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Akdeniz Ekolojik Koşulları için Alternatif Bir Bitki: Crotalaria juncea L. (Krotalarya)

Year 2019, , 339 - 345, 30.04.2019


farklı kullanım
olanaklarına (yem, yeşil gübre, örtü bitkisi, lif, biyodizel vb.) sahiptir. Bu
nedenle, ülkemiz için de ümitvar olabileceği düşünülerek yapılacak olan yeni
bilimsel çalışmaların, bitkinin daha fazla tanınmasına ve öneminin giderek
artmasına neden olacaktır.  Bu literatür
derlemesi, ülkemiz için tarımsal bir potansiyele sahip olabilecek Crotalaria juncea L. bitkisinin birçok
yönü ile ele alınarak tanıtılmasını amaçlamaktadır. 
, pek
çok ülkede
ek yıllık, yazlık bir baklagil türü olan Crotalaria juncea L.eşil gübre veya yem bitkisi olarak değerlendirilebilen t
Yaygın olarak y
Krotolarya bitkisinin organik maddesi, kısa sürede (yaklaşık 2 hafta)
parçalanmaktadır ve en yüksek azot mineralizasyon hızının da bu zaman
periyodunda gerçekleştiği bilinmektedir.
Bunun yanı sıra; karışık veya alternatif ekimleri ile fikse edilen azotun
buğdaygiller veya diğer familya bitkileri tarafından kullanılması önemli
avantaj sağlamaktadır.
itkinin yapraklarının %30 oranında protein içerdiği bilinmektedirnemli
bir bitkisel protein kaynağı ve yem kalitesi etkileyici özelliğe sahip olan bir
baklagil bitkisidir. B
ö L.; Crotalaria junceaHayvanların sağlıklı bir
şekilde beslenebilmesi için gerekli kaliteli kaba yem temini, hayvancılık
işletmelerinin en önemli problemlerinden biridir. Değişik iklim, toprak ve
üretim desenlerine sahip olan ülkemizin farklı bölgelerinde ve tarla
koşullarında birçok yembitkisinin yetiştirilmesi sözkonusudur.


  • Açıkgöz E 2001. Yem Bitkileri. Uludağ Üniv. Güçlendirme Vakfı Yayın No:182, Vipaş A.Ş. Yayın No:58, Bursa.
  • Ahlgren HG 1956. Forage Crops. Department of Farm Crops Rutgers University, Mc. Graw-Hill Book Company Inc., 2nd Edition, New York-USA.
  • Al-Snafi AE 2016. The contents and pharmacology of Crotalaria juncea-A review. Volume 6, Issue 6 Version. 2, PP. 77-86.
  • Barros Salgado AL, Lovadini LAC, Pimental M, Gimenez W 1972. Instrucoes para a cultura da Crotalaria juncea. Instituto Agronomico, Campinas, Brazil. Secao de Plantas Fibrosas Boletim 198.
  • Burke JM, Mosjidis JA, Miller JE, Casey P 2011. Sunn hemp with chicory or pearl millet to minimize gastrointestinal nematode infection in weaned goats. J. Anim. Sci. 89(E-Suppl.2):17-18 (Abstr.).
  • Chaudhury J, Singh DP, Hazra SK 1997. Sunnhemp (Crotalaria juncea L.). Central Research Institute for Jute and Allied Fibres (ICAR), Tech. Bull. No. 5, pp 1-50.
  • Cook CG, White GA 1996. Crotalaria juncea: A potential multipurpose fiber crop. p. 389-394. In J. Janick (ed.), Progress in new crops. ASHS Press, Arlington, VA.
  • Coutinho JJO, Coura RAN, Athayde AAR 2015. Effect of additives in the forage legumes silage. Ciência et Praxis, V. 8, N. 15., 53-57.
  • Demiroğlu Topçu G, Özkan ŞS 2018. A Preliminary Study on The Adaptation of Sunn Hemp (Crotalaria juncea L.) In Mediterranean Climatic Conditions, 2nd International Vocational Science Symposium, 26-29 April 2018, Abstract Book, Pp:199, Antalya/Turkey.
  • Demiroğlu Topçu G, Özkan ŞS, Özçelik AE, Acaroğlu M 2017. Investigation of Agronomic Techniques of Sunn Hemp (Crotalaria juncea L.) as an Alternative Forage and Energy Crop in Turkey, 1st International Conference on Energy and Thermal Engineering, 25-28 April 2017, Proceedings Book, Pp:333, Istanbul/Turkey.
  • Dempsey JM 1975. Fibre Crops. The University Press of Florida. Gainesville.
  • Diamond H 2006. Traits of Crotalaria used as a green manure legume on sustainable cropping system. JARQ, 40(4): 299-305.
  • Duke JA 1981. Handbook of Legumes of World Importance. Plenum Press: New York, NY.
  • Erkovan Hİ 2007. Baklagil-Buğdaygil Yembitkileri Karışımlarında Simbiyotik Azot Fiksasyonu ve Transferinin Tespiti, Tarla Bitkileri 7. Kongresi, Cilt:2, 268-271, Erzurum.
  • Eser V, Sarsu F, Altunkaya M 2007. Biyoyakıt Üretiminde Kullanılan Bitkilerin Mevcut Durumu ve Geleceği. Biyoyakıtlar ve Biyoyakıt Teknolojileri Sempozyumu, 51-61, Ankara.
  • Field D 1992. Papermaking in India, Bangladesh and the Himalayas–An overview. Hand Paper Making. 7(2):9-15.
  • Gilbert M 1966. Servant of India. A Study of Imperial Rule, Longmans; First Edition, 377-378.
  • Hess JB, Mosjidis JA 2008. Effect of sunn hemp seed inclusion in broiler starter diets on live performance attributes. J. Appl. Anim. Res. 33:105-108.
  • Hooper PT, Scanlan WA 1977. Crotalaria retusa poisoning of pigs and poultry. Aust. Vet. J. 53:109-114.
  • Javaid MM, Bhan M, Rathinasabapahi B, Chase CA 2012. A non-protein amino acid from Crotalaria juncea foliage with allelopathic potential. American Society for Horticultural Science, Abstract.
  • Kamil D, Kumar R, Asha S 2009. Effect of green manuring of Crotalaria juncea L. on some soil borne pathogens. Indian phytopath, 62(3): 304-309.
  • Karakurt E 2009. Toprak Verimliliği Yönünden Yeşil Gübreler ve Gübreleme. Tarla Bitkileri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi, 18 (1-2): 48-54.
  • Lindemann WC, Glover CR 2003. Nitrogen fixation by legumes. New Mexico State University Cooperative Extension Guide A-129.
  • Mansoer Z, Reeves DW, Wood CW 1997. Suitability of sunn hemp as an alternative late-summer legume cover crop. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 61:246-253.
  • Marshall AJ 2002. Sunn hemp (Crotalaria juncea) as an organic amendment in crop production. University of Florida, 310p.
  • Martin JH, Leonard WH, Stamp DL 1976. Principles of field crop production. Macmillan Publishing Co. New York.
  • Meagher RL, Nagoshi RN, Brown JT, Fleischer SJ, Westbrook JK, Chase CA 2017. Flowering of the cover crop sunn hemp, Crotalaria juncea L. HortScience, 52(7): 986-990.
  • Morris JB, Chase C, Treadwell D, Koenig R, Cho A, Morales-Payan JP, Murphy T, Antonious GF 2015. Effect of sunn hemp (Crotalaria juncea L.) cutting date and planting density on weed suppression in Georgia, USA. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B, 50(8): 614-621.
  • Mosjidis JA, Burke JM, Hess JB 2012. The Facts about Sunn Hemp Toxicity. Crop Sci. 52:1469-1474.
  • Mosjidis JA, Wang ML 2011. Crotalaria. In: C. Kole, editor, Wild crop relatives: Genomic and breeding resources, Industrial Crops. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. p.63–69. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-21102-7_3
  • National Academy of Science, 1979. Sunnhemp. In: Advisory committee on technology innovation, tropical legumes: Resources for the future. National Academy of Science, Washington, DC. p. 272-278.
  • Phatak SC, Dozier JR, Bateman AG, Brunson KE, Martini NL 2002. Cover crops and conservation tillage in sustainable vegetable production. In E. van Santen (ed.) Making Conservation Tillage Conventional: Building a Future on 25 Years of Research. Proceedings Annual Southern Conservation Tillage Conference for Sustainable Agriculture 25: 401-403.
  • Pilbeam DJ, Bell EA 1979. Reappraisal of the free amino acids in seeds of Crotalaria juncea (Leguminosae). Phytochem., 18, 320-321.
  • Purseglove JW 1981. Leguminosae. In: J.W. Purseglove, editor, Tropical crops: Dicotyledons. Longman Group, Essex, UK. p. 250-254.
  • Reeves DW, Mansoer Z, Wood CW 1996. Suitability of sunn hemp as an alternative legume cover crop. Proceedings of the New Technology and Conservation Tillage 96, 125-130. University of Tennessee Agricultural Experiment Station, Jackson, TN, U.S.A.
  • Ritchey GE, McKee R, Becker RB, Neal WM, Arnold PDD 1941. Crotalaria for forage. Fla. Agric. Exp. Stn. Bull. 361:72.
  • Romin AE, Fitt RH 1938. The feeding of sunnhemp hay (Crotalaria juncea) as compared with cowpea hay (Vigna catjang) in a fattening ration for bullocks. Rhod. Agric. J. 35:15-19.
  • Rotar PP, Joy RJ 1983. 'Tropic Sun' sunn hemp, Crotalaria juncea L. Research Extension Series 036 University of Hawaii, Honolulu
  • Sadhukhan S, Sarkar U 2016. Production of Biodiesel from Crotalaria juncea (Sunn-Hemp) Oil Using Catalytic Trans-Esterification: Process Optimisation Using a Factorial and Box–Behnken Design. Waste Biomass Valor, 7:343-355.
  • Sarkar SK, Hazra SK, Sen HS, Karmakar PG, Tripathi MK 2015. Sunnhemp in India. Central Research Institute for Jute and Allied Fibres (ICAR), Barrackpore, West Bengal. pp.140.
  • Schomberg HH, Martini NL, Diaz-Perez JC, Phatak SC, Balkcom KS, Bhardwaj HL 2007. Potential for using sunn hemp as a source of biomass and nitrogen for the Piedmont and Coastal Plain regions of the southeastern USA. Agronomy Journal 99: 1448-1457.
  • Stallings A 2015. Sunn hemp (Crotalaria juncea L.) as a Cover Crop for Winter Wheat. Graduate Faculty of Auburn University, Master thesis, 144p.
  • Strickland RW, Lambourne LJ, Ratcliff D 1987. A rat bioassay for screening tropical legume forages and seeds for palatability and toxicity. Aust. J. Exp. Agric. 27:45-53.
  • Wang K, Sipes BS, Schmitt DP 2002. Crotalaria as a cover crop for nematode management: a review. Nematropica 32: 35-57.
  • Wang KH, McSorley R, Marshall AJ, Gallaher RN 2004. Nematode community changes following decomposition of Crotalaria juncea amendment in litterbags. Appl. Soil Ecology 27:31-45.
  • Warren J, Wilson T, Edwards J 2012. Using sunnhemp as a cover crop in Oklahoma. Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service, PSS-2273.
  • White GA, Haun JR 1965. Growing Crotalaria juncea, a multi-purpose fiber legume, for paper pulp. Econ. Bot. 19:175-183.
  • Williams MC, Molyneux RJ 1987. Occurrence, concentration, and toxicity of pyrrolizidine alkaloids in Crotalaria seeds. Weed Sci. 36:476-481.

An Alternative Crop for Mediterranean Climatic Conditions: Crotalaria juncea L. (Sunn hemp)

Year 2019, , 339 - 345, 30.04.2019


To obtain quality roughage
required for the healthy feeding of animals is one of the most important
problems of livestock. Many forage crops are being grown in the different
regions of our country which has different climate, soil and production
patterns. Crotalaria juncea L. is a
leguminous plant which is an important source of protein and has an impressive
quality of forage crop. It is known that the
leaves of the plant contain 30% protein
. And also; the use of nitrogen
fixed by sunn hemp through the gramineous or other family plants growing in
mixture with sunn hemp provides them advantage. The organic matter of Crotalaria juncea L. is degraded in a
short time (about 2 weeks) and the highest rate of nitrogen mineralization was known
to occur during this period of time. Sunn hemp which generally can be evaluated
as green manure or forage crop is an annual and summer leguminous plant and has
different usage possibilities (forage, green
manure, cover plant, fiber, biodiesel etc.) in many countries
. In this
regard, promising scientific studies in our country will help the plant to be
more recognized and will increase its importance. This literature review aims
to introduce this plant, an possible agricultural potential for our country, with
many aspects.


  • Açıkgöz E 2001. Yem Bitkileri. Uludağ Üniv. Güçlendirme Vakfı Yayın No:182, Vipaş A.Ş. Yayın No:58, Bursa.
  • Ahlgren HG 1956. Forage Crops. Department of Farm Crops Rutgers University, Mc. Graw-Hill Book Company Inc., 2nd Edition, New York-USA.
  • Al-Snafi AE 2016. The contents and pharmacology of Crotalaria juncea-A review. Volume 6, Issue 6 Version. 2, PP. 77-86.
  • Barros Salgado AL, Lovadini LAC, Pimental M, Gimenez W 1972. Instrucoes para a cultura da Crotalaria juncea. Instituto Agronomico, Campinas, Brazil. Secao de Plantas Fibrosas Boletim 198.
  • Burke JM, Mosjidis JA, Miller JE, Casey P 2011. Sunn hemp with chicory or pearl millet to minimize gastrointestinal nematode infection in weaned goats. J. Anim. Sci. 89(E-Suppl.2):17-18 (Abstr.).
  • Chaudhury J, Singh DP, Hazra SK 1997. Sunnhemp (Crotalaria juncea L.). Central Research Institute for Jute and Allied Fibres (ICAR), Tech. Bull. No. 5, pp 1-50.
  • Cook CG, White GA 1996. Crotalaria juncea: A potential multipurpose fiber crop. p. 389-394. In J. Janick (ed.), Progress in new crops. ASHS Press, Arlington, VA.
  • Coutinho JJO, Coura RAN, Athayde AAR 2015. Effect of additives in the forage legumes silage. Ciência et Praxis, V. 8, N. 15., 53-57.
  • Demiroğlu Topçu G, Özkan ŞS 2018. A Preliminary Study on The Adaptation of Sunn Hemp (Crotalaria juncea L.) In Mediterranean Climatic Conditions, 2nd International Vocational Science Symposium, 26-29 April 2018, Abstract Book, Pp:199, Antalya/Turkey.
  • Demiroğlu Topçu G, Özkan ŞS, Özçelik AE, Acaroğlu M 2017. Investigation of Agronomic Techniques of Sunn Hemp (Crotalaria juncea L.) as an Alternative Forage and Energy Crop in Turkey, 1st International Conference on Energy and Thermal Engineering, 25-28 April 2017, Proceedings Book, Pp:333, Istanbul/Turkey.
  • Dempsey JM 1975. Fibre Crops. The University Press of Florida. Gainesville.
  • Diamond H 2006. Traits of Crotalaria used as a green manure legume on sustainable cropping system. JARQ, 40(4): 299-305.
  • Duke JA 1981. Handbook of Legumes of World Importance. Plenum Press: New York, NY.
  • Erkovan Hİ 2007. Baklagil-Buğdaygil Yembitkileri Karışımlarında Simbiyotik Azot Fiksasyonu ve Transferinin Tespiti, Tarla Bitkileri 7. Kongresi, Cilt:2, 268-271, Erzurum.
  • Eser V, Sarsu F, Altunkaya M 2007. Biyoyakıt Üretiminde Kullanılan Bitkilerin Mevcut Durumu ve Geleceği. Biyoyakıtlar ve Biyoyakıt Teknolojileri Sempozyumu, 51-61, Ankara.
  • Field D 1992. Papermaking in India, Bangladesh and the Himalayas–An overview. Hand Paper Making. 7(2):9-15.
  • Gilbert M 1966. Servant of India. A Study of Imperial Rule, Longmans; First Edition, 377-378.
  • Hess JB, Mosjidis JA 2008. Effect of sunn hemp seed inclusion in broiler starter diets on live performance attributes. J. Appl. Anim. Res. 33:105-108.
  • Hooper PT, Scanlan WA 1977. Crotalaria retusa poisoning of pigs and poultry. Aust. Vet. J. 53:109-114.
  • Javaid MM, Bhan M, Rathinasabapahi B, Chase CA 2012. A non-protein amino acid from Crotalaria juncea foliage with allelopathic potential. American Society for Horticultural Science, Abstract.
  • Kamil D, Kumar R, Asha S 2009. Effect of green manuring of Crotalaria juncea L. on some soil borne pathogens. Indian phytopath, 62(3): 304-309.
  • Karakurt E 2009. Toprak Verimliliği Yönünden Yeşil Gübreler ve Gübreleme. Tarla Bitkileri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi, 18 (1-2): 48-54.
  • Lindemann WC, Glover CR 2003. Nitrogen fixation by legumes. New Mexico State University Cooperative Extension Guide A-129.
  • Mansoer Z, Reeves DW, Wood CW 1997. Suitability of sunn hemp as an alternative late-summer legume cover crop. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 61:246-253.
  • Marshall AJ 2002. Sunn hemp (Crotalaria juncea) as an organic amendment in crop production. University of Florida, 310p.
  • Martin JH, Leonard WH, Stamp DL 1976. Principles of field crop production. Macmillan Publishing Co. New York.
  • Meagher RL, Nagoshi RN, Brown JT, Fleischer SJ, Westbrook JK, Chase CA 2017. Flowering of the cover crop sunn hemp, Crotalaria juncea L. HortScience, 52(7): 986-990.
  • Morris JB, Chase C, Treadwell D, Koenig R, Cho A, Morales-Payan JP, Murphy T, Antonious GF 2015. Effect of sunn hemp (Crotalaria juncea L.) cutting date and planting density on weed suppression in Georgia, USA. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B, 50(8): 614-621.
  • Mosjidis JA, Burke JM, Hess JB 2012. The Facts about Sunn Hemp Toxicity. Crop Sci. 52:1469-1474.
  • Mosjidis JA, Wang ML 2011. Crotalaria. In: C. Kole, editor, Wild crop relatives: Genomic and breeding resources, Industrial Crops. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. p.63–69. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-21102-7_3
  • National Academy of Science, 1979. Sunnhemp. In: Advisory committee on technology innovation, tropical legumes: Resources for the future. National Academy of Science, Washington, DC. p. 272-278.
  • Phatak SC, Dozier JR, Bateman AG, Brunson KE, Martini NL 2002. Cover crops and conservation tillage in sustainable vegetable production. In E. van Santen (ed.) Making Conservation Tillage Conventional: Building a Future on 25 Years of Research. Proceedings Annual Southern Conservation Tillage Conference for Sustainable Agriculture 25: 401-403.
  • Pilbeam DJ, Bell EA 1979. Reappraisal of the free amino acids in seeds of Crotalaria juncea (Leguminosae). Phytochem., 18, 320-321.
  • Purseglove JW 1981. Leguminosae. In: J.W. Purseglove, editor, Tropical crops: Dicotyledons. Longman Group, Essex, UK. p. 250-254.
  • Reeves DW, Mansoer Z, Wood CW 1996. Suitability of sunn hemp as an alternative legume cover crop. Proceedings of the New Technology and Conservation Tillage 96, 125-130. University of Tennessee Agricultural Experiment Station, Jackson, TN, U.S.A.
  • Ritchey GE, McKee R, Becker RB, Neal WM, Arnold PDD 1941. Crotalaria for forage. Fla. Agric. Exp. Stn. Bull. 361:72.
  • Romin AE, Fitt RH 1938. The feeding of sunnhemp hay (Crotalaria juncea) as compared with cowpea hay (Vigna catjang) in a fattening ration for bullocks. Rhod. Agric. J. 35:15-19.
  • Rotar PP, Joy RJ 1983. 'Tropic Sun' sunn hemp, Crotalaria juncea L. Research Extension Series 036 University of Hawaii, Honolulu
  • Sadhukhan S, Sarkar U 2016. Production of Biodiesel from Crotalaria juncea (Sunn-Hemp) Oil Using Catalytic Trans-Esterification: Process Optimisation Using a Factorial and Box–Behnken Design. Waste Biomass Valor, 7:343-355.
  • Sarkar SK, Hazra SK, Sen HS, Karmakar PG, Tripathi MK 2015. Sunnhemp in India. Central Research Institute for Jute and Allied Fibres (ICAR), Barrackpore, West Bengal. pp.140.
  • Schomberg HH, Martini NL, Diaz-Perez JC, Phatak SC, Balkcom KS, Bhardwaj HL 2007. Potential for using sunn hemp as a source of biomass and nitrogen for the Piedmont and Coastal Plain regions of the southeastern USA. Agronomy Journal 99: 1448-1457.
  • Stallings A 2015. Sunn hemp (Crotalaria juncea L.) as a Cover Crop for Winter Wheat. Graduate Faculty of Auburn University, Master thesis, 144p.
  • Strickland RW, Lambourne LJ, Ratcliff D 1987. A rat bioassay for screening tropical legume forages and seeds for palatability and toxicity. Aust. J. Exp. Agric. 27:45-53.
  • Wang K, Sipes BS, Schmitt DP 2002. Crotalaria as a cover crop for nematode management: a review. Nematropica 32: 35-57.
  • Wang KH, McSorley R, Marshall AJ, Gallaher RN 2004. Nematode community changes following decomposition of Crotalaria juncea amendment in litterbags. Appl. Soil Ecology 27:31-45.
  • Warren J, Wilson T, Edwards J 2012. Using sunnhemp as a cover crop in Oklahoma. Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service, PSS-2273.
  • White GA, Haun JR 1965. Growing Crotalaria juncea, a multi-purpose fiber legume, for paper pulp. Econ. Bot. 19:175-183.
  • Williams MC, Molyneux RJ 1987. Occurrence, concentration, and toxicity of pyrrolizidine alkaloids in Crotalaria seeds. Weed Sci. 36:476-481.
There are 48 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section REVIEW ARTICLE

Gülcan Demiroğlu Topçu 0000-0002-5978-4183

Şükrü Sezgi Özkan 0000-0001-5989-0384

Publication Date April 30, 2019
Submission Date November 20, 2018
Acceptance Date January 2, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Demiroğlu Topçu, G., & Özkan, Ş. S. (2019). Akdeniz Ekolojik Koşulları için Alternatif Bir Bitki: Crotalaria juncea L. (Krotalarya). Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım Ve Doğa Dergisi, 22(2), 339-345.


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Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi
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