Anne-Sürgün Yönteminin Kuşkonmaz Verimi ve Kalitesi Üzerine Etkileri
Year 2020,
, 49 - 58, 28.02.2020
Ahmet Korkmaz
Asima Klicic
Şebnem Köklü
Bu çalışmada, ‘UC 157’ F1 çeşidine ait 5 yaşındaki kuşkonmaz (Asparagus
officinalis L.)
bitkileri materyal olarak kullanılmış ve 2017 ve 2018 yıllarında hasat
periyodunun farklı zamanlarında bırakılan anne sürgünlerin sürgün sayısı ve
kalitesi üzerine etkileri belirlenmiştir. Kuşkonmaz bitkilerinin bir kısmı anne
sürgün bırakılmaksızın 4 veya 6 hafta süreyle hasat edilmiştir. Ayrıca,
bitkilerin bir kısmı da 3 farklı zamanda (hasadın başında, hasat başladıktan 2
hafta sonra ve hasat başladıktan 4 hafta sonra) anne sürgün bırakılarak
toplamda 6 hafta süreyle hasat edilmiştir. Sonuçlar incelendiğinde hasadın
başlamasından 4 hafta sonra anne sürgün bırakılan bitkilerden hiç anne sürgün
bırakmadan 6 hafta boyunca hasat edilen bitkilere kıyasla %9-13 oranında daha
fazla pazarlanabilir sürgün elde edilmiştir. Ayrıca her iki yılda da elde
edilen pazarlanabilir sürgünlerin kalite sınıflandırılması dikkate alındığında,
yine aynı uygulamadan daha az oranda ince (8-12 mm çap) sürgün elde edildiği;
buna karşılık piyasada en çok talep edilen sürgün kalınlığı olan 12-16 mm ile
16-20 mm arasındaki sürgünlerin oranının ise yükseldiği görülmüştür. Bu
sonuçlara göre, 4 hafta süren hasadı takiben anne sürgün bırakma yönteminin
Kahramanmaraş koşullarında yapılacak olan kuşkonmaz yetiştiriciliğinde hem
pazarlanabilir sürgün sayısını hem de sürgün kalitesini arttırmada etkili
olduğu söylenebilir.
Supporting Institution
Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi, Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinasyon Birimi
Project Number
2018/1-9 YLS
Bu çalışma Asima Klicic’in yüksek lisans tezinden üretilmiştir ve Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi, Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinasyon Birimi tarafından desteklenmiştir (Proje No: 2018/1-9 YLS).
- Araki H 1999. Recent Production and Import of Asparagus in Japan. Acta Horticulturae, 479: 51-56.
- Bhownik PK, Matsui T, Ikeuchi T, Suzuki H 2002. Changes in Storage Quality and Shelf Life of Green Asparagus over An Extended Harvest Season. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 26: 323-328.
- Bouwkamp JC, McCully JE 1972. Competition and Survival in Female Plants of Asparagus officinalis. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 97 (1): 74-76.
- Brasher EP 1956. Effects of Spring, Summer, and Fall Cutting of Asparagus on Yield and Spear Weight. Proceedings of American Society of Horticultural Science, 67: 377-383.
- Carmeno P, Calado S, Rubio V, Ortega FR 2008. Extending the Asparagus Production Harvest Period in Southern Spain, Acta Horticulturae, 776: 55-62.
- Dufault 1990. Production Potential of Summer-and Fall-harvested Asparagus. Acta Horticulturae, 271: 215-222.
- Dufault RJ 1995. Harvest Pressures Affect Forced Summer Asparagus Yield in Coastal South Carolina. Journal of American Society of Horticultural Science, 120: 14–20.
- Dufault RJ 1999. Mother Stalk Culture Does Not Improve Plant Survival or Yield of Spring and Summer Forced Asparagus in South Carolina. HortScience, 34: 225-228.
- FAO. 2019. Asparagus Prodcution Statıstics. Erisşim tarihi: 10.07.2019.
- Gąsecka M, Krzesiński W, Stachowiak J, Knaflewski M 2009. The Effect of Temperature and Crown Size on Asparagus Yielding. Folia Horticulturae, 21(1): 49-59.
- Haynes R 1987. Accumulation of Dry Matter and Changes in Storage Carbohydrate and Amino Acid Content in the First 2 Years of Asparagus Growth. Scientia Horticulturae, 32: 17-23.
- Hexamer FM 1914. Asparagus Its Culture for Home Use and for Market a Practical Treatise on The Planting Cultivation Harvesting Marketing and Preserving of Asparagus With Notes on Its History and Botany. Asparagus. Orange Judd, New York, USA.
- Ito T, Imanaka Y, Hasegawa S, Funakoshi T 1994. A New Cultural Method of Asparagus (Asparagus officinalis L.) in The Warm District of Southwestern Japan. I. Evaluation of Yields under the Cultivation Maintaining Mother Stalks during the Whole Growing Season. Bulletin of the Hiroshima Prefectural Agriculture Research Center, 60: 35–45.
- Johnson DA, Lunden JD 1992. Effect of Rust on Yield os Susceptible and Resistant Asparagus Cultivars. Phytopathology, Experiment Station, 76: 4-86.
- Knaflewski M, Kaluezewicz A 1998. Wczesnosc i dynamika plonowania odmian szparoga w urawie na zielone wypustki. Zesz. Nauk. ATR Bydgoszcz 215 (42): 103-106.
- Knaflewski M, Krzesiński W 2002. Results of investigations on timing asparagus production in a temperate climate. Acta Horticulturae, 589: 73–79.
- Kohmura H 2002. Asparagus Cultivation in Japan, Focusing on Hiroshima. Acta Horticulturae, 589: 91-96.
- Lekholoane IL, Nichols MA, Fisher KJ 1999. Studies with the Asparagus ‘Mother Fern’ Culture in a Temperate Climate. Acta Horticulturae, 479: 431-438.
- Maeda T, Kakuta H, Sonoda T, Motoki S, Maekawa K, Suzuki T, Oosawa K 2008. Differences in Antioxidative Polyphenols Contents of Asparagus Related to Cultivars and Seasonal Change under Various Cultural Conditions of the Mother-Fern Culture. Acta Horticulturae, 776: 227-234.
- McCormick SJ, Thomsen DL 1990. Management of Spear Number, Size, Quality and Yield in Green Asparagus through Crown Depth and Population. Acta Horticulture, 271: 151-157.
- Morris DL 1948. Quantitative Determination of Carbohydrates with Dreywood’s Anthrone Reagent. Science, 107: 254-255.
- Motes J, Cartwright B, Damicone J 2014. Asparagus Production. Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources. Oklahoma State University Report.
- Mullen RJ, Whiteley RS, Viss TC, Goff ML, Cancilla CA 2002. Asparagus cultivar evaluation trials in the Sacramento-San Joaquín Delta Region of California. Acta Horticulturae, 589: 81-89.
- Onggo TM 2002. Influence of Harvest Method and Schedule on Yield and Spear Size of Green Asparagus in Indonesia. Acta Horticulturae, 589: 59-64.
- Paschold, PJ, Artlet B, Hermann G 2002. Influence of harvest duration on yield and quality of asparagus (Asparagus officinalis L.). Acta Horticulturae, 589: 65-71.
- Pressman E, Schaffer AA, Compton D, Zamski E 1993. Seasonal Change in the Carbohydrate Content of Two Cultivars of Asparagus. Scientia Horticulturae, 53: 149-155.
- Reiners S, Garrison SA 1994. Evolution of the Mother Stalk Method of Asparagus (Asparagus officinalis L.) Production in Greenhouse. HortScience, 29: 1016-1018.
- Relf D, McDaniel A 2015. Asparagus. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Publication 426-401.
- Stajner N, Bohanec B, Javornik B 2002. Genetic Variability of Economically Important Asparagus Species as Revealed by Genome Size Analysis and rDNA ITS Polymorphisms. Plant Science, 162: 931–937.
- Teeuwen MWT 2005. A Practical View on Plant Physiology of Asparagus. In: "11th International Asparagus Symposium Program and Abstract". June 16th - June 19th, Horst, The Netherlands.
- TUİK.2019. 2018 Yılı Bitkisel Üretim Istatistikleri. Erişim tarihi: 10. 07. 2019.
- Wang CS 1970. Studies on “Mother Stalk Method” of Asparagus Harvesting. Journal of Chinese Society for Horticultural Science, 16(2): 16–23.
- Yang-Gyu K, Woolley DJ, Hughes AR, Nichols MA 2007. Temperature Effects on Dormancy, Bud Break and Spear Growth in Asparagus (Asparagus officinalis L.), The Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 82:3, 446-450
- Yen GC, Chen HY 1995. Antioxidant Activity of Various Tea Extracts in Relation to Their Antimutagenicity. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 43: 27-32.
The Effects of Mother-Stalk Culture on Asparagus Yield and Quality
Year 2020,
, 49 - 58, 28.02.2020
Ahmet Korkmaz
Asima Klicic
Şebnem Köklü
In this study, 5 year old plants of UC157 F1 asparagus (Asparagus
officinalis L.)
cultivar were used as material and the effects of the mother stalks that were
established at different times of the harvest period on the number and quality
of shoots were determined in 2017 and 2018. Some asparagus plants were
harvested for 4 or 6 weeks without establishing any mother stalks. In addition,
mother stalks were extablished at 3 different times (at the beginning of the
harvest, 2 and 4 weeks after the start of the harvest) in some plants harvested
for six weeks. When the results were examined, the plants with mother stalks
established 4 weeks after the beginning of the harvest produced 9 to 13% more
marketable spears compared to the those harvested 6 weeks with no mother
stalks. In addition, considering the quality of the marketable spears harvested
in both years, it was found that the plants having mother stalks established 4
weeks after the beginning of the harvest produced fewer thinner spears (8-12 mm
diameter) but much more spears with 12-16 mm and 16-20 mm in diamater which is
the most desirable spear thickness in the market. These results indicated that
establishing the mother stalks 4 weeks after the start of harvest could be
effective in increasing the number of marketable spears and spear quality in asparagus
cultivation under Kahramanmaraş conditions.
Project Number
2018/1-9 YLS
- Araki H 1999. Recent Production and Import of Asparagus in Japan. Acta Horticulturae, 479: 51-56.
- Bhownik PK, Matsui T, Ikeuchi T, Suzuki H 2002. Changes in Storage Quality and Shelf Life of Green Asparagus over An Extended Harvest Season. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 26: 323-328.
- Bouwkamp JC, McCully JE 1972. Competition and Survival in Female Plants of Asparagus officinalis. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 97 (1): 74-76.
- Brasher EP 1956. Effects of Spring, Summer, and Fall Cutting of Asparagus on Yield and Spear Weight. Proceedings of American Society of Horticultural Science, 67: 377-383.
- Carmeno P, Calado S, Rubio V, Ortega FR 2008. Extending the Asparagus Production Harvest Period in Southern Spain, Acta Horticulturae, 776: 55-62.
- Dufault 1990. Production Potential of Summer-and Fall-harvested Asparagus. Acta Horticulturae, 271: 215-222.
- Dufault RJ 1995. Harvest Pressures Affect Forced Summer Asparagus Yield in Coastal South Carolina. Journal of American Society of Horticultural Science, 120: 14–20.
- Dufault RJ 1999. Mother Stalk Culture Does Not Improve Plant Survival or Yield of Spring and Summer Forced Asparagus in South Carolina. HortScience, 34: 225-228.
- FAO. 2019. Asparagus Prodcution Statıstics. Erisşim tarihi: 10.07.2019.
- Gąsecka M, Krzesiński W, Stachowiak J, Knaflewski M 2009. The Effect of Temperature and Crown Size on Asparagus Yielding. Folia Horticulturae, 21(1): 49-59.
- Haynes R 1987. Accumulation of Dry Matter and Changes in Storage Carbohydrate and Amino Acid Content in the First 2 Years of Asparagus Growth. Scientia Horticulturae, 32: 17-23.
- Hexamer FM 1914. Asparagus Its Culture for Home Use and for Market a Practical Treatise on The Planting Cultivation Harvesting Marketing and Preserving of Asparagus With Notes on Its History and Botany. Asparagus. Orange Judd, New York, USA.
- Ito T, Imanaka Y, Hasegawa S, Funakoshi T 1994. A New Cultural Method of Asparagus (Asparagus officinalis L.) in The Warm District of Southwestern Japan. I. Evaluation of Yields under the Cultivation Maintaining Mother Stalks during the Whole Growing Season. Bulletin of the Hiroshima Prefectural Agriculture Research Center, 60: 35–45.
- Johnson DA, Lunden JD 1992. Effect of Rust on Yield os Susceptible and Resistant Asparagus Cultivars. Phytopathology, Experiment Station, 76: 4-86.
- Knaflewski M, Kaluezewicz A 1998. Wczesnosc i dynamika plonowania odmian szparoga w urawie na zielone wypustki. Zesz. Nauk. ATR Bydgoszcz 215 (42): 103-106.
- Knaflewski M, Krzesiński W 2002. Results of investigations on timing asparagus production in a temperate climate. Acta Horticulturae, 589: 73–79.
- Kohmura H 2002. Asparagus Cultivation in Japan, Focusing on Hiroshima. Acta Horticulturae, 589: 91-96.
- Lekholoane IL, Nichols MA, Fisher KJ 1999. Studies with the Asparagus ‘Mother Fern’ Culture in a Temperate Climate. Acta Horticulturae, 479: 431-438.
- Maeda T, Kakuta H, Sonoda T, Motoki S, Maekawa K, Suzuki T, Oosawa K 2008. Differences in Antioxidative Polyphenols Contents of Asparagus Related to Cultivars and Seasonal Change under Various Cultural Conditions of the Mother-Fern Culture. Acta Horticulturae, 776: 227-234.
- McCormick SJ, Thomsen DL 1990. Management of Spear Number, Size, Quality and Yield in Green Asparagus through Crown Depth and Population. Acta Horticulture, 271: 151-157.
- Morris DL 1948. Quantitative Determination of Carbohydrates with Dreywood’s Anthrone Reagent. Science, 107: 254-255.
- Motes J, Cartwright B, Damicone J 2014. Asparagus Production. Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources. Oklahoma State University Report.
- Mullen RJ, Whiteley RS, Viss TC, Goff ML, Cancilla CA 2002. Asparagus cultivar evaluation trials in the Sacramento-San Joaquín Delta Region of California. Acta Horticulturae, 589: 81-89.
- Onggo TM 2002. Influence of Harvest Method and Schedule on Yield and Spear Size of Green Asparagus in Indonesia. Acta Horticulturae, 589: 59-64.
- Paschold, PJ, Artlet B, Hermann G 2002. Influence of harvest duration on yield and quality of asparagus (Asparagus officinalis L.). Acta Horticulturae, 589: 65-71.
- Pressman E, Schaffer AA, Compton D, Zamski E 1993. Seasonal Change in the Carbohydrate Content of Two Cultivars of Asparagus. Scientia Horticulturae, 53: 149-155.
- Reiners S, Garrison SA 1994. Evolution of the Mother Stalk Method of Asparagus (Asparagus officinalis L.) Production in Greenhouse. HortScience, 29: 1016-1018.
- Relf D, McDaniel A 2015. Asparagus. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Publication 426-401.
- Stajner N, Bohanec B, Javornik B 2002. Genetic Variability of Economically Important Asparagus Species as Revealed by Genome Size Analysis and rDNA ITS Polymorphisms. Plant Science, 162: 931–937.
- Teeuwen MWT 2005. A Practical View on Plant Physiology of Asparagus. In: "11th International Asparagus Symposium Program and Abstract". June 16th - June 19th, Horst, The Netherlands.
- TUİK.2019. 2018 Yılı Bitkisel Üretim Istatistikleri. Erişim tarihi: 10. 07. 2019.
- Wang CS 1970. Studies on “Mother Stalk Method” of Asparagus Harvesting. Journal of Chinese Society for Horticultural Science, 16(2): 16–23.
- Yang-Gyu K, Woolley DJ, Hughes AR, Nichols MA 2007. Temperature Effects on Dormancy, Bud Break and Spear Growth in Asparagus (Asparagus officinalis L.), The Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 82:3, 446-450
- Yen GC, Chen HY 1995. Antioxidant Activity of Various Tea Extracts in Relation to Their Antimutagenicity. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 43: 27-32.