Research Article
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The Effect of Farm Manure on Yield and Some Soil Properties in a Pear Garden in Yozgat

Year 2022, , 180 - 191, 30.12.2022


The aim of this study is to determine the effect of farm manure applied at two doses on some chemical and physical properties of the soil. In addition, it was conducted to determine the relationships between the contribution of improved soil health and quality to the development of pear trees. For this purpose, farmyard manure of Etruşka variety grafted on a 6-year-old OHF 333 rootstock planted in Gedikhasanlı Research and Application Center was applied to the crown projection of the trees in three different doses (control, half dose: 5 kg tree-1 and full dose: 10 kg tree-1). At the end of the study, while there was no statistical difference between applications in 2018 and 2019 measurements in tree height measurements, 5 kg tree-1 and 10 kg tree-1 farm manure applications affected 2020 measurements significantly. When the number of shoots was examined, there was no statistical difference in the year of application (2018) and one year after (2019), while in 2020, 5 kg tree-1 and 10 kg tree-1 farm manure applications were higher than control. With the application of 10 kg farm manure per tree, the organic matter content of the soil was increased from "low" level (1.02%) to "medium" level (3.03%) at the end of the first year. A similar situation was valid for 5 kg tree-1 dose application, although the increase in the amount of organic matter was lower (2.45%). At the end of the second year, while the level of organic matter in soils where high dose application was applied was preserved as "medium" (2.14%), the low dose application lost its effectiveness and the level of organic matter fell back to the "low" class (1.45%). The most effective application reducing bulk density and penetration resistance was 10 kg tree-1 dose.

Supporting Institution

Yozgat Bozok University Scientific Research Projects Division

Project Number



I thank Yozgat Bozok University Scientific Research Projects Division for its additions.


  • Akçay ME, Büyükyılmaz M, Burak M 2009. Pear Types for the Marmara Region-4. Journal of Bahçe Atatürk Horticultural Central Research Institute 38 (1): 1-10 Yalova.
  • Aksakal EL 2004. Soil compaction and its importance for agriculture. Journal of Atatürk University Faculty of Agriculture 35(3-4): 247-252
  • Aksakal EL, Öztaş T 2010. Changes in distribution patterns of soil penetration resistance within a silage-corn field following the use of heavy harvesting equipments. Turk. J. Agric. For. 34: 173-179.
  • Alagöz Z, Yılmaz E, Öktüren F 2006. Effects of Organic Material Addition on Some Physical and Chemical Properties of Soils. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences 19 (2): 245-254.
  • Anikwe MAN, Obi ME, Agbim NN 2003. Effect of crop and soil management practices on soil compactibility in maize and groundnut plots in a Paleustult in Southeastern Nigeria. Plant and Soil 253: 457-465.
  • Arba M, Falisse A, Choukr-Allah R, Sindic M 2017. Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization on fruit yield and quality of cactus pear (Opuntia ficus- Indica L.) Mill. Fruits, International Journal of Tropical and Subtropical Horticulture, 72(4): 212-220.
  • Aziz, I., Mahmood, T., Raut, Y,. Lewis, W., Islam, R., Weil R.R., 2009. Active organic matter as a simple measure of field soil quality. ASA International Meetings, Nov. 1-5. Pittsburgh, PA.
  • Balcı Y, Yakupoğlu T 2018. Soil compaction in a small berry garden established in a semi-arid region. Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology 6(10): 1412-1418.
  • Barzegar AR, Yousefi A, Daryashenas A 2002. The effect of addition of different amounts and types of organic materials on soil physical properties and yield of wheat. Plant and Soil. 247: 295-301.
  • Başar H 2001. Fertilization of Some Stone And Pome Fruits Grown Around the Bursa Province. Anadolu, J. of AARI. 11(1): 126 – 134.
  • Bayraklı, F 1987. Soil and Plant Analysis (Translation Book, Eds: van Schouwenburg et al.). Ondokuz Mayis University, Faculty of Agriculture publications, No:17. Samsun.
  • Bell RL 1990. Pears (Pyrus). In: Moore JN, Ballington JR (Eds), Genetic Resources of Temperate Fruit and Nut Crops, International Society for Horticultural Science, Wageningen, pp. 655-696.
  • Bright J 2005. Apple and pear nutrition. NSW Department of Primary Industries, _Primefact_85.pdf (date of access, 26.10.2020).
  • Busscher WJ, Sojka RE 1987. Enhancement of subsoiling effect on soil strength by conservational tillage. Trans. ASAE 30: 888-892.
  • Cheng L, Dong S, Guak S, Fuchigami LH 2001. Effects of nitrogen fertigation on reserve nitrogen and carbohydrate status and regrowth performance of pear nursery plants. Acta Horticulturae 564: 51-62.
  • Demiralay İ 1993. Soil Physical Analysis. Atatürk University, Faculty of Agriculture publications, No: 143. Erzurum.
  • Ding, X., Zhang, B., Zhang, X., Yang, X., Zhang, X., 2011. Effects of tillage and crop rotation on soil microbial residues in a rainfed agroecosystem of northeast China. Soil and Tillage Research 114: 43–49.
  • FAO 2020. Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations. World pear production quantities. (Date of access: 15.10.2020)
  • Gökmen H 1973. Angiospermae. Vol 1, Ministry of Forestry, General Directorate of Forestry, Publication No: 564/53, Ankara.
  • Gupta SC, Hadas A, Woorhees WB, Wolf D, Larson WE, Sharma PP 1990. Development of guides on the susceptibility of soils to excessive compaction. University of Minnesota, BARD Report, St. Paul.
  • Hart J, Righetti T, Stevens B, Stebbins B, Lombard P, Burkhart D, Buskirk PV 1997. Fertilizer Guide Pears. Oregon State University. (Date of Access: 22.10.2020).
  • Herrick JE, Jones TL 2002. A dynamic cone penetrometer for measuring soil penetration resistance. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 66: 1320-1324.
  • Hrotko K, Magyar L, Buban T 1996. Improved feathering by benzyladenine application on one- year-old “Idared” apple trees. Hort. Sci. 28(3-4): 49-53.
  • Kacar B 1994. Chemical Analysis of Plants and Soils. Soil Analysis III. Ankara Univ. Faculty of Agriculture. Publications, Education Research and Development Fund, No: 3, Ankara.
  • Kacar B, Katkat AV 1998. Plant nutrition. Uludag University. Strengthening Foundation, Publication No: 127, Vipaş Publications: 3, 459 p.
  • Kappel F, Fisher-Fleming R, Hogue EJ 1995. Ideal Pear Sensory Attributes and Fruit Characteristics. Hort Science 30: 988-993.
  • Khan S, Godara RK, Kumar A, Amin M, Singh M 2016. Impact of Nitrogen and FYM doses on performance of Japanese pear (Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai) cv. Punjab Beauty. Indian Journal of Ecology 43(1):448-451.
  • Khan S, GodaraRK, Malik RS 2017. Influence of nitrogen & FYM application on quality of pear (Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai). Indian Journal of Ecology 44(4):266-268.
  • Khan S, Sharma JR 2018. Effect of organic manure and nitrogen on pear: A review. IJCS 6(4):140-143. Kingston CM 1992. Maturity indices of apple and pear. Hort. Rev.13:407-432.
  • Kumar J, Chandel JS 2004. Effect of different levels of N, P and K on growth and yield of pear cv. Red Bartlett. Progressive Horticulture 36(2):202-206.
  • Kumar M, Rai PN, Sah H, Pratibha 2013. Effect of biofertilizers on growth, yield and fruit quality in lowchill pear cv. Gola. Agriculture Science Digest 33(2):114-117.
  • Nava G, Dechen AR, Nachtigall GR 2008. Nitrogen and Potassium Fertilization Affect Apple Fruit Quality in Southern Brazil. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 39: 96–107.
  • Özbek N 1981. Fertilization of Fruit Trees. Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Publications. Ankara, 280 p. Soil quality Ins. Staff. 1999. Soil Quality Test Kit Guide. Agric. Res. Serv., Natural Resource Cons. Serv., Soil Quality Ins., USDA.
  • Titus JS, Kang S 1982. Nitrogen Metabolism, Translocation, and Recycling in Apple Trees. Hort. Rev. 4: 204-246.
  • Tromp J 1983. Nutrient reserves in roots of fruit trees, in particular carbohydrates and nitrogen. Plant and Soil 71: 401-413.
  • Uçgun K, Kelebek C, Cansu M, Altındal M, Yalçın B 2019. Using of Some Materials Affecting Soil pH in Cereal Cultivation. Soil Water Journal, Special Issue, ISSN: 2146-7072 E-ISSN: 2148-5534, 94-100.
  • Wienhold, B.J., Karlen, D.L., Andrews, S.S., and Stott, D.E., 2009. Protocol for indicator scoring in the soil management assessment framework (SMAF). Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 24(4); 260–266.
  • Wertheim SJ, Wagenmarkers PS, Bootsma JH, Groot MJ 2001. Orchard Systems For Apple and Pear: Conditions For Success. Acta Hortic. 557: 209-227.
  • Yadav A, Bist LD 2003. Effect of nitrogen on shoot growth, flowering, fruiting and fruit quality in pear cv. Bagugosha. Indian Journal of Horticulturae 60(1): 40-44.
  • Yakupoğlu T, Özdemir N 2007. The Effects of Bio-Solid and Tea Factoring Waste Applied to Eroded Soils on Micro Element Contents of Soils. J. of Fac. of Agric.OMU, 22(2):207-213.
  • Yakupoglu T, Ozdemir N 2012. Influence of some organic amendment materials on total porosity of an eroded soil. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 58(S1): 195-200.
  • Yakupoğlu T, Gündoğan R, Demir ÖF, Abacı-Bayan AA, Kıray F, Demirkol B 2013. Relationships between soil erosion and some physical soil properties measured in the field. III. National Soil and Water Resources Congress, Proceedings Book, (Eds: Altıntaş, A., Edizer, A.S., Altıntaş, G., Aydın, M.) 246-253, 22-24 October, Tokat.
  • Yakupoğlu, T., 2018. Some soil properties of agricultural land used for research purposes in Bozok region and various proposals for research to provide regional development. 3rd International Bozok Symposium. Proceedings Book: 1338-1343. May 3-5, 2018, Yozgat, Turkey.

Yozgat’ta Bir Armut Bahçesinde Çiftlik Gübresinin Verim ve Bazı Toprak Özelliklerine Etkisi

Year 2022, , 180 - 191, 30.12.2022


Bu çalışmanın amacı iki farklı dozlarda uygulanan çiftlik gübresinin toprağın bazı kimyasal ve fiziksel özellikleri üzerine etkisini belirlemektir. Ayrıca iyileşen toprak sağlığı ve kalitesinin armut ağaçlarının gelişimine katkısı arasındaki ilişkileri tespit etmektir. Bu amaçla Gedikhasanlı Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi’nde dikili olan 6 yaşındaki OHF 333 anacına aşılı Etruşka çeşidi armut bahçesinde ihtimar edilmiş çiftlik gübresi, ağaçların taç izdüşümüne iki farklı dozda (yarım doz: 5 kg ağaç-1 ve tam doz: 10 kg ağaç-1) uygulanmıştır. Çalışma sonunda armut ağaç boyu 2018 ve 2019 yılları ölçümlerinde uygulamalar arasında istatistiksel fark yokken 2020 yılı ölçümlerinde yarım doz ve tam doz çiftlik gübresi uygulamaları kontrole göre önemli bulunmuştur. Sürgün sayısı incelendiğinde uygulamanın yapıldığı yıl (2018) ve bir yıl sonrasında (2019) istatistiksel fark yokken, 2020 yılında yarım doz ve tam doz çiftlik gübresi uygulamaları kontrole göre daha yüksek bulunmuştur. Ağaç başına 10 kg çiftlik gübresi uygulaması ile toprağın organik madde içeriğini birinci yılın sonunda “düşük” seviyeden (%1.02) “orta” seviyeye (%3.03) çıkarılmıştır. Benzeri bir durum organik madde miktarındaki artış daha düşük olmakla birlikte 5 kg ağaç-1 doz uygulaması için de geçerlidir (%2.45). İkinci yılın sonunda ise yüksek doz uygulaması yapılan topraklarda organik madde seviyesi “orta” olarak korunurken (%2.14) düşük doz uygulaması etkinliğini yitirerek organik madde seviyesi yeniden “düşük” sınıfına gerilemiştir (%1.45). Hacim ağırlığı ve penetrasyon direncini azaltmada en etkili uygulama 10 kg ağaç-1 dozu olmuştur.

Project Number



  • Akçay ME, Büyükyılmaz M, Burak M 2009. Pear Types for the Marmara Region-4. Journal of Bahçe Atatürk Horticultural Central Research Institute 38 (1): 1-10 Yalova.
  • Aksakal EL 2004. Soil compaction and its importance for agriculture. Journal of Atatürk University Faculty of Agriculture 35(3-4): 247-252
  • Aksakal EL, Öztaş T 2010. Changes in distribution patterns of soil penetration resistance within a silage-corn field following the use of heavy harvesting equipments. Turk. J. Agric. For. 34: 173-179.
  • Alagöz Z, Yılmaz E, Öktüren F 2006. Effects of Organic Material Addition on Some Physical and Chemical Properties of Soils. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences 19 (2): 245-254.
  • Anikwe MAN, Obi ME, Agbim NN 2003. Effect of crop and soil management practices on soil compactibility in maize and groundnut plots in a Paleustult in Southeastern Nigeria. Plant and Soil 253: 457-465.
  • Arba M, Falisse A, Choukr-Allah R, Sindic M 2017. Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization on fruit yield and quality of cactus pear (Opuntia ficus- Indica L.) Mill. Fruits, International Journal of Tropical and Subtropical Horticulture, 72(4): 212-220.
  • Aziz, I., Mahmood, T., Raut, Y,. Lewis, W., Islam, R., Weil R.R., 2009. Active organic matter as a simple measure of field soil quality. ASA International Meetings, Nov. 1-5. Pittsburgh, PA.
  • Balcı Y, Yakupoğlu T 2018. Soil compaction in a small berry garden established in a semi-arid region. Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology 6(10): 1412-1418.
  • Barzegar AR, Yousefi A, Daryashenas A 2002. The effect of addition of different amounts and types of organic materials on soil physical properties and yield of wheat. Plant and Soil. 247: 295-301.
  • Başar H 2001. Fertilization of Some Stone And Pome Fruits Grown Around the Bursa Province. Anadolu, J. of AARI. 11(1): 126 – 134.
  • Bayraklı, F 1987. Soil and Plant Analysis (Translation Book, Eds: van Schouwenburg et al.). Ondokuz Mayis University, Faculty of Agriculture publications, No:17. Samsun.
  • Bell RL 1990. Pears (Pyrus). In: Moore JN, Ballington JR (Eds), Genetic Resources of Temperate Fruit and Nut Crops, International Society for Horticultural Science, Wageningen, pp. 655-696.
  • Bright J 2005. Apple and pear nutrition. NSW Department of Primary Industries, _Primefact_85.pdf (date of access, 26.10.2020).
  • Busscher WJ, Sojka RE 1987. Enhancement of subsoiling effect on soil strength by conservational tillage. Trans. ASAE 30: 888-892.
  • Cheng L, Dong S, Guak S, Fuchigami LH 2001. Effects of nitrogen fertigation on reserve nitrogen and carbohydrate status and regrowth performance of pear nursery plants. Acta Horticulturae 564: 51-62.
  • Demiralay İ 1993. Soil Physical Analysis. Atatürk University, Faculty of Agriculture publications, No: 143. Erzurum.
  • Ding, X., Zhang, B., Zhang, X., Yang, X., Zhang, X., 2011. Effects of tillage and crop rotation on soil microbial residues in a rainfed agroecosystem of northeast China. Soil and Tillage Research 114: 43–49.
  • FAO 2020. Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations. World pear production quantities. (Date of access: 15.10.2020)
  • Gökmen H 1973. Angiospermae. Vol 1, Ministry of Forestry, General Directorate of Forestry, Publication No: 564/53, Ankara.
  • Gupta SC, Hadas A, Woorhees WB, Wolf D, Larson WE, Sharma PP 1990. Development of guides on the susceptibility of soils to excessive compaction. University of Minnesota, BARD Report, St. Paul.
  • Hart J, Righetti T, Stevens B, Stebbins B, Lombard P, Burkhart D, Buskirk PV 1997. Fertilizer Guide Pears. Oregon State University. (Date of Access: 22.10.2020).
  • Herrick JE, Jones TL 2002. A dynamic cone penetrometer for measuring soil penetration resistance. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 66: 1320-1324.
  • Hrotko K, Magyar L, Buban T 1996. Improved feathering by benzyladenine application on one- year-old “Idared” apple trees. Hort. Sci. 28(3-4): 49-53.
  • Kacar B 1994. Chemical Analysis of Plants and Soils. Soil Analysis III. Ankara Univ. Faculty of Agriculture. Publications, Education Research and Development Fund, No: 3, Ankara.
  • Kacar B, Katkat AV 1998. Plant nutrition. Uludag University. Strengthening Foundation, Publication No: 127, Vipaş Publications: 3, 459 p.
  • Kappel F, Fisher-Fleming R, Hogue EJ 1995. Ideal Pear Sensory Attributes and Fruit Characteristics. Hort Science 30: 988-993.
  • Khan S, Godara RK, Kumar A, Amin M, Singh M 2016. Impact of Nitrogen and FYM doses on performance of Japanese pear (Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai) cv. Punjab Beauty. Indian Journal of Ecology 43(1):448-451.
  • Khan S, GodaraRK, Malik RS 2017. Influence of nitrogen & FYM application on quality of pear (Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai). Indian Journal of Ecology 44(4):266-268.
  • Khan S, Sharma JR 2018. Effect of organic manure and nitrogen on pear: A review. IJCS 6(4):140-143. Kingston CM 1992. Maturity indices of apple and pear. Hort. Rev.13:407-432.
  • Kumar J, Chandel JS 2004. Effect of different levels of N, P and K on growth and yield of pear cv. Red Bartlett. Progressive Horticulture 36(2):202-206.
  • Kumar M, Rai PN, Sah H, Pratibha 2013. Effect of biofertilizers on growth, yield and fruit quality in lowchill pear cv. Gola. Agriculture Science Digest 33(2):114-117.
  • Nava G, Dechen AR, Nachtigall GR 2008. Nitrogen and Potassium Fertilization Affect Apple Fruit Quality in Southern Brazil. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 39: 96–107.
  • Özbek N 1981. Fertilization of Fruit Trees. Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Publications. Ankara, 280 p. Soil quality Ins. Staff. 1999. Soil Quality Test Kit Guide. Agric. Res. Serv., Natural Resource Cons. Serv., Soil Quality Ins., USDA.
  • Titus JS, Kang S 1982. Nitrogen Metabolism, Translocation, and Recycling in Apple Trees. Hort. Rev. 4: 204-246.
  • Tromp J 1983. Nutrient reserves in roots of fruit trees, in particular carbohydrates and nitrogen. Plant and Soil 71: 401-413.
  • Uçgun K, Kelebek C, Cansu M, Altındal M, Yalçın B 2019. Using of Some Materials Affecting Soil pH in Cereal Cultivation. Soil Water Journal, Special Issue, ISSN: 2146-7072 E-ISSN: 2148-5534, 94-100.
  • Wienhold, B.J., Karlen, D.L., Andrews, S.S., and Stott, D.E., 2009. Protocol for indicator scoring in the soil management assessment framework (SMAF). Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 24(4); 260–266.
  • Wertheim SJ, Wagenmarkers PS, Bootsma JH, Groot MJ 2001. Orchard Systems For Apple and Pear: Conditions For Success. Acta Hortic. 557: 209-227.
  • Yadav A, Bist LD 2003. Effect of nitrogen on shoot growth, flowering, fruiting and fruit quality in pear cv. Bagugosha. Indian Journal of Horticulturae 60(1): 40-44.
  • Yakupoğlu T, Özdemir N 2007. The Effects of Bio-Solid and Tea Factoring Waste Applied to Eroded Soils on Micro Element Contents of Soils. J. of Fac. of Agric.OMU, 22(2):207-213.
  • Yakupoglu T, Ozdemir N 2012. Influence of some organic amendment materials on total porosity of an eroded soil. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 58(S1): 195-200.
  • Yakupoğlu T, Gündoğan R, Demir ÖF, Abacı-Bayan AA, Kıray F, Demirkol B 2013. Relationships between soil erosion and some physical soil properties measured in the field. III. National Soil and Water Resources Congress, Proceedings Book, (Eds: Altıntaş, A., Edizer, A.S., Altıntaş, G., Aydın, M.) 246-253, 22-24 October, Tokat.
  • Yakupoğlu, T., 2018. Some soil properties of agricultural land used for research purposes in Bozok region and various proposals for research to provide regional development. 3rd International Bozok Symposium. Proceedings Book: 1338-1343. May 3-5, 2018, Yozgat, Turkey.
There are 43 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural, Veterinary and Food Sciences

Aysen Koç 0000-0002-9766-721X

Tuğrul Yakupoğlu 0000-0003-4291-3046

Project Number 6602b-ZF/18-161
Publication Date December 30, 2022
Submission Date June 29, 2021
Acceptance Date March 8, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Koç, A., & Yakupoğlu, T. (2022). The Effect of Farm Manure on Yield and Some Soil Properties in a Pear Garden in Yozgat. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım Ve Doğa Dergisi, 25(Ek Sayı 1), 180-191.


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