A New Approach to Measure Parcel Shapes for Land Consolidation
Year 2021,
, 1059 - 1067, 31.10.2021
Firat Arslan
Hasan Degirmenci
Serife Akkaya
Evelin Jürgenson
Land consolidation (LC) is of significant importance and is an application that decreases land fragmentation level and deformed parcels, which reduce agricultural production, increasing fuel consumption and labor cost in the agriculture sector. The present research focuses on parcel shapes and investigates a new index measuring complexity of parcels. The most commonly used indices (fractal dimension, shape index, form factor, areal form factor, area perimeter ratios, and the number of points) are compared with the new shape index. The new shape index is calculated with the parcel's area and minimum bounding geometry of the parcel using geographic information systems. The new approach was applied to the cadastral data consisting of different types of parcel shapes before LC in a village in Mersin, Turkey. The new shape index showed a good performance in terms of measuring shape complexity and is easily applicable. The presented method may be used to assess LC projects or to determine priority areas for LC.
- Akkaya S, Toprak R, Kara M 2017. Arazi Toplulaştırmasının Toplu Yağmurlama Şebekesi Proje ve İşletme Maliyetlerine Etkisi. Bahri Dağdaş Bitkisel Araştırma Dergisi 6(1): 1-9.
- Arslan F, Değirmenci H, Akkaya Aslan ŞT 2018. Determination of Relationship among Shape Indexes Used for Land Consolidation. ICASMP 2018: International Conference on Agricultural Soil Management Practices, 17-18 May 2018, Barcelona, Spain.
- Asiama KO, Bennett RM, Zevenbergen JA 2017. Land consolidation on Ghana's rural customary lands: Drawing from The Dutch, Lithuanian and Rwandan experiences. Journal of Rural Studies 56: 87-99.
- Aslan T, Gündoğdu K, Arıcı İ 2007. Some Metric Indices for the Assessment of Land Consolidation Projects. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 10(9): 1390-1397.
- Ayrancı Y 2004. Bir Parselde Optimum Boy/En Oraninin Belirlenmesinde Bir Yaklaşim. Selçuk Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi 18(33): 1-7.
- Bayram R, Değirmenci H 2018. Arazi Toplulaştırma Projelerinde Parsel Şekillerinin Analizi: Niğde Misli Ovası 2. Kısım Yıldıztepe Örneği. KSÜ Tarım ve Doğa Derg 21(4): 500-510.
- Boztoprak T 2015. Kamulaştirmanin Parsel Sayisi ve Ortalama Parsel Büyüklüğüne Etkisi. Selçuk Üniversitesi Mühendislik, Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi 3(2): 10-17.
- Chen F, Yu M, Zhu F, Shen C, Zhang S, Yang Y 2018. Rethinking Rural Transformation Caused by Comprehensive Land Consolidation: Insight from Program of Whole Village Restructuring in Jiangsu Province, China. Sustainability 10(6): 2071-1050.
- Colombo S, Perujo Villanueva M 2017. The inefficiency and production costs due to parcel fragmentation in olive orchards. New Medit 16(2): 2-11.
- Değirmenci H, Arslan F, Keten M 2018. Arazi Toplulaştırma Projelerinde Parsel Şekillerinin Değişimi: Şanlıurfa Bozca Köyü Örneği. International Conference on Agriculture, Forest, Food Sciences and Technologies, 2-5
April 2018, Çeşme-Izmir/Turkey.
- Değirmenci H, Arslan F, Tonçer R, Yoğun E 2017. Evaluation of land fragmentation parcel shapes before land consolidation project: a case study of Tırhan Village in Niğde Misli Plain. Gaziosmanpașa Üniversitesi Ziraat
Fakültesi Dergisi 34(3): 182-189.
- Demetriou D, See L, Stillwell J 2013. A parcel shape index for use in land consolidation planning. Transactions in GIS 17(6): 861-882.
- Djanibekov U, Finger R 2018. Agricultural risks and farm land consolidation process in transition countries: The case of cotton production in Uzbekistan. Agricultural Systems 164: 223-235.
- Feng Y, Liu Y 2015. Fractal dimension as an indicator for quantifying the effects of changing spatial scales on landscape metrics. Ecological Indicators 53: 18-27.
- Gasiorowski J, Bielecka E 2014. Land fragmentation analysis using morphometric parameters. In Environmental Engineering. Proceedings of the International Conference on Environmental Engineering. ICEE (Vol. 9, p. 1). Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Department of Construction Economics & Property.
- Gonzalez XP, Alvarez CJ, Crecente R 2004. Evaluation of land distributions with joint regard to plot size and shape. Agricultural Systems 82: 31–43.
- Gonzalez XP, Marey MF, Alvarez CJ 2007. Evaluation of productive rural land patterns with joint regard to the size, shape and dispersion of plots. Agricultural Systems 92: 52–62.
- Harasimowicz S, Janus J, Bacior S, Gniadek J 2017. Shape and size of parcels and transport costs as a mixed integer programming problem in optimization of land consolidation. Computers and electronics in agriculture 140: 113-122.
- Hristov J, 2009. Assessment of the Impact of High Fragmented Land Upon the Productivity and Profitability of the Farms. https://stud.epsilon. slu.se/472/1/Hristov_J_010909.pdf Last access time: 10.08.2018
- Huang SQ, Chen Y, Zhang RZ, Wu W, Wei C 2015. Spatial correlation analysis of land fragmentation and agriculture development based on landscape indexes. Agr. Res. Arid Area 33: 238-244.
- Janus J, Glowacka A, Bozek P 2016. Identification of areas with unfavorable agriculture development conditions in terms of shape and size of parcels with example of Southern Poland. In Proceedings of 15th
International Scientific Conference: Engineering for Rural Development, 15: 1260-1265.
- Jiao L, Liu Y 2012. Analyzing the shape characteristics of land use classes in remote sensing imagery. ISPRS Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci I-7: 135-140.
- Jiao L, Liu Y, Li H 2012. Characterizing land-use classes in remote sensing imagery by shape metrics. ISPRS, Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 72: 46-55.
- Jürgenson E 2016. Land reform, land fragmentation and perspectives for future land consolidation in Estonia. Land Use Policy 57: 34-43.
- Jürgenson E 2017. Implementation of the Land Reform in Estonia: Institutional Arrangement, Speed of Implementation and Land Plot Fragmentation (Doctoral dissertation, Eesti Maaülikool).
- Kirmikil M, Arici I 2013. The Role of Land Consolidation in the Development of Rural Areas in Irrigation Areas. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment 11(2): 1150-1155.
- Krummel JR, Gardner RH, Sugihara G, O'neill RV, Coleman PR 1987. Landscape patterns in a disturbed environment. Oikos, 321-324.
- Kupidura A, Łuczewski M, Home R, Kupidura P 2014. Public perceptions of rural landscapes in land consolidation procedures in Poland. Land use policy 39: 313-319.
- Kupidura A, Łuczewski M, Home R, Kupidura P 2014. Public perceptions of rural landscapes in land consolidation procedures in Poland. Land use policy 39: 313-319.
- Küsek G 2014. Arazi Toplulaştırmasının Parsel Şekli ve Tarımsal Mekanizasyon Uygulamalarına Etkileri: Konya-Ereğli-Acıkuyu ve Özgürler Köyleri Örnekleri. Çukurova Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 29(2): 1-14.
- Kwinta A, Gniadek J 2017. The description of parcel geometry and its application in terms of land consolidation planning. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 136: 117-124.
- Latruffe L, Piet L 2014. Does land fragmentation affect farm performance? A case study from Brittany, France. Agricultural Systems 129: 68-80.
- Leń P 2018. An algorithm for selecting groups of factors for prioritization of land consolidation in rural areas. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 144: 216-221.
- Leń P, Noga K 2018. Prioritization of Land Consolidation Interventions in the Villages of Central Poland. Journal of Ecological Engineering, 19: 1.
- Lewis HG, Cote S, Tatnall ARL 1997. Determination of spatial and temporal characteristics as an aid to neural network cloud classification. International Journal of Remote Sensing 18: 899-915.
- Libecap G, Lueck D 2009. The Demarcation of Land and the Role of Coordinating Institutions. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper No. 14942
- Looga J, Jürgenson, E, Sikk K, Matveev E, Maasikamäe S 2018. Land fragmentation and other determinants of agricultural farm productivity: The case of Estonia. Land use policy 79: 285–292.
- McGarical K, Marks BJ 1995. FRAGSTATS: Spatial Pattern Analysis Program for quantifying Landscape Structure. Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, General Technical Report No PNW-GTR-351.
- Ónega-López FJ, Puppim de Oliveira JA, Crecente-Maseda R 2010. Planning innovations in land management and governance in fragmented rural areas: Two examples from Galicia (Spain). European Planning Studies 18(5): 755-773.
- Platonova D 2014. Land consolidation in Latvia. Doctoral thesis, Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Economics and Social Development.
- Platonova D, Setkovska L, Jankava A 2011. Assessment principles of land fragmentation. Baltic Surveying’11, 117-124.
- Popov A 2017. Assessment of land fragmentation of agricultural enterprises in Ukraine. Економічний часопис-ХХІ 164(3-4): 56-60.
- Russ JC 2002. The Image Processing Handbook, fourth ed. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
- Sadegh M, Christos A, Masouleh D 2018. Land consolidation success in paddy fields of northern Iran: An assessment based on farmersâ satisfaction. Land use policy 73: 95-101.
- Sharifzadeh A, Abdollahzadeh G, Kalantari K, Sehat A 2018. Farmland Fragmentation and Consolidation Issues in Iran; an Investigation from Landholder's Viewpoint.
- Stańczuk-Gałwiaczek M, Sobolewska-Mikulska K, Ritzema H, van Loon-Steensma J.M 2018. Integration of water management and land consolidation in rural areas to adapt to climate change: Experiences from Poland and the Netherlands. Land Use Policy 77: 498-511.
- Van Holst F, Hartvigsen M, Ónega Lopex F 2018. Land governance for development in Central and Eastern Europe: Land fragmentation and land consolidation as part of Sustainable Development Goals. In World Bank Land and Poverty Conference.
- Vijulie I, Matei E, Manea G, Cocoş O, Cuculici R 2012. Assessment of Agricultural Land Fragmentation in Romania, A Case Study: Izvoarele Commune, Olt County. Acta geographica Slovenica, 52(2), 403-430.
- Wójcik-Leń J, Sobolewska-Mikulska K, Sajnóg N, Leń P 2018. The idea of rational management of problematic agricultural areas in the course of land consolidation. Land Use Policy 78: 36-45.
- Yu D, Wang D, Li W, Liu S, Zhu Y, Wu W, Zhou Y 2018. Decreased Landscape Ecological Security of Peri-Urban Cultivated Land Following Rapid Urbanization: An Impediment to Sustainable Agriculture. Sustainability 10(2): 394.
Arazi Toplulaştırma Projelerinde Parsel Şekillerinin Değerlendirilmesi: Yeni Şekil İndeksi Yaklaşımı
Year 2021,
, 1059 - 1067, 31.10.2021
Firat Arslan
Hasan Degirmenci
Serife Akkaya
Evelin Jürgenson
Tarım sektöründe, arazi toplulaştırma çalışmaları, arazi parçalılık seviyesinin azaltılması ve şekilleri bozulmuş parsellerin yeniden düzenlenmesi açısından büyük öneme sahiptir. Parsel şekillerinin düzensiz olması ve arazi parçalılığı yakıt tüketimini ve işgücü ihtiyacını arttırmaktadır. Bu çalışma parsel şekillerinin düzensizliğini ölçmek amacıyla yeni bir şekil indeksi üzerine odaklanmıştır. Parsel şekillerinin düzensizliğini ölçmek amacıyla yaygın olarak kullanılan göstergelerden şekil indeksi, şekil faktörü, alansal şekil faktörü, alan-çevre oranları ve parseli oluşturan nokta sayısı indekleri, yeni şekil indeksi ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Yeni şekil indeksi, coğrafi bilgi sistemi kullanılarak hesaplanan parsel alanı ve parseli çevreleyen en küçük dikdörtgenin alanı ile hesaplanmaktadır. Araştırmada Mersin İli’nde bulunan bir köyün arazi toplulaştırma öncesi kadastro verileri kullanılmıştır. Kolay uygulanma ve hesaplama yöntemi olan yeni şekil indeksi, parsel şekillerinin düzensizliğini ölçme açısından diğer şekil indekslerine göre daha iyi performans göstermiştir. Sonuçta, yeni şekil indeksi, arazi toplulaştırma projelerinin değerlendirmesinin yanında öncelikli proje alanlarını belirlemek amacıyla da kullanılabilir.
- Akkaya S, Toprak R, Kara M 2017. Arazi Toplulaştırmasının Toplu Yağmurlama Şebekesi Proje ve İşletme Maliyetlerine Etkisi. Bahri Dağdaş Bitkisel Araştırma Dergisi 6(1): 1-9.
- Arslan F, Değirmenci H, Akkaya Aslan ŞT 2018. Determination of Relationship among Shape Indexes Used for Land Consolidation. ICASMP 2018: International Conference on Agricultural Soil Management Practices, 17-18 May 2018, Barcelona, Spain.
- Asiama KO, Bennett RM, Zevenbergen JA 2017. Land consolidation on Ghana's rural customary lands: Drawing from The Dutch, Lithuanian and Rwandan experiences. Journal of Rural Studies 56: 87-99.
- Aslan T, Gündoğdu K, Arıcı İ 2007. Some Metric Indices for the Assessment of Land Consolidation Projects. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 10(9): 1390-1397.
- Ayrancı Y 2004. Bir Parselde Optimum Boy/En Oraninin Belirlenmesinde Bir Yaklaşim. Selçuk Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi 18(33): 1-7.
- Bayram R, Değirmenci H 2018. Arazi Toplulaştırma Projelerinde Parsel Şekillerinin Analizi: Niğde Misli Ovası 2. Kısım Yıldıztepe Örneği. KSÜ Tarım ve Doğa Derg 21(4): 500-510.
- Boztoprak T 2015. Kamulaştirmanin Parsel Sayisi ve Ortalama Parsel Büyüklüğüne Etkisi. Selçuk Üniversitesi Mühendislik, Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi 3(2): 10-17.
- Chen F, Yu M, Zhu F, Shen C, Zhang S, Yang Y 2018. Rethinking Rural Transformation Caused by Comprehensive Land Consolidation: Insight from Program of Whole Village Restructuring in Jiangsu Province, China. Sustainability 10(6): 2071-1050.
- Colombo S, Perujo Villanueva M 2017. The inefficiency and production costs due to parcel fragmentation in olive orchards. New Medit 16(2): 2-11.
- Değirmenci H, Arslan F, Keten M 2018. Arazi Toplulaştırma Projelerinde Parsel Şekillerinin Değişimi: Şanlıurfa Bozca Köyü Örneği. International Conference on Agriculture, Forest, Food Sciences and Technologies, 2-5
April 2018, Çeşme-Izmir/Turkey.
- Değirmenci H, Arslan F, Tonçer R, Yoğun E 2017. Evaluation of land fragmentation parcel shapes before land consolidation project: a case study of Tırhan Village in Niğde Misli Plain. Gaziosmanpașa Üniversitesi Ziraat
Fakültesi Dergisi 34(3): 182-189.
- Demetriou D, See L, Stillwell J 2013. A parcel shape index for use in land consolidation planning. Transactions in GIS 17(6): 861-882.
- Djanibekov U, Finger R 2018. Agricultural risks and farm land consolidation process in transition countries: The case of cotton production in Uzbekistan. Agricultural Systems 164: 223-235.
- Feng Y, Liu Y 2015. Fractal dimension as an indicator for quantifying the effects of changing spatial scales on landscape metrics. Ecological Indicators 53: 18-27.
- Gasiorowski J, Bielecka E 2014. Land fragmentation analysis using morphometric parameters. In Environmental Engineering. Proceedings of the International Conference on Environmental Engineering. ICEE (Vol. 9, p. 1). Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Department of Construction Economics & Property.
- Gonzalez XP, Alvarez CJ, Crecente R 2004. Evaluation of land distributions with joint regard to plot size and shape. Agricultural Systems 82: 31–43.
- Gonzalez XP, Marey MF, Alvarez CJ 2007. Evaluation of productive rural land patterns with joint regard to the size, shape and dispersion of plots. Agricultural Systems 92: 52–62.
- Harasimowicz S, Janus J, Bacior S, Gniadek J 2017. Shape and size of parcels and transport costs as a mixed integer programming problem in optimization of land consolidation. Computers and electronics in agriculture 140: 113-122.
- Hristov J, 2009. Assessment of the Impact of High Fragmented Land Upon the Productivity and Profitability of the Farms. https://stud.epsilon. slu.se/472/1/Hristov_J_010909.pdf Last access time: 10.08.2018
- Huang SQ, Chen Y, Zhang RZ, Wu W, Wei C 2015. Spatial correlation analysis of land fragmentation and agriculture development based on landscape indexes. Agr. Res. Arid Area 33: 238-244.
- Janus J, Glowacka A, Bozek P 2016. Identification of areas with unfavorable agriculture development conditions in terms of shape and size of parcels with example of Southern Poland. In Proceedings of 15th
International Scientific Conference: Engineering for Rural Development, 15: 1260-1265.
- Jiao L, Liu Y 2012. Analyzing the shape characteristics of land use classes in remote sensing imagery. ISPRS Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci I-7: 135-140.
- Jiao L, Liu Y, Li H 2012. Characterizing land-use classes in remote sensing imagery by shape metrics. ISPRS, Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 72: 46-55.
- Jürgenson E 2016. Land reform, land fragmentation and perspectives for future land consolidation in Estonia. Land Use Policy 57: 34-43.
- Jürgenson E 2017. Implementation of the Land Reform in Estonia: Institutional Arrangement, Speed of Implementation and Land Plot Fragmentation (Doctoral dissertation, Eesti Maaülikool).
- Kirmikil M, Arici I 2013. The Role of Land Consolidation in the Development of Rural Areas in Irrigation Areas. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment 11(2): 1150-1155.
- Krummel JR, Gardner RH, Sugihara G, O'neill RV, Coleman PR 1987. Landscape patterns in a disturbed environment. Oikos, 321-324.
- Kupidura A, Łuczewski M, Home R, Kupidura P 2014. Public perceptions of rural landscapes in land consolidation procedures in Poland. Land use policy 39: 313-319.
- Kupidura A, Łuczewski M, Home R, Kupidura P 2014. Public perceptions of rural landscapes in land consolidation procedures in Poland. Land use policy 39: 313-319.
- Küsek G 2014. Arazi Toplulaştırmasının Parsel Şekli ve Tarımsal Mekanizasyon Uygulamalarına Etkileri: Konya-Ereğli-Acıkuyu ve Özgürler Köyleri Örnekleri. Çukurova Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 29(2): 1-14.
- Kwinta A, Gniadek J 2017. The description of parcel geometry and its application in terms of land consolidation planning. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 136: 117-124.
- Latruffe L, Piet L 2014. Does land fragmentation affect farm performance? A case study from Brittany, France. Agricultural Systems 129: 68-80.
- Leń P 2018. An algorithm for selecting groups of factors for prioritization of land consolidation in rural areas. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 144: 216-221.
- Leń P, Noga K 2018. Prioritization of Land Consolidation Interventions in the Villages of Central Poland. Journal of Ecological Engineering, 19: 1.
- Lewis HG, Cote S, Tatnall ARL 1997. Determination of spatial and temporal characteristics as an aid to neural network cloud classification. International Journal of Remote Sensing 18: 899-915.
- Libecap G, Lueck D 2009. The Demarcation of Land and the Role of Coordinating Institutions. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper No. 14942
- Looga J, Jürgenson, E, Sikk K, Matveev E, Maasikamäe S 2018. Land fragmentation and other determinants of agricultural farm productivity: The case of Estonia. Land use policy 79: 285–292.
- McGarical K, Marks BJ 1995. FRAGSTATS: Spatial Pattern Analysis Program for quantifying Landscape Structure. Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, General Technical Report No PNW-GTR-351.
- Ónega-López FJ, Puppim de Oliveira JA, Crecente-Maseda R 2010. Planning innovations in land management and governance in fragmented rural areas: Two examples from Galicia (Spain). European Planning Studies 18(5): 755-773.
- Platonova D 2014. Land consolidation in Latvia. Doctoral thesis, Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Economics and Social Development.
- Platonova D, Setkovska L, Jankava A 2011. Assessment principles of land fragmentation. Baltic Surveying’11, 117-124.
- Popov A 2017. Assessment of land fragmentation of agricultural enterprises in Ukraine. Економічний часопис-ХХІ 164(3-4): 56-60.
- Russ JC 2002. The Image Processing Handbook, fourth ed. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
- Sadegh M, Christos A, Masouleh D 2018. Land consolidation success in paddy fields of northern Iran: An assessment based on farmersâ satisfaction. Land use policy 73: 95-101.
- Sharifzadeh A, Abdollahzadeh G, Kalantari K, Sehat A 2018. Farmland Fragmentation and Consolidation Issues in Iran; an Investigation from Landholder's Viewpoint.
- Stańczuk-Gałwiaczek M, Sobolewska-Mikulska K, Ritzema H, van Loon-Steensma J.M 2018. Integration of water management and land consolidation in rural areas to adapt to climate change: Experiences from Poland and the Netherlands. Land Use Policy 77: 498-511.
- Van Holst F, Hartvigsen M, Ónega Lopex F 2018. Land governance for development in Central and Eastern Europe: Land fragmentation and land consolidation as part of Sustainable Development Goals. In World Bank Land and Poverty Conference.
- Vijulie I, Matei E, Manea G, Cocoş O, Cuculici R 2012. Assessment of Agricultural Land Fragmentation in Romania, A Case Study: Izvoarele Commune, Olt County. Acta geographica Slovenica, 52(2), 403-430.
- Wójcik-Leń J, Sobolewska-Mikulska K, Sajnóg N, Leń P 2018. The idea of rational management of problematic agricultural areas in the course of land consolidation. Land Use Policy 78: 36-45.
- Yu D, Wang D, Li W, Liu S, Zhu Y, Wu W, Zhou Y 2018. Decreased Landscape Ecological Security of Peri-Urban Cultivated Land Following Rapid Urbanization: An Impediment to Sustainable Agriculture. Sustainability 10(2): 394.