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Etlik Piliç Kümeslerinde Gidya Materyalinin Altlık Olarak Kullanımı

Year 2021, , 451 - 456, 30.04.2021


Bu çalışmada, etlik piliç kümeslerinde gidya materyali ağaç kaba talaşı yerine, alternatif bir altlık olarak kullanabilme imkanını araştırılmıştır. Çalışmada ağaç kaba talaşı ve gidya gruplarında 1575 civciv (3x525 civciv) iki deney grubunda toplam 3150 civciv kullanılmıştır. Deneme 39 gün sürdürülmüştür. Denemede her iki grup civcivlere aynı yemler verilmiştir. Deneme grupları arasında canlı ağırlık, yem tüketimi, yem dönüşüm oranı ve ölüm oranı açısından önemli bir fark bulunmamıştır. Ancak, ağaç kaba talaşı grubuna göre gidya altlık grubunda daha fazla FPD (foot pad dermatitis) geliştiği görülmüş ve gruplar arasındaki fark önemli bulunmuştur (P=0,011). Sonuç olarak gidya, büyüme parametrelerinden ödün vermeden broyler kümeslerinde altlık olarak odun talaşı yerine kullanılabileceği görülmüş, ancak, altlık olarak gidya kullanılan grupta, ağaç kaba talaşı kullanılan gruba göre piliçlerin ayak tabanlarında yangıların (FPD) daha fazla olabileceği gözden kaçırılmamalıdır.

Project Number

2017/1-9 YLS


  • Adiyaman E 2009. Ensiling possibilities of some cereal fodder plants with broiler litter. M.Sc. Thesis. Süleyman Demirel Uni., Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sci. Depart. of Animal Sci. Isparta. 35p.
  • Aktan S Sagdic O 2004. Dried rose (rosa damascena mill.) dreg: An alternative litter material in broiler production. South African J. of Anim. Sci. 34: 75-79.
  • Atapattu NSBM, Wickramasinghe KP 2007. The use of refused tea as litter material for broiler chickens. Poult. Sci. 86: 968-972.
  • Atencio JL, Fernandez JA, Gernat AG, Murillo JG 2010. Effect of pine wood shavings, rice hulls and river bed send on broiler productivity when used as a litter sources. Int. J. Poult. Sci. 9: 240-243.
  • Bilgili SF, Montenegro GI, Hess JB, Eckman MK 1999. Live performance, carcass quality, and deboning yields of broilers reared on sand as a litter source. J. of Appl. Poult. Research 8: 352-361.
  • Bintas E, Kucukyilmaz K, Bozkurt M, Catli AU, Cinar M, Topbas S, Kocer B, Ege G 2014. The effects of natural zeolit supplemented into litter on growth performance and welfare of broilers. J. Poult. Research. 11: 10-15.
  • Bolan NS, Szogi AA, Chuasavathi T, Seshadri B, Rothrock Jr MJ, Panneerselvam P 2010. Uses and management of poultry litter. World's Poult. Sci. J. 66: 673-698.
  • Chakma S, Miah MY, Ara A, Kawsar MH, 2012. Feasibility of using fallen tea leaves as litter in broiler rearing. Bang. J. of Anim. Sci. 41: 52-54.
  • Demirkiran AR, Cengiz MC 2011. Effects of organic materials, as gyttja, alsil, alga, humic acid, moss, straw, peat and chemical fertilizers treatments on the pistacia vera L. seedling. J. of Natur. Sci. of Bingöl University. 1: 43-50.
  • Duman M, Şekeroglu A 2016. The use of pumice stone as a litter material and it’s effect on broiler performance, welfare and carcass characteristcs. National Poultry Congress. 5-8 October. Samsun/Turkey.
  • Eleroglu H, Yalcin H 2004. Effects of fattening performance and some litter parameters by addition of zeolite to litter on the broilers. J. of Poult. Reseach. 5: 31-40.
  • El-Deek AA, Al-Harthi MA, Khalifah MM, Elbanoby MM, Alharby T 2011. Impact of newspaper as bedding material in arid land on broiler performance. Egyp. Poult. Sci. 31: 715-725.
  • El-Wahab AA, Radko D, Kamphues J 2013. High dietary levels of biotin and zinc to improve health of foot pads in broilers exposed experimentally to litter with critical moisture content. Poult. Sci. 92: 1774-82.
  • Gulser F,Yilmaz C, Sonmez F 2014. Effects of gyttja and chemical fertilizer applications on growing media and pomologic and biochemical properties in pepper (Capsicum annuum l.) fruit. Toprak Bilimi ve Bitki Besleme Dergisi. 2: 1-5.
  • Hafeez A, Suhail SM, Durrani FR, Jan D, Ahmad I, Chand N, Rehman A 2009. Efect of different types of locally avaiblable litter materials on the performance of broiler chicks. Sarhad J. of Agricul. 25: 581-586.
  • Hector LS, Kenneth H, Abner A, Jose AO, Mireille A 2006. Paper products as litter materials for broilers: performance, carcass defects, footpad lesions. The J. of Agrıcul. of the Universty of Puerto Rico. 90: 1-8.
  • Irıc O 2019. Effects of poultry litter on fodder yield and quality of vetch+triticale mixture on the base of sustainable. Master’s Thesis. Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam Univeristy. Institute of Natural and Applied Sci., Field Sci. Dept. 45p.
  • Ipek A, Karabulut A, Canbolat O, Kalkan H 2002. The Effects of different litter materials on the production traits of broilers Uludağ Uni. Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 16, 137-147. Uludag Uni. Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi. 16: 137-147.
  • Kadioglu YK, Namlı A, Kadioglu S, Kilinc CO, Akca MO 2015. EÜAŞ Afşin-Elbistan havzası linyit işletmesinin havza araştırılmasın jeolojik ve jeofizik yöntemlerle organik ve inorganik bileşenlerin belirlenmesi (Tanım-Tespit-Etüt). 4. Uluslararası Katılımlı Toprak ve Su Kaynakları Kongresi, 01-04 Eylül 2015. Kahramanmaraş/Turkey.
  • Kyvsgaard NC, Jensen HB, Ambrosen T, Toft N 2013. Temporal changes and risk factors for foot-pad dermatitis in Danish broilers. Poult. Sci. 92 (1): 26-32.
  • Lima RC, Freitas ER, Gomes HM, Cruz CEB, Fernandes DE 2018. Performance of broiler chickens reared at two stocking densities and coir litter with different height. Revista Ciencia Agronomica. 49: 1-14.
  • Miles DM, Rowe DE, Cathcart TC 2011. Litter ammonia generation: Moisture content and organic versus inorganic bedding materials. Poult. Sci. 90: 1162-1169.
  • Monira KN, Islam MA, Alam MJ, Wahid MA 2003. Effect of litter materials on broiler performance and evaluation of manureal value of used litter in late autumn. Asian-Australasian J. of Anim. Sci. 16: 555-557.
  • Munir MT, Belloncle C, Irle M, Federighi M 2019. Wood based litter in poultry production: A review. World’s Poult. Sci. J. 75: 1-12.
  • Ozlu S, Shiranjang R, Elibol O, Karaca A, Turkoglu M 2017. Effect of paper waste products as a litter material on broiler performance. Tavukçuluk Araş. Dergisi. 14: 12-17.
  • Ritz CW, Kiepper BH, Fairchild BD 2016. Evaluation of cellulose-based industrial wastewater byproduct as broiler bedding. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 25: 182-190.
  • Saltali K, Yildirim OF 2016. Effect of gyttja application on some plant and soil properties in confectionary sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) cultivation at dry condition Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam Uni. Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi. 19: 84-90.
  • Sarica M, Cam MA 2000. Potential of hazelnut husks as a broiler litter material. Bri. Poult. Sci. 41: 541-543.
  • Sarica M, Yamak US, Boz MA 2014. Effect of production systems on foot pad dermatitis (FPD) levels among slow-, medium- and fast-growing broilers. Europ. Poult. Sci. 78: 52-61.
  • Sekeroglu A, Eleroglu H, Sarica M, Camci O 2013. Litter materials and litter material managementused in production on the ground. Tavukçuluk Araştırma Dergisi 10: 25-34.
  • Sharma G, Khan A, Singh S, Kumar AA 2015. Efficacy of pine leaves as an alternative bedding material for broiler chicks during summer season. Vet. World. 8: 1219-1224.
  • Shao D, He J, Lu J, Wang Q, Chang L, Shi SR, Bing TH 2015. Effect of sawdust thickness on growth performance, environmental condition, and welfare quality of yellow broilers. Poult. Sci. 94: 1-6.
  • Sharpley AN, Herron S, Daniel T 2007. Overcoming the challenges of phosphorus-based management challenges in poultry farming. J. of Soil and Water Conservation. 58: 30-38.
  • Singh K, Risse LM, Das KC, Worley J, Thompson S 2010. Effect of fractionation and pyrolysison fuel properties of poultry litter. J. of the Air and Waste Management Association. 60: 875-883.
  • Sorbara JOB, Rizzo MF, Laurentiz AC 2000. Evaluation of citrus pulp pellet as a broiler litter. Revista Brasileira de Ciencia Avicola. 2: 1-13.
  • SPSS 2013. IBM United States Software Announcement 213-309, dated August 13, 2013.
  • Toghyani M, Gheisari A, Modaresi M, Tabeidian SA, Toghyani M 2010. Effect of different litter material on performance and behavior of broiler chickens. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 122: 48-52.
  • Yakupoglu T, Yilmaz K, Demir OF 2013. Some physico-chemical properties of gyttja as a soil conditioner; removed from afsin-elbistan coal power plant basin in Turkey. Int. Conf. on Environmental Sci. and Tech. June 18-21 Nevsehir/ Turkey.
  • Yamak US, Sarica M, Boz MA, Ucar A 2016. Effect of reusing litter on broiler performance, foot-pad dermatitis and litter quality in chickens with different growth rates. Kafkas Univ. Vet. Fak. J. 22: 85-91.

Use of Gyttja as Litter Material in Broiler Houses

Year 2021, , 451 - 456, 30.04.2021


The aim of the current experiment was to evaluate the possibility of the use of gyttja as an alternative litter material to pine wood shaving in broiler production. In the current experiment 3150 chicks were used in two experimental groups consisting of 1575 chicks with three repetitions (3x525 chicks). The experiment last for 39 days. During the experiment chicks in two experimental groups with same diets. There were no significant differences between experimental groups in terms of live weigth, feed consumption, feed conversion ratio and mortality. However, foot pad dermatitis (FPD) was found to be higher in the gyttja litter group and the difference between the groups was significant (P=0.011). In conclusion, gyttja could be used instead of pine wood shavings as litter in broiler houses without compromising the growth parameters. However, it should be known that there will be more FPD when using gyttja as litter in broiler production compared to using pine wood shavings.

Supporting Institution


Project Number

2017/1-9 YLS


  • Adiyaman E 2009. Ensiling possibilities of some cereal fodder plants with broiler litter. M.Sc. Thesis. Süleyman Demirel Uni., Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sci. Depart. of Animal Sci. Isparta. 35p.
  • Aktan S Sagdic O 2004. Dried rose (rosa damascena mill.) dreg: An alternative litter material in broiler production. South African J. of Anim. Sci. 34: 75-79.
  • Atapattu NSBM, Wickramasinghe KP 2007. The use of refused tea as litter material for broiler chickens. Poult. Sci. 86: 968-972.
  • Atencio JL, Fernandez JA, Gernat AG, Murillo JG 2010. Effect of pine wood shavings, rice hulls and river bed send on broiler productivity when used as a litter sources. Int. J. Poult. Sci. 9: 240-243.
  • Bilgili SF, Montenegro GI, Hess JB, Eckman MK 1999. Live performance, carcass quality, and deboning yields of broilers reared on sand as a litter source. J. of Appl. Poult. Research 8: 352-361.
  • Bintas E, Kucukyilmaz K, Bozkurt M, Catli AU, Cinar M, Topbas S, Kocer B, Ege G 2014. The effects of natural zeolit supplemented into litter on growth performance and welfare of broilers. J. Poult. Research. 11: 10-15.
  • Bolan NS, Szogi AA, Chuasavathi T, Seshadri B, Rothrock Jr MJ, Panneerselvam P 2010. Uses and management of poultry litter. World's Poult. Sci. J. 66: 673-698.
  • Chakma S, Miah MY, Ara A, Kawsar MH, 2012. Feasibility of using fallen tea leaves as litter in broiler rearing. Bang. J. of Anim. Sci. 41: 52-54.
  • Demirkiran AR, Cengiz MC 2011. Effects of organic materials, as gyttja, alsil, alga, humic acid, moss, straw, peat and chemical fertilizers treatments on the pistacia vera L. seedling. J. of Natur. Sci. of Bingöl University. 1: 43-50.
  • Duman M, Şekeroglu A 2016. The use of pumice stone as a litter material and it’s effect on broiler performance, welfare and carcass characteristcs. National Poultry Congress. 5-8 October. Samsun/Turkey.
  • Eleroglu H, Yalcin H 2004. Effects of fattening performance and some litter parameters by addition of zeolite to litter on the broilers. J. of Poult. Reseach. 5: 31-40.
  • El-Deek AA, Al-Harthi MA, Khalifah MM, Elbanoby MM, Alharby T 2011. Impact of newspaper as bedding material in arid land on broiler performance. Egyp. Poult. Sci. 31: 715-725.
  • El-Wahab AA, Radko D, Kamphues J 2013. High dietary levels of biotin and zinc to improve health of foot pads in broilers exposed experimentally to litter with critical moisture content. Poult. Sci. 92: 1774-82.
  • Gulser F,Yilmaz C, Sonmez F 2014. Effects of gyttja and chemical fertilizer applications on growing media and pomologic and biochemical properties in pepper (Capsicum annuum l.) fruit. Toprak Bilimi ve Bitki Besleme Dergisi. 2: 1-5.
  • Hafeez A, Suhail SM, Durrani FR, Jan D, Ahmad I, Chand N, Rehman A 2009. Efect of different types of locally avaiblable litter materials on the performance of broiler chicks. Sarhad J. of Agricul. 25: 581-586.
  • Hector LS, Kenneth H, Abner A, Jose AO, Mireille A 2006. Paper products as litter materials for broilers: performance, carcass defects, footpad lesions. The J. of Agrıcul. of the Universty of Puerto Rico. 90: 1-8.
  • Irıc O 2019. Effects of poultry litter on fodder yield and quality of vetch+triticale mixture on the base of sustainable. Master’s Thesis. Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam Univeristy. Institute of Natural and Applied Sci., Field Sci. Dept. 45p.
  • Ipek A, Karabulut A, Canbolat O, Kalkan H 2002. The Effects of different litter materials on the production traits of broilers Uludağ Uni. Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 16, 137-147. Uludag Uni. Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi. 16: 137-147.
  • Kadioglu YK, Namlı A, Kadioglu S, Kilinc CO, Akca MO 2015. EÜAŞ Afşin-Elbistan havzası linyit işletmesinin havza araştırılmasın jeolojik ve jeofizik yöntemlerle organik ve inorganik bileşenlerin belirlenmesi (Tanım-Tespit-Etüt). 4. Uluslararası Katılımlı Toprak ve Su Kaynakları Kongresi, 01-04 Eylül 2015. Kahramanmaraş/Turkey.
  • Kyvsgaard NC, Jensen HB, Ambrosen T, Toft N 2013. Temporal changes and risk factors for foot-pad dermatitis in Danish broilers. Poult. Sci. 92 (1): 26-32.
  • Lima RC, Freitas ER, Gomes HM, Cruz CEB, Fernandes DE 2018. Performance of broiler chickens reared at two stocking densities and coir litter with different height. Revista Ciencia Agronomica. 49: 1-14.
  • Miles DM, Rowe DE, Cathcart TC 2011. Litter ammonia generation: Moisture content and organic versus inorganic bedding materials. Poult. Sci. 90: 1162-1169.
  • Monira KN, Islam MA, Alam MJ, Wahid MA 2003. Effect of litter materials on broiler performance and evaluation of manureal value of used litter in late autumn. Asian-Australasian J. of Anim. Sci. 16: 555-557.
  • Munir MT, Belloncle C, Irle M, Federighi M 2019. Wood based litter in poultry production: A review. World’s Poult. Sci. J. 75: 1-12.
  • Ozlu S, Shiranjang R, Elibol O, Karaca A, Turkoglu M 2017. Effect of paper waste products as a litter material on broiler performance. Tavukçuluk Araş. Dergisi. 14: 12-17.
  • Ritz CW, Kiepper BH, Fairchild BD 2016. Evaluation of cellulose-based industrial wastewater byproduct as broiler bedding. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 25: 182-190.
  • Saltali K, Yildirim OF 2016. Effect of gyttja application on some plant and soil properties in confectionary sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) cultivation at dry condition Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam Uni. Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi. 19: 84-90.
  • Sarica M, Cam MA 2000. Potential of hazelnut husks as a broiler litter material. Bri. Poult. Sci. 41: 541-543.
  • Sarica M, Yamak US, Boz MA 2014. Effect of production systems on foot pad dermatitis (FPD) levels among slow-, medium- and fast-growing broilers. Europ. Poult. Sci. 78: 52-61.
  • Sekeroglu A, Eleroglu H, Sarica M, Camci O 2013. Litter materials and litter material managementused in production on the ground. Tavukçuluk Araştırma Dergisi 10: 25-34.
  • Sharma G, Khan A, Singh S, Kumar AA 2015. Efficacy of pine leaves as an alternative bedding material for broiler chicks during summer season. Vet. World. 8: 1219-1224.
  • Shao D, He J, Lu J, Wang Q, Chang L, Shi SR, Bing TH 2015. Effect of sawdust thickness on growth performance, environmental condition, and welfare quality of yellow broilers. Poult. Sci. 94: 1-6.
  • Sharpley AN, Herron S, Daniel T 2007. Overcoming the challenges of phosphorus-based management challenges in poultry farming. J. of Soil and Water Conservation. 58: 30-38.
  • Singh K, Risse LM, Das KC, Worley J, Thompson S 2010. Effect of fractionation and pyrolysison fuel properties of poultry litter. J. of the Air and Waste Management Association. 60: 875-883.
  • Sorbara JOB, Rizzo MF, Laurentiz AC 2000. Evaluation of citrus pulp pellet as a broiler litter. Revista Brasileira de Ciencia Avicola. 2: 1-13.
  • SPSS 2013. IBM United States Software Announcement 213-309, dated August 13, 2013.
  • Toghyani M, Gheisari A, Modaresi M, Tabeidian SA, Toghyani M 2010. Effect of different litter material on performance and behavior of broiler chickens. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 122: 48-52.
  • Yakupoglu T, Yilmaz K, Demir OF 2013. Some physico-chemical properties of gyttja as a soil conditioner; removed from afsin-elbistan coal power plant basin in Turkey. Int. Conf. on Environmental Sci. and Tech. June 18-21 Nevsehir/ Turkey.
  • Yamak US, Sarica M, Boz MA, Ucar A 2016. Effect of reusing litter on broiler performance, foot-pad dermatitis and litter quality in chickens with different growth rates. Kafkas Univ. Vet. Fak. J. 22: 85-91.
There are 39 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural, Veterinary and Food Sciences

Gülümser Fort 0000-0003-1280-7760

Beyhan Yeter 0000-0002-1741-4635

Project Number 2017/1-9 YLS
Publication Date April 30, 2021
Submission Date September 23, 2020
Acceptance Date November 9, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Fort, G., & Yeter, B. (2021). Use of Gyttja as Litter Material in Broiler Houses. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım Ve Doğa Dergisi, 24(2), 451-456.


2022-JIF = 0.500

2022-JCI = 0.170

Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi (International Peer Reviewed Journal)

       Dergimiz, herhangi bir başvuru veya yayımlama ücreti almamaktadır. (Free submission and publication)

      Yılda 6 sayı yayınlanır. (Published 6 times a year)


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Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi
e-ISSN: 2619-9149