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Mersin İlinde Fonksiyonel Gıda Satın Alma İstekliliğini Etkileyen Faktörler

Year 2021, , 871 - 877, 31.08.2021


Gelişmiş ve gelişmekte olan ülkelerde uzun ve sağlıklı yaşam sürme, sağlık masraflarını azaltma, hastalanma riskini azaltma, sağlığı koruma ve sürdürülebilirliğini sağlama gibi etkenler tüketicilerin fonksiyonel gıdalara olan talebini artırmıştır. Bu çalışmanın amacı tüketicilerin fonksiyonel gıdaları tüketim istekliliğinde etkili olan sosyo-ekonomik ve gıda tüketimi ile ilgili faktörlerin belirlenmesidir. Bu amaçla 2017 yılında Mersin ilinde 384 tüketici ile anket yapılmış ve elde edilen verilerle çalışmanın amacına yönelik olarak Binomial Probit analizi yapılmıştır. Analiz sonucunda tüketicilerin fonksiyonel gıda tüketim isteği ile eğitim, gelir, sağlık sektöründe çalışma, fonksiyonel gıda tüketme ve ambalaj üzerindeki besin öğelerine dikkat etme durumu arasında pozitif yönlü, ailedeki birey sayısı arasında negatif yönlü ilişki tespit edilmiştir. Çalışmanın sonuçları tüketicilerin eğitim ve gelir seviyesinin artması ile birlikte fonksiyonel gıda hakkında bilgi sahibi olmasının bu ürünlere karşı tüketim istekliliğini arttığını göstermektedir.


  • Annunziata A, Vecchio R, Kraus A 2015. Awareness and Preference for Functional Foods: the Perspective of Older Italian Consumers. International Journal of Consumer Studies 39:352–361.
  • Anonymus 2018. Dünya Genelinde Fonksiyonel Gıdanın Küresel Hacmi topics/1321/functional-foods-market/(Erişim tarihi: 20.06.2019)
  • Ares G, Gámbaro A 2007. Influence of Gender, Age and Motives Underlying Food Choice on Perceived Healthiness and Willingness to Try Functional Foods. Appetite 491:148–158.
  • Barrios EX, Bayarri S, Carbonell I, Izquierdo L, Costell E 2008. Consumer Attitudes and Opinions toward Functional Foods: A Focus Group Study. Journal of Sensory Studies 23:514–525.
  • Boluda IK, Capilla IV 2017. Consumer Attitudes in the Election Functional Foods. Spanish Journal of Marketing-ESIC 21(S1): 65-79.
  • Bornkessel S, Bröring S, Omta SWF, Trijp H 2014. What Determines Ingredient Awareness of Consumers? A Study on Ten Functional Food Ingredients. Food Quality and Preference 32:330–339.
  • Brečić R, Gorton M, Barjolle D 2014. Understanding Variations in the Consumption of Functional Foods – Evidence from Croatia. British Food Journal 116(4):662-675.
  • Bui DT 2015. Consumer Acceptance of Functional Foods in Ho Chi Minh City. Eurasian Journal of Business and Economics 816:19-34.
  • Büyükkaragöz A, Bas M, Saglam D, Cengiz SE 2014. Consumers’ Awareness, Acceptance and Attitudes towards Functional Foods in Turkey. International Journal of Consumer Studies 38:628–635.
  • Chen MF 2011. The Joint Moderating Effect of Health Consciousness and Healthy Lifestyle on Consumers’ Willingness to Use Functional Foods in Taiwan. Appetite 571:253–262.
  • Cranfield J, Henson S, Masakure O 2011. Factors Affecting the Extent to Which Consumers Incorporate Functional Ingredients into Their Diets. Journal of Agricultural Economics 622:375-392.
  • Dolgopolova I, Teuber R, Bruschi V 2015. Consumers’ Perceptions of Functional Foods: Trust and Food Neophobia in a Cross-cultural Context. International Journal of Consumer Studies 39:708–715.
  • Frewer L, Scholderer J, Lambert N 2003. Consumer Acceptance of Functional Foods: Issues for the future. British Food Journal 10510:714-731.
  • Gastón A , Gámbaro A 2007. Influence of Gender, Age and Motives Underlying Food Choice on Perceived Healthiness and Willingness to Try Functional Foods. Appetite 49:148–158.
  • Granato D, Branco GF, Nazzaro F, Cruz AG , Faria JAF 2010. Functional Foods and Nondairy Probiotic Food Development: Trends, Concepts, and Products. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 9:292-302.
  • Goetzke B, Nitzko S, Spiller A 2014. Consumption of Organic and Functional Food. A Matter of Well-being and Health? Appetite 771: 96–105.
  • Gok I, Ulu EK 2018. Functional Foods in Turkey: Marketing, Consumer Awareness and Regulatory Aspects, Nutrition & Food Science
  • Gujarati DN 2006. Basic Econometrics. Forth Edition, Mc Graw-Hill, USA. Pp1032.
  • Hacıoğlu G, Kurt G 2012. Consumer's Awareness, Acceptance and Attitudes toward Functional Foods: A Research in Izmir City, Business and Economics Research Journal 3(1): 161-171.
  • Hasler CM 2002. Functional foods: benefits, Concerns and Challenges a Position Paper from the American Council on Science and Health. The Journal of Nutrition 132: 3772–3781.
  • Hung Y, de Kok TM, Verbeke W 2016. Consumer Attitude and Purchase Intention towards Processed Meat Products with Natural Compounds and a Reduced Level of Nitrite. Meat science 121:119-126.
  • İşleroğlu H, Yıldırım Z, Yıldırım M 2005. Flaxseed as a Functional food. Journal of Agricultural Faculty, 22(2): 23-30.
  • Kaur N, Singh DP 2017. Deciphering the Consumer Behaviors Facets of Functional Foods: A Literature Review. Appetite 112: 167-187.
  • Kraus A 2015a. Factors Influencing the Decisions to Buy and Consume Functional Food. British Food Journal 117 (6):1622-1636.
  • Kraus A 2015b. Development of Functional Food with the Participation of the Consumer. Motivators for Consumption of Functional Products. International Journal of Consumer Studies 39: 2-11.
  • Krystallis A, Maglaras G, Mamalis S 2008. Motivations and Cognitive Structures of Consumers in Their Purchasing of Functional Foods. Food Quality and Preference 19: 525–538.
  • Liao, TF 1994. Interpreting Probability Models: Logit, Probit, and Other Generalized Linear Models. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc. pp 96.
  • Marina T, Marija C, Ida R 2014. Functional Foods and the Young. Journal of Food Products Marketing 205: 441-451. DOI: 10.1080/10454446.2013.838535
  • Markosyan A, Wahl TI, McCluskey JJ 2007. Functional Foods in the Marketplace: Willingness to Pay for Apples Enriched with Antioxidants. Selected paper prepared for presentation at the American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting Portland OR July 29-August 1 2007, USA.
  • Messina F, Saba A, Turrini A, Raats M, Lumbers M 2008. Older People’s Perceptions towards Conventional and Functional Yoghurts through the Repertory Grid Method. British Food Journal 1108: 790-804.
  • Munene CN 2006. Analyses of Consumer Attitudes and Their Willingness To Pay For Functional Foods. Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College Master Thesis Louisiana State University.
  • Naylor RW, Droms CM, Haws KL 2009. Eating with a Purpose: Consumer Response to Functional Food Health Claims in Conflicting Versus Complementary Information Environments. Journal of Public Policy and Marketing 282: 221-233.
  • Niva M 2007. All foods affect health: Understandings of Functional Foods and Healthy Eating among Health-oriented Finns. Appetite 483:384–393.
  • Schnettler B, Miranda H, Lobos G, Sepulveda J, Orellana L, Mora M, Grynert K 2015. Willingness to Purchase Functional Food According to Their Benefits. British Food Journal 117: 1453-1473.
  • Özçiçek Dölekoğlu C, Şahin A, Giray FH 2015. Factor Influencing the Consumption of Functional Food in Women: A Study in the Mediterranean Region, Journal of Agrıcultural Scıences 21: 572-584.
  • Pappalardo G, Lusk JL 2016. The Role of Beliefs in Purchasing Process of Functional Foods. Food Quality and Preference 53: 151–158.
  • Pasquale JD, Adinolfi F, Capitanio F 2011. Analysis of Consumer Attitudes and Consumers’ Willingness to Pay for Functional Foods, Int. J. Food System Dynamics 2(2): 181-193.
  • Schnettler B, Miranda H, Lobos G, Sepulveda J, Orellana L Mora M 2016. Willingness to Purchase Functional Foods According to Their Benefits: Consumer Profiles in Southern Chile. British Food Journal 1175: 1453-1473.
  • Siegrist M, Shi J, Giusto A, Hartmann C 2015. Worlds Apart. Consumer Acceptance of Functional Foods and Beverages in Germany and China. Appetite 92: 87-93.
  • Siro I, Kapolna E, Kapolna B, Lugasi A 2008. Functional food. Product development, marketing and consumer acceptance review. Appetite 513: 456-467.
  • Urala N 2005. Functional Foods in Finland: Consumers’ Views, Attitudes and Willingness to Use. VTT Publications Espoo p. 581.
  • Verbeke W 2005. Consumer Acceptance of Functional Foods: Socio-demographic, Cognitive and Attitudinal Determinants. Food Quality and Preference 16: 45-57.
  • Zielinska EB, Zychowicz MJ 2017. Conceptual Model of Consumer’s Willingness to Eat Functional Foods. Rocz Panstw Zakl Hig 681: 33-41.

The Factors Affecting Willingness to Consume Functional Foods in Mersin Province

Year 2021, , 871 - 877, 31.08.2021


To have a healthy life and live long; to reduce health cost, risk of illness and to obtain health protection, sustainability and increasing consumer awareness have increased consumer demand for functional food in developing and developed countries. The objective of this study was to determine socio-economic factors and food consumption affecting consumers' willingness to consume functional foods in Mersin Province. For this purpose, a survey was conducted with 384 consumers in 2017 and obtained data was analyzed by using Binomial Probit model. Results show that there was a positive relationship between consumers' willingness to consume functional food and education, income, working in the health sector and paying attention to nutrition information on package. In fact, increasing the level of education and income of the consumers and having knowledge about functional foods increase the willing of consuming these products.


  • Annunziata A, Vecchio R, Kraus A 2015. Awareness and Preference for Functional Foods: the Perspective of Older Italian Consumers. International Journal of Consumer Studies 39:352–361.
  • Anonymus 2018. Dünya Genelinde Fonksiyonel Gıdanın Küresel Hacmi topics/1321/functional-foods-market/(Erişim tarihi: 20.06.2019)
  • Ares G, Gámbaro A 2007. Influence of Gender, Age and Motives Underlying Food Choice on Perceived Healthiness and Willingness to Try Functional Foods. Appetite 491:148–158.
  • Barrios EX, Bayarri S, Carbonell I, Izquierdo L, Costell E 2008. Consumer Attitudes and Opinions toward Functional Foods: A Focus Group Study. Journal of Sensory Studies 23:514–525.
  • Boluda IK, Capilla IV 2017. Consumer Attitudes in the Election Functional Foods. Spanish Journal of Marketing-ESIC 21(S1): 65-79.
  • Bornkessel S, Bröring S, Omta SWF, Trijp H 2014. What Determines Ingredient Awareness of Consumers? A Study on Ten Functional Food Ingredients. Food Quality and Preference 32:330–339.
  • Brečić R, Gorton M, Barjolle D 2014. Understanding Variations in the Consumption of Functional Foods – Evidence from Croatia. British Food Journal 116(4):662-675.
  • Bui DT 2015. Consumer Acceptance of Functional Foods in Ho Chi Minh City. Eurasian Journal of Business and Economics 816:19-34.
  • Büyükkaragöz A, Bas M, Saglam D, Cengiz SE 2014. Consumers’ Awareness, Acceptance and Attitudes towards Functional Foods in Turkey. International Journal of Consumer Studies 38:628–635.
  • Chen MF 2011. The Joint Moderating Effect of Health Consciousness and Healthy Lifestyle on Consumers’ Willingness to Use Functional Foods in Taiwan. Appetite 571:253–262.
  • Cranfield J, Henson S, Masakure O 2011. Factors Affecting the Extent to Which Consumers Incorporate Functional Ingredients into Their Diets. Journal of Agricultural Economics 622:375-392.
  • Dolgopolova I, Teuber R, Bruschi V 2015. Consumers’ Perceptions of Functional Foods: Trust and Food Neophobia in a Cross-cultural Context. International Journal of Consumer Studies 39:708–715.
  • Frewer L, Scholderer J, Lambert N 2003. Consumer Acceptance of Functional Foods: Issues for the future. British Food Journal 10510:714-731.
  • Gastón A , Gámbaro A 2007. Influence of Gender, Age and Motives Underlying Food Choice on Perceived Healthiness and Willingness to Try Functional Foods. Appetite 49:148–158.
  • Granato D, Branco GF, Nazzaro F, Cruz AG , Faria JAF 2010. Functional Foods and Nondairy Probiotic Food Development: Trends, Concepts, and Products. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 9:292-302.
  • Goetzke B, Nitzko S, Spiller A 2014. Consumption of Organic and Functional Food. A Matter of Well-being and Health? Appetite 771: 96–105.
  • Gok I, Ulu EK 2018. Functional Foods in Turkey: Marketing, Consumer Awareness and Regulatory Aspects, Nutrition & Food Science
  • Gujarati DN 2006. Basic Econometrics. Forth Edition, Mc Graw-Hill, USA. Pp1032.
  • Hacıoğlu G, Kurt G 2012. Consumer's Awareness, Acceptance and Attitudes toward Functional Foods: A Research in Izmir City, Business and Economics Research Journal 3(1): 161-171.
  • Hasler CM 2002. Functional foods: benefits, Concerns and Challenges a Position Paper from the American Council on Science and Health. The Journal of Nutrition 132: 3772–3781.
  • Hung Y, de Kok TM, Verbeke W 2016. Consumer Attitude and Purchase Intention towards Processed Meat Products with Natural Compounds and a Reduced Level of Nitrite. Meat science 121:119-126.
  • İşleroğlu H, Yıldırım Z, Yıldırım M 2005. Flaxseed as a Functional food. Journal of Agricultural Faculty, 22(2): 23-30.
  • Kaur N, Singh DP 2017. Deciphering the Consumer Behaviors Facets of Functional Foods: A Literature Review. Appetite 112: 167-187.
  • Kraus A 2015a. Factors Influencing the Decisions to Buy and Consume Functional Food. British Food Journal 117 (6):1622-1636.
  • Kraus A 2015b. Development of Functional Food with the Participation of the Consumer. Motivators for Consumption of Functional Products. International Journal of Consumer Studies 39: 2-11.
  • Krystallis A, Maglaras G, Mamalis S 2008. Motivations and Cognitive Structures of Consumers in Their Purchasing of Functional Foods. Food Quality and Preference 19: 525–538.
  • Liao, TF 1994. Interpreting Probability Models: Logit, Probit, and Other Generalized Linear Models. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc. pp 96.
  • Marina T, Marija C, Ida R 2014. Functional Foods and the Young. Journal of Food Products Marketing 205: 441-451. DOI: 10.1080/10454446.2013.838535
  • Markosyan A, Wahl TI, McCluskey JJ 2007. Functional Foods in the Marketplace: Willingness to Pay for Apples Enriched with Antioxidants. Selected paper prepared for presentation at the American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting Portland OR July 29-August 1 2007, USA.
  • Messina F, Saba A, Turrini A, Raats M, Lumbers M 2008. Older People’s Perceptions towards Conventional and Functional Yoghurts through the Repertory Grid Method. British Food Journal 1108: 790-804.
  • Munene CN 2006. Analyses of Consumer Attitudes and Their Willingness To Pay For Functional Foods. Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College Master Thesis Louisiana State University.
  • Naylor RW, Droms CM, Haws KL 2009. Eating with a Purpose: Consumer Response to Functional Food Health Claims in Conflicting Versus Complementary Information Environments. Journal of Public Policy and Marketing 282: 221-233.
  • Niva M 2007. All foods affect health: Understandings of Functional Foods and Healthy Eating among Health-oriented Finns. Appetite 483:384–393.
  • Schnettler B, Miranda H, Lobos G, Sepulveda J, Orellana L, Mora M, Grynert K 2015. Willingness to Purchase Functional Food According to Their Benefits. British Food Journal 117: 1453-1473.
  • Özçiçek Dölekoğlu C, Şahin A, Giray FH 2015. Factor Influencing the Consumption of Functional Food in Women: A Study in the Mediterranean Region, Journal of Agrıcultural Scıences 21: 572-584.
  • Pappalardo G, Lusk JL 2016. The Role of Beliefs in Purchasing Process of Functional Foods. Food Quality and Preference 53: 151–158.
  • Pasquale JD, Adinolfi F, Capitanio F 2011. Analysis of Consumer Attitudes and Consumers’ Willingness to Pay for Functional Foods, Int. J. Food System Dynamics 2(2): 181-193.
  • Schnettler B, Miranda H, Lobos G, Sepulveda J, Orellana L Mora M 2016. Willingness to Purchase Functional Foods According to Their Benefits: Consumer Profiles in Southern Chile. British Food Journal 1175: 1453-1473.
  • Siegrist M, Shi J, Giusto A, Hartmann C 2015. Worlds Apart. Consumer Acceptance of Functional Foods and Beverages in Germany and China. Appetite 92: 87-93.
  • Siro I, Kapolna E, Kapolna B, Lugasi A 2008. Functional food. Product development, marketing and consumer acceptance review. Appetite 513: 456-467.
  • Urala N 2005. Functional Foods in Finland: Consumers’ Views, Attitudes and Willingness to Use. VTT Publications Espoo p. 581.
  • Verbeke W 2005. Consumer Acceptance of Functional Foods: Socio-demographic, Cognitive and Attitudinal Determinants. Food Quality and Preference 16: 45-57.
  • Zielinska EB, Zychowicz MJ 2017. Conceptual Model of Consumer’s Willingness to Eat Functional Foods. Rocz Panstw Zakl Hig 681: 33-41.
There are 43 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural, Veterinary and Food Sciences

Binnur Çetin 0000-0003-0777-3543

Emine İkikat Tümer 0000-0001-6336-3026

Publication Date August 31, 2021
Submission Date August 14, 2020
Acceptance Date October 21, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Çetin, B., & İkikat Tümer, E. (2021). The Factors Affecting Willingness to Consume Functional Foods in Mersin Province. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım Ve Doğa Dergisi, 24(4), 871-877.


2022-JIF = 0.500

2022-JCI = 0.170

Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi (International Peer Reviewed Journal)

       Dergimiz, herhangi bir başvuru veya yayımlama ücreti almamaktadır. (Free submission and publication)

      Yılda 6 sayı yayınlanır. (Published 6 times a year)


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Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi
e-ISSN: 2619-9149