Asymmetrical Relationship Between Raw Milk and Retail Milk in Turkey
Year 2021,
, 594 - 602, 30.06.2021
Merve Ayyıldız
Adnan Çiçek
Kaan Kaplan
Competitive conditions in the supply chain are influential on the formation of producer and consumer milk prices. Determining the asymmetrical relationship between the mentioned prices is very important in terms the disruptions in the sector and the presence of market power. In this study, it is aimed to reveal the asymmetric relationship by using raw milk and retail milk prices for the period 2005 January - December 2019.. Asymmetric error correction model (AECM) developed by Von Cramon-Taubadel and Loy was used to determine the asymmetric price relationship. As a result of the research, it was determined that retail milk prices react more rapidly to decreases in raw milk prices in the long run. This result can be considered as an important sign that the dairy industry has gained a more competitive structure. On the other hand, while improvements in price formation and price stability are observed, the quality standard and the existence of unfair competition conditions cannot be ignored. In this context, policies that encourage quality production in the dairy industry under conditions suitable for food codex should be developed and the supervision system should be strengthened.
- Acosta A, Valdés, A 2014. Vertical Price Transmission of Milk Prices: Are Small Dairy Producers Efficiently Integrated into Markets? Agribusiness 30(1): 56-63.
- Acquah H, Dadzie, SKN 2010. An Application of the von Cramon-Taubadel and Loy Error Correction Models in Analyzing Asymetric Adjustment Between Retail and Wholesale Maize Prices in Ghana. Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics, 2(4): 100-106.
- Aguiar DRD, Santana JA 2002. Asymmetry in Farm to Retail Price Transmission: Evidence from Brazil. Journal of Agribusiness 18(1): 37-48.
- Amador OF, Baumgartner J, Cuaresma JC 2010 Milking the Prices: The Role of Asymmetries in the Price Transmission Mechanism for Milk Products in Austria. Working Papers 378. Working Paper of WIFO.
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Management Cornell University, Ithaca, New York.
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- Johansen S 1988. Statistical Analysis of Countegration Vectors. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 12(2-3): 231-254.
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- Perron P 1997. Further Evidence on Breaking Trend Functions in Macroeconomic Variables. Journal of Econometrics 80(2): 355-385.
- Popovics PA 2008. Analysis of Economic Issues Relating to The Dairy Sector, with Emphasis on Price Transmission. Applied Studies in Agribusiness and Commerce, 2(1-2): 61-70.
- Rezitis AN, Tsionas M 2019. Modelling Asymmetric Price Transmission in the European Food Market. Journal of Economic Modelling, 76: 216-230.
- Serra T, Goodwin BK 2003. Price Transmission and Asymmetric Adjustment in The Spanish Dairy Sector. Applied Economics, 35(18): 1889-1899.
- Tekgüç H 2013. Oligopoly and Price Transmission in Turkey’s Fluid Milk Market. Journal of Agribusiness, 29(3): 293-305.
- Von Cramon-Taubadel S, Loy JP 1999. The Identification of Asymmetric Price Transmission Processes with Integrated Time Series. Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik 218(1-2): 85-106.
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Türkiye’de Çiğ Süt ile Perakende Süt Fiyatları Arasındaki Asimetrik İlişki
Year 2021,
, 594 - 602, 30.06.2021
Merve Ayyıldız
Adnan Çiçek
Kaan Kaplan
Üretici ve tüketici süt fiyatlarının oluşumunda arz zincirindeki rekabet koşulları büyük ölçüde etkili olmaktadır. Söz konusu fiyatlar arasındaki asimetrik ilişkinin belirlenmesi sektördeki aksaklıkları ve pazar gücünün varlığını belirlemede oldukça önemlidir. Bu çalışmada, 2005 Ocak – 2019 Aralık dönemine ait çiğ süt ve perakende süt fiyatları kullanılarak asimetrik ilişkinin ortaya konulması amaçlanmıştır. Asimetrik fiyat ilişkisini belirlemede Von Cramon-Taubadel ve Loy tarafından geliştirilen asimetrik hata düzeltme modelinden (AECM) yararlanılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda uzun dönemde perakende süt fiyatlarının çiğ süt fiyatlarındaki azalışlara, artışlara göre daha hızlı tepki verdiği belirlenmiştir. Bu sonuç, süt sanayisinin daha rekabetçi bir yapı kazandığına önemli bir işaret olarak kabul edilebilir. Diğer yandan fiyat oluşumlarında ve fiyat istikrarında iyileşmeler gözlenirken kalite standardı ile haksız rekabet koşullarının varlığı göz ardı edilemez. Bu bağlamda, süt sanayiinde gıda kodeksine uygun şartlarda kaliteli üretimi de teşvik eden politikalar geliştirilmeli ve buna yönelik denetim sistemi güçlendirilmelidir.
- Acosta A, Valdés, A 2014. Vertical Price Transmission of Milk Prices: Are Small Dairy Producers Efficiently Integrated into Markets? Agribusiness 30(1): 56-63.
- Acquah H, Dadzie, SKN 2010. An Application of the von Cramon-Taubadel and Loy Error Correction Models in Analyzing Asymetric Adjustment Between Retail and Wholesale Maize Prices in Ghana. Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics, 2(4): 100-106.
- Aguiar DRD, Santana JA 2002. Asymmetry in Farm to Retail Price Transmission: Evidence from Brazil. Journal of Agribusiness 18(1): 37-48.
- Amador OF, Baumgartner J, Cuaresma JC 2010 Milking the Prices: The Role of Asymmetries in the Price Transmission Mechanism for Milk Products in Austria. Working Papers 378. Working Paper of WIFO.
- Anonim 2020. Hayvan Varlığı ve Süt Üretim Miktarı, 2000-2019. (Alınma Tarihi: 21.04.2020).
- Anonim 2018a. Süt sektör politika belgesi. Belgeler/ yayin/S%C3%BCt%20Sekt%C3%B6r%20Politika%20Belgesi%202018-2022.pdf (Alınma Tarihi: 21.04.2020).
- Anonim 2018b. Süt Sektörü Raporu. genel/bizden_detay.php? kod= 31590&tipi= 38&sube=0 (Alınma Tarihi 21.04.2020).
- Bölük G, Karaman S 2015. Süt Arz Zincirinde Aksak Rekabet Koşullarının Asimetrik Hata Düzeltme Modeli ile Analizi. Rekabet Dergisi 16(1): 3-40.
- Bor Ö, Ismıhan M, Bayaner A 2014. Asymmetry in farm-retail price transmission in the Turkish fluid market. New Medit, 2: 2-8.
- Çınar G 2017. Çiftlik Sütü Fiyatlarından Yoğurt ve Peynir Pazarına Asimetrik İletim. Tarım Ekonomisi Dergisi 23(1): 93-99.
- Dickey DA, Fuller WA 1981. Likelihood Ratio Statistics for Autoregressive Time Series with a Unit Root. Econometrica, 49(4): 1057-1072.
- Engel R, Granger C 1987. Co-integration and Error Correction: Representation, Estimation and Testing. Econometrica, 55(2): 251-276.
- Fousekis P, Katrakilidis C, Trachanas E 2016. Vercital Price Transmission in the US Beef Sector: Evidence from The Nonlinear ARDL Model. Journal of Economic Modelling, 52(B): 499-506.
- G MI, Koerner L 2009. Do Retail Coffee Prices Increase Faster than They Fall? Asymmetric Price Transmission in France, Germany and The United States. Working Paper of Department of Applied Economics and
Management Cornell University, Ithaca, New York.
- Günlü A 2011. Çiğ Süt Pazarlamasında Süt Sanayi İşletmelerinde Firma Yoğunlaşma Oranlarının Araştırılması: Burdur İli Örneği. Kafkas Üniversitesi Veterinerlik Fakültesi Dergisi, 17(1): 101-106.
- Hatırlı SA, Özkan B 2004. Türkiye Süt ve Süt Ürünleri Sektöründe Oligopson Gücünün Araştırılması. Türkiye VI Tarım Ekonomisi Kongresi, 16-18 Eylül 2004, Tokat.
- Hekimoğlu B, Altındeğer M 2008. Ülkemizde ve Samsun İlinde; Süt Hayvancılığı ve Süt Sektöründeki Mevcut Durum, Sorunlar ve Öneriler. Samsun Tarım İl Müdürlüğü Raporu.
- Johansen S 1988. Statistical Analysis of Countegration Vectors. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 12(2-3): 231-254.
- MacKinnon JG 1996. Numerical Distribution Functions for Unit Root and Cointegration Tests. Journal of Applied Econometrics 11: 601-618.
- Nakajima J 2011. Time-Varying Parameter VAR Model with Stochastic Volatility: An Overwiew of Methodology and Empirical Applications. Monetary and Economic Studies 29: 107-142.
- Özer OO 2011. Koyun Eti Fiyatının Asimetrik Fiyat Geçirgenliği ile Analizi: Türkiye Örneği. Tarım Ekonomisi Dergisi 17(2): 55-63.
- Perron P 1997. Further Evidence on Breaking Trend Functions in Macroeconomic Variables. Journal of Econometrics 80(2): 355-385.
- Popovics PA 2008. Analysis of Economic Issues Relating to The Dairy Sector, with Emphasis on Price Transmission. Applied Studies in Agribusiness and Commerce, 2(1-2): 61-70.
- Rezitis AN, Tsionas M 2019. Modelling Asymmetric Price Transmission in the European Food Market. Journal of Economic Modelling, 76: 216-230.
- Serra T, Goodwin BK 2003. Price Transmission and Asymmetric Adjustment in The Spanish Dairy Sector. Applied Economics, 35(18): 1889-1899.
- Tekgüç H 2013. Oligopoly and Price Transmission in Turkey’s Fluid Milk Market. Journal of Agribusiness, 29(3): 293-305.
- Von Cramon-Taubadel S, Loy JP 1999. The Identification of Asymmetric Price Transmission Processes with Integrated Time Series. Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik 218(1-2): 85-106.
- Weldesenbet T 2013. Asymmetric price transmission in the Slovak liquid milk market. Agricultural Economics 59: 512–524.