Research Article
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Year 2020, , 1669 - 1677, 31.12.2020



  • Adesogan AT, Krueger N, Salawu MB, Dean DB, Staples CR 2004. The influence of treatment with dual purpose bacterial inoculants or soluble carbohydrates on the fermentation and aerobic stability of bermudagrass. J Dairy Sci 87(10): 3407–3416.
  • Aksu T, Baytok E, Karsli MA, Muruz H 2006. Effects of formic acid, molasses and inoculant additives on corn silage composition, organic matter digestibility and microbial protein synthsis in sheep. Small Rumin Res 61(1): 29-33.
  • Alnaimy A, Gad AE, Mustafa MM, Atta MAA, Basuony HAM 2017. Using of citrus by-products in farm animals feeding. Open Access J Sci. 1(3):58-67. DOI: 10.15406/oajs.2017.01.00014
  • Anonim 2016. Minimizing yeast growth in silage. growth-silage
  • AOAC 2000. Official Methods of Analysis (17th ed.): . Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Inc., Arlington, Virginia, USA.
  • Asadi ME, Clemente RS, Gupta AD, Loof R, Hansen GK 2002. Impacts of fertigation via sprinkler irrigation on nitrate leaching and corn yield in an acid-sulfate soil in Thailand. Agric. Water Manage 52(3): 197-213.
  • Ayaşan T, İnci H 2019. Use of citrus co-products in anımal nutrition. ISPEC 3. International conference on agriculture, animal science and rural development-III. 20-22 December 2019, Van. pp:524-536.
  • Baytok E, Aksu T, Karsli MA, Muruz H 2005. The effects of formic acid, molasses and inoculant as silage additives on corn silage composition and ruminal fermentation characteristics in sheep. Turk J Vet Anim Sci 29 (2): 469-474.
  • Benchaar C, Petit HV, Berthiaume R, Ouellet DR, Chiquette J, Chouinard P Y 2007. Effects of essential oils on digestion, ruminal fermentation, rumen microbial populations, milk production, and milk composition in dairy cows fed alfalfa silage or corn silage. Journal of Dairy Sci 90(2): 886-897.
  • Bernardes TF, Reis RA, Moreira AL 2005. Fermentative and microbiological profile of marandu-grass ensiled with citrus pulp pellets. Scientia Agricola 62(3): 214-220.
  • Besharati M, Shafipour N, Abdi E, Nemati Z 2017. Effects of supplementation alfalfa silage with molasses, orange pulp and Lactobacillus buchneri on in vitro dry matter digestibility and gas production. J Bio Biotech 6(1): 43-47.
  • Delavar, MH, Danesh Mesgaran M 2004. Chemical and digestive (ruminal and intestinal) components of treated alfalfa silage with urea and sulfuric acid and their effects on milk production and composition of dairy cows. J Agri Indus Sci 17(3): 231-219.
  • Dubois M, Giles KA, Hamilton JK, Rebers PT, Smith F 1956. Colorimetric method for determination of sugars and related substances. Anal Chem 28(3): 350-356.
  • Dumlu Gül Z, Tan M, Fayetörbay Kaynar D, Kharazmi K 2015. Effects of Some Additives. Harvest stage and wilting on quality Characteristics of Alfalfa Silage. Atatürk Üniv J of the Agricultural Faculty 46 (2): 113-118.
  • Ertekin İ, Kızılşimşek M 2020. Effects of Lactic Acid Bacteria Inoculation in Pre-Harvesting Period on Fermentation and Feed Quality of Alfalfa Silage. Asian-Australian Journal of Animal Science 33 (2): 245-253.
  • Fedorak PM, Hrudey DE 1983. A simple apparatus for measuring gas production by methanogenic cultures in serum bottles. Environ Technol 4(10): 425-432.
  • Filya I 2003. The effect of lactobacillus buchneri and lactobacillus plantarum on the fermentation, aerobic stability, and ruminal degradability of low dry matter corn and sorghum silages. J Dairy Sci 86(11): 3575-3581.
  • Filya I, Muck RE, Contreras-Govea FE 2007. Inoculant effects on alfalfa silage: fermentation products and nutritive value. J Dairy Sci 90(11): 5108-5114.
  • Haghparvar R, Shojaian K, Rowghani E, Parsaei S, Yousef EM 2012. The effects of Lactobacillus plantarum on chemical composition, rumen degradability, in vitro gas production and energy content of whole-plant corn ensiled at different stages of maturity. Iranian J Veterinary Res 13(1): 8-15.
  • Hashemzadeh-Cigari F, Khorvash M, Ghorbani GR, Taghizadeh, A 2011. The effects of wilting, molasses and inoculants on the fermentation quality and nutritive value of lucerne silage. South African J Anim Sci 41(4): 377-388.
  • Islam M, Enishi O, Purnomoadi A, Higuchi K, Takusari N, Terada F 2001. Energy and protein utilization by goats fed Italian ryegrass silage treated with molasses, urea, cellulase or cellulase + lactic acid bacteria. Small Rminant Res 42(1): 49-60.
  • Jalč D, Lauková A, Kišidayová S 2010. Effect of inoculants on fermentation parameters and chemical composition of grass and corn silages. Czech J Anim Sci 43(3): 141-146.
  • Jalč D, Lauková A, Simonová M, Váradyová Z, Homolka P 2009. The use of bacterial inoculants for grass silage: their effects on nutrient composition and fermentation parameters in grass silages. Czech J Anim Sci 54(2): 83-90.
  • Karimi M, Besharati M, Taghizadeh A, Safari R 2017. Effects of lactobacillus inoculants on characteristics and composition of alfalfa wilted by orange pulp silage. Anim Prod Res 6(1): 27-37.
  • Khan MA, Sarwar M, Nisa M, Iqbal Z, Khan MS, Lee WS, Lee HJ, Kim HS 2006. Chemical composition, in situ digestion kinetics and feeding value of Oat grass (Avena sativa) ensiled with molasses for Nili-Ravi Buffaloes. Asian-Aust. J Anim Sci 19(8): 1127-1133.
  • Khorvash M, Colombatto D, Beauchemin KA, Ghorbani GR, Samei A 2006. Use of adsorbants and inoculants to enhance the quality of corn silage. Can J Anim Sci 86(1): 97-107.
  • Kizilsimsek M, Adem E, Dönmez R, Katranci, B 2016. Silaj mikro florasının birbirleri ile ilişkileri, silaj fermentasyonu ve kalitesi üzerine etkileri. Tarim ve Doga Dergisi, 19 (2): 136.
  • Kızılşimşek M, Keklik K, Günaydın T 2020. Using possibilities of new lactic acid bacteria isolates as microbial inoculant on different dry matter containing alfalfa (medicago sativa l.) silage. KSÜ Tarım ve Doğa Derg 23 (5): 1331-1339.
  • Kizilsimsek M, Schmidt RJ, Kung JrL 2007. Effects of a mixture of lactic Acid bacteria applied as a freeze-dried or fresh culture on the fermentation of alfalfa silage. J. Dairy Sci 90(12): 5698-5705.
  • Kleinschmit DH, Kung JrL 2006. A meta-analysis of the effects of lactobacillus buchneri on the fermentation and aerobic stability of corn and grass and small-grain silages. J Dairy Sci 89(10): 4005-4013.
  • Koç F, Karapınar B, Okuyucu B, Korucu Erdem D 2020. Kefir İlavesinin Yonca Silajlarının Fermantasyon Özellikleri ve Aerobik Stabilitesi Üzerine Etkileri. KSU Tarım ve Doğa Derg 23(2): 535-542.
  • Kowsar R, Ghorbani GR, Alikhani M, Khorvash M, Nikkhah A 2008. Corn silage partially replacing short lucerne hay to optimize forage use in total mixed rations for lactating cows. J Dairy Sci 91(12): 4755-4764.
  • Kung JrL, Ranjit NK 2001. The effect of lactobacillus buchneri and other additives on the fermentation and aerobic stability of barley silage. J Dairy Sci 84(5): 1149-1155.
  • Kung JrL, Taylor CC, Lynch MP, Neylon JM 2003. The effect of treating alfalfa with lactobacillus buchneri 40788 on silage fermentation, aerobic stability, and nutritive value for lactating dairy cows. J Dairy Sci 86(1): 336-343.
  • Liu C, Lai Y, Lu X, Guo P, Luo H 2016. Effects of Lactic Acid Bacteria Inoculants on Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) Silage Quality: Assessment of Degradation (in situ) and Gas Production (in vitro). Journal of Integrative Agriculture 15(12): 2834-2841.
  • Mut H, Gülümser E, Çopur Doğrusöz M, Başaran, U 2020. Değişik Arkadaş Bitkilerin Yonca Silaj Kalitesine Etkisi. KSÜ Tarım ve Doğa Derg 23 (4): 975-980. DOI: 10.18016/
  • Nishino N, Wada H, Yoshida M, Shiota H 2004. Microbial Counts, Fermentation Products, and Aerobic Stability of Whole Crop Corn and a Total Mixed Ration Ensiled With and Without Inoculation of Lactobacillus casei or Lactobacillus buchneri. J Dairy Sci 87(8): 2563-2570.
  • Oude Elferink SJWH, Krooneman J, Gottschal JC, Spoelstra SF, Faber F, Driehuis F 2001. Anaerobic conversion of lactic acid to acetic acid and 1, 2-propanediol by Lactobacillus buchneri. Appl Environ Microbiol 67(1): 125–132.
  • Rowghani E, Zamiri MJ 2009. The effects of a microbial inoculant and formic acid as silage additives on chemical composition, ruminal degradability and nutrient digestibility of corn silage in sheep. Iranian J Vet Res 10(2): 27-35.
  • Sadeghi K, Khorvash M, Ghorbani GR, Forouzmand MA, Boroumand M, Hashemzadeh, CF 2012. Effects of homo-fermentative bacterial inoculants on fermentation characteristics and nutritive value of low dry matter corn silage. Iranian J Veterinary Res 13(4): 303-309
  • SAS 2002. Statistical Analysis System Version 9.1, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, N.C., USA.
  • Schmidt RJ, Hu W, Mills JA, Kung Jr L 2009. The development of lactic acid bacteria and Lactobacillus buchneri and their effects on the fermentation of alfalfa silage. J Dairy Sci 92(10): 5005-5010.
  • Silva, CL 2002. Perfil de fermentação das silagens de capim-Tanzânia com aditivos. Lavras: UFLA. (Dissertação - Mestrado).
  • Sinclair WB 1984. Biochemistry and physiology of the lemon and other citrus fruits. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
  • Soltani A, Ghorbani GR, Alikhani M, Samie A, Nikkhah A 2009. Ground versus steam-rolled barley grain for lactating cows: A clarification into conventional beliefs. J Dairy Sci 92(7): 3299-3305.
  • Taiwo AA, Adebowale EA, Greenhalgh JFD, Akinsoyinu AO 1995. Techniques for trapping ammonia generated from urea treatment of barley straw. Anim Feed Sci Technol 56(1-2): 133–141.
  • Touqir NA, Ajmal Khan M, Sarwar M, Nisa M, Lee WS, Lee HJ, Kim HS 2007. Influence of varying dry matter and molasses levels on berseem and lucerne silage characteristics and their in situ digestion Kinetics in Nili buffalo bulls. Asian-Aust J Anim Sci 20(6): 887-893.
  • Uher D, Konjačić M, Jareš D, Maćešić D 2019. The effect of bacterial inoculant on chemical composition and fermentation of alfalfa silage. J Central Eur Agri 20(2): 657-664.
  • Van Soest PJ, Robertson JB, Lewis BA 1991. Methods of dietary fiber, neutral detergent fiber, and non-starch polysaccharides in relation to animal nutrition. J Dairy Sci 74(10): 3583-3597.
  • Vanzant ES, Cochran RC, Titgemeyer EC 1998. Standardization of in situ techniques for ruminant feedstuff evaluation. J Anim Sci 76(10): 2717-2729.
  • Vatandoost M, Danesh Mesgaran M, Vakili AR 2011. Fermentation characteristics, in situ rumen degradation and nutritional value of whole crop barley ensiled with microbial inoculant or ammonium propionate for lactating dairy holstein cows. J Agricul Sci Technol 1(11): 1095-1102.
  • Volanis M, Zoiopoulos P, Panagou E, Tzerakis C 2006. Utilization of an ensiled citrus pulp mixture in the feeding of lactating dairy ewes. Small Rumin Res 64(1): 190–195. Woolford MK 1990. The detrimental effects of air on silage. J Appl Bacteriol 68(2): 101–116.
  • Yanbing L, Naoki N 2011. Effects of inoculation of Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Lactobacillus buchneri on fermentation, aerobic stability and microbial communities in whole crop corn silage. Japanese Society of Grassland Science, Grassland Sci 57(4): 184–191.

Improve Quality of Alfalfa Silage Ensiled with Orange Pulp and Bacterial Additive

Year 2020, , 1669 - 1677, 31.12.2020


This study evaluated the effects of Lactobacillus buchneri (LAB) and orange pulp (OP) supplementation on chemical composition, in vitro and in situ degradability, dry matter (DM), pH and aerobic stability of alfalfa silage. Treatments were 1) alfalfa without any additive (control), 2) alfalfa + OP (70% alfalfa mixed with 30% fresh OP, LAB0), 3) treatment 2 with 1.5 g LAB/ton (LAB1), 4) treatment 2 with 3 g LAB/ton (LAB2) and 5) treatment 2 with 4.5 g LAB/ton (LAB3). Treatments were replicated three times in laboratory mini silos for 90 d in a closed barn with a ambient temperature (15 to 18 oC). As a result of this study, the experimental treatments did not affect on DM of silage at the end of the ensiling period. Control treatment had the highest pH (4.5) among the experimental treatments ( P<0.05). Supplementation alfalfa with OP resulted in significant increase in water soluble carbohydrate (WSC) and total volatile fatty acids (VFAs) ( P<0.05). Treating alfalfa silage with OP and LAB improved aerobic stabilities of treatments significantly, as compared to LAB0. Supplementation of silage with OP and bacterial inoculant increased DM digestibility. These findings indicated that LAB can improve the aerobic stability and quality of silage in laboratory silos and also, OP and LAB might improve silage quality and cause better silage management in the farm.


  • Adesogan AT, Krueger N, Salawu MB, Dean DB, Staples CR 2004. The influence of treatment with dual purpose bacterial inoculants or soluble carbohydrates on the fermentation and aerobic stability of bermudagrass. J Dairy Sci 87(10): 3407–3416.
  • Aksu T, Baytok E, Karsli MA, Muruz H 2006. Effects of formic acid, molasses and inoculant additives on corn silage composition, organic matter digestibility and microbial protein synthsis in sheep. Small Rumin Res 61(1): 29-33.
  • Alnaimy A, Gad AE, Mustafa MM, Atta MAA, Basuony HAM 2017. Using of citrus by-products in farm animals feeding. Open Access J Sci. 1(3):58-67. DOI: 10.15406/oajs.2017.01.00014
  • Anonim 2016. Minimizing yeast growth in silage. growth-silage
  • AOAC 2000. Official Methods of Analysis (17th ed.): . Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Inc., Arlington, Virginia, USA.
  • Asadi ME, Clemente RS, Gupta AD, Loof R, Hansen GK 2002. Impacts of fertigation via sprinkler irrigation on nitrate leaching and corn yield in an acid-sulfate soil in Thailand. Agric. Water Manage 52(3): 197-213.
  • Ayaşan T, İnci H 2019. Use of citrus co-products in anımal nutrition. ISPEC 3. International conference on agriculture, animal science and rural development-III. 20-22 December 2019, Van. pp:524-536.
  • Baytok E, Aksu T, Karsli MA, Muruz H 2005. The effects of formic acid, molasses and inoculant as silage additives on corn silage composition and ruminal fermentation characteristics in sheep. Turk J Vet Anim Sci 29 (2): 469-474.
  • Benchaar C, Petit HV, Berthiaume R, Ouellet DR, Chiquette J, Chouinard P Y 2007. Effects of essential oils on digestion, ruminal fermentation, rumen microbial populations, milk production, and milk composition in dairy cows fed alfalfa silage or corn silage. Journal of Dairy Sci 90(2): 886-897.
  • Bernardes TF, Reis RA, Moreira AL 2005. Fermentative and microbiological profile of marandu-grass ensiled with citrus pulp pellets. Scientia Agricola 62(3): 214-220.
  • Besharati M, Shafipour N, Abdi E, Nemati Z 2017. Effects of supplementation alfalfa silage with molasses, orange pulp and Lactobacillus buchneri on in vitro dry matter digestibility and gas production. J Bio Biotech 6(1): 43-47.
  • Delavar, MH, Danesh Mesgaran M 2004. Chemical and digestive (ruminal and intestinal) components of treated alfalfa silage with urea and sulfuric acid and their effects on milk production and composition of dairy cows. J Agri Indus Sci 17(3): 231-219.
  • Dubois M, Giles KA, Hamilton JK, Rebers PT, Smith F 1956. Colorimetric method for determination of sugars and related substances. Anal Chem 28(3): 350-356.
  • Dumlu Gül Z, Tan M, Fayetörbay Kaynar D, Kharazmi K 2015. Effects of Some Additives. Harvest stage and wilting on quality Characteristics of Alfalfa Silage. Atatürk Üniv J of the Agricultural Faculty 46 (2): 113-118.
  • Ertekin İ, Kızılşimşek M 2020. Effects of Lactic Acid Bacteria Inoculation in Pre-Harvesting Period on Fermentation and Feed Quality of Alfalfa Silage. Asian-Australian Journal of Animal Science 33 (2): 245-253.
  • Fedorak PM, Hrudey DE 1983. A simple apparatus for measuring gas production by methanogenic cultures in serum bottles. Environ Technol 4(10): 425-432.
  • Filya I 2003. The effect of lactobacillus buchneri and lactobacillus plantarum on the fermentation, aerobic stability, and ruminal degradability of low dry matter corn and sorghum silages. J Dairy Sci 86(11): 3575-3581.
  • Filya I, Muck RE, Contreras-Govea FE 2007. Inoculant effects on alfalfa silage: fermentation products and nutritive value. J Dairy Sci 90(11): 5108-5114.
  • Haghparvar R, Shojaian K, Rowghani E, Parsaei S, Yousef EM 2012. The effects of Lactobacillus plantarum on chemical composition, rumen degradability, in vitro gas production and energy content of whole-plant corn ensiled at different stages of maturity. Iranian J Veterinary Res 13(1): 8-15.
  • Hashemzadeh-Cigari F, Khorvash M, Ghorbani GR, Taghizadeh, A 2011. The effects of wilting, molasses and inoculants on the fermentation quality and nutritive value of lucerne silage. South African J Anim Sci 41(4): 377-388.
  • Islam M, Enishi O, Purnomoadi A, Higuchi K, Takusari N, Terada F 2001. Energy and protein utilization by goats fed Italian ryegrass silage treated with molasses, urea, cellulase or cellulase + lactic acid bacteria. Small Rminant Res 42(1): 49-60.
  • Jalč D, Lauková A, Kišidayová S 2010. Effect of inoculants on fermentation parameters and chemical composition of grass and corn silages. Czech J Anim Sci 43(3): 141-146.
  • Jalč D, Lauková A, Simonová M, Váradyová Z, Homolka P 2009. The use of bacterial inoculants for grass silage: their effects on nutrient composition and fermentation parameters in grass silages. Czech J Anim Sci 54(2): 83-90.
  • Karimi M, Besharati M, Taghizadeh A, Safari R 2017. Effects of lactobacillus inoculants on characteristics and composition of alfalfa wilted by orange pulp silage. Anim Prod Res 6(1): 27-37.
  • Khan MA, Sarwar M, Nisa M, Iqbal Z, Khan MS, Lee WS, Lee HJ, Kim HS 2006. Chemical composition, in situ digestion kinetics and feeding value of Oat grass (Avena sativa) ensiled with molasses for Nili-Ravi Buffaloes. Asian-Aust. J Anim Sci 19(8): 1127-1133.
  • Khorvash M, Colombatto D, Beauchemin KA, Ghorbani GR, Samei A 2006. Use of adsorbants and inoculants to enhance the quality of corn silage. Can J Anim Sci 86(1): 97-107.
  • Kizilsimsek M, Adem E, Dönmez R, Katranci, B 2016. Silaj mikro florasının birbirleri ile ilişkileri, silaj fermentasyonu ve kalitesi üzerine etkileri. Tarim ve Doga Dergisi, 19 (2): 136.
  • Kızılşimşek M, Keklik K, Günaydın T 2020. Using possibilities of new lactic acid bacteria isolates as microbial inoculant on different dry matter containing alfalfa (medicago sativa l.) silage. KSÜ Tarım ve Doğa Derg 23 (5): 1331-1339.
  • Kizilsimsek M, Schmidt RJ, Kung JrL 2007. Effects of a mixture of lactic Acid bacteria applied as a freeze-dried or fresh culture on the fermentation of alfalfa silage. J. Dairy Sci 90(12): 5698-5705.
  • Kleinschmit DH, Kung JrL 2006. A meta-analysis of the effects of lactobacillus buchneri on the fermentation and aerobic stability of corn and grass and small-grain silages. J Dairy Sci 89(10): 4005-4013.
  • Koç F, Karapınar B, Okuyucu B, Korucu Erdem D 2020. Kefir İlavesinin Yonca Silajlarının Fermantasyon Özellikleri ve Aerobik Stabilitesi Üzerine Etkileri. KSU Tarım ve Doğa Derg 23(2): 535-542.
  • Kowsar R, Ghorbani GR, Alikhani M, Khorvash M, Nikkhah A 2008. Corn silage partially replacing short lucerne hay to optimize forage use in total mixed rations for lactating cows. J Dairy Sci 91(12): 4755-4764.
  • Kung JrL, Ranjit NK 2001. The effect of lactobacillus buchneri and other additives on the fermentation and aerobic stability of barley silage. J Dairy Sci 84(5): 1149-1155.
  • Kung JrL, Taylor CC, Lynch MP, Neylon JM 2003. The effect of treating alfalfa with lactobacillus buchneri 40788 on silage fermentation, aerobic stability, and nutritive value for lactating dairy cows. J Dairy Sci 86(1): 336-343.
  • Liu C, Lai Y, Lu X, Guo P, Luo H 2016. Effects of Lactic Acid Bacteria Inoculants on Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) Silage Quality: Assessment of Degradation (in situ) and Gas Production (in vitro). Journal of Integrative Agriculture 15(12): 2834-2841.
  • Mut H, Gülümser E, Çopur Doğrusöz M, Başaran, U 2020. Değişik Arkadaş Bitkilerin Yonca Silaj Kalitesine Etkisi. KSÜ Tarım ve Doğa Derg 23 (4): 975-980. DOI: 10.18016/
  • Nishino N, Wada H, Yoshida M, Shiota H 2004. Microbial Counts, Fermentation Products, and Aerobic Stability of Whole Crop Corn and a Total Mixed Ration Ensiled With and Without Inoculation of Lactobacillus casei or Lactobacillus buchneri. J Dairy Sci 87(8): 2563-2570.
  • Oude Elferink SJWH, Krooneman J, Gottschal JC, Spoelstra SF, Faber F, Driehuis F 2001. Anaerobic conversion of lactic acid to acetic acid and 1, 2-propanediol by Lactobacillus buchneri. Appl Environ Microbiol 67(1): 125–132.
  • Rowghani E, Zamiri MJ 2009. The effects of a microbial inoculant and formic acid as silage additives on chemical composition, ruminal degradability and nutrient digestibility of corn silage in sheep. Iranian J Vet Res 10(2): 27-35.
  • Sadeghi K, Khorvash M, Ghorbani GR, Forouzmand MA, Boroumand M, Hashemzadeh, CF 2012. Effects of homo-fermentative bacterial inoculants on fermentation characteristics and nutritive value of low dry matter corn silage. Iranian J Veterinary Res 13(4): 303-309
  • SAS 2002. Statistical Analysis System Version 9.1, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, N.C., USA.
  • Schmidt RJ, Hu W, Mills JA, Kung Jr L 2009. The development of lactic acid bacteria and Lactobacillus buchneri and their effects on the fermentation of alfalfa silage. J Dairy Sci 92(10): 5005-5010.
  • Silva, CL 2002. Perfil de fermentação das silagens de capim-Tanzânia com aditivos. Lavras: UFLA. (Dissertação - Mestrado).
  • Sinclair WB 1984. Biochemistry and physiology of the lemon and other citrus fruits. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
  • Soltani A, Ghorbani GR, Alikhani M, Samie A, Nikkhah A 2009. Ground versus steam-rolled barley grain for lactating cows: A clarification into conventional beliefs. J Dairy Sci 92(7): 3299-3305.
  • Taiwo AA, Adebowale EA, Greenhalgh JFD, Akinsoyinu AO 1995. Techniques for trapping ammonia generated from urea treatment of barley straw. Anim Feed Sci Technol 56(1-2): 133–141.
  • Touqir NA, Ajmal Khan M, Sarwar M, Nisa M, Lee WS, Lee HJ, Kim HS 2007. Influence of varying dry matter and molasses levels on berseem and lucerne silage characteristics and their in situ digestion Kinetics in Nili buffalo bulls. Asian-Aust J Anim Sci 20(6): 887-893.
  • Uher D, Konjačić M, Jareš D, Maćešić D 2019. The effect of bacterial inoculant on chemical composition and fermentation of alfalfa silage. J Central Eur Agri 20(2): 657-664.
  • Van Soest PJ, Robertson JB, Lewis BA 1991. Methods of dietary fiber, neutral detergent fiber, and non-starch polysaccharides in relation to animal nutrition. J Dairy Sci 74(10): 3583-3597.
  • Vanzant ES, Cochran RC, Titgemeyer EC 1998. Standardization of in situ techniques for ruminant feedstuff evaluation. J Anim Sci 76(10): 2717-2729.
  • Vatandoost M, Danesh Mesgaran M, Vakili AR 2011. Fermentation characteristics, in situ rumen degradation and nutritional value of whole crop barley ensiled with microbial inoculant or ammonium propionate for lactating dairy holstein cows. J Agricul Sci Technol 1(11): 1095-1102.
  • Volanis M, Zoiopoulos P, Panagou E, Tzerakis C 2006. Utilization of an ensiled citrus pulp mixture in the feeding of lactating dairy ewes. Small Rumin Res 64(1): 190–195. Woolford MK 1990. The detrimental effects of air on silage. J Appl Bacteriol 68(2): 101–116.
  • Yanbing L, Naoki N 2011. Effects of inoculation of Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Lactobacillus buchneri on fermentation, aerobic stability and microbial communities in whole crop corn silage. Japanese Society of Grassland Science, Grassland Sci 57(4): 184–191.
There are 53 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural, Veterinary and Food Sciences

Maghsoud Besharatı 0000-0002-5233-6425

Mojtaba Karımı 0000-0002-7495-7150

Akbar Taghizadeh 0000-0002-9120-1662

Zabihollah Nemati 0000-0001-8842-012X

Ali Kaygısız 0000-0002-5302-2735

Publication Date December 31, 2020
Submission Date January 11, 2020
Acceptance Date June 8, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Besharatı, M., Karımı, M., Taghizadeh, A., Nemati, Z., et al. (2020). Improve Quality of Alfalfa Silage Ensiled with Orange Pulp and Bacterial Additive. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım Ve Doğa Dergisi, 23(6), 1669-1677.


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Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi
e-ISSN: 2619-9149