Research Article
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Performance of Some Important Agronomic Characteristics of Brassica juncea L. Genotypes under Fall Sowing at Two Locations of Ankara, Turkey

Year 2020, , 966 - 974, 31.08.2020


The study aimed to compare 29 brown mustard genotypes for their agronomic and oil yield traits under fall sowing conditions of Yenimahalle and Ikizce locations (Ankara) during 2017-2018. The result showed significant differences among the genotypes and the locations. Means of the two locations showed oleic acid, linoleic acid and erusic acid in range of 7.42 to 24.54%, 5.81 to 23.97% and 20.87 to 50.25% in the same order. The highest crude oil yields of 124.3 g plot-1 and 123.9 g plot-1 were obtained for AK and A3 genotypes, at Yenimahalle and Ikizce locations, respectively. Among the genotypes, AK (427.6 g plot-1) and A3 (373.0 g plot-1) genotypes exhibited outperformance with maximum seed yield and was recommended for further evaluation and use in biofuel production industry.


I would like to thank Gül SARIOĞLU, Safure GÜLER and his team Field Crop Central Research Institute, Ankara, for their efforts and contributions at fatty acid compositions and at crude protein contents analysis.


  • Anjum R, Yousaf M, Jahangir M, Hussain M, Nawaz N, Ahmed A 2005. Adaptation and Yield Potential of Different Genotypes of Rapeseed and Mustard Under Agro-climatic Conditions of Bahawalpur. Pakistan. Int J Agri Biol 7: 609-611
  • Anonymous 2000. American Association of Cereal Chemists, Approved Methods of the AACC, 10th ed., Method No: 26-21, 26- 31, 46-30, 55-30. The Association: St. Paul. MN, USA.
  • Ashraf MY, Waheed RA, Bhatti AS, Sarwar G, Aslam Z 1999. Salt Tolerance Potential in Different Brassica Species Growth Studies. In: Hamdy H, Lieth H, Todorovic M, Moschenko M (Ed.). Halophytes Uses in Different Climates-II. Backhuys Publishers. Leiden. The Netherlands, p. 119-125.
  • Aslam MN, Nelson MN, Kailis SG, Bayliss KL, Speijers J, Cowling WA 2009. Canola Oil Increases in Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and Decreases in Oleic Acid in Drought Stressed Mediterranean-type Environments. Plant Breeding 128(4): 348-355.
  • Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) 1999. List of Varieties Which Are Registered in Canada. Variety section Government of Canada.
  • Christie AA, Dean AC, Millburn BA 1973. The Determination of Vitamin E in Food by Colorimetry and Gas-Liquid Chromatography. Analyst 98 (1164): 161-167.
  • Getinet A, Rakow G, Raney JP, Downey RK 1997. The inheritance of erucic acid content in Ethiopian mustard. Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 77:33-41.
  • Gomez-Campo C, Tortosa ME, Tewari I, Tewari JP 1999. Epicuticular Wax Columns in Cultivated Brassica Species and in Their Close Wild Relatives, Ann Bot 83: 515-519.
  • Gunasekera CP, Martin LD, Siddique KHM, Walton GH 2006. Genotype by Environment Interactions of Indian Mustard (Brassica juncea L.) and Canola (Brassica napus L.) in Mediterranean-type Environments: II. Oil and Protein Concentrations in Seed. European Journal of Agr 25: 13-21.
  • Ilyasi MG, Shabbir MA, Rabbani SI, Malik NM, Cheema M, Ansar S, Jan A 2018. Genetic Divergence in Brassica napus L, Germplasm As Determined by Quantitative Attributes. Pak J Bot 50: 1039-1045.
  • Jan SA, Shinwari ZK, Rabbani MA, Niaz IA, Shah SH 2017. Assessment of Quantitative Agro-Morphological Variations Among Brassica rapa Diverse Populations. Pak J Bot 49: 561-567.
  • Johnston AM, Tanaka DL, Miller PR, Brandt SA, Nielsen DC, Lafond G.P, NR Riveland 2002. Oilseed Crops For Semiarid Cropping Systems in the Northern Great Plains. Agron J 94: 231-240.
  • Karaca E, Aytac S 2007. The Factors Affecting on Fatty Acid Composition of Oil Crops. Ondokuz Mayıs University Journal of Faculty of Agric 22(1): 123-131.
  • Kayacetin F, Ogut H, Oguz H, Subasi I, Deveci H 2016. Determination of the Effect of Row Spacing, and Fall and Spring Sowing on Composition of Fatty Acid and Biodiesel Fuel Characteristics of Mustard (Sinapis arvensis L.). Ciência e Técnica Vitivinícola Journal 21(11): 54-69.
  • Kayacetin F 2019. Morphological Characterization and Relationship Among Some Important Wild and Domestic Turkish Mustard Genotypes (Brassica spp.). Turkish Journal of Botany 43(4): 499-515.
  • Kayacetin F, Onemli F, Yilmaz G, Khawar KM, Kinay A, Hatipoglu H, Kivilcim MN, Kara N, Kose A, Sefaoglu F, Ozaydin KA 2019. Growing Degree Day and Seed Yield Relationships in Mustard (Brassica juncea L.) under Different Sowing Seasons and Locations of Turkey. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 25(3): 298-308.
  • Kayacetin F, Efeoglu B, Sarioglu G 2018. Evaluation of Fatty Acid Compositions of Some Important Wild and Domestic Turkish Mustard Genotypes (Brassica spp.). International Journal of Secondary Metabolite 5(4): 270-278.
  • Khan SA, Iqbal J, Khurshid N, Saleem M, Rabbani A, Zia M, Shinwari ZK 2014. The Extent of Intra-Specific Genetic Divergence in Brassica napus L., Population Estimated Through Various Agro-Morphological Traits Eur Acad Res 2: 2255-2275.
  • Li CM, Yao YP, Zhao GZ, Cheng W, Liu H, Liu C, Shi Z, Chen Y, Wang S (2011). Comparison and Analysis of Fatty Acids, Sterols and Tocopherols in Eight Vegetable Oils. J Agric Food Chem 59: 12493-12498.
  • Manan J, Sharma M 2017. Yield Realization of Different Brassica Cultivars under Central Plain Zone of Punjab. J. Krishi Vigyan 6(1): 221-223.
  • McCartney CA, Scarth R, McVetty PBE, Daun JK 2004. Genotypic and Environmental Effects on Saturated Fatty Acid Concentration of Canola Grown in Manitoba. Canadian Journal of Plant Science 84(3): 749-756.
  • Mondal MMA, Malek MA, Bhuiyan MSH 2018. The Role of Morpho-Physiological Attributes on the Seed Yield of Brassica juncea. Acta Scientific Agriculture 2(5): 22-26.
  • Nagaharu U 1935. Genome Analysis in Brassica with Special Reference to the Experimental Formation of B. napus and Peculiar Mode of Fertilization. Japan J Bot 7: 389-452.
  • Öğüt H 2007. Bitkisel Atık Yağlardan Biyodizel Üretimi ve 4E İlkesi, Biyoyakıt Dünyası Dergisi, ISSN 1306-997313.
  • Öğüt H, Oğuz H 2006. Üçüncü Milenyum Yakıtı. Biyodizel, Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, Ocak. (Biodiesel: The fuel of the 3rd Millenium) Nobel Ankara.
  • Pavlista AD, Isbell TA, Baltensperger DD, Hergert GW 2011. Planting Date and 370 Development of Spring-Seeded Irrigated Canola, Brown Mustard and Camelina. Ind Crops and Product 33: 451-456.
  • Pritchard FM, Eagles HA, Norton RM, Salisbury PA, Nicolas M 2000. Environmental Effects on Seed Composition of Victorian Canola. Animal Production Science 40(5): 679-685.
  • Qiao Q, Ye MJ, Si FF, Ren HJ, An K, Feng Z, Zhang L, Sun ZK 2017. Variability of Seed Oil Content and Fatty Acid Composition in Shantung maple (Acer truncatum Bunge) germplasm for optimal biodiesel production. African Journal of Biotechnology 16(48): 2232-2241.
  • Rai GK, Bagati S, Rai PK, Rai SK, Singh M 2018. Fatty Acid Profiling in Rapeseed Mustard (Brassica species). Int J Curr Microbiol App Sci 7(5): 148-157.
  • Rakow G, Woods DL 1987. Outcrossing in Rape and Mustard Under Saskatchewan Prairie Conditions. Can J Plant Sci 67: 147-151.
  • Shafii B, Mahler KA, Price WJ, Auld DL 1992. Genotype x Environment Interaction on Winter Rapeseed Yield and Oil Content. Crop Science 32(4): 922-927.
  • Shekhawat K, Rathore SS, Premi OP, Kandpal BK, Chauhan JS 2012. Advances in Agronomic Management of Indian Mustard (Brassica juncea L. Czernj. Cosson): An Overview. International Journal of Agronomy ID: 408284
  • Si P, Walton GH 2004. Determinants of Oil Concentration and Seed Yields in Canola and Indian Mustard in the Lower Rainfall Areas of Western Australia. Aust J Agric Res 55: 367-377.
  • Singh J, Sharma PC, Sharma SK, Rai M 2014. Assessing the Effect of Salinity on the Oil Quality Parameters of Indian Mustard (Brassica juncea L. Czern & Coss) using Fourier Transform Near-Infrared Reflectance (FT-NIR) Spectroscopy. Grasas y Aceites 65: e009.
  • Singh V 2013. Studies of Molecular Diversity, Heterosis, Combining Ability and High Temperature Tolerance in Brassica juncea L. Czern & Coss. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis. G B Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pant Nagar, India.
  • Steel RGD, Torrie JH 1980. Principles and Procedures of Statistics, McGraw Hill Book Co, New York.
  • Turi NA, Farhatullah Malik AR, Zabta KS 2012. Genetic Diversity in the Locally Collected Brassica Species of Pakistan Based on Microsatellite Markers. Pakistan Journal of Botany 44: 1029-1035.
  • Walton GPS, Bowden B (1999). Environmental Impact on Canola Yield and Oil GCIRC. In: N Wratten, PA Salisbury eds. Proceedings of the 10th International Rapeseed Congress (http://www., Canberra, Australia 26-29 September, pp. 136-143.
  • Walton G, Pi S, Bowden B 1999. Environmental Impact on Canola Yield and Oil. 10th International Rapeseed Congress, 26-29 September, pp.136-143.
  • Yousaf S, Malik MS 2013. Evaluating the Influences of Religiosity and Product Involvement Level on the Consumers. Journal of Islamic Marketing 4(2): 163-186.
  • Zubr J, Matthäus B 2002. Effects of Growth Conditions on Fatty Acids and Tocopherols in Camelina sativa oil. Ind Crop Prod 15: 155-162.

Ankara’nın İki Farklı Lokasyonunda Sonbaharda Ekilen Brassica juncea L. Genotiplerinin Bazı Agronomik Özellikler Bakımından Performansı

Year 2020, , 966 - 974, 31.08.2020


Bu çalışma, 2017-2018 yılında Yenimahalle ve Ikizce lokasyonlarında (Ankara) sonbaharda ekilen 29 kahverengi hardal genotipini, bazı agronomik özellikler ve verim bakımından karşılaştırmayı amaçlamıştır. Sonuç olarak, farklı lokasyonlarda yetiştirilen genotipler arasında önemli farklılıklar tespit edilmiştir. Lokasyonların ortalamalarına göre, oleik asit, linoleik asit ve erusik asit %7.42 ile 24.54, %5.81 ile 23.97 ve %20.87 ile 50.25 arasında değişmiştir. En yüksek ham yağ verimi AK (124.3 g parsel-1) ve A3 (123.9 g parsel-1) genotiplerinde Yenimahalle ve İkizce lokasyonlarında elde edilmiştir. AK (427.6 g parsel-1) ve A3 (373.0 g parsel-1) genotipleri, tane verimi açısından en yüksek performansı göstermiştir. Biyoyakıt endüstrisi ve gelecekteki ıslah çalışmaları için AK ve A3 kahverengi hardal genotiplerinin değerlendirilmesi önerilmektedir.


  • Anjum R, Yousaf M, Jahangir M, Hussain M, Nawaz N, Ahmed A 2005. Adaptation and Yield Potential of Different Genotypes of Rapeseed and Mustard Under Agro-climatic Conditions of Bahawalpur. Pakistan. Int J Agri Biol 7: 609-611
  • Anonymous 2000. American Association of Cereal Chemists, Approved Methods of the AACC, 10th ed., Method No: 26-21, 26- 31, 46-30, 55-30. The Association: St. Paul. MN, USA.
  • Ashraf MY, Waheed RA, Bhatti AS, Sarwar G, Aslam Z 1999. Salt Tolerance Potential in Different Brassica Species Growth Studies. In: Hamdy H, Lieth H, Todorovic M, Moschenko M (Ed.). Halophytes Uses in Different Climates-II. Backhuys Publishers. Leiden. The Netherlands, p. 119-125.
  • Aslam MN, Nelson MN, Kailis SG, Bayliss KL, Speijers J, Cowling WA 2009. Canola Oil Increases in Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and Decreases in Oleic Acid in Drought Stressed Mediterranean-type Environments. Plant Breeding 128(4): 348-355.
  • Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) 1999. List of Varieties Which Are Registered in Canada. Variety section Government of Canada.
  • Christie AA, Dean AC, Millburn BA 1973. The Determination of Vitamin E in Food by Colorimetry and Gas-Liquid Chromatography. Analyst 98 (1164): 161-167.
  • Getinet A, Rakow G, Raney JP, Downey RK 1997. The inheritance of erucic acid content in Ethiopian mustard. Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 77:33-41.
  • Gomez-Campo C, Tortosa ME, Tewari I, Tewari JP 1999. Epicuticular Wax Columns in Cultivated Brassica Species and in Their Close Wild Relatives, Ann Bot 83: 515-519.
  • Gunasekera CP, Martin LD, Siddique KHM, Walton GH 2006. Genotype by Environment Interactions of Indian Mustard (Brassica juncea L.) and Canola (Brassica napus L.) in Mediterranean-type Environments: II. Oil and Protein Concentrations in Seed. European Journal of Agr 25: 13-21.
  • Ilyasi MG, Shabbir MA, Rabbani SI, Malik NM, Cheema M, Ansar S, Jan A 2018. Genetic Divergence in Brassica napus L, Germplasm As Determined by Quantitative Attributes. Pak J Bot 50: 1039-1045.
  • Jan SA, Shinwari ZK, Rabbani MA, Niaz IA, Shah SH 2017. Assessment of Quantitative Agro-Morphological Variations Among Brassica rapa Diverse Populations. Pak J Bot 49: 561-567.
  • Johnston AM, Tanaka DL, Miller PR, Brandt SA, Nielsen DC, Lafond G.P, NR Riveland 2002. Oilseed Crops For Semiarid Cropping Systems in the Northern Great Plains. Agron J 94: 231-240.
  • Karaca E, Aytac S 2007. The Factors Affecting on Fatty Acid Composition of Oil Crops. Ondokuz Mayıs University Journal of Faculty of Agric 22(1): 123-131.
  • Kayacetin F, Ogut H, Oguz H, Subasi I, Deveci H 2016. Determination of the Effect of Row Spacing, and Fall and Spring Sowing on Composition of Fatty Acid and Biodiesel Fuel Characteristics of Mustard (Sinapis arvensis L.). Ciência e Técnica Vitivinícola Journal 21(11): 54-69.
  • Kayacetin F 2019. Morphological Characterization and Relationship Among Some Important Wild and Domestic Turkish Mustard Genotypes (Brassica spp.). Turkish Journal of Botany 43(4): 499-515.
  • Kayacetin F, Onemli F, Yilmaz G, Khawar KM, Kinay A, Hatipoglu H, Kivilcim MN, Kara N, Kose A, Sefaoglu F, Ozaydin KA 2019. Growing Degree Day and Seed Yield Relationships in Mustard (Brassica juncea L.) under Different Sowing Seasons and Locations of Turkey. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 25(3): 298-308.
  • Kayacetin F, Efeoglu B, Sarioglu G 2018. Evaluation of Fatty Acid Compositions of Some Important Wild and Domestic Turkish Mustard Genotypes (Brassica spp.). International Journal of Secondary Metabolite 5(4): 270-278.
  • Khan SA, Iqbal J, Khurshid N, Saleem M, Rabbani A, Zia M, Shinwari ZK 2014. The Extent of Intra-Specific Genetic Divergence in Brassica napus L., Population Estimated Through Various Agro-Morphological Traits Eur Acad Res 2: 2255-2275.
  • Li CM, Yao YP, Zhao GZ, Cheng W, Liu H, Liu C, Shi Z, Chen Y, Wang S (2011). Comparison and Analysis of Fatty Acids, Sterols and Tocopherols in Eight Vegetable Oils. J Agric Food Chem 59: 12493-12498.
  • Manan J, Sharma M 2017. Yield Realization of Different Brassica Cultivars under Central Plain Zone of Punjab. J. Krishi Vigyan 6(1): 221-223.
  • McCartney CA, Scarth R, McVetty PBE, Daun JK 2004. Genotypic and Environmental Effects on Saturated Fatty Acid Concentration of Canola Grown in Manitoba. Canadian Journal of Plant Science 84(3): 749-756.
  • Mondal MMA, Malek MA, Bhuiyan MSH 2018. The Role of Morpho-Physiological Attributes on the Seed Yield of Brassica juncea. Acta Scientific Agriculture 2(5): 22-26.
  • Nagaharu U 1935. Genome Analysis in Brassica with Special Reference to the Experimental Formation of B. napus and Peculiar Mode of Fertilization. Japan J Bot 7: 389-452.
  • Öğüt H 2007. Bitkisel Atık Yağlardan Biyodizel Üretimi ve 4E İlkesi, Biyoyakıt Dünyası Dergisi, ISSN 1306-997313.
  • Öğüt H, Oğuz H 2006. Üçüncü Milenyum Yakıtı. Biyodizel, Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, Ocak. (Biodiesel: The fuel of the 3rd Millenium) Nobel Ankara.
  • Pavlista AD, Isbell TA, Baltensperger DD, Hergert GW 2011. Planting Date and 370 Development of Spring-Seeded Irrigated Canola, Brown Mustard and Camelina. Ind Crops and Product 33: 451-456.
  • Pritchard FM, Eagles HA, Norton RM, Salisbury PA, Nicolas M 2000. Environmental Effects on Seed Composition of Victorian Canola. Animal Production Science 40(5): 679-685.
  • Qiao Q, Ye MJ, Si FF, Ren HJ, An K, Feng Z, Zhang L, Sun ZK 2017. Variability of Seed Oil Content and Fatty Acid Composition in Shantung maple (Acer truncatum Bunge) germplasm for optimal biodiesel production. African Journal of Biotechnology 16(48): 2232-2241.
  • Rai GK, Bagati S, Rai PK, Rai SK, Singh M 2018. Fatty Acid Profiling in Rapeseed Mustard (Brassica species). Int J Curr Microbiol App Sci 7(5): 148-157.
  • Rakow G, Woods DL 1987. Outcrossing in Rape and Mustard Under Saskatchewan Prairie Conditions. Can J Plant Sci 67: 147-151.
  • Shafii B, Mahler KA, Price WJ, Auld DL 1992. Genotype x Environment Interaction on Winter Rapeseed Yield and Oil Content. Crop Science 32(4): 922-927.
  • Shekhawat K, Rathore SS, Premi OP, Kandpal BK, Chauhan JS 2012. Advances in Agronomic Management of Indian Mustard (Brassica juncea L. Czernj. Cosson): An Overview. International Journal of Agronomy ID: 408284
  • Si P, Walton GH 2004. Determinants of Oil Concentration and Seed Yields in Canola and Indian Mustard in the Lower Rainfall Areas of Western Australia. Aust J Agric Res 55: 367-377.
  • Singh J, Sharma PC, Sharma SK, Rai M 2014. Assessing the Effect of Salinity on the Oil Quality Parameters of Indian Mustard (Brassica juncea L. Czern & Coss) using Fourier Transform Near-Infrared Reflectance (FT-NIR) Spectroscopy. Grasas y Aceites 65: e009.
  • Singh V 2013. Studies of Molecular Diversity, Heterosis, Combining Ability and High Temperature Tolerance in Brassica juncea L. Czern & Coss. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis. G B Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pant Nagar, India.
  • Steel RGD, Torrie JH 1980. Principles and Procedures of Statistics, McGraw Hill Book Co, New York.
  • Turi NA, Farhatullah Malik AR, Zabta KS 2012. Genetic Diversity in the Locally Collected Brassica Species of Pakistan Based on Microsatellite Markers. Pakistan Journal of Botany 44: 1029-1035.
  • Walton GPS, Bowden B (1999). Environmental Impact on Canola Yield and Oil GCIRC. In: N Wratten, PA Salisbury eds. Proceedings of the 10th International Rapeseed Congress (http://www., Canberra, Australia 26-29 September, pp. 136-143.
  • Walton G, Pi S, Bowden B 1999. Environmental Impact on Canola Yield and Oil. 10th International Rapeseed Congress, 26-29 September, pp.136-143.
  • Yousaf S, Malik MS 2013. Evaluating the Influences of Religiosity and Product Involvement Level on the Consumers. Journal of Islamic Marketing 4(2): 163-186.
  • Zubr J, Matthäus B 2002. Effects of Growth Conditions on Fatty Acids and Tocopherols in Camelina sativa oil. Ind Crop Prod 15: 155-162.
There are 41 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural, Veterinary and Food Sciences

Fatma Kayaçetin 0000-0003-3428-8121

Publication Date August 31, 2020
Submission Date December 2, 2019
Acceptance Date March 17, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Kayaçetin, F. (2020). Performance of Some Important Agronomic Characteristics of Brassica juncea L. Genotypes under Fall Sowing at Two Locations of Ankara, Turkey. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım Ve Doğa Dergisi, 23(4), 966-974.


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