Türkiye’deki Patates Ekiliş Alanlarından Elde Edilen Meloidogyne chitwoodi Golden, O'Bannon, Santo & Finley 1980’nin Moleküler Karakterizasyonu ve Filogenisi
Year 2023,
, 62 - 69, 28.02.2023
Ayşenur Aslan
Dilek Dinçer
Tohid Behmand
Adem Özarslandan
Lerzan Öztürk
İbrahim Halil Elekcioğlu
Meloidogyne chitwoodi, dünyanın birçok yerinde tarım alanlarında ekonomik zarara neden olabilen istilacı bir nematoddur. Bitki paraziti nematodların tanımlanması temelde morfolojik özelliklerin ve morfometrik parametrelerin gözlenmesiyle yapılmaktadır. Ancak yayınlanmış orijinal betimlemeler ve tanılama anahtarlarının kullanılmasıyla her zaman doğru sonuç elde edilememektedir. Bu nedenle, bu çalışmada 2018 ve 2019 yılı üretim sezonu boyunca İç Anadolu Bölgesi’nden toplanan patates yumrularından izole edilen nematod örnekleri JMVhapla, JMV1 ve JMV2 primer setleri kullanılarak PCR tabanlı tanı yöntemi ile moleküler tanılama ile morfometrik ölçümler ve perineal pattern kullanılarak morfolojik olarak tanılanmıştır. İki yöntem sonucunda da nematod türü Meloidogyne chitwoodi olarak tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca çalışmada yerel popülasyonların diğer Meloidogyne türleri ile ilişkilerini araştırmak için filogenetik analiz ve ikili uzaklık değerlendirilmesi yapılmıştır. Filogeni çalışmalarından sonra popülasyonların hem Türkiye popülasyonuna hem de diğer popülasyonlara %99 benzer olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Yayımlanmış yerel izolatların diğer sekansları ile karşılaştırıldığında bu çalışmadaki Niğde izolatı, Nevşehir (KF557791.1) izolatı ile oldukça benzerlik göstermiştir. Bu çalışma sonucunda İç Anadolu Bölgesi patates yetiştirme alanlarında zarar yapan M. chitwoodi ile ilgili veriler güncellenmiştir.
- Adam, M. A. M., Phillips, M. S. & Blok, V. C. (2007). Molecular diagnostic key for identification of single juveniles of seven common and economically important species of root‐knot nematode (Meloidogyne spp.). Plant pathology, 56(1), 190-197.
- Anonymous, (2005). Meloidogyne chitwoodi and Meloidogyne fallax. Bulletin OEPP, Paris.
- Anonymous, (2019). Food Balance Sheets. http://faostat.fao.org. (Access: 17.10.2021).
- Aslan, A. & Elekcioğlu, İ. H. (2022). Biochemical and molecular identification of root-knot nematodes in greenhouse vegetable areas of Eastern Mediterranean Region (Turkey). Turkish Journal of Entomology, 46(1), 115-127.
- Baermann, G. (1917). A simple method for the detection of Ankylostomum (nematode) larvae in soil tests. In Baermann, G (Eds.), Mededelingen uit het Geneeskundig Laboratorium te Weltevreden. Javasche Boekhandel & Drukkerij.
- Chitwood, B. G. (1949). 'Root-knot nematodes'. Part 1. A revision of the genus Meloidogyne Goeldi, 1887. Proceedings of the Helminthological society of Washington, 16(2), 90-114.
- Çalışkan, M. E., Onaran, H. & Arıoğlu, H. (2010). Overview of the Turkish potato sector: challenges, achievements and expectations. Potato Research, 53(4), 255-266.
- Devran, Z., Mutlu, N. E. D. İ. M., Ozarslandan, A. & Elekcioglu, I. H. (2009). Identification and genetic diversity of Meloidogyne chitwoodi in potato production areas of Turkey. Nematropica, 75-84.
- Devran, Z. & Sogut, M. A. (2009). Distribution and identification of root-knot nematodes from Turkey. Journal of nematology, 128-133.
- Evlice, E. & Bayram, Ş. (2012, September). A survey of potato fields for root-knot nemaode in Central Anatolia, Turkey. In Proceedings of 31th International Symposium of the European Society of Nematologists (Vol. 23, p. 27).
- Evlice, E. & Bayram, Ş. Orta Anadolu Bölgesi (Türkiye) patates ekiliş alanlarındaki kök-ur nematodu türlerinin (Meloidogyne spp.)(Nemata: Meloidogynidae) moleküler ve morfolojik yöntemlerle
belirlenmesi. Türkiye Entomoloji Bülteni, 6(4), 339-347.
- Evlice, E. & Bayram, Ş. (2016). Identification of root-knot nematode species (Meloidogyne spp.)(Nemata: Meloidogynidae) in the potato fields of Central Anatolia (Turkey) using molecular and morphological methods. Turkish bulletin of entomology, 6(4), 339-347.
- Gerič Stare, B., Strajnar, P., Širca, S., Susič, N. & Urek, G. (2018). Record of a new location for tropical root knot nematode Meloidogyne luci in Slovenia. EPPO Bulletin, 48(1), 135-137.
- Golden, J. K. & Van Gundy, S. D. (1975). A disease complex of okra and tomato involving the nematode, Meloidogyne incognita and the soil inhabiting fungus. Rhiz () ctonia solani. Phytopathology, 65,
- Golden, A. M., O'Bannon, J. H., Santo, G. S. & Finley, A. M. (1980). Description and SEM observations of Meloidogyne chitwoodi n. sp.(Meloidogynidae), a root-knot nematode on potato in the Pacific Northwest. Journal of nematology, 12(4), 319-327.
- Grzebisz, W., Frąckowiak, K., Potarzycki, J., Diatta, J. & Szczepaniak, W. (2020). The Unexploited Potential of Nutrient Analysis in Potato Tissues at the Onset of Tuberization for Tuber Yield Prediction. Agronomy, 10(1), 103.
- Jepson, S.B. (1987). Identification of root-knot Nematodes. CAB International, Wallingford, 265 pp.
- Karssen, G., Van Hoenselaar, T., Verkerk‐Bakker, B. & Janssen, R. (1995). Species identification of cyst and root‐knot nematodes from potato by electrophoresis of individual females. Electrophoresis, 16(1), 105-109.
- Karssen, G. (2002). The Plant-Parasitic Nematode Genus Meloidogyne Goldi, 1892 (Tylenchida) in Europe. Brill, Leiden, 157 pp.
- Meng, Q. P., Long, H. & Xu, J. H. (2004). PCR assays for rapid and sensitive identification of three major root-knot nematodes, Meloidogyne incognita, M. javanica and M. arenaria. Acta Phytopathologica Sinica, 34(3), 204-210.
- O'bannon, J. H., Santo, G. S. & Nyczepir, A. P. (1982). Host range of the Columbia root-knot nematode. Plant Disease, 66(11), 1045-1048.
- Ozarslandan, A., Devran, Z., Mutlu, N. & Elekcioglu, I. H. (2009). First Report of Columbia Root-Knot Nematode (Meloidogyne chitwoodi) in Potato in Turkey. Plant Disease, 93(3), 316.
- Özarslandan, A. & Elekcioğlu, İ. H. (2010). Türkiye’nin farklı alanlarından alınan kök-ur nematodu türlerinin (Meloidogyne spp.)(Nemata: Meloidogynidae) moleküler ve morfolojik tanılama ile belirlenmesi. Türkiye entomoloji dergisi, 34(3), 323-335.
- Özarslandan, A., İmren, M., Atilla, Ö. C. A. L. & Elekçioğlu, İ. H. (2013). Bitlis ili patates üretim alanlarında kök-ur nematodu (Meloidogyne chitwoodi Golden, O’Bannon, Santo et Finley, 1980)’nun saptanması. Turkish Journal of Entomology, 37(3), 389-396.
- Santo, G. S., O'bannon, J. H., Finley, A. M. & Golden, A. M. (1980). Occurrence and host range of a new root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne chitwoodi) in the Pacific Northwest. Plant Disease, 64(10), 951-952.
- Santo, G. S. (1994). Biology and management of root-knot nematodes on potato in the Pacific Northwest. Advances in potato pest biology and management (ed. by Zehner GW, Powelson ML, Jansson RK, Raman KV), 193-201.
- Seinhorst, J. W. (1959). A rapid method for the transfer of nematodes from fixative to anhydrous glycerin. Nematologica, 4(1), 67-69.
- Siddiqui, Z. A., Mir, R. A. & Mahmood, I. (1999). Effects of Meloidogyne incognita, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. pisi, Rhizobium sp., and different soil types on growth, chlorophyll, and carotenoid pigments of pea. Israel Journal of Plant Sciences, 47(4), 251-256.
- Tiilikkala, K., Carter, T., Heikinheimo, M. & Venäläinen, A. (1995). Pest risk analysis of Meloidogyne chitwoodi for Finland. EPPO bulletin, 25(3), 419-435.
- Wishart, J., Phillips, M. S. & Blok, V. C. (2002). Ribosomal intergenic spacer: a polymerase chain reaction diagnostic for Meloidogyne chitwoodi, M. fallax, and M. hapla. Phytopathology, 92(8), 884-892.
Molecular Characterization and Phylogeny of Meloidogyne chitwoodi Golden, O'Bannon, Santo & Finley 1980 Obtained from Potato Production Areas in Turkey
Year 2023,
, 62 - 69, 28.02.2023
Ayşenur Aslan
Dilek Dinçer
Tohid Behmand
Adem Özarslandan
Lerzan Öztürk
İbrahim Halil Elekcioğlu
Meloidogyne chitwoodi is an invasive nematode that can cause economic damage to agricultural areas in many parts of the world. The identification of plant parasitic nematodes is basically carried out by observation of morphologic characteristics and morphometric parameters. However, it is not always possible to obtain certain results with the use of published original descriptions and diagnostic keys. Therefore, in this study, nematode samples isolated from potato tubers collected from the Central Anatolia region during the production season of 2018 and 2019 were determined molecularly by PCR-based diagnosis method using JMVhapla, JMV1 and JMV2 primer sets; and morphologically using morphometric measurements and perineal pattern. PCR reactions yielded 540 bp bands. As a result of both methods, the nematode species was determined as Meloidogyne chitwoodi. Phylogenetic analysis and pairwise distance were performed to evaluate the relationships of local populations with other Meloidogyne species. After phylogeny studies, it was determined that the populations were 99% similar to both the Turkish population and other populations. Compared to other sequences of published local isolates, the Niğde isolate in this study showed quiet similarity with Nevşehir (KF557791.1) isolate. As a result of this study, the data on M. chitwoodi, which causes damage in the potato growing areas of the Central Anatolia Region, has been updated.
- Adam, M. A. M., Phillips, M. S. & Blok, V. C. (2007). Molecular diagnostic key for identification of single juveniles of seven common and economically important species of root‐knot nematode (Meloidogyne spp.). Plant pathology, 56(1), 190-197.
- Anonymous, (2005). Meloidogyne chitwoodi and Meloidogyne fallax. Bulletin OEPP, Paris.
- Anonymous, (2019). Food Balance Sheets. http://faostat.fao.org. (Access: 17.10.2021).
- Aslan, A. & Elekcioğlu, İ. H. (2022). Biochemical and molecular identification of root-knot nematodes in greenhouse vegetable areas of Eastern Mediterranean Region (Turkey). Turkish Journal of Entomology, 46(1), 115-127.
- Baermann, G. (1917). A simple method for the detection of Ankylostomum (nematode) larvae in soil tests. In Baermann, G (Eds.), Mededelingen uit het Geneeskundig Laboratorium te Weltevreden. Javasche Boekhandel & Drukkerij.
- Chitwood, B. G. (1949). 'Root-knot nematodes'. Part 1. A revision of the genus Meloidogyne Goeldi, 1887. Proceedings of the Helminthological society of Washington, 16(2), 90-114.
- Çalışkan, M. E., Onaran, H. & Arıoğlu, H. (2010). Overview of the Turkish potato sector: challenges, achievements and expectations. Potato Research, 53(4), 255-266.
- Devran, Z., Mutlu, N. E. D. İ. M., Ozarslandan, A. & Elekcioglu, I. H. (2009). Identification and genetic diversity of Meloidogyne chitwoodi in potato production areas of Turkey. Nematropica, 75-84.
- Devran, Z. & Sogut, M. A. (2009). Distribution and identification of root-knot nematodes from Turkey. Journal of nematology, 128-133.
- Evlice, E. & Bayram, Ş. (2012, September). A survey of potato fields for root-knot nemaode in Central Anatolia, Turkey. In Proceedings of 31th International Symposium of the European Society of Nematologists (Vol. 23, p. 27).
- Evlice, E. & Bayram, Ş. Orta Anadolu Bölgesi (Türkiye) patates ekiliş alanlarındaki kök-ur nematodu türlerinin (Meloidogyne spp.)(Nemata: Meloidogynidae) moleküler ve morfolojik yöntemlerle
belirlenmesi. Türkiye Entomoloji Bülteni, 6(4), 339-347.
- Evlice, E. & Bayram, Ş. (2016). Identification of root-knot nematode species (Meloidogyne spp.)(Nemata: Meloidogynidae) in the potato fields of Central Anatolia (Turkey) using molecular and morphological methods. Turkish bulletin of entomology, 6(4), 339-347.
- Gerič Stare, B., Strajnar, P., Širca, S., Susič, N. & Urek, G. (2018). Record of a new location for tropical root knot nematode Meloidogyne luci in Slovenia. EPPO Bulletin, 48(1), 135-137.
- Golden, J. K. & Van Gundy, S. D. (1975). A disease complex of okra and tomato involving the nematode, Meloidogyne incognita and the soil inhabiting fungus. Rhiz () ctonia solani. Phytopathology, 65,
- Golden, A. M., O'Bannon, J. H., Santo, G. S. & Finley, A. M. (1980). Description and SEM observations of Meloidogyne chitwoodi n. sp.(Meloidogynidae), a root-knot nematode on potato in the Pacific Northwest. Journal of nematology, 12(4), 319-327.
- Grzebisz, W., Frąckowiak, K., Potarzycki, J., Diatta, J. & Szczepaniak, W. (2020). The Unexploited Potential of Nutrient Analysis in Potato Tissues at the Onset of Tuberization for Tuber Yield Prediction. Agronomy, 10(1), 103.
- Jepson, S.B. (1987). Identification of root-knot Nematodes. CAB International, Wallingford, 265 pp.
- Karssen, G., Van Hoenselaar, T., Verkerk‐Bakker, B. & Janssen, R. (1995). Species identification of cyst and root‐knot nematodes from potato by electrophoresis of individual females. Electrophoresis, 16(1), 105-109.
- Karssen, G. (2002). The Plant-Parasitic Nematode Genus Meloidogyne Goldi, 1892 (Tylenchida) in Europe. Brill, Leiden, 157 pp.
- Meng, Q. P., Long, H. & Xu, J. H. (2004). PCR assays for rapid and sensitive identification of three major root-knot nematodes, Meloidogyne incognita, M. javanica and M. arenaria. Acta Phytopathologica Sinica, 34(3), 204-210.
- O'bannon, J. H., Santo, G. S. & Nyczepir, A. P. (1982). Host range of the Columbia root-knot nematode. Plant Disease, 66(11), 1045-1048.
- Ozarslandan, A., Devran, Z., Mutlu, N. & Elekcioglu, I. H. (2009). First Report of Columbia Root-Knot Nematode (Meloidogyne chitwoodi) in Potato in Turkey. Plant Disease, 93(3), 316.
- Özarslandan, A. & Elekcioğlu, İ. H. (2010). Türkiye’nin farklı alanlarından alınan kök-ur nematodu türlerinin (Meloidogyne spp.)(Nemata: Meloidogynidae) moleküler ve morfolojik tanılama ile belirlenmesi. Türkiye entomoloji dergisi, 34(3), 323-335.
- Özarslandan, A., İmren, M., Atilla, Ö. C. A. L. & Elekçioğlu, İ. H. (2013). Bitlis ili patates üretim alanlarında kök-ur nematodu (Meloidogyne chitwoodi Golden, O’Bannon, Santo et Finley, 1980)’nun saptanması. Turkish Journal of Entomology, 37(3), 389-396.
- Santo, G. S., O'bannon, J. H., Finley, A. M. & Golden, A. M. (1980). Occurrence and host range of a new root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne chitwoodi) in the Pacific Northwest. Plant Disease, 64(10), 951-952.
- Santo, G. S. (1994). Biology and management of root-knot nematodes on potato in the Pacific Northwest. Advances in potato pest biology and management (ed. by Zehner GW, Powelson ML, Jansson RK, Raman KV), 193-201.
- Seinhorst, J. W. (1959). A rapid method for the transfer of nematodes from fixative to anhydrous glycerin. Nematologica, 4(1), 67-69.
- Siddiqui, Z. A., Mir, R. A. & Mahmood, I. (1999). Effects of Meloidogyne incognita, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. pisi, Rhizobium sp., and different soil types on growth, chlorophyll, and carotenoid pigments of pea. Israel Journal of Plant Sciences, 47(4), 251-256.
- Tiilikkala, K., Carter, T., Heikinheimo, M. & Venäläinen, A. (1995). Pest risk analysis of Meloidogyne chitwoodi for Finland. EPPO bulletin, 25(3), 419-435.
- Wishart, J., Phillips, M. S. & Blok, V. C. (2002). Ribosomal intergenic spacer: a polymerase chain reaction diagnostic for Meloidogyne chitwoodi, M. fallax, and M. hapla. Phytopathology, 92(8), 884-892.