Effects of Melatonin and IAA on Adventitious Root Formation in Rootstock 5BB and cv. Cabernet Sauvignon (Vitis vinifera L.)
Year 2020,
, 835 - 841, 31.08.2020
Zeliha Gökbayrak
Hakan Engin
Hatice Kiraz
Both derived from tryptophan, melatonin (MEL) and indole acetic acid (IAA) were tested for their influence on rooting in the cuttings of two Vitis species, the 5BB rootstock and the cultivar Cabernet Sauvignon. The 2-bud cuttings were grown in a growth chamber after the basal ends were dipped in the following treatments; for 5 seconds in IAA solutions at 0 (the control), 5.7, 11.4 and 16.1 µM concentrations, and for 10 minutes in the melatonin solutions at 0 (the control), 0.1, 0.5 and 1.0 µM. The results indicated that percentages of rooting, shooting and healthy plants in both species were not statistically significant under the influence of the treatments. However, increasing concentrations of IAA resulted in increasing rooting percentages in 5BB rootstock. On the other hand, 0.1 and 0.5 µM MEL also induced rooting. In the cuttings of Cabernet Sauvignon, 11.4 µM IAA provided the highest percentage (100%). Melatonin caused a relative decrease in rooting compared to the IAA. The action of melatonin on rooting seems to be independent of IAA. Hormone treatments caused significant differences in the root number per cutting and fresh root weight in 5BB. Effects of the hormones were important on all the rooting features, including root number, root length, root distribution pattern, and weight of fresh and dry roots in Cabernet Sauvignon. Results indicate that extensive research is needed to extrapolate the influence of melatonin on rooting in grapevine with a possibility in practical use since it is inexpensive and easy to obtain in pure form.
Supporting Institution
Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi BAP Başkanlığı
Project Number
This work was supported by Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University The Scientific Research Coordination Unit, Project number: FBA-2018-1392. This work is also a part of Master’s thesis conducted by H. Kiraz under the supervision of first author. It was presented at 1st International Eurasian Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology (EurasianSciEnTech 2018) in Ankara, TURKEY on November 22-23, 2018, and was published in the abstract book.
- Arnao MB 2014. Phytomelatonin: Discovery, Content, and Role in Plants. Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Advances in Botany, Article ID 815769, 11 pageshttp://dx.doi.org/10.1155/ 2014/ 815769
- Arnao MB, Hernández-Ruiz J 2007. Melatonin Promotes Adventitious- and Lateral Root Regeneration in Etiolated Hypocotyls of Lupinus albus L. Journal of Pineal Research, 42:147-152.
- Arnao MB, Hernández-Ruiz J 2018. Melatonin and Its Relationship to Plant Hormones. Ann Bot, 121:195-207.
- Boccalandro HE, González CV, Wunderlin DA, Silva MF 2011. Melatonin Levels, Determined by LC-ESI-MS/MS, Fluctuate during the Day/Night Cycle in Vitis vinifera cv Malbec: Evidence of Its Antioxidant Role in Fruits. Journal of Pineal Research, 1:226-232.
- Chen Q, Qi W bo, Reiter RJ, Wei W, Wang B-min 2009. Exogenously Applied Melatonin Stimulates Root Growth and Raises Endogenous Indoleacetic Acid in Roots of Etiolated Seedlings of Brassica juncea. J Plant Physiol., 166(3):324-328.
- Dubbels R, Reiter RJ, Klenke E, Goebel A, Schnakenberg E, Ehlers C, Schiwara, HW, Schloot W 1995. Melatonin in Edible Plants Identified by Radioimmunoassay and by High Performance Liquid Chromatography‐Mass Spectrometry. Journal of Pineal Research, 18(1):28-31
- Hattori A, Migitaka H, Iigo M, Itoh M, Yamamoto K, Ohtani-Kaneko R, Hara M, Suzuki T, Reiter RJ 1995. Identification of Melatonin in Plants and Its Effects on Plasma Melatonin Levels and Binding to Melatonin Receptors in Vertebrates. Biochemical and Molecular Biology International, (3):627-634.
- Hernández-Ruiz J, Arnao MB 2008. Distribution of Melatonin in Different Zones of Lupin and Barley Plants at Different Ages in the Presence and Absence of Light. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 56(22):10567-10573.
- Hernández-Ruiz J, Cano A, Arnao MB 2004. Melatonin: A Growth-Stimulating Compound Present in Lupin Tissues. Planta, 220:140-144.
- Hernández-Ruiz J, Cano A, Arnao MB 2005. Melatonin Acts as a Growth-Stimulating Compound in Some Monocot Species. Journal of Pineal Research, 39(2):137-142.
- Iriti M, Rossoni M, Faoro F 2006. Melatonin Content in Grape: Myth or Panacea? Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 86(10):1432-1438.
- Koyama FC, Carvalho TLG, Alves E, Da Silva HB, De Azevedo MF, Hemerly AS, Garcia CRS 2013. The Structurally Related Auxin and Melatonin Tryptophan-Derivatives and Their Roles in Arabidopsis thaliana and in the Human Malaria Parasite Plasmodium falciparum. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology, 60(6):646-651.
- Lavenus J, Goh T, Roberts I, Guyomarc’h S, Lucas M, De Smet I, Fukaki H, Beeckman T, Bennett M, Laplaze L 2013. Lateral Root Development in Arabidopsis: Fifty Shades of Auxin. Trends in Plant Science, 18(8):450-458.
- Meng JF, Xu TF, Wang ZZ, Fang YL, Xi ZM, Zhang ZW 2014. The Ameliorative Effects of Exogenous Melatonin on Grape Cuttings under Water-Deficient Stress: Antioxidant Metabolites, Leaf Anatomy, and Chloroplast Morphology. Journal of Pineal Research, 57(2):200-212.
- Pacifici E, Polverari L, Sabatini S 2015. Plant Hormone Cross-Talk: The Pivot of Root Growth. Journal of Experimental Botany, 66(4):1113-1121.
- Sarropoulou V, Dimassi-Theriou K, Therios I, Koukourikou-Petridou M 2012a. Melatonin Enhances Root Regeneration, Photosynthetic Pigments, Biomass, Total Carbohydrates and Proline Content in the Cherry Rootstock PHL-C (P. avium × P. cerasus). Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 61:162-168.
- Sarropoulou VN, Therios IN, Dimassi-Theriou KN 2012b. Melatonin Promotes Adventitious Root Regeneration in in vitro Shoot Tip Explants of the Commercial Sweet Cherry Rootstocks CAB-6P (Prunus cerasus L.), Gisela 6 (P. cerasus × P. canescens), and MxM 60 (P. avium × P. mahaleb). Journal of Pineal Research, 52(1):38-46.
- Sarrou E, Therios I, Dimassi-Theriou K 2014. Melatonin and Other Factors That Promote Rooting and Sprouting of Shoot Cuttings in Punica granatum cv. Wonderful. Turkish Journal of Botany, 38(2):293-301.
- Stege PW, Sombra LL, Messina G, Martinez LD, Silva MF 2010. Determination of Melatonin in Wine and Plant Extracts by Capillary Electrochromatography with Immobilized Carboxylic Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes as Stationary Phase. Electrophoresis, 31(13): 2242-2248.
- Uzunoğlu Ö, Gökbayrak Z 2018. Influence of IAA, 28-homobrassinolide and 24-epibrassinolide on Adventitious Rooting in Grapevine. COMU Journal of Agriculture Faculty, 6 (1): 23-30.
- Vitalini S, Gardana C, Simonetti P, Fico G, Iriti M 2013. Melatonin, Melatonin Isomers and Stilbenes in Italian Traditional Grape Products and their Antiradical Capacity. Journal of Pineal Research, 54(3):322-333.
- Vitalini S, Gardana C, Zanzotto A, Fico G, Faoro F, Simonetti P, Iriti M 2011a. From vineyard to Glass: Agrochemicals Enhance the Melatonin and Total Polyphenol Contents and Antiradical Activity of Red Wines. Journal of Pineal Research, 51(3):278-285.
- Vitalini S, Gardana C, Zanzotto A, Simonetti P, Faoro F, Fico G, Iriti M 2011b. The Presence of Melatonin in Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) Berry Tissues. Journal of Pineal Research, 51(3):331-337.
- Woodward AW, Bartel B 2005. Auxin: Regulation, Action, and Interaction. Annals of Botany, 95:707-735.
5BB anacı ve Cabernet Sauvignon (Vitis vinifera L.) Üzüm Çeşidinin Adventif Kök Oluşumu Üzerine Melatonin ve IAA’in Etkileri
Year 2020,
, 835 - 841, 31.08.2020
Zeliha Gökbayrak
Hakan Engin
Hatice Kiraz
Triptofandan sentezlenen melatonin (MEL) ve indol asetik asit (IAA)’in iki Vitis türünün (5BB anacı ve Cabernet Sauvignon çeşidi) köklenmesi üzerine etkileri açısından denenmiştir. İki gözlü çelikler, bazal kısımları aşağıda belirtilen uygulamalar içine daldırıldıktan sonra iklim odasında yetiştirilmiştir: 0 (kontrol), 5.7, 11.4 ve 16.1 µM konsantrasyona sahip IAA solüsyonunda 5 saniye ve 0 (kontrol), 0.1, 0.5 ve 1.0 µM konsantrasyona sahip melatonin solüsyonlarında 10 dakika. Bulgular her iki türde köklenme, sürme ve sağlıklı bitki yüzdelerinin istatistiksel anlamda uygulamaların önemli etkisi altında olmadığını göstermiştir. Ancak artan IAA konsantrasyonlarının 5BB anacında köklenme yüzdesini de yükselttiği görülmüştür. Diğer yandan 0.1 ve 0.5 µM MEL uygulamaları da çeliklerde köklenmeyi teşvik etmiştir. Cabernet Sauvignon’da 11.4 µM IAA en yüksek yüzdeyi (%100) sağlamıştır. Melatonin köklenmede IAA’ya göre göreceli bir düşüşe neden olmuştur ve Melatoninin köklenme üzerindeki işlevi IAA’dan bağımsız gibi görünmektedir. Hormon uygulamaları 5BB’de çelik başına kök sayısı ve taze kök ağırlığı üzerinde önemli etkilere neden olmuştur. Cabernet Sauvignon’da hormonların etkisi, kök sayısı, kök uzunluğu, kök dağılım şekli ile yaş ve kuru ağırlıkları da dahil olmak üzere köklenme ilgili tüm özellikler üzerine etkili bulunmuştur. Sonuçlar asmada köklenme üzerine Melatoninin etkisini belirlemek için detaylı çalışmaların yapılması gerektiğini ve ucuz olması ve saf halde kolaylıkla elde edilebilmesi nedeniyle Melatoninin çoğaltmada kullanılabilme olasılığı olduğunu göstermektedir.
Project Number
- Arnao MB 2014. Phytomelatonin: Discovery, Content, and Role in Plants. Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Advances in Botany, Article ID 815769, 11 pageshttp://dx.doi.org/10.1155/ 2014/ 815769
- Arnao MB, Hernández-Ruiz J 2007. Melatonin Promotes Adventitious- and Lateral Root Regeneration in Etiolated Hypocotyls of Lupinus albus L. Journal of Pineal Research, 42:147-152.
- Arnao MB, Hernández-Ruiz J 2018. Melatonin and Its Relationship to Plant Hormones. Ann Bot, 121:195-207.
- Boccalandro HE, González CV, Wunderlin DA, Silva MF 2011. Melatonin Levels, Determined by LC-ESI-MS/MS, Fluctuate during the Day/Night Cycle in Vitis vinifera cv Malbec: Evidence of Its Antioxidant Role in Fruits. Journal of Pineal Research, 1:226-232.
- Chen Q, Qi W bo, Reiter RJ, Wei W, Wang B-min 2009. Exogenously Applied Melatonin Stimulates Root Growth and Raises Endogenous Indoleacetic Acid in Roots of Etiolated Seedlings of Brassica juncea. J Plant Physiol., 166(3):324-328.
- Dubbels R, Reiter RJ, Klenke E, Goebel A, Schnakenberg E, Ehlers C, Schiwara, HW, Schloot W 1995. Melatonin in Edible Plants Identified by Radioimmunoassay and by High Performance Liquid Chromatography‐Mass Spectrometry. Journal of Pineal Research, 18(1):28-31
- Hattori A, Migitaka H, Iigo M, Itoh M, Yamamoto K, Ohtani-Kaneko R, Hara M, Suzuki T, Reiter RJ 1995. Identification of Melatonin in Plants and Its Effects on Plasma Melatonin Levels and Binding to Melatonin Receptors in Vertebrates. Biochemical and Molecular Biology International, (3):627-634.
- Hernández-Ruiz J, Arnao MB 2008. Distribution of Melatonin in Different Zones of Lupin and Barley Plants at Different Ages in the Presence and Absence of Light. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 56(22):10567-10573.
- Hernández-Ruiz J, Cano A, Arnao MB 2004. Melatonin: A Growth-Stimulating Compound Present in Lupin Tissues. Planta, 220:140-144.
- Hernández-Ruiz J, Cano A, Arnao MB 2005. Melatonin Acts as a Growth-Stimulating Compound in Some Monocot Species. Journal of Pineal Research, 39(2):137-142.
- Iriti M, Rossoni M, Faoro F 2006. Melatonin Content in Grape: Myth or Panacea? Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 86(10):1432-1438.
- Koyama FC, Carvalho TLG, Alves E, Da Silva HB, De Azevedo MF, Hemerly AS, Garcia CRS 2013. The Structurally Related Auxin and Melatonin Tryptophan-Derivatives and Their Roles in Arabidopsis thaliana and in the Human Malaria Parasite Plasmodium falciparum. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology, 60(6):646-651.
- Lavenus J, Goh T, Roberts I, Guyomarc’h S, Lucas M, De Smet I, Fukaki H, Beeckman T, Bennett M, Laplaze L 2013. Lateral Root Development in Arabidopsis: Fifty Shades of Auxin. Trends in Plant Science, 18(8):450-458.
- Meng JF, Xu TF, Wang ZZ, Fang YL, Xi ZM, Zhang ZW 2014. The Ameliorative Effects of Exogenous Melatonin on Grape Cuttings under Water-Deficient Stress: Antioxidant Metabolites, Leaf Anatomy, and Chloroplast Morphology. Journal of Pineal Research, 57(2):200-212.
- Pacifici E, Polverari L, Sabatini S 2015. Plant Hormone Cross-Talk: The Pivot of Root Growth. Journal of Experimental Botany, 66(4):1113-1121.
- Sarropoulou V, Dimassi-Theriou K, Therios I, Koukourikou-Petridou M 2012a. Melatonin Enhances Root Regeneration, Photosynthetic Pigments, Biomass, Total Carbohydrates and Proline Content in the Cherry Rootstock PHL-C (P. avium × P. cerasus). Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 61:162-168.
- Sarropoulou VN, Therios IN, Dimassi-Theriou KN 2012b. Melatonin Promotes Adventitious Root Regeneration in in vitro Shoot Tip Explants of the Commercial Sweet Cherry Rootstocks CAB-6P (Prunus cerasus L.), Gisela 6 (P. cerasus × P. canescens), and MxM 60 (P. avium × P. mahaleb). Journal of Pineal Research, 52(1):38-46.
- Sarrou E, Therios I, Dimassi-Theriou K 2014. Melatonin and Other Factors That Promote Rooting and Sprouting of Shoot Cuttings in Punica granatum cv. Wonderful. Turkish Journal of Botany, 38(2):293-301.
- Stege PW, Sombra LL, Messina G, Martinez LD, Silva MF 2010. Determination of Melatonin in Wine and Plant Extracts by Capillary Electrochromatography with Immobilized Carboxylic Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes as Stationary Phase. Electrophoresis, 31(13): 2242-2248.
- Uzunoğlu Ö, Gökbayrak Z 2018. Influence of IAA, 28-homobrassinolide and 24-epibrassinolide on Adventitious Rooting in Grapevine. COMU Journal of Agriculture Faculty, 6 (1): 23-30.
- Vitalini S, Gardana C, Simonetti P, Fico G, Iriti M 2013. Melatonin, Melatonin Isomers and Stilbenes in Italian Traditional Grape Products and their Antiradical Capacity. Journal of Pineal Research, 54(3):322-333.
- Vitalini S, Gardana C, Zanzotto A, Fico G, Faoro F, Simonetti P, Iriti M 2011a. From vineyard to Glass: Agrochemicals Enhance the Melatonin and Total Polyphenol Contents and Antiradical Activity of Red Wines. Journal of Pineal Research, 51(3):278-285.
- Vitalini S, Gardana C, Zanzotto A, Simonetti P, Faoro F, Fico G, Iriti M 2011b. The Presence of Melatonin in Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) Berry Tissues. Journal of Pineal Research, 51(3):331-337.
- Woodward AW, Bartel B 2005. Auxin: Regulation, Action, and Interaction. Annals of Botany, 95:707-735.