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Türkiye Akdeniz Kıyılarında Derin Su Pembe Karidesinde (Parapenaeus longirostris, H. Lucas 1846) Oksidatif Stres Parametreleri, Metal Birikimi ve Sağlık Risk Değerlendirmesi

Year 2022, , 838 - 846, 31.08.2022


Bu çalışmada; Akdeniz’in İskenderun ve Antalya lokal balıkçılarından Eylül 2020’de temin edilen derin su pembe karideslerinde (Parapenaeus longirostris, H. Lucas 1846) kas dokusunda birikim gösteren demir (Fe), bakır (Cu), çinko (Zn), manganez (Mn), nikel (Ni), kobalt (Co), Alüminyum (Al), krom (Cr), kadmiyum (Cd) ve kurşun (Pb) metal düzeyleri, ve yine aynı dokulardaki Malondialdehit (MDA) seviyesi ve Katalaz (KAT) enzim aktivitesi belirlenmiştir. Bu iki bölgede tüketilen karideslerde insan sağlığı riskleri, haftalık tüketim miktarları ve kanser risk değerlendirmeleri hesaplanmıştır. Hesaplanan en yüksek metal konsantrasyonu Antalya’da Fe (35.976±2.992 mg kg-1), en düşük birikim ise aynı istasyonda Cd (0.002±0.001 mg kg-1) için hesaplanmıştır. Oksidatif stres parametrelerinden MDA miktarı İskenderun’da avlanan karideslerde 11.06±0.36 nmol mg-1 protein, Antalya’da avlanan karideslerde 8.63±0.13 nmol mg-1 protein, KAT enzim aktivitesinin ise Antalya’da 3.7±0.15 k g-1 protein ve İskenderun’da 6.6±0.4 k g-1 protein olarak hesaplanmıştır. Bu sonuçlara göre ağır metal birikiminin karides türünde lipid peroksidasyonuna neden olduğu anlaşılmıştır. İnsan sağlığı riskleri, tahmini haftalık tüketim (EWI) değerlerinin, Avrupa Gıda Güvenliği (EFSA) ve Gıda Tarım/Dünya Sağlık Örgütü (FAO/WHO) tarafından belirlenen tolere edilebilir haftalık alım (PTWI) değerlerinin altında olduğu belirlenmiştir. Tüketici açısından kanser dışı sağlık risklerinin göstergesi olan hedef tehlike katsayısı (THQ) ve tehlike indeksi (HI) değerleri <1 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Kanserojen risk açısından Pb, Cr ve Cd değerlerinin risk teşkil etmediği anlaşılmıştır. Sonuç olarak, çalışmamız İskenderun ve Antalya bölgesinde satışa sunulan karideslerin kaslarındaki toksik element konsantrasyonlarının tüketiciler için önemli bir sağlık riski oluşturmadığını ortaya koymuştur.


  • Aebi H 1974. Catalase. In: Bergmeyer HU ed. Methods of enzymatic analysis academic. New York. 673–7.
  • Ayas D, Köşker AR, Durmuş M, Bakan M 2016. Determination of seasonal changes on some heavy metal (Cd, Pb, Cr) levels of shrimp and prawn species from North-Eastern editerranean Sea, Gulf of Mersin, Turkey. Journal of Aquaculture Engineering and Fisheries Research, 2(2): 42-49.
  • Baboli MJ, Velayatzadeh M 2013. Determination of heavy metals and trace elements in the muscles of marine shrimp, Fenneropenaeus merguiensis from persian gulf. Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences, 23(3): 786.
  • Bradford MM 1976. A rapid and sensitive method for the quantitation of microgram quantities of protein utilizing the principle of protein-dye binding. Analytical Biochemistry, 7(72): 248-254.
  • Canlı M, Atli G 2003. The relationships between heavy metal (Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Zn) levels and the size of six Mediterranean fish species. Environmental Pollution, 121: 129-136.
  • Chen C, Xu C, Qian D, Yu Q, Huang M, Zhou L, Qin JG, Chen L, Li E 2020. Growth and health status of Pacific white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei, exposed to chronic water born cobalt. Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 100: 137- 145. doi: 10.1016/j.fsi.2020.03.011. Epub 2020 Mar 6. PMID: 32151686.
  • Çelik U, Oehlenschläger J 2007. High contents of cadmium, lead, zinc and copper in popular fishery products sold in Turkish supermarkets. Food Control, 18: 258-260.
  • Çiftçi N, Ayas D, Bakan M 2021. The Comparison of Heavy Metal Level in Surface Water, Sediment and Biota Sampled from the Polluted and Unpolluted Sites in the Northeastern Mediterranean Sea. Thalassas: An International Journal of Marine Sciences, 37(1): 319-330.
  • Duysak Ö 2019. Determination of seasonal metal concentrations in seawater of the Iskenderun Bay in the Eastern Mediterranean, Turkey. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 28(1): 495-501.
  • El-Said GF, El-Sadaawy MM, Shobier AH, Ramadan SE 2021. Human health implication of major and trace elements present in commercial crustaceans of a traditional seafood marketing region, Egypt. Biological Trace Element Research, 199(1): 315-328.
  • Fang W, Wei Y, Liu J 2016. Comparative characterization of sewage sludge compost and soil: heavy metal leaching characteristics. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 310: 1-10.
  • FAO 1983. Compilation of legal limits for hazardous substances in fish and fishery products pp. 5–100, FAO fishery circular, 464 sy.
  • Gokoglu N, Yerlikaya P, Gokoglu M 2008. Trace elements in edible tissues of three shrimp species (Penaeus semisulcatus, Parapenaeus longirostris and Paleomon serratus). Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 88(2): 175-178.
  • Hammouda A, el-R Khalil MM, Salem A 1995. Lipid peroxidation products in pleural fluid for separation of transudates and exudates. Clinical Chemistry, 41(9): 1314-1315.
  • Karunanidhi K, Rajendran R, Pandurangan D, Arumugam G 2017. First report on distribution of heavy metals and proximate analysis in marine edible puffer fishes collected from Gulf of Mannar Marine Biosphere Reserve, South India. Toxicology Reports, 4: 319-327.
  • Kaya G, Turkoglu S 2017. Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in various tissues of some fish species and green tiger shrimp (Penaeus semisulcatus) from İskenderun Bay, Turkey, and risk assessment for human health. Biological Trace ElementResearch, 180(2): 314-326.
  • Kaymak N, Winemiller KO, Akin S, Altuner Z, Polat F, Dal T 2015. Stable isotope analysis reveals relative influences of seasonal hydrologic variation and impoundment on assimilation of primary production sources by fish in the Upper Yesilırmak River, Turkey. Hydrobiologia, 753(1): 131-147.
  • Korkmaz C, Ay Ö, Çolakfakıoğlu Ç 2016. Mersin İlinde Tüketime Sunulan Kabuklu ve Yumuşakça Türlerinin Kas Dokularında Ağır Metal Düzeyleri. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Eğirdir Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 12(2): 101-109. Doi: 10.22392/egirdir.283168
  • Lao Q, Su Q, Liu G, Shen Y, Chen F, Lei X, Qing S, Wei C, Zhang C, Gao J 2019. Spatial distribution of and historical changes in heavy metals in the surface seawater and sediments of the Beibu Gulf, China. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 146: 427-434.
  • Marra A, Mona S, Sà RM, D’Onghia G, Maiorano P 2015. Population genetic history of Aristeus antennatus (Crustacea: Decapoda) in the western and central Mediterranean Sea. PloS one, 10(3): e0117272.
  • Özcan O, Erdal H, Çakırca G, Yonden Z 2015. Oksidatif stres ve hücre içi lipit, protein ve DNA yapıları üzerine etkileri. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Investigations, 6(3): 331-336. Doi: 10.5799/ahinjs.01.2015.03.0545.
  • Pourang NJ, Dennis H, Ghourchian H 2005. Distribution of heavy metals in Penaeus semisulcatus from Persian Gulf and possible role of metallothionein in their redistribution during storage. Environmental Monit Assess, 100: 71.
  • Rainbow PS, White SL 1989. Comparative strategies of heavy metal accumulation by crustaceans: Zinc, copper and cadmium in a decapod, an amphipod and a barnacle. Hydrobiologia, 174: 245–262.
  • Saha N, Mollah MZI, Alam MF, Rahman MS 2016. Seasonal investigation of heavy metals in marine fishes captured from the Bay of Bengal and the implications for human health risk assessment. Food Control, 70: 110-118.
  • Sezgin M, Aydemir E, Ateş AS, Katağan T, Özcan T 2007. On the presence of the non-native estuarine shrimp, Palaemon longirostris H. Milne-Edwards,837 (Decapoda, Caridea), in the Black Sea. Aquatic Invasions, 2(4): 464-465.
  • TGK (Türk Gıda Kodeksi) 2011. Türk Gıda Kodeksi Bulaşanlar Yönetmeliği. Erişim 20.06.2021. http://www.mevzuat.gov.tr/MevzuatMetin/yonetmelik/7.5.15692ek.doc
  • TÜİK 2019. Su Ürünleri İstatistikleri. https:// data.tu ik.gov.tr /Bult en/Ind ex?p= Su-Urunleri-20 18-30697#: ~:text=Kişi%20başın a%20ortalama% 20balık%2 0tüketimi,6% 2C14% 20kg%20 ola rak%20gerçekleşti. Erişim Tarihi: 18.06.2021
  • Turan F, Eken M, Ozyilmaz G, Karan S, Uluca H 2020. Heavy metal bioaccumulation, oxidative stress and genotoxicity in African catfish Clarias gariepinus from Orontes river. Ecotoxicology, 29(9): 1522-1537. doi: 10.1007/s10646-020-0225w.
  • USEPA (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency) (2019) Regional screening level (RSL) summary table (TR=1E06 THQ=1.0). https://semspub. epa.gov/work/HQ/197414.pdf
  • Wang WN, Li BS, Liu JJ, Shi L, Alam MJ, Su SJ, Wu J, Wang L, Wang AL 2012. The respiratory burst activity and expression of catalase in white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei, during long-term exposure to pH stress. Ecotoxicology, 21(6): 1609-1616.
  • Yazkan M, Özdemir F, Gölükcü M 2004. Cu, Zn, Pb and Cd contents in some molluscs and crustacea caught in the Gulf of Antalya. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 28(1): 95-100.
  • Yi Y, Tang C, Yi T, Yang Z, Zhang S 2017. Health risk assessment of heavy metals in fish and accumulation patterns in food web in the upper Yangtze River, China. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 145: 295-302.
  • Zhang C, Jin Y, Yu Y, Xiang J, Li F 2021. Cadmium-induced oxidative stress, metabolic dysfunction and metal bioaccumulation in adult palaemonid shrimp Palaemon macrodactylus (Rathbun, 1902). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 208: 111591.

Oxidative Stress Parameters, Metal Accumulation and Health Risk Assessment in Deep Water Rose Shrimp (Parapenaeus longirostris, H. Lucas 1846) in the Turkish Mediterranean Sea Coasts

Year 2022, , 838 - 846, 31.08.2022


In this study, deep water rose shrimp (Parapenaeus longirostris, H. Lucas 1846) obtained in September 2020 from the Iskenderun Bay and Antalya Bay local fishermen of the Mediterranean Sea were investigated in terms of iron (Fe), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), manganese (Mn), nickel (Ni), cobalt (Co), aluminum (Al), chromium (Cr), cadmium (Cd), and lead (Pb) bioaccumulation as well as Malondialdehyde (MDA) accumulation levels, and catalase (CAT) activity in their muscle tissues. Human health risks, weekly consumption amounts, and cancer risk assessments for deep water rose shrimp consumed in these two regions were calculated. The highest metal concentration calculated from P. longirostris was Fe (35.976±2.992 mg kg-1) in Antalya, and the lowest concentration was Cd (0.002±0.001 mg kg-1) in the same station. The level of MDA was determined as 11.06±0.36 nmol mg-1 protein in Iskenderun station and as 8.63±0.13 nmol mg-1 protein in Antalya station while CAT enzyme activity was determinedas 6.6±0.4 k g-1 protein and 3.7±0.15 k g-1 protein for İskenderun and Antalya, respectively. According to our results, the metal accumulation caused lipid peroxidation in the muscle tissues of the shrimps studied. Human health risks were determined to be below the estimated weekly consumption (EWI) values and the provisional tolerable weekly intake (PTWI) values determined by European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and Food and Agriculture Organization/ World Health Organization (FAO/WHO). Target hazard coefficient (THQ) and hazard index (HI) values, which are indicators of non-cancer health risks for the consumer, were calculated as <1. This study shows that Pb, Cr, and Cd bioaccumulations from the two stations do not pose a carcinogenic risk and toxic element concentrations in the muscles of the P. longirostris sold in the Iskenderun and Antalya regions do not pose a significant health risk for consumers.


  • Aebi H 1974. Catalase. In: Bergmeyer HU ed. Methods of enzymatic analysis academic. New York. 673–7.
  • Ayas D, Köşker AR, Durmuş M, Bakan M 2016. Determination of seasonal changes on some heavy metal (Cd, Pb, Cr) levels of shrimp and prawn species from North-Eastern editerranean Sea, Gulf of Mersin, Turkey. Journal of Aquaculture Engineering and Fisheries Research, 2(2): 42-49.
  • Baboli MJ, Velayatzadeh M 2013. Determination of heavy metals and trace elements in the muscles of marine shrimp, Fenneropenaeus merguiensis from persian gulf. Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences, 23(3): 786.
  • Bradford MM 1976. A rapid and sensitive method for the quantitation of microgram quantities of protein utilizing the principle of protein-dye binding. Analytical Biochemistry, 7(72): 248-254.
  • Canlı M, Atli G 2003. The relationships between heavy metal (Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Zn) levels and the size of six Mediterranean fish species. Environmental Pollution, 121: 129-136.
  • Chen C, Xu C, Qian D, Yu Q, Huang M, Zhou L, Qin JG, Chen L, Li E 2020. Growth and health status of Pacific white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei, exposed to chronic water born cobalt. Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 100: 137- 145. doi: 10.1016/j.fsi.2020.03.011. Epub 2020 Mar 6. PMID: 32151686.
  • Çelik U, Oehlenschläger J 2007. High contents of cadmium, lead, zinc and copper in popular fishery products sold in Turkish supermarkets. Food Control, 18: 258-260.
  • Çiftçi N, Ayas D, Bakan M 2021. The Comparison of Heavy Metal Level in Surface Water, Sediment and Biota Sampled from the Polluted and Unpolluted Sites in the Northeastern Mediterranean Sea. Thalassas: An International Journal of Marine Sciences, 37(1): 319-330.
  • Duysak Ö 2019. Determination of seasonal metal concentrations in seawater of the Iskenderun Bay in the Eastern Mediterranean, Turkey. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 28(1): 495-501.
  • El-Said GF, El-Sadaawy MM, Shobier AH, Ramadan SE 2021. Human health implication of major and trace elements present in commercial crustaceans of a traditional seafood marketing region, Egypt. Biological Trace Element Research, 199(1): 315-328.
  • Fang W, Wei Y, Liu J 2016. Comparative characterization of sewage sludge compost and soil: heavy metal leaching characteristics. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 310: 1-10.
  • FAO 1983. Compilation of legal limits for hazardous substances in fish and fishery products pp. 5–100, FAO fishery circular, 464 sy.
  • Gokoglu N, Yerlikaya P, Gokoglu M 2008. Trace elements in edible tissues of three shrimp species (Penaeus semisulcatus, Parapenaeus longirostris and Paleomon serratus). Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 88(2): 175-178.
  • Hammouda A, el-R Khalil MM, Salem A 1995. Lipid peroxidation products in pleural fluid for separation of transudates and exudates. Clinical Chemistry, 41(9): 1314-1315.
  • Karunanidhi K, Rajendran R, Pandurangan D, Arumugam G 2017. First report on distribution of heavy metals and proximate analysis in marine edible puffer fishes collected from Gulf of Mannar Marine Biosphere Reserve, South India. Toxicology Reports, 4: 319-327.
  • Kaya G, Turkoglu S 2017. Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in various tissues of some fish species and green tiger shrimp (Penaeus semisulcatus) from İskenderun Bay, Turkey, and risk assessment for human health. Biological Trace ElementResearch, 180(2): 314-326.
  • Kaymak N, Winemiller KO, Akin S, Altuner Z, Polat F, Dal T 2015. Stable isotope analysis reveals relative influences of seasonal hydrologic variation and impoundment on assimilation of primary production sources by fish in the Upper Yesilırmak River, Turkey. Hydrobiologia, 753(1): 131-147.
  • Korkmaz C, Ay Ö, Çolakfakıoğlu Ç 2016. Mersin İlinde Tüketime Sunulan Kabuklu ve Yumuşakça Türlerinin Kas Dokularında Ağır Metal Düzeyleri. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Eğirdir Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 12(2): 101-109. Doi: 10.22392/egirdir.283168
  • Lao Q, Su Q, Liu G, Shen Y, Chen F, Lei X, Qing S, Wei C, Zhang C, Gao J 2019. Spatial distribution of and historical changes in heavy metals in the surface seawater and sediments of the Beibu Gulf, China. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 146: 427-434.
  • Marra A, Mona S, Sà RM, D’Onghia G, Maiorano P 2015. Population genetic history of Aristeus antennatus (Crustacea: Decapoda) in the western and central Mediterranean Sea. PloS one, 10(3): e0117272.
  • Özcan O, Erdal H, Çakırca G, Yonden Z 2015. Oksidatif stres ve hücre içi lipit, protein ve DNA yapıları üzerine etkileri. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Investigations, 6(3): 331-336. Doi: 10.5799/ahinjs.01.2015.03.0545.
  • Pourang NJ, Dennis H, Ghourchian H 2005. Distribution of heavy metals in Penaeus semisulcatus from Persian Gulf and possible role of metallothionein in their redistribution during storage. Environmental Monit Assess, 100: 71.
  • Rainbow PS, White SL 1989. Comparative strategies of heavy metal accumulation by crustaceans: Zinc, copper and cadmium in a decapod, an amphipod and a barnacle. Hydrobiologia, 174: 245–262.
  • Saha N, Mollah MZI, Alam MF, Rahman MS 2016. Seasonal investigation of heavy metals in marine fishes captured from the Bay of Bengal and the implications for human health risk assessment. Food Control, 70: 110-118.
  • Sezgin M, Aydemir E, Ateş AS, Katağan T, Özcan T 2007. On the presence of the non-native estuarine shrimp, Palaemon longirostris H. Milne-Edwards,837 (Decapoda, Caridea), in the Black Sea. Aquatic Invasions, 2(4): 464-465.
  • TGK (Türk Gıda Kodeksi) 2011. Türk Gıda Kodeksi Bulaşanlar Yönetmeliği. Erişim 20.06.2021. http://www.mevzuat.gov.tr/MevzuatMetin/yonetmelik/7.5.15692ek.doc
  • TÜİK 2019. Su Ürünleri İstatistikleri. https:// data.tu ik.gov.tr /Bult en/Ind ex?p= Su-Urunleri-20 18-30697#: ~:text=Kişi%20başın a%20ortalama% 20balık%2 0tüketimi,6% 2C14% 20kg%20 ola rak%20gerçekleşti. Erişim Tarihi: 18.06.2021
  • Turan F, Eken M, Ozyilmaz G, Karan S, Uluca H 2020. Heavy metal bioaccumulation, oxidative stress and genotoxicity in African catfish Clarias gariepinus from Orontes river. Ecotoxicology, 29(9): 1522-1537. doi: 10.1007/s10646-020-0225w.
  • USEPA (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency) (2019) Regional screening level (RSL) summary table (TR=1E06 THQ=1.0). https://semspub. epa.gov/work/HQ/197414.pdf
  • Wang WN, Li BS, Liu JJ, Shi L, Alam MJ, Su SJ, Wu J, Wang L, Wang AL 2012. The respiratory burst activity and expression of catalase in white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei, during long-term exposure to pH stress. Ecotoxicology, 21(6): 1609-1616.
  • Yazkan M, Özdemir F, Gölükcü M 2004. Cu, Zn, Pb and Cd contents in some molluscs and crustacea caught in the Gulf of Antalya. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 28(1): 95-100.
  • Yi Y, Tang C, Yi T, Yang Z, Zhang S 2017. Health risk assessment of heavy metals in fish and accumulation patterns in food web in the upper Yangtze River, China. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 145: 295-302.
  • Zhang C, Jin Y, Yu Y, Xiang J, Li F 2021. Cadmium-induced oxidative stress, metabolic dysfunction and metal bioaccumulation in adult palaemonid shrimp Palaemon macrodactylus (Rathbun, 1902). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 208: 111591.
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish

Serdar Doğan 0000-0001-6854-2197

Önder Duysak 0000-0002-7484-3102

Taner Duysak 0000-0001-7603-0458

Erkan Uğurlu 0000-0001-8940-8421

Publication Date August 31, 2022
Submission Date August 5, 2021
Acceptance Date September 24, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Doğan, S., Duysak, Ö., Duysak, T., Uğurlu, E. (2022). Türkiye Akdeniz Kıyılarında Derin Su Pembe Karidesinde (Parapenaeus longirostris, H. Lucas 1846) Oksidatif Stres Parametreleri, Metal Birikimi ve Sağlık Risk Değerlendirmesi. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım Ve Doğa Dergisi, 25(4), 838-846. https://doi.org/10.18016/ksutarimdoga.vi.978862


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Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi
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