Taskin A, Keskin C, Celik H 2015. Increased DNA damage and oxidative stress among silver jewellery workers. Biological Trace Element Research, 164(2): 185–191.
- Borneo R, Leon AE, Aguirre, A, Ribotta P, Cantero JJ 2009. Antioxidant capacity of medicinal plants from province Cordoba (Argentina) and their in vitro testing in a model food system. Food Chemistry, 112: 664-670.
- Cai Y, Luo Q, Sun Mei, Corke H 2004. Antioxidant activity and phenolic compounds of 112 traditional Chinese medicinal plants associated with anticancer. Life Science, 74: 2157-2184.
- Clark CL, Jacobs MR, Appelbaum PC 1998. Antipneumococcal activities of levofloxacin and clarithromycin as determined by agar dilution, microdilution, e-test, and disk diffusion methodologies. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 36: 3579-3584.
- Cui R, He JC, Wang B, Zhang F, Chen GY, Yin S, Shen H 2003. Suppressive effect of Astragalus membranaceus Bunge on chemical hepatocarcinogenesis in rats. Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology, 51: 75-80.
de Castro DDSB, Anderson JT 2015. Anticancer properties of bioactive compounds of berry fruits-a review. British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research, 6(8): 771-794.
- de las Heras B, Slowing K, Benedi J, Carretero E, Ortega T, Toledo C, Bermejo P, Iglesias I, Abad MJ, Gomez-Serranillos P, Liso PA, Villar A, Chiriboga X 1998. Antiinflammatory and antioxidant activity of plants used in traditional medicine in Ecuador. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 61: 161-166.
- Digrak M, Ilçim A, Tanis H, Bagci E 1998. Kahramanmaraş yöresinde yetişen bazı bitkilerin antimikrobiyal aktiviteleri. Ot Sistematik Dergisi, 24; 13-17.
- Dinnis TCP, Madeira VMC, Almeida LM 1994. Action of phenolic derivates (acetaminophen, salicylate and 5-aminosalicylate) as inhibitors of membrane lipid peroxidation and as peroxyl radical scavengers. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 315: 161-169.
- Dorman HJD, Hiltunen R 2004. Fe(III) reductive and free radicalscavenging properties of summer savory (Satureja hortensis L.) extract and subfractions. Food Chemistry, 88: 193-199.
- Eghbaliferiz S and Iranshahi M 2016. Prooxidant activity of polyphenols, flavonoids, anthocyanins and carotenoids: Updated review of mechanisms and catalyzing metals. Phototherapy Research, 30: 1379-1391.
- Formica JV, Regelson W 1995. Review of the biology of quercetin and related bioflavonoids, Food Chemistry and Toxicology, 33: 1061-1080.
- George CV, Dellaire G, Rupasinghe HPV 2017. Plant flavonoids in cancer chemoprevention: role in genome stability. Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, 45: 1-14.
- Godevac D, Zdunic G, Savikin K, Vajs V, Mencovic N 2008. Antioxidant activity of nine Fabeceae species growing in Serbia and Montenegro. Fitoterapia, 79: 185-187.
- Guardia T, Rotelli AE, Juarez AO, Pelzer LE 2001. Anti-inflammatory properties of plant flavonoids. Effects of rutin, quercetin and hesperidin on adjuvant arthritis in rat. Il Farmaco, 56: 683-687.
- Gui SY, Wei W, Wang H, Wu L, Yi-Sun W, Chen WB, Wu C 2006. Effects and mechanisms of crude Astragalosides fraction on liver fibrosis in rats. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 103(2): 154-159.
- Halliwell B, Gutteridge JMC, Auroma OI 1987. The deoxyribose method: a simple ‘test tube’ assay for determination of rate constants for reaction of hydroxyl radicals. Analitycal Biochemistry, 165: 215-219.
- Hatano T, Edamatsu R, Haramatsu M, Mori A, Fujita Y, Yasyhara T, Yoshida T,
- Okuda T 1989. Effects of the interaction of tannins with co-existing substances VI. Effects of tannins and related polyphenols on superoxide anion radical, and on DPPH radical. Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 37: 2016-2021.
- Huang X, Liu Y, Song F, Liu Z, Liu S 2009. Studies on principal components and antioxidant activity of different Radix Astragali samples using high performance liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization multiple-stage tandem mass spectrometry. Talanta, 78: 1090-1101.
- Jaradat NA, Zaid AN, Abuzant A, Khalaf S 2017. Phytochemical and biological properties of four Astragalus species commonly used in traditional Palestinian medicine. European Journal of Integrative Medicine, 9: 1–8.
- Kang DG, Yun CK, Lee HS 2003. Screening and comparison of antioxidant activity of solvent extracts of herbal medicines in Korea. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 87: 231-236.
- Kashani HH, Hoseini ES, Nikzd H, Aarabi MH 2012. Pharmacological properties of medicinal herbs by focus on secondary metabolites. Life Science Journal, 9(1): 509-520.
- Keskin C, Aktepe N, Yukselten Y, Sunguroglu S, Boga M 2017. In vitro antioxidant, cytotoxic, cholinesterase inhibitory activities and anti-genotoxic effects of Hypericum retusum Aucher flowers, fruits and seeds methanol extracts in human mononuclear leukocytes. Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 16(1): 210-220.
- Keskin C 2015. Antioxidant, anticancer, anticholinesterase activities of flower, fruit and seed extracts of Hypericum amblysepalum HOCHST. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 16(7): 2763-2769.
- Kim HP, Son KH, Chang HW, Kong SS 2004. Anti-inflammatory Plant Flavonoids and Cellular Action Mechanisms. Journal of Pharmacological Sciences, 96: 229-245.
- Lia D, Lia B, Mab Y, Suna X, Lina Y, Meng X 2017a. Polyphenols, anthocyanins, and flavonoids contents and the antioxidant capacity of various cultivars of highbush and half-high blueberries. Journal of Food Compostion and Analysis, 62: 84-93.
- Lai X, Xia W, Wei J, Ding X 2017b. Therapeutic effect of Astragalus polysaccharides on hepatocellular carcinoma H22-bearing mice. Dose-Response, 15(1): 1-6.
- Luo A, Fan Y 2011. Antioxidant activities of various fractions extracted from Astragalus. African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 5(10): 1297-1302.
- Lopes G.K, Schulman HM, Hermes-Lima M 1999. Polyphenol tannic acid inhibits hydroxyl radical formation from fenton reaction by complexing ferrous ions. Biochimica and Biophysica Acta, 1472: 142-152.
- Moreno MIN, Isla MI, Sampietro AR, Vattuone MA 2000. Comparison of the free radical-scavenging activity of propolis from several regions of Argentina. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 71: 109-114.
- Mulabagal V, Tsay HS 2004. Plant cell cultures-an alternative and efficient source for the productcon of biologically important secondary metabolites. International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering, 2(1): 29-48.
- Nakagami T, Nanaumi-Tamura N, Toyomura K, Nakamura T, Shigehisa T 1995. Dietary flavonoids as potential natural biological response modifiers affecting the autoimmune system. Journal of Food Science, 60: 653–656.
- Ortega-Ramirez LA, Rodriguez-Garcia I, Leyva JM, Cruz-Valenzuela MR, Silva-
Espinoza BA, Gonzalez-Aguilar GA, Siddiqui W, Ayala-Zavala JF 2014. Potential of medicinal plants as antimicrobial and antioxidant agents in food industry: a hypothesis. Journal of Food Science, 79(2): 129-137.
- Oyaizu M 1988. Antioxidative activities of browning products of glucosamine fractioned by organic solvent and thin-layer chromatography, Nippon Shokuhin Kogyo Gakkaishi, 35: 771-775.
- Pistelli L, Bertoli A, Lepori E, Morelli I, Panizzi L 2002. Antimicrobial and antifungal activity of crude extracts and isolated saponins from Astragalus verrucosus, Fitoterapia, 73: 336-339.
- Pu, W, Wang D, Zhou D 2015. Structural characterization and evaluation of the antioxidant activity of phenolic compounds from Astragalus taipaishanensis and their structure-activity relationship. Scientific Reports 5: 13914;doi: 10.1038/srep13914.
- Roidoung S, Dolan KD, Siddiq M 2016. Gallic acid as a protective antioxidant against anthocyanin degradation and color loss in vitamin-C fortified cranberry juice. Food Chemistry, 210: 422-427.
- Shan B, Cai ZY, Brooks DJ, Corke H 2007. The in vitro antibacterial activity of dietary spice and medicinal herb extracts. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 117: 112-119.
- Shao, BM, Xu W, Dai H, Tu P, Li Z, Gao XM 2004. A study on the immune receptors for polysaccharides from the roots of Astragalus membranaceus, a Chinese medicinal herb. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 320: 1103-1111.
- Shimada K, Fujikawa K, Yahara K, Nakamura T 1992. Antioxidative properties of xanthin and autooxidation of soybean oil in cyclodextrin emulsion. Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry, 40: 945-948.
- Slinkard K, Singleton VL 1997. Total phenol analysis: Automation and comparison with manual methods. American Journal of Enolology and Viticulture, 28(1): 49-55.
- Snyder LR 1974. Classification of the solvent properties of common liquids. Journal of. Chromatography A, 92: 223–230.
- Song JM, Lee KH, Seong BL 2005. Antiviral effect of catechins in green tea on influenza virus. Antiviral Research, 68: 66-74.
- Tahawa K, Alali QF, Gharaibeh M, Mohammad M, El-Elimat T 2007. Antioxidant activity and total phenolic content of selected Jordanian plant species. Food Chemistry, 104: 1372-1378.
- Wang Y, Chen Y, Du H, Yang J, Ming K, Song M, Liu J 2016. Comparison of the anti-duck hepatitis A virus activities of phosphorylated and sulfated Astragalus polysaccharides. Experimental Biology and Medicine, 242(3): 344-353.
- WHO Policy Perspectives on Medicines (Traditional Medicine)-Growing Needs and Potential) No.2 May 2002. WHO Geneva.
- Wong CC, Li BH, Cheng WK Chen F 2006. A systematic survey of antioxidant activity of 30 Chinese medicinal plants using the ferric reducing antioxidant power assay. Food Chemistry, 97: 705-717.
- Yeşilada E, Tsuchiya K, Takaishi Y, Kawazoe K 2000. Isolation and characterization of free radical scavenging flavonoid glycosides from the flowers of Spartium junceum by acticity-guided fractionation. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 73(3): 471-478.
- Zlotec U, Mikulska S, Nagajek M, Swieca M 2016. The effect of different solvents and number of extraction steps on the polyphenol content and antioxidant capacity of basil leaves (Ocimum basilicum L.) extracts. Saudi Journal of Biological Science, 23(5): 628-633
Astragalus diphtherites FENZL var. diphtherites ve Astragalus gymnalopecias RECH. FIL’in Gövde ve Kök Kısımlarından Farklı Çözücüler ile Elde Edilen Özütlerin İnvitro Antioksidan ve Antimikrobiyal Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi
Year 2018,
, 157 - 166, 30.04.2018
Cumali Keskin
Hasan Çetin Özen
Zuhal Toker
Göksel Kızıl
Murat Kızıl
Bu çalışmanın amacı farkı polariteye sahip çözücü
serilerinden geçiren Astragalus diphtherites var. diphtherites (A. diphtherites) ve Astragalus
gymnalopecias (A. gymnalopecias) türlerinin gövde
ve kök kısımlarının antioksidan ve antimikrobiyal özelliklerinin
araştırılmasıdır. Antioksidan
özellikleri belirlemek için özütlerin total fenolik, total flavonoid, DPPH,
metal şelatlama, indirgeme gücü ve hidroksi radikalini söndürme aktiviteleri
test edildi. En yüksek total fenolik bileşen miktarı A. diphtherites’ de gövdede metanol, kökte ise
aseton özütünden elde edilirken A. gymnalopecias’ ta gövdede metanol kökte ise etil
asetat özütünde tespit edildi. A. diphtherites ve A. gymnalopecias’ ta en yüksek total flavonoid
miktarları ve indirgeme gücü aktiviteleri gövdede aseton kökte ise etil asetat
özütlerinden elde edildi. A. diphtherites için en yüksek DPPH radikalini söndürme aktivitesi, gövdede
metanol kökte ise aseton özütünde, A.
gymnalopecias’ ta gövdede
metanol kökte ise etil asetat özütünde tespit edildi. A. diphtherites’ te gövde kısmından elde edilen
metanol ve kök kısmından elde edilen hekzan özütleri, A. gymnalopecias’ ta ise gövde ve kök kısımlarının
metanol özütleri en yüksek metal şelatlama aktivitesi gösterdi. Her iki türde de gövde ve kök etil
asetat özütleri en yüksek hidroksil radikali söndürme aktivitesi gösterdi. A.
gymnalopecias’ın gövde
aseton ve metanol özütlerinin Streptococcus pyogenes’in büyümesi üzerinde inhibisyon
etkisine sahip olduğu tespit edildi
- Adıgüzel A, Sökmen M, Özkan H, Agar G, Güllüce M, Şahin F 2009. In vitro antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of methanol and hexane extract of Astragalus species growing in the eastern Anatolia region of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Biology, 33: 65-71.
- Akan H, Civelek S 2001. Astragalus aytatchii (Fabaceae), a new species from Anatolia, Turkey. Annales Botanici Fennici, 38: 167-170.
- Aktepe N, Kocyigit A, Yukselten Y, Taskin A, Keskin C, Celik H 2015. Increased DNA damage and oxidative stress among silver jewellery workers. Biological Trace Element Research, 164(2): 185–191.
- Borneo R, Leon AE, Aguirre, A, Ribotta P, Cantero JJ 2009. Antioxidant capacity of medicinal plants from province Cordoba (Argentina) and their in vitro testing in a model food system. Food Chemistry, 112: 664-670.
- Cai Y, Luo Q, Sun Mei, Corke H 2004. Antioxidant activity and phenolic compounds of 112 traditional Chinese medicinal plants associated with anticancer. Life Science, 74: 2157-2184.
- Clark CL, Jacobs MR, Appelbaum PC 1998. Antipneumococcal activities of levofloxacin and clarithromycin as determined by agar dilution, microdilution, e-test, and disk diffusion methodologies. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 36: 3579-3584.
- Cui R, He JC, Wang B, Zhang F, Chen GY, Yin S, Shen H 2003. Suppressive effect of Astragalus membranaceus Bunge on chemical hepatocarcinogenesis in rats. Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology, 51: 75-80.
de Castro DDSB, Anderson JT 2015. Anticancer properties of bioactive compounds of berry fruits-a review. British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research, 6(8): 771-794.
- de las Heras B, Slowing K, Benedi J, Carretero E, Ortega T, Toledo C, Bermejo P, Iglesias I, Abad MJ, Gomez-Serranillos P, Liso PA, Villar A, Chiriboga X 1998. Antiinflammatory and antioxidant activity of plants used in traditional medicine in Ecuador. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 61: 161-166.
- Digrak M, Ilçim A, Tanis H, Bagci E 1998. Kahramanmaraş yöresinde yetişen bazı bitkilerin antimikrobiyal aktiviteleri. Ot Sistematik Dergisi, 24; 13-17.
- Dinnis TCP, Madeira VMC, Almeida LM 1994. Action of phenolic derivates (acetaminophen, salicylate and 5-aminosalicylate) as inhibitors of membrane lipid peroxidation and as peroxyl radical scavengers. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 315: 161-169.
- Dorman HJD, Hiltunen R 2004. Fe(III) reductive and free radicalscavenging properties of summer savory (Satureja hortensis L.) extract and subfractions. Food Chemistry, 88: 193-199.
- Eghbaliferiz S and Iranshahi M 2016. Prooxidant activity of polyphenols, flavonoids, anthocyanins and carotenoids: Updated review of mechanisms and catalyzing metals. Phototherapy Research, 30: 1379-1391.
- Formica JV, Regelson W 1995. Review of the biology of quercetin and related bioflavonoids, Food Chemistry and Toxicology, 33: 1061-1080.
- George CV, Dellaire G, Rupasinghe HPV 2017. Plant flavonoids in cancer chemoprevention: role in genome stability. Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, 45: 1-14.
- Godevac D, Zdunic G, Savikin K, Vajs V, Mencovic N 2008. Antioxidant activity of nine Fabeceae species growing in Serbia and Montenegro. Fitoterapia, 79: 185-187.
- Guardia T, Rotelli AE, Juarez AO, Pelzer LE 2001. Anti-inflammatory properties of plant flavonoids. Effects of rutin, quercetin and hesperidin on adjuvant arthritis in rat. Il Farmaco, 56: 683-687.
- Gui SY, Wei W, Wang H, Wu L, Yi-Sun W, Chen WB, Wu C 2006. Effects and mechanisms of crude Astragalosides fraction on liver fibrosis in rats. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 103(2): 154-159.
- Halliwell B, Gutteridge JMC, Auroma OI 1987. The deoxyribose method: a simple ‘test tube’ assay for determination of rate constants for reaction of hydroxyl radicals. Analitycal Biochemistry, 165: 215-219.
- Hatano T, Edamatsu R, Haramatsu M, Mori A, Fujita Y, Yasyhara T, Yoshida T,
- Okuda T 1989. Effects of the interaction of tannins with co-existing substances VI. Effects of tannins and related polyphenols on superoxide anion radical, and on DPPH radical. Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 37: 2016-2021.
- Huang X, Liu Y, Song F, Liu Z, Liu S 2009. Studies on principal components and antioxidant activity of different Radix Astragali samples using high performance liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization multiple-stage tandem mass spectrometry. Talanta, 78: 1090-1101.
- Jaradat NA, Zaid AN, Abuzant A, Khalaf S 2017. Phytochemical and biological properties of four Astragalus species commonly used in traditional Palestinian medicine. European Journal of Integrative Medicine, 9: 1–8.
- Kang DG, Yun CK, Lee HS 2003. Screening and comparison of antioxidant activity of solvent extracts of herbal medicines in Korea. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 87: 231-236.
- Kashani HH, Hoseini ES, Nikzd H, Aarabi MH 2012. Pharmacological properties of medicinal herbs by focus on secondary metabolites. Life Science Journal, 9(1): 509-520.
- Keskin C, Aktepe N, Yukselten Y, Sunguroglu S, Boga M 2017. In vitro antioxidant, cytotoxic, cholinesterase inhibitory activities and anti-genotoxic effects of Hypericum retusum Aucher flowers, fruits and seeds methanol extracts in human mononuclear leukocytes. Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 16(1): 210-220.
- Keskin C 2015. Antioxidant, anticancer, anticholinesterase activities of flower, fruit and seed extracts of Hypericum amblysepalum HOCHST. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 16(7): 2763-2769.
- Kim HP, Son KH, Chang HW, Kong SS 2004. Anti-inflammatory Plant Flavonoids and Cellular Action Mechanisms. Journal of Pharmacological Sciences, 96: 229-245.
- Lia D, Lia B, Mab Y, Suna X, Lina Y, Meng X 2017a. Polyphenols, anthocyanins, and flavonoids contents and the antioxidant capacity of various cultivars of highbush and half-high blueberries. Journal of Food Compostion and Analysis, 62: 84-93.
- Lai X, Xia W, Wei J, Ding X 2017b. Therapeutic effect of Astragalus polysaccharides on hepatocellular carcinoma H22-bearing mice. Dose-Response, 15(1): 1-6.
- Luo A, Fan Y 2011. Antioxidant activities of various fractions extracted from Astragalus. African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 5(10): 1297-1302.
- Lopes G.K, Schulman HM, Hermes-Lima M 1999. Polyphenol tannic acid inhibits hydroxyl radical formation from fenton reaction by complexing ferrous ions. Biochimica and Biophysica Acta, 1472: 142-152.
- Moreno MIN, Isla MI, Sampietro AR, Vattuone MA 2000. Comparison of the free radical-scavenging activity of propolis from several regions of Argentina. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 71: 109-114.
- Mulabagal V, Tsay HS 2004. Plant cell cultures-an alternative and efficient source for the productcon of biologically important secondary metabolites. International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering, 2(1): 29-48.
- Nakagami T, Nanaumi-Tamura N, Toyomura K, Nakamura T, Shigehisa T 1995. Dietary flavonoids as potential natural biological response modifiers affecting the autoimmune system. Journal of Food Science, 60: 653–656.
- Ortega-Ramirez LA, Rodriguez-Garcia I, Leyva JM, Cruz-Valenzuela MR, Silva-
Espinoza BA, Gonzalez-Aguilar GA, Siddiqui W, Ayala-Zavala JF 2014. Potential of medicinal plants as antimicrobial and antioxidant agents in food industry: a hypothesis. Journal of Food Science, 79(2): 129-137.
- Oyaizu M 1988. Antioxidative activities of browning products of glucosamine fractioned by organic solvent and thin-layer chromatography, Nippon Shokuhin Kogyo Gakkaishi, 35: 771-775.
- Pistelli L, Bertoli A, Lepori E, Morelli I, Panizzi L 2002. Antimicrobial and antifungal activity of crude extracts and isolated saponins from Astragalus verrucosus, Fitoterapia, 73: 336-339.
- Pu, W, Wang D, Zhou D 2015. Structural characterization and evaluation of the antioxidant activity of phenolic compounds from Astragalus taipaishanensis and their structure-activity relationship. Scientific Reports 5: 13914;doi: 10.1038/srep13914.
- Roidoung S, Dolan KD, Siddiq M 2016. Gallic acid as a protective antioxidant against anthocyanin degradation and color loss in vitamin-C fortified cranberry juice. Food Chemistry, 210: 422-427.
- Shan B, Cai ZY, Brooks DJ, Corke H 2007. The in vitro antibacterial activity of dietary spice and medicinal herb extracts. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 117: 112-119.
- Shao, BM, Xu W, Dai H, Tu P, Li Z, Gao XM 2004. A study on the immune receptors for polysaccharides from the roots of Astragalus membranaceus, a Chinese medicinal herb. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 320: 1103-1111.
- Shimada K, Fujikawa K, Yahara K, Nakamura T 1992. Antioxidative properties of xanthin and autooxidation of soybean oil in cyclodextrin emulsion. Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry, 40: 945-948.
- Slinkard K, Singleton VL 1997. Total phenol analysis: Automation and comparison with manual methods. American Journal of Enolology and Viticulture, 28(1): 49-55.
- Snyder LR 1974. Classification of the solvent properties of common liquids. Journal of. Chromatography A, 92: 223–230.
- Song JM, Lee KH, Seong BL 2005. Antiviral effect of catechins in green tea on influenza virus. Antiviral Research, 68: 66-74.
- Tahawa K, Alali QF, Gharaibeh M, Mohammad M, El-Elimat T 2007. Antioxidant activity and total phenolic content of selected Jordanian plant species. Food Chemistry, 104: 1372-1378.
- Wang Y, Chen Y, Du H, Yang J, Ming K, Song M, Liu J 2016. Comparison of the anti-duck hepatitis A virus activities of phosphorylated and sulfated Astragalus polysaccharides. Experimental Biology and Medicine, 242(3): 344-353.
- WHO Policy Perspectives on Medicines (Traditional Medicine)-Growing Needs and Potential) No.2 May 2002. WHO Geneva.
- Wong CC, Li BH, Cheng WK Chen F 2006. A systematic survey of antioxidant activity of 30 Chinese medicinal plants using the ferric reducing antioxidant power assay. Food Chemistry, 97: 705-717.
- Yeşilada E, Tsuchiya K, Takaishi Y, Kawazoe K 2000. Isolation and characterization of free radical scavenging flavonoid glycosides from the flowers of Spartium junceum by acticity-guided fractionation. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 73(3): 471-478.
- Zlotec U, Mikulska S, Nagajek M, Swieca M 2016. The effect of different solvents and number of extraction steps on the polyphenol content and antioxidant capacity of basil leaves (Ocimum basilicum L.) extracts. Saudi Journal of Biological Science, 23(5): 628-633