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Embriyonik Dönemde Döngüsel Aydınlatma Yapılan Etlik ve Yumurtacı Civcivlerinin Purkinje Hücrelerinde Bazı AgNOR Parametrelerinin Karşılaştırılması

Year 2021, , 1333 - 1342, 31.12.2021


Aydınlatma, modern tavuk yetiştiriciliğinde, üreme, büyüme, vücut sıcaklığı, yem tüketimi ve sindirim olayları da dahil olmak üzere birçok fizyolojik süreci etkileyen ve metabolik olaylarda belirleyici rol oynayan önemli unsurlardan biridir. Aydınlatmaya bağlı olarak oluşan değişiklikler, sinir sistemi ve endokrin sistemin görev aldığı fizyolojik olaylar sonucu meydana gelmektedir. Purkinje hücreleri, merkezi sinir sisteminin en iri hücrelerindendir. Bu hücreler, tavuk embriyosunun ilk günlerinde beyincik korteksine göç edip, kendilerine ait hücre tabakasını meydana getirmektedirler. DNA’nın rRNA sentezleyen genlerini içeren ve nukleolusu oluşturan bölgeleri, nukleolus düzenleyici bölgeler (NOR) olarak adlandırılmaktadır. NOR’ların gümüşleme metoduyla (AgNOR) aktif olarak transkripsiyon yapan bölgelerinin boyanması sırasında rRNA bölgeleri de boyanarak, ışık mikroskobunda küçük, koyu benekler halinde görünmektedirler. Bu çalışmada; etlik ve yumurtacı damızlık yumurtalarına kuluçkada uygulanan günlük döngüsel aydınlatmanın (16 saat aydınlık/8 saat karanlık) beyincikte Purkinje hücrelerinde hem histolojik (luxol fast blue & cresyl violet) hem de bu hücrelerin nukleus çap ve alanları ile NOR alanları (AgNOR gümüş boyama yöntemi ve istatistiksel analiz) üzerine etkisi incelenerek ileride yapılacak olan benzeri çalışmalara temel veriler sağlanması amaçlanmıştır. Kuluçkada aydınlatmanın kontrol grubuna göre etlik civcivlerde Purkinje hücrelerinde nukleus alanı ile NOR alanını, yumurtacılarda ise nukleus çapını artırdığı saptanmıştır. Sonuç olarak, kuluçkada aydınlatmanın etlik civcivlerde Purkinje hücrelerinde protein sentezini artırdığı dolayısı ile sitoplazmalarındaki protein miktarında artışa bağlı olarak nukleus alanının genişlediği yargısına varılmıştır.

Supporting Institution

Ege Üniversitesi

Project Number



Çalışmada kullanılan beyin örnekleri BAP 13-ZRF-057 no'lu projeden elde edilmiştir. Ege Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinatörlüğü'ne teşekkür ederiz.


  • Akar S, Sur E 2010. The Development of Chicken Cerebellar Cortex and The Determination of Agnor Activity of The Purkinje Cell Nuclei. Belg J Zool 140(2): 214-22.
  • Akbulut B, Sur E, Okur DN 2015. Determination of the AgNOR Parameters, MN Frequency, ANAE and ACP-ase Positivity of PBL in Pregnants. Selçuk Tıp Derg 31(4): 344-350.
  • Alberts B, Bray D, Lewis J, Raff M, Roberts K, Watson JD 1989. Molecular Biology of The Cell. Garland Publishing, Newyork, 1146 pp.
  • Archer G, Shivaprasad HL, Mench JA 2009. Effect of Providing Light During Incubation on The Health, Productivity and Behavior of Broiler Chickens. Poult Sci 88(1): 29-37.
  • Aydın MF 2004. Yumurta ve Et Tavuklarının Farklı Dokularında Gümüşleme Metoduyla Boyanan Nukleolus Organizer Bölgelerin (AgNOR) Dağılımının Belirlenmesi. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Histoloji ve Embriyoloji Anabilim Dalı, Doktora Tezi, 104 sy.
  • Aydın F, Çelik İ 2005. Yumurta ve Et Tavuklarının Karaciğerlerinde Gümüşleme Metoduyla Boyanan Nukleolus Organizer (AgNOR) Bölgeleri Dağılımının Belirlenmesi. Vet Bil Derg 21(1–2): 91-99.
  • Bayram A, Özkan S 2010. Effects of 16l:8d Lighting Schedule on Behavioral Traits and Performance in Male Broiler Chickens. J App Poult Res 19: 263-273.
  • Çelik İ, Şeker M, Salbacak A 2018. Histological and Histomorphometric Studies on The Cerebellar Cortex and Silver Stained Nucleolus Organizer Regions of Purkinje Neurons in Chronic Morphine-Treated Rats. Veterinarski Arhiv 88(1): 75-88.
  • Dayıoğlu M, Özkan S 2013. The Effect of Lighted İncubation on Growth, Behavior, and Welfare of Broiler Chickens. 9th. European Symposium on Poultry Welfare, 17-20 June, 2013 Uppsala, Sweden. WPSA J Book of Abstracts, p:100.
  • Espinar A, Piera V, Carmona A, Guerrero JM 1997. Histological Changes During Development of The Cerebellum in The Chick Embryo Exposed to A Static Magnetic Field. Bioelectromagnetics 18(1): 36-46.
  • Goodpastuer C, Bloom SE, Hsu TC, Arrighi FE 1976. Human Nucleolus Organizers The Satellites or The Stalks. Am J Hum Genet 28: 559-566.
  • Gündüz N, Öznurlu Y 2014. Adverse Effects of Aflatoxin B1 on Skeletal Muscle Development in Broiler Chickens. British Poultry Science 55(5): 684-692.
  • Herrup K, Kuemerle B 1997. The Compartmentalization of The Cerebellum. Annu Rev Neurosci 20: 61-90. Humason GL 1962. Animal Tissue Techniques. WH Freeman and Company, USA, 468 pp.
  • Kandel ER, Schwartz JH, Jessell TM 2013. Principles of Neural Science. 5th edition, The McGraw-Hill Companies, 1747 pp.
  • Karol S, Suludere Z, Ayvalı C 2010. Biyoloji Terimleri Sözlüğü. Türk Dil Kurumu Yayınları, 5. baskı, Ankara, 1067 sy. Khanna A, Dutta J 2002. Effect of Enrofloxacin on AgNOR Counts in Chick Bone Marrow Nuclei. Indian J Exp BioI 40(3): 345-348.
  • Kliger CA, Gehad AE, Hulet RM, Roush WB, Lillehoj HS, Mashaly MM 2000. Effects of Photoperiod and Melatonin on Lymphocyte Activities in Male Broiler Chickens. Poult Sci 79(1): 18-25.
  • Koral-Taşçı S, Bingöl S 2018. Histological and Histometric Structure of Goose (Anser anser) Cerebellum. Van Vet J 29(2): 63-66.
  • Kozanoğlu H 2010. Farklı Aydınlatma Programlarına Bağlı Olarak Değişen Endojen Melatonin Döngüsünün Etlik Piliçler Üzerindeki Etkileri. Ege Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi, 96 sy.
  • Kristensen HH, Aets JM, Leroy T, Wathes CM, Berckmans D 2006. Modelling The Dynamic Activity of Broiler Chickens in Response to Step-Wise Changes in Light İntensity. Appl Anim Behav Sci 101: 125-143.
  • Kuş İ, Öner J, Songur A, Özen OA, Sarsılmaz M 2003. Sıçanlarda Melatonin Hormonunun Tiroid Folliküler Hücreleri Üzerine Etkisi: AgNOR Boyama ve Elektron Mikroskobik Çalışma. SÜ Tıp Fak Derg 19: 1-8.
  • Lewis P, Morris T 2006. Poultry Lighting: The Theory and Practice. Northcut Publishing, Wiltshire, 176pp. Luo J, Treubert-Zimmermann U, Redies C 2004. Cadherins Guide Migrating Purkinje Cells to Specific Parasagittal Domains During Cerebellar Development. Mol Cell Neurosci 25(1): 138-152.
  • Masabanda JS, Burt DW, O’Brien PCM, Vignal A, Fillon V, Walsh PS 2004. Molecular Cytogenetic Definition of The Chicken Genome: The First Complete Avian Karyotype. Genetics 166: 1367-1373.
  • Mikelsaar AV, Schmid M, Krone W, Schwarzacher HG, Schnedl W 1977. Frequency of Ag-Stained Nucleolus Organizer in The Acrocentric Chromosomes of Man. Hum Genet 37: 73-77.
  • Öber A 2009. Zoolojide Laboratuvar Teknikleri. Ege Üniversitesi Basımevi, 3. Baskı. Bornova, İzmir, 210 sy.
  • Öber A, Turgay-İzzetoğlu G 2020. Histoloji, Nobel Yayın No: 2255, 4. Baskı, Ankara, 326 sy.
  • Özkan S, Yalçın S, Babacanoğlu E, Kozanoğlu H, Karadaş F, Uysal S 2012. Photoperiodic Lighting (16 h light: 8 h dark) Programs During İncubation: 1. Effects on Growth and Circadian Physiological Traits of Embryos and Early Stress Response of Broiler. Poult Sci 91: 2912-2921.
  • Özparlak H, Akgül C, Çelik İ 2015. Effect of Nifedipine on Histology and AgNOR Parameters of Liver. International Journal of Scientific and Technological Research 1(8): 8-23.
  • Patkin EL, Sorokin AV 1983. Nucleolus-Organizing Regions of Chromosomes in Early Embryogenesis of Laboratory Mice. Bull Exp Biol Med 96(2): 1142-1144.
  • Ploton D, Menager M, Jeanesson P, Himber G, Pigeon F, Adnet JJ 1986. Improvement in The Staining and in The Visualisation of The Argyrophilic Proteins of The Nucleolus Organizer Region at The Optical Level. Histochem J 18(1): 5-14.
  • Prescott NB, Kristensen HH, Wathes CM 2004. Light. (Measuring and Auditing Broiler Welfare, CABI Publishing, Cambridge, MA: Ed. Weeks CA, Butterworths A) 101-115.
  • Presnell JK, Schreibman MP 1997. Humason’s Animal Tissue Techniques. The Johns Hopkins University Press Ltd, London, 573 pp.
  • Riedstra B, Groouthuis TGG 2004. Prenatal Light Exposure Affects Early Feather-Pecking Behaviour in The Domestic Chick. Animal Behaviour 67: 1037-1042.
  • Schwean-Lardner K, Vermette C, Leis M, Classen HL 2016. Basing Turkey Lighting Programs on Broiler Research: A Good Idea? A Comparison of 18 Daylength Effects on Broiler and Turkey Welfare. Animals 6(27): 1-16.
  • Sur E, Çelik İ, Öznurlu Y, Aydın MF, Şen İ, Özparlak H 2003. Enzyme Histochemistry and AgNOR Numbers in the Peripheral Blood Leukocytes of 6-Month-old Kangal Bred Anatolian Shepherd Dogs. Revue Méd Vét 154(10): 591-598.
  • Sur E, Öznurlu Y, Özaydın T, Çolakoğlu F, Ünsal S, Yener Y 2011. Comparative Histometrical Study of the Cerebellum and the Determination of Some AgNOR Parameters in Different Avian Species. Bull Vet Inst Pulawy 55: 261-265.
  • Thiruvenkadan A, Prabakaran R 2017. Recent Approaches in Poultry Breeding. Appro Poult Dairy & Vet Sci 2(2): APDV.000533.
  • Trerè D 2000. AgNOR Staining and Quantification. Micron 31(2): 127-131.

The Comparasion of Some AgNOR Parameters of Purkinje Cells in The Laying and Broiler Chicks Exposed to Daily Cyclic Lighting During The Embryonic Period

Year 2021, , 1333 - 1342, 31.12.2021


Lighting, in modern poultry breeding, is one of the most important factors affecting the physiology of birds, including reproduction, growth, body temperature, feed consumption and digestion, and overall metabolic events in the body. Changes caused by lighting occur as a result of physiological events associated with the nervous system and the endocrine system. Purkinje cells are one of the largest cells of the central nervous system. In the early days of the chicken embryo, these cells migrate to the cerebellum cortex and form their own cell layer. The regions of DNA that contain rRNA-synthesizing genes and form the nucleolus called Nucleolar Organizer Regions (NOR). During the staining of actively transcribing regions of NORs with the silvering method (AgNOR), the rRNA regions are also stained and appear as small, dark spots under light microscope. This study aimed to determine the effect of 16 h light:8 h dark lighting during incubation on histology, nucleus diameter, cells areas and NOR areas of the Purkinje cells of the cerebellum of chicks to provide basic data for similar upcoming studies. The results showed that lighted incubation increased nucleus areas and NOR areas of the Purkinje cells of the broiler chicks compared to controls and increased nucleus diameters of laying chicks. It was concluded that, lighting during incubation increased protein synthesis in the Purkinje cells of broiler chicks and the amount of protein in their cytoplasm resulting in an increase in nucleus area.

Project Number



  • Akar S, Sur E 2010. The Development of Chicken Cerebellar Cortex and The Determination of Agnor Activity of The Purkinje Cell Nuclei. Belg J Zool 140(2): 214-22.
  • Akbulut B, Sur E, Okur DN 2015. Determination of the AgNOR Parameters, MN Frequency, ANAE and ACP-ase Positivity of PBL in Pregnants. Selçuk Tıp Derg 31(4): 344-350.
  • Alberts B, Bray D, Lewis J, Raff M, Roberts K, Watson JD 1989. Molecular Biology of The Cell. Garland Publishing, Newyork, 1146 pp.
  • Archer G, Shivaprasad HL, Mench JA 2009. Effect of Providing Light During Incubation on The Health, Productivity and Behavior of Broiler Chickens. Poult Sci 88(1): 29-37.
  • Aydın MF 2004. Yumurta ve Et Tavuklarının Farklı Dokularında Gümüşleme Metoduyla Boyanan Nukleolus Organizer Bölgelerin (AgNOR) Dağılımının Belirlenmesi. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Histoloji ve Embriyoloji Anabilim Dalı, Doktora Tezi, 104 sy.
  • Aydın F, Çelik İ 2005. Yumurta ve Et Tavuklarının Karaciğerlerinde Gümüşleme Metoduyla Boyanan Nukleolus Organizer (AgNOR) Bölgeleri Dağılımının Belirlenmesi. Vet Bil Derg 21(1–2): 91-99.
  • Bayram A, Özkan S 2010. Effects of 16l:8d Lighting Schedule on Behavioral Traits and Performance in Male Broiler Chickens. J App Poult Res 19: 263-273.
  • Çelik İ, Şeker M, Salbacak A 2018. Histological and Histomorphometric Studies on The Cerebellar Cortex and Silver Stained Nucleolus Organizer Regions of Purkinje Neurons in Chronic Morphine-Treated Rats. Veterinarski Arhiv 88(1): 75-88.
  • Dayıoğlu M, Özkan S 2013. The Effect of Lighted İncubation on Growth, Behavior, and Welfare of Broiler Chickens. 9th. European Symposium on Poultry Welfare, 17-20 June, 2013 Uppsala, Sweden. WPSA J Book of Abstracts, p:100.
  • Espinar A, Piera V, Carmona A, Guerrero JM 1997. Histological Changes During Development of The Cerebellum in The Chick Embryo Exposed to A Static Magnetic Field. Bioelectromagnetics 18(1): 36-46.
  • Goodpastuer C, Bloom SE, Hsu TC, Arrighi FE 1976. Human Nucleolus Organizers The Satellites or The Stalks. Am J Hum Genet 28: 559-566.
  • Gündüz N, Öznurlu Y 2014. Adverse Effects of Aflatoxin B1 on Skeletal Muscle Development in Broiler Chickens. British Poultry Science 55(5): 684-692.
  • Herrup K, Kuemerle B 1997. The Compartmentalization of The Cerebellum. Annu Rev Neurosci 20: 61-90. Humason GL 1962. Animal Tissue Techniques. WH Freeman and Company, USA, 468 pp.
  • Kandel ER, Schwartz JH, Jessell TM 2013. Principles of Neural Science. 5th edition, The McGraw-Hill Companies, 1747 pp.
  • Karol S, Suludere Z, Ayvalı C 2010. Biyoloji Terimleri Sözlüğü. Türk Dil Kurumu Yayınları, 5. baskı, Ankara, 1067 sy. Khanna A, Dutta J 2002. Effect of Enrofloxacin on AgNOR Counts in Chick Bone Marrow Nuclei. Indian J Exp BioI 40(3): 345-348.
  • Kliger CA, Gehad AE, Hulet RM, Roush WB, Lillehoj HS, Mashaly MM 2000. Effects of Photoperiod and Melatonin on Lymphocyte Activities in Male Broiler Chickens. Poult Sci 79(1): 18-25.
  • Koral-Taşçı S, Bingöl S 2018. Histological and Histometric Structure of Goose (Anser anser) Cerebellum. Van Vet J 29(2): 63-66.
  • Kozanoğlu H 2010. Farklı Aydınlatma Programlarına Bağlı Olarak Değişen Endojen Melatonin Döngüsünün Etlik Piliçler Üzerindeki Etkileri. Ege Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi, 96 sy.
  • Kristensen HH, Aets JM, Leroy T, Wathes CM, Berckmans D 2006. Modelling The Dynamic Activity of Broiler Chickens in Response to Step-Wise Changes in Light İntensity. Appl Anim Behav Sci 101: 125-143.
  • Kuş İ, Öner J, Songur A, Özen OA, Sarsılmaz M 2003. Sıçanlarda Melatonin Hormonunun Tiroid Folliküler Hücreleri Üzerine Etkisi: AgNOR Boyama ve Elektron Mikroskobik Çalışma. SÜ Tıp Fak Derg 19: 1-8.
  • Lewis P, Morris T 2006. Poultry Lighting: The Theory and Practice. Northcut Publishing, Wiltshire, 176pp. Luo J, Treubert-Zimmermann U, Redies C 2004. Cadherins Guide Migrating Purkinje Cells to Specific Parasagittal Domains During Cerebellar Development. Mol Cell Neurosci 25(1): 138-152.
  • Masabanda JS, Burt DW, O’Brien PCM, Vignal A, Fillon V, Walsh PS 2004. Molecular Cytogenetic Definition of The Chicken Genome: The First Complete Avian Karyotype. Genetics 166: 1367-1373.
  • Mikelsaar AV, Schmid M, Krone W, Schwarzacher HG, Schnedl W 1977. Frequency of Ag-Stained Nucleolus Organizer in The Acrocentric Chromosomes of Man. Hum Genet 37: 73-77.
  • Öber A 2009. Zoolojide Laboratuvar Teknikleri. Ege Üniversitesi Basımevi, 3. Baskı. Bornova, İzmir, 210 sy.
  • Öber A, Turgay-İzzetoğlu G 2020. Histoloji, Nobel Yayın No: 2255, 4. Baskı, Ankara, 326 sy.
  • Özkan S, Yalçın S, Babacanoğlu E, Kozanoğlu H, Karadaş F, Uysal S 2012. Photoperiodic Lighting (16 h light: 8 h dark) Programs During İncubation: 1. Effects on Growth and Circadian Physiological Traits of Embryos and Early Stress Response of Broiler. Poult Sci 91: 2912-2921.
  • Özparlak H, Akgül C, Çelik İ 2015. Effect of Nifedipine on Histology and AgNOR Parameters of Liver. International Journal of Scientific and Technological Research 1(8): 8-23.
  • Patkin EL, Sorokin AV 1983. Nucleolus-Organizing Regions of Chromosomes in Early Embryogenesis of Laboratory Mice. Bull Exp Biol Med 96(2): 1142-1144.
  • Ploton D, Menager M, Jeanesson P, Himber G, Pigeon F, Adnet JJ 1986. Improvement in The Staining and in The Visualisation of The Argyrophilic Proteins of The Nucleolus Organizer Region at The Optical Level. Histochem J 18(1): 5-14.
  • Prescott NB, Kristensen HH, Wathes CM 2004. Light. (Measuring and Auditing Broiler Welfare, CABI Publishing, Cambridge, MA: Ed. Weeks CA, Butterworths A) 101-115.
  • Presnell JK, Schreibman MP 1997. Humason’s Animal Tissue Techniques. The Johns Hopkins University Press Ltd, London, 573 pp.
  • Riedstra B, Groouthuis TGG 2004. Prenatal Light Exposure Affects Early Feather-Pecking Behaviour in The Domestic Chick. Animal Behaviour 67: 1037-1042.
  • Schwean-Lardner K, Vermette C, Leis M, Classen HL 2016. Basing Turkey Lighting Programs on Broiler Research: A Good Idea? A Comparison of 18 Daylength Effects on Broiler and Turkey Welfare. Animals 6(27): 1-16.
  • Sur E, Çelik İ, Öznurlu Y, Aydın MF, Şen İ, Özparlak H 2003. Enzyme Histochemistry and AgNOR Numbers in the Peripheral Blood Leukocytes of 6-Month-old Kangal Bred Anatolian Shepherd Dogs. Revue Méd Vét 154(10): 591-598.
  • Sur E, Öznurlu Y, Özaydın T, Çolakoğlu F, Ünsal S, Yener Y 2011. Comparative Histometrical Study of the Cerebellum and the Determination of Some AgNOR Parameters in Different Avian Species. Bull Vet Inst Pulawy 55: 261-265.
  • Thiruvenkadan A, Prabakaran R 2017. Recent Approaches in Poultry Breeding. Appro Poult Dairy & Vet Sci 2(2): APDV.000533.
  • Trerè D 2000. AgNOR Staining and Quantification. Micron 31(2): 127-131.
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Structural Biology

Gamze Turgay İzzetoğlu 0000-0001-9828-2402

İrem Nur Serbestoğlu 0000-0002-7425-8325

Sezen Özkan 0000-0002-9637-882X

Servet Yalçın 0000-0003-4194-0536

Project Number 13-ZRF-057
Publication Date December 31, 2021
Submission Date December 23, 2020
Acceptance Date February 11, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Turgay İzzetoğlu, G., Serbestoğlu, İ. N., Özkan, S., Yalçın, S. (2021). Embriyonik Dönemde Döngüsel Aydınlatma Yapılan Etlik ve Yumurtacı Civcivlerinin Purkinje Hücrelerinde Bazı AgNOR Parametrelerinin Karşılaştırılması. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım Ve Doğa Dergisi, 24(6), 1333-1342.


2022-JIF = 0.500

2022-JCI = 0.170

Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi (International Peer Reviewed Journal)

       Dergimiz, herhangi bir başvuru veya yayımlama ücreti almamaktadır. (Free submission and publication)

      Yılda 6 sayı yayınlanır. (Published 6 times a year)


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