Determination of Phenolic Acids by HPLC and Antioxidant Capacity of Some Cultivated Turkish Mentha Species
Year 2021,
, 488 - 494, 30.06.2021
Mahfuz Elmastas
Mehmet Keçeci
Nusret Genç
Ahmet Beyatli
Duygu Mısırlı
İsa Telci
This study was designed to investigate the phenolic acid contents and antioxidant activities of 14 clones of mint species (M. spicata, M. piperita, M. villoso nervata and M. dumetorum) that cultivated in Turkey. The phenolic acid contents were analysed using HPLC. The antioxidant activities of these Mentha species were evaluated by free radical scavenging activity (DDPH•), cation radical scavenging activity (ABTS•+) and reducing power activity tests. Additionally, total phenolic content of mint species was determined spectrophoto metrically using Folin-Ciacelteau’s reagent. Phenolic acid contents of Mentha were evaluated in two subclasses: benzoic acid and cinnamic acid derivatives. The rosmarinic acid (which is cinnamic acid derivative) was the main phenolic acid for all tested plant material changing from 5482.6 to 31982.7 mg/kg dry weight concentrations. p-hydroxy benzoic acid (ranging from 30.5 to 236.4 mg/kg dry weight) and syringic acid (ranging from 95.4 to 375.2 mg/kg dry weight) were most abundant benzoic acids derivatives found in tested mint clones. According to DDPH● and ABTS●+ test results, while M. villoso nervata clone (originated from Osmaniye) has higher activity, M. spicata clone (originated from Manisa) has lower activity among the other clones. Reducing power activity of M. villoso nervata clone (originated from Osmaniye) was highest and M. spicata clone (originated from Konya) was lowest. It has been observed that the correlation between phenolic acid derivatives and antioxidant activity varied depending on used antioxidant activity methods. These results show that best Mentha for human health in terms of both phenolic acid content and antioxidant activity are the 3rd clone (M. spicata) and the 10th clone (M. villoso nervata) genotypes.
- Ayar Kayali H, Raziye Ozturk U, Mahmure N, Leman T 2009. Antioxidant Activities of Endemic Sideritis Leptoclada and Mentha Dumetorum Aqueous Extracts Used in Turkey Folk Medicine. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation 33(3):285–295.
- Baytop A 1983. Farmasötik Botanik, 4. İlaveli Baskı. Dilek Matbaası, İstanbul
- Blois MS 1958. Antioxidant Determinations by the Use of a Stable Free Radical. Nature 181(4617):1199–1200.
- Djeridane A, Yousfi B, Nadjemi D, Boutassouna SP, Vidal N 2006. Antioxidant Activity of Some Algerian Medicinal Plants Extracts Containing Phenolic Compounds. Food Chemistry 97(4):654–660.
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- Heywood V, Hilton D, Moore M, Dunkley J, King C 1978. Flowering Plants of the World. Vol. 336. Oxford University Press Oxford.
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- Kanatt SR, Chander R, Sharma A 2007. Antioxidant Potential of Mint (Mentha Spicata L.) in Radiation-Processed Lamb Meat. Food Chemistry 100(2):451–458.
- Katsube T, Tabata H, Ohta Y, Yamasaki Y, Anuurad E, Shiwaku K, Yamane Y 2004. Screening for Antioxidant Activity in Edible Plant Products: Comparison of Low-Density Lipoprotein Oxidation Assay, DPPH Radical
Scavenging Assay, and Folin-Ciocalteu Assay. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 52(8):2391–2396.
- Lin L, Dong Y, Yang B, Zhao M 2011. Chemical Constituents and Biological Activity of Chinese Medicinal Herb ‘Xihuangcao. Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening 14(8):720–729.
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- Re R, Pellegrini N, Proteggente A, Pannala A, Yang M, Rice-Evans C 1999. Antioxidant Activity Applying an Improved ABTS Radical Cation Decolorization Assay. Free Radical Biology and Medicine 26(9–10):1231–1237.
- Robbins RJ 2003. Phenolic Acids in Foods: An Overview of Analytical Methodology. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 51(10):2866–2887.
- Shen D, Pan MH, Wu QL, Park CH, Juliani HR, Ho CT, Simon JE 2011. A Rapid LC/MS/MS Method for the Analysis of Nonvolatile Antiinflammatory Agents from Mentha Spp. Journal of Food Science 76(6):C900–C908.
- Slinkard K, Singleton VL 1977. Total Phenol Analysis: Automation and Comparison with Manual Methods. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture 28(1):49–55.
- Trivedi PP, Kushwaha S, Tripathi DN, Jena GB 2011. Cardioprotective Effects of Hesperetin against Doxorubicin-Induced Oxidative Stress and DNA Damage in Rat. Cardiovascular Toxicology 11(3):215–225.
- Wong SP, Leong LP, Koh JHW 2006. Antioxidant Activities of Aqueous Extracts of Selected Plants. Food Chemistry 99(4):775–783
Kültürü Yapılan Bazı Mentha Türlerinin HPLC ile Fenolik Asitlerin Tayini ve Antioksidan Kapasitesi Belirlenmesi
Year 2021,
, 488 - 494, 30.06.2021
Mahfuz Elmastas
Mehmet Keçeci
Nusret Genç
Ahmet Beyatli
Duygu Mısırlı
İsa Telci
Bu çalışma, Türkiye'de yetiştirilen M. spicata, M. piperita, M. villoso nervata ve M. dumetorum türlerine ait 14 nane klonlarının fenolik asit içerikleri ve antioksidan aktivitelerini araştırmak için tasarlanmıştır. Fenolik asit içerikleri HPLC kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Mentha türlerinin antioksidan aktiviteleri, serbest radikal giderme aktivitesi (DDPH•), katyon radikal giderme aktivitesi (ABTS• +) ve indirgeme gücü aktivite testleri ile değerlendirilmiştir. Ek olarak, nane türlerinin toplam fenolik içeriği, Folin-Ciacelteau’nun reaktifi kullanılarak spektrofotometrik olarak belirlenmiştir. Nane türlerinin fenolik asit içerikleri benzoik ve sinamik asit türevi olmak üzere iki alt sınıfta değerlendirilmiştir. Rosmarinik asit (sinnamik asit türevi) konsantrasyonu, test edilen tüm bitki materyalleri için 5482.6'dan 31982.7 mg/kg kuru ağırlık arasında değişen ana fenolik asit olarak gözlemlenmiştir. p-hidroksi benzoik asit (30.5 ile 236.4 mg/kg kuru ağırlık arasında) ve şiringik asit (95.4 ile 375.2 mg/kg kuru ağırlık arasında), test edilen nane klonlarında en yüksek miktarda bulunan benzoik asit türevleridir. DDPH● ve ABTS●+ test sonuçlarına göre M. villoso nervata türü (Osmaniye kaynaklı klonu) daha yüksek aktiviteye sahipken, M. spicata türü (Manisa kaynaklı klonu) diğer klonlar arasında daha düşük aktiviteye sahip olduğu görülmüştür. M. villoso nervata türü (Osmaniye kaynaklı klonu) indirgeme gücü aktivitesi düşük iken en yüksek aktiviteyi M. spicata türü (Konya kaynaklı klonu) göstermiştir. Fenolik asit türevleri ile antioksidan aktivite arasındaki ilişkinin, kullanılan antioksidan aktivite yöntemlerine bağlı olarak değiştiği görülmüştür. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre hem fenolik asit içeriği hem de antioksidan aktivite açısından insan sağlığı için en yararlı nane türünün 3. klon (M. spicata) ve 10. klon (M. villoso nervata) genotipleri olduğunu tespit edilmiştir.
- Ayar Kayali H, Raziye Ozturk U, Mahmure N, Leman T 2009. Antioxidant Activities of Endemic Sideritis Leptoclada and Mentha Dumetorum Aqueous Extracts Used in Turkey Folk Medicine. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation 33(3):285–295.
- Baytop A 1983. Farmasötik Botanik, 4. İlaveli Baskı. Dilek Matbaası, İstanbul
- Blois MS 1958. Antioxidant Determinations by the Use of a Stable Free Radical. Nature 181(4617):1199–1200.
- Djeridane A, Yousfi B, Nadjemi D, Boutassouna SP, Vidal N 2006. Antioxidant Activity of Some Algerian Medicinal Plants Extracts Containing Phenolic Compounds. Food Chemistry 97(4):654–660.
- Elmastaş M, Gülçin İ, Beydemir Ş, Küfrevioğlu Öİ, Aboul-Enein HY 2006. A Study on the in Vitro Antioxidant Activity of Juniper (Juniperus Communis L.) Fruit Extracts. Analytical Letters 39(1):47–65.
- Heywood V, Hilton D, Moore M, Dunkley J, King C 1978. Flowering Plants of the World. Vol. 336. Oxford University Press Oxford.
- Jayaprakasha GK, Singh RP, Sakariah KK 2001. Antioxidant Activity of Grape Seed (Vitis Vinifera) Extracts on Peroxidation Models in Vitro. Food Chemistry 73(3):285–290.
- Kanatt SR, Chander R, Sharma A 2007. Antioxidant Potential of Mint (Mentha Spicata L.) in Radiation-Processed Lamb Meat. Food Chemistry 100(2):451–458.
- Katsube T, Tabata H, Ohta Y, Yamasaki Y, Anuurad E, Shiwaku K, Yamane Y 2004. Screening for Antioxidant Activity in Edible Plant Products: Comparison of Low-Density Lipoprotein Oxidation Assay, DPPH Radical
Scavenging Assay, and Folin-Ciocalteu Assay. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 52(8):2391–2396.
- Lin L, Dong Y, Yang B, Zhao M 2011. Chemical Constituents and Biological Activity of Chinese Medicinal Herb ‘Xihuangcao. Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening 14(8):720–729.
- Oyaizu M 1986. Studies on Products of Browning Reactions: Antioxidative Activities of Products of Browning Reaction Prepared from Glucosamine. Japanese Journal of Nutrition 44: 307-315.
- Re R, Pellegrini N, Proteggente A, Pannala A, Yang M, Rice-Evans C 1999. Antioxidant Activity Applying an Improved ABTS Radical Cation Decolorization Assay. Free Radical Biology and Medicine 26(9–10):1231–1237.
- Robbins RJ 2003. Phenolic Acids in Foods: An Overview of Analytical Methodology. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 51(10):2866–2887.
- Shen D, Pan MH, Wu QL, Park CH, Juliani HR, Ho CT, Simon JE 2011. A Rapid LC/MS/MS Method for the Analysis of Nonvolatile Antiinflammatory Agents from Mentha Spp. Journal of Food Science 76(6):C900–C908.
- Slinkard K, Singleton VL 1977. Total Phenol Analysis: Automation and Comparison with Manual Methods. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture 28(1):49–55.
- Trivedi PP, Kushwaha S, Tripathi DN, Jena GB 2011. Cardioprotective Effects of Hesperetin against Doxorubicin-Induced Oxidative Stress and DNA Damage in Rat. Cardiovascular Toxicology 11(3):215–225.
- Wong SP, Leong LP, Koh JHW 2006. Antioxidant Activities of Aqueous Extracts of Selected Plants. Food Chemistry 99(4):775–783