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Adaptation Mechanisms of Some Field Plants Against to Salt Stress

Year 2018, , 800 - 808, 31.10.2018


salinity is one of the most important abiotic stress factors which directly
limits plant yield in agricultural production areas around the World. Salt
stress also determines plant diversity in agricultural production areas.
Development and revealing of plant response against to salt stress depends on
physiological changes of plants controlled by complex molecular mechanisms
which subsequently lead to development of tolerance. Sometimes, such changes
and differences appear to be unique to the type of plant, but some other times,
such responses are more common and similar in all plants. In addition, although
such complex mechanisms appear to be developed directly related to salt stress
per se, they may also be the results of other abiotic stress, like drought, or
even biotic stress related responses. Therefore, better understanding of salt
tolerance at both plant and mechanism levels will make significant contribution
to develop better salt tolerant new plant varieties.  The aim of this review was to make
contribution on understanding of plant response against to salt stress based on
current literature.


  • Abel GH 1969. Inheritance of the capacity for chloride inclusion and exclusion by soybeans. Crop Science, 9: 697-698.
  • Annicchiarico P, Pecetti L, Tava A 2013. Physiological and morphological traits associated with adaptation of lucerne (Medicago sativa) to severely drought-stressed and to irrigated environments. Annals of Applied Biology, 162: 27-40.
  • Anonim 2005. Çölleşme ile mücadele Türkiye ulusal eylem programı. T.C. Çevre ve Orman Bakanlığı yayınları No: 250, Ankara, ISBN 975-7347-51-5.
  • Aslam M, Qureshi RH, Ahmed N 1993. A rapid screening technique for salt tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Plant Soil, 150: 99-107.
  • Ateş E, Tekeli AS 2007. Salinity tolerance of Persian clover (Trifolium resupinatum var. majus Boiss) lines at germination and seedling stage. World Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 3: 71-79.
  • Bai X, Liu J, Tang LL, Cai H, Chen M, Ji W, Liu Y, Zhu YM 2013. Overexpression of GsCBRLK from Glycine soja enhances tolerance to salt stress in transgenic alfalfa (Medicago sativa). Functional Plant Biology, 40: 1048-1056.
  • Bartels D, Sunkar R 2005. Drought and Salt Tolerance in Plants. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences, 24: 23-58.
  • Biligili U, Çarpıcı EB, Aşık BB, Çelik N 2011. Root and shoot response of common vetch (Vicia sativa L.), forage pea (Pisum sativum L.) and canola (Brassica napus L.) to salt stress during early seedling growth stages. Turkish Journal of Field Crops, 16: 33-38.
  • Boukhatem ZF, Domergue O, Bekki A, Merabet C, Sekkour S, Bouazza F, Duponnois R, de Lajudie P, Galiana A 2012. Symbiotic characterization and diversity of rhizobia associated with native and introduced acacias in arid and semi-arid regions in Algeria. FEMS Microbiol Ecology, 80: 534-47.
  • Bu Y, Kou J, Sun, B, Takano T, Liu S 2015. Adverse effect of urease on salt stress during seed germination in Arabidopsis thaliana. FEBS Letter, 589: 1308-13.
  • Can E, Arslan M, Sener O, Daghan H 2013. Response of strawberry clover (Trifolium fragiferum L.) to salinity stress. Research on Crops, 14: 576-584.
  • Cattivelli L, Baldi P, Crosatti C, Di Fonzo N, Faccioli P, Grossi M, Mastrangelo AM, Pecchioni N, Stanca AM 2002. Chromosome regions and stress-related sequences involved in resistance to abiotic stress in Triticeae. Plant Molecular Biology, 48: 649-665.
  • Chakraborty K, Sairam RK, Bhattacharya RC 2012. Differential expression of salt overly sensitive pathway genes determines salinity stress tolerance in Brassica genotypes. Plant Physiology Biochemistry, 51: 90-101.
  • Chazen O, Hartung W, Neumann PM 1995. The different effects of PEG 6000 and NaCI on leaf development are associated with differential inhibition of root water transport. Plant Cell and Environment, 18: 727-735.
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  • Cho YH, Hong JW, Kim EC, Yoo SD 2012. Regulatory functions of SnRK1 in stress-responsive gene expression and in plant growth and development. Plant Physiology, 158: 1955-64.
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  • Croser JS, Clarke HJ, Siddique KHM, Khan TN 2003. Low-temperature stress: Implications for chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) improvement. Critical Review in Plant Science, 22: 185-219.
  • Çelik Ö, Atak Ç 2012. Evalutation of proline accumulation and Delta1 pyrroline -5-carboxylate synthase (P5CS) gene expression during salinity stress in two soybean (Glycine max L. Merr) varieties. Polish Journal of Environmental. Studies, 21: 559-564.
  • Çelik Ö, Ünsal SG 2013. Expression analysis of proline metabolism-related genes in salt-tolerant soybean mutant plants. Plant Omics Journal, 6(5): 364-370.
  • Çöçü S, Uzun O 2011. Germination, seedling growth and ion accumulation of bitter vetch (Vicia ervilia (L.) Willd. ) lines under NaCl stress. African Journal of Biotechnology, 10: 15869-15874.
  • Fang J, Han X, Xie L, Liu M, Qiao G, Jiang J, Zhuo R 2014. Isolation of salt stress-related genes from Aspergillus glaucus CCHA by random overexpression in Escherichia coli. Scientific WorldJ ournal, 2014: 620959.
  • Fujita Y, Yoshida T, Yamaguchi-Shinozaki K 2013. Pivotal role of the AREB/ABF-SnRK2 pathway in ABRE-mediated transcription in response to osmotic stress in plants. Physiologia Plantarum, 147: 15-27.
  • Ghaderi-Far F, Gherekhlo J, Alimagham M 2010. Influence of environmental factors on seed germination and seedling emergence of yellow sweet clover (Melilotus officinalis). Planta Daninha, 28: 463-469.
  • Gravandi S 2013. The examination of different NaCl concentrations on germination, radicle length and plumule length on three cultivars of clover. Annals of Biological Research, 4: 200-203.
  • Hasegawa PM, Bressan RA, Zhu JK, Bohnert HJ 2000. Plant Cellular and Molecular Responses to High Salinity. Annual Review Plant Physiology and Plant Molecular Biology, 51: 463-499.
  • Hazen SP, Pathan MS. Sanchez A, Baxter I, Dunn M, Estes B, Chang HS, Zhu T, Kreps JA, Nguyen HT 2005. Expression profiling of rice segregating for drought tolerance QTLs using a rice genome array. Functional and Integrative Genomics, 5: 104-116.
  • Hu Y, Chen L, Wang H, Zhang L, Wang F, Yu D 2013. Arabidopsis transcription factor WRKY8 functions antagonistically with its interacting partner VQ9 to modulate salinity stress tolerance. Plant Journal, 74: 730-45.
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Bazı Tarla Bitkilerinin Tuz Stresine Gösterdikleri Adaptasyon Mekanizmaları

Year 2018, , 800 - 808, 31.10.2018


tuzluluk dünya genelinde bitkisel üretimde verimi doğrudan sınırlandıran en
önemli abiyotik stress faktörlerinden biridir. Tuz stresi aynı zamanda tarımsal
üretimin yapıldığı bölgelerde bitkisel çeşitliliği doğrudan belirler
niteliktedir. Tuz stresine karşı bitkisel tepkilerin oluşması ve ortaya çıkması,
kompleks moleküler mekanizmalar tarafından kontrol edilen fizyolojik
değişimlere neden olmakta ve devamında tolerans gelişmektedir. Bu değişim ve
farklılıklar bazen bitki türüne özgü bazen de tüm bitkilerde ortak olarak
ortaya çıkabilen benzer mekanizmalar ile tanımlanabilmektedir. Kompleks olan bu
mekanizmalar aynı zamanda doğrudan tuz stresine yönelik olarak gelişebileceği
gibi bazı durumlarda kuraklık gibi diğer abiyotik stress faktörleri ve hatta
biyotik stress faktörleri ile birlikte ortaklaşa kullanılan mekanizmalara bağlı
olarak gelişebilmektedir. Bu nedenle gerek bitki düzeyinde gerekse tolerans
mekanizmaları seviyesinde bitkilerdeki tuz stresi ve tolerans mekanizmalarının
anlaşılması, tuz stresini daha iyi tolere edebilen yeni bitki çeşitlerinin
geliştirilmesine çok önemli katkılar sunacaktır. Bu çalışma, güncel literatür
varlığında tuz stresine yönelik bitkisel tepkilerin anlaşılmasına katkı sunmak
amacıyla hazırlanmıştır


  • Abel GH 1969. Inheritance of the capacity for chloride inclusion and exclusion by soybeans. Crop Science, 9: 697-698.
  • Annicchiarico P, Pecetti L, Tava A 2013. Physiological and morphological traits associated with adaptation of lucerne (Medicago sativa) to severely drought-stressed and to irrigated environments. Annals of Applied Biology, 162: 27-40.
  • Anonim 2005. Çölleşme ile mücadele Türkiye ulusal eylem programı. T.C. Çevre ve Orman Bakanlığı yayınları No: 250, Ankara, ISBN 975-7347-51-5.
  • Aslam M, Qureshi RH, Ahmed N 1993. A rapid screening technique for salt tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Plant Soil, 150: 99-107.
  • Ateş E, Tekeli AS 2007. Salinity tolerance of Persian clover (Trifolium resupinatum var. majus Boiss) lines at germination and seedling stage. World Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 3: 71-79.
  • Bai X, Liu J, Tang LL, Cai H, Chen M, Ji W, Liu Y, Zhu YM 2013. Overexpression of GsCBRLK from Glycine soja enhances tolerance to salt stress in transgenic alfalfa (Medicago sativa). Functional Plant Biology, 40: 1048-1056.
  • Bartels D, Sunkar R 2005. Drought and Salt Tolerance in Plants. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences, 24: 23-58.
  • Biligili U, Çarpıcı EB, Aşık BB, Çelik N 2011. Root and shoot response of common vetch (Vicia sativa L.), forage pea (Pisum sativum L.) and canola (Brassica napus L.) to salt stress during early seedling growth stages. Turkish Journal of Field Crops, 16: 33-38.
  • Boukhatem ZF, Domergue O, Bekki A, Merabet C, Sekkour S, Bouazza F, Duponnois R, de Lajudie P, Galiana A 2012. Symbiotic characterization and diversity of rhizobia associated with native and introduced acacias in arid and semi-arid regions in Algeria. FEMS Microbiol Ecology, 80: 534-47.
  • Bu Y, Kou J, Sun, B, Takano T, Liu S 2015. Adverse effect of urease on salt stress during seed germination in Arabidopsis thaliana. FEBS Letter, 589: 1308-13.
  • Can E, Arslan M, Sener O, Daghan H 2013. Response of strawberry clover (Trifolium fragiferum L.) to salinity stress. Research on Crops, 14: 576-584.
  • Cattivelli L, Baldi P, Crosatti C, Di Fonzo N, Faccioli P, Grossi M, Mastrangelo AM, Pecchioni N, Stanca AM 2002. Chromosome regions and stress-related sequences involved in resistance to abiotic stress in Triticeae. Plant Molecular Biology, 48: 649-665.
  • Chakraborty K, Sairam RK, Bhattacharya RC 2012. Differential expression of salt overly sensitive pathway genes determines salinity stress tolerance in Brassica genotypes. Plant Physiology Biochemistry, 51: 90-101.
  • Chazen O, Hartung W, Neumann PM 1995. The different effects of PEG 6000 and NaCI on leaf development are associated with differential inhibition of root water transport. Plant Cell and Environment, 18: 727-735.
  • Chen H, Zhang B, Hicks LM, Xiong L 2011. A nucleotide metabolite controls stress-responsive gene expression and plant development. PLoS One, 6: e26661.
  • Cho YH, Hong JW, Kim EC, Yoo SD 2012. Regulatory functions of SnRK1 in stress-responsive gene expression and in plant growth and development. Plant Physiology, 158: 1955-64.
  • Cramer GR, Alberico GJ, Schmidt C 1994. Leaf Expansion Limits Dry Matter Accumulation of Salt-stressed Maize. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology, 21: 663-674.
  • Croser JS, Clarke HJ, Siddique KHM, Khan TN 2003. Low-temperature stress: Implications for chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) improvement. Critical Review in Plant Science, 22: 185-219.
  • Çelik Ö, Atak Ç 2012. Evalutation of proline accumulation and Delta1 pyrroline -5-carboxylate synthase (P5CS) gene expression during salinity stress in two soybean (Glycine max L. Merr) varieties. Polish Journal of Environmental. Studies, 21: 559-564.
  • Çelik Ö, Ünsal SG 2013. Expression analysis of proline metabolism-related genes in salt-tolerant soybean mutant plants. Plant Omics Journal, 6(5): 364-370.
  • Çöçü S, Uzun O 2011. Germination, seedling growth and ion accumulation of bitter vetch (Vicia ervilia (L.) Willd. ) lines under NaCl stress. African Journal of Biotechnology, 10: 15869-15874.
  • Fang J, Han X, Xie L, Liu M, Qiao G, Jiang J, Zhuo R 2014. Isolation of salt stress-related genes from Aspergillus glaucus CCHA by random overexpression in Escherichia coli. Scientific WorldJ ournal, 2014: 620959.
  • Fujita Y, Yoshida T, Yamaguchi-Shinozaki K 2013. Pivotal role of the AREB/ABF-SnRK2 pathway in ABRE-mediated transcription in response to osmotic stress in plants. Physiologia Plantarum, 147: 15-27.
  • Ghaderi-Far F, Gherekhlo J, Alimagham M 2010. Influence of environmental factors on seed germination and seedling emergence of yellow sweet clover (Melilotus officinalis). Planta Daninha, 28: 463-469.
  • Gravandi S 2013. The examination of different NaCl concentrations on germination, radicle length and plumule length on three cultivars of clover. Annals of Biological Research, 4: 200-203.
  • Hasegawa PM, Bressan RA, Zhu JK, Bohnert HJ 2000. Plant Cellular and Molecular Responses to High Salinity. Annual Review Plant Physiology and Plant Molecular Biology, 51: 463-499.
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There are 92 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section REVIEW ARTICLE

İskender Tiryaki

Publication Date October 31, 2018
Submission Date July 1, 2017
Acceptance Date April 9, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018


APA Tiryaki, İ. (2018). Bazı Tarla Bitkilerinin Tuz Stresine Gösterdikleri Adaptasyon Mekanizmaları. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım Ve Doğa Dergisi, 21(5), 800-808.

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