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Estimating the Poverty Status Among Ginger Women Farmers in Kaduna State, Nigeria

Yıl 2024, , 475 - 482, 31.12.2024


This research estimated the poverty status among ginger women farmers in Kaduna State, Nigeria. Primary data were used based on a well-designed questionnaire. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Foster, Greer and Thorbecke (FGT) poverty index, Tobit regression model, and principal component model. The outcome shows that the average age, years of farming experience, and educational level approximate 48 years, 9 years, and 11 years respectively. The poverty line is approximately 4, 172.06 Naira (1 USD = 1 104 Naira). The poverty incidence 〖(P〗_0) approximately 0.5298, 95% CI [0.4575, 0.6021] this corresponds to 52.98% of ginger women farmers are poor, from the sampling population, this adds up to the fact that 63 ginger women farmers are poor, while 57 ginger women farmers were non-poor. Approximately 4.7 million of the entire population were poor, while 4.2 million were non-poor. The poverty depth 〖(P〗_1) which explains that the gap between the poor ginger women farmers and the poverty line is calculated as 0.2876, 95% CI [ 0.2465, 0.3287] this implies that it will take the poor ginger women farmers (28.76% × 4, 172.06 Naira) the amount of 1, 199.88 Naira to cover up or make up for the poverty gap. The severity of poverty 〖(P〗_2) which measures the squares of the poverty gap relative to the poverty line was calculated at 0.1967, 95% CI [ 0.1575, 0.2359], this means that 19.67% of the ginger women farmers were severely poor. The educational level, years of ginger farming, income from ginger farming, off-farm income, and membership of cooperative were different significantly from zero in influencing poverty status among ginger women producers. The major limitations were a lack of credit facilities, a lack of access to land, and a lack of farm inputs. The ginger women farmers should join cooperative associations as this will enable them to share ideas, and information on new farm techniques and access credit at single digit interest rates to increase productivity and reduce poverty.

Proje Numarası



  • Adekoya, O.A. (2014). Analysis of Farm Households Poverty Status in Ogun States, Nigeria. Asian Economic and Financial Review, 4(3), 325 – 340.
  • Adisa, R.S. (2012). Land Use Conflict Between Farmers and Herdsmen –Implication for Agricultural and Rural Development in Nigeria. Pg 99 – 118 in, Rural Development–Contemporary Issues and Practices. downladed 29/8/2024.
  • Aguibiade, M.O & Oke, J.T.O (2019). Poverty Analysis of Cassava Farming Households in Osun State, Nigeria. Journal of Development Economics, 11 (1), 9 – 14.
  • Ahmed, F. F., Eugene, C. E. & Abah, P. O. (2019). Analysis of Food Security among Farming Households in Borno State, Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural Economics, Environment and Social Sciences, 1(1):130–141.
  • Ajuwon, S.S. (2004). Case Study: Conflict in Fadama Communities. In: Managing Conflict in Communities Development Session 5, Community Driven Development.
  • Alabi, O.O., Sunday, A.G., Waziri-Ugwu, P.R., Umar, S.A., Osundiya, O.N., Olumuyiwa, S.A., Emeghara, U.U., Sanusi, S.O., Omole, E.B. & Shaba, M.G. (2021). Smallholder Rural Women Rice (Oryza sativa) Farmers’ Decision Maing Process, Agricultural Intensification and Poverty Status, Abuja, Nigeria. Australian Journal of Science and Technology, 5 (1), 448 – 459.
  • Ali, A., Sapna, J., Jibrin, J.M. & Ayinde, A.H. (2017). Gender Analysis on Food Consumption Patterns for Enhancing Food Security in Nigeria. International Journal of Agriculture, Innovation and Research, 5 (6), 891 – 897.
  • Deere, C.D. & Doss, C.R. (2006). Gender and the Distribution of Wealth in Developing Countries UNU-WIDER Research Paper NO. 2006/115, Helsinki, 2006.
  • FAO (2024). Food and Agriculture Organization, Data Base, Rome, Italy.
  • FAO (2011). The State of Food and Agriculture: Women in Agriculture, Closing the Gender Gap for Development, Food and Agriculture Organization,Rome, Italy.
  • FAO (2010). The State of Food Insecurity in the World 2010: Addressing Food Security in Protracted Crisis, Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome, Italy.
  • Fasona,M.J & Omojola, A.S. (2005). Climate Change, Human Security and Communal Clashes Change, Holmen Fjord Hotel,Oslo Oct. 21 – 23, 2005.
  • Folorunso,S.T., Gama, E.N & Ademiluyi,I.O (2018). Analysis of Food Security and Poverty Status among Agro–Pastoralists in Barkin–Ladi Local Governement Area, Plateau State, Nigeria. FUDMA Journal of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology, 4(1), 32 – 46.
  • Folorunsho, S.T., Gama, E.N. & Ademiluyi, I.O. (2014). Pastoral Livelihood of the Fulani on the Jos Plateau of Nigeria. Pastoralism, Resarch, Policy and Practice, FUDMA Journal of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology, 4:2.
  • Hussaini, A.S & Oladimeji, Y. & Sanni, S. & Abdulrahman, S. (2020). Determinants of Rice Farmers’ Investment in Value Addition and Its Effect on Poverty Status in Kebbi State, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 28:75-84.
  • Igbalajobi, O., Fatuase A.I. & Ajibefun, I. (2013). Determinants of Poverty Incidence among Rural Farmers in Ondo State, Nigeria. American Journal of Rural Development, 1(5), 131 – 137.
  • Lawal, A.F., Alabi, O.O. & Oladele, A.O. (2017). Elements of Rural Economics: Access to Agricultural Information among Rural Women Farmers in Abuja, Nigeria. The Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 12 (2), 63 – 75.
  • Moore, N.C., Moore, C.S. & Onugu, C.U. (2015). Gender Attitude on Access to Farm Productive Resources among Women Farmers in Awka North Communities of South Eastern Nigeria. Proceedings of Academics World 8th International Conference, Dubai, UAE, 13th November, 2015.
  • Nwaiwu, J.C., Nnaemeka, S., Onyeike, G.C.& Ndinechi, P.C. (2022). Analysis of Vegetable Production among Rural Women Farmers in Imo State, Nigeria. GHP Journal of Agricultural Research, 5(5), 1 – 9.
  • Nextzon (2018). Ginger Production in Nigeria: Overview, Processes and Opportunities. Nextzon Business Services Limited. downloaded 27/8/2024.
  • Ofuoku, A.U., Emah, G.N. & Itedjere, B.E. (2008). Information Utilization among Rural Fish Farmers in Central Agricultural Zone of Delta State, Nigeria. World Journal of Agricultural Science, 4(5), 558 – 564.
  • Ogunlela, Y.I. & Mukhtar, A.A. (2009). Gender Issues in Agricultural and Rural Development in Nigeria: The Role of Women. Human and Social Sciences Journal, 4(1), 19 – 30.
  • Ogunyemi, O (2019).Farmers and Herdsmen Crisis: A Major Threat to Food Production in Nigeria( A Case Study of Yelwa North Local Government in Ogun State, Nigeria.1st National Conference of WITED,Ilaro Chapter, The Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro, Nigeria.
  • Olorunsanya, E. O., Adenuga, A.H., & Awontunde, O.E. (2012), Determinants of Poverty among Dry Season Women Vegetable Farmers in Kwara State, North Central Nigeria, Journal of Agricultural Science and Environment, 12(2), 23-33.
  • Omonona, B.T. & Agoi, G.A. (2007). An Analysis of Food Security Situation among Nigeria Households: Evidence from Lagos State, Nigeria. Journal of Central European Agriculture, 8(3), 397 – 406.
  • Omonona,B.T., Udoh, E.J & Egunjobi,G.J (2006). Urban People’s Perception and Causes of Poverty in Nigeria. Agricultural Journal Development Studies, 1 (1), 3 – 5.
  • Oyekale,T.O., Bayedo,O.P & Olugbire,O.O (2021). Determinants of Poverty Status among Farming Households in Odogbolu Local Governement Area, Ogun State, Nigeria. Journal of Economic and Allied Research,6(1), 38 – 50.
  • Solomon, B.L. (2021). Impact of the Farmers and Herdsmen Conflict on Food Security: Focus on Taraba State. International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science, (IJRISS), Volume V, Issue III, 564 – 573.
  • World Bank (2008). Gender and Agriculture Sourcebook, Washington DC. The World Bank.
  • World Food Program (2018). Better Food for more People retrieved from on 15th March, 2024.
  • Yamane, T. (1967). Statistics: An Introductory Analysis, 2nd Edition., New York: Harper and Row. Pp. 33-50.

Estimating the Poverty Status Among Ginger Women Farmers in Kaduna State, Nigeria

Yıl 2024, , 475 - 482, 31.12.2024


This research estimated the poverty status among ginger women farmers in Kaduna State, Nigeria. Primary data were used based on a well-designed questionnaire. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Foster, Greer and Thorbecke (FGT) poverty index, Tobit regression model, and principal component model. The outcome shows that the average age, years of farming experience, and educational level approximate 48 years, 9 years, and 11 years respectively. The poverty line is approximately 4, 172.06 Naira (1 USD = 1 104 Naira). The poverty incidence 〖(P〗_0) approximately 0.5298, 95% CI [0.4575, 0.6021] this corresponds to 52.98% of ginger women farmers are poor, from the sampling population, this adds up to the fact that 63 ginger women farmers are poor, while 57 ginger women farmers were non-poor. Approximately 4.7 million of the entire population were poor, while 4.2 million were non-poor. The poverty depth 〖(P〗_1) which explains that the gap between the poor ginger women farmers and the poverty line is calculated as 0.2876, 95% CI [ 0.2465, 0.3287] this implies that it will take the poor ginger women farmers (28.76% × 4, 172.06 Naira) the amount of 1, 199.88 Naira to cover up or make up for the poverty gap. The severity of poverty 〖(P〗_2) which measures the squares of the poverty gap relative to the poverty line was calculated at 0.1967, 95% CI [ 0.1575, 0.2359], this means that 19.67% of the ginger women farmers were severely poor. The educational level, years of ginger farming, income from ginger farming, off-farm income, and membership of cooperative were different significantly from zero in influencing poverty status among ginger women producers. The major limitations were a lack of credit facilities, a lack of access to land, and a lack of farm inputs. The ginger women farmers should join cooperative associations as this will enable them to share ideas, and information on new farm techniques and access credit at single digit interest rates to increase productivity and reduce poverty.

Etik Beyan


Destekleyen Kurum


Proje Numarası





  • Adekoya, O.A. (2014). Analysis of Farm Households Poverty Status in Ogun States, Nigeria. Asian Economic and Financial Review, 4(3), 325 – 340.
  • Adisa, R.S. (2012). Land Use Conflict Between Farmers and Herdsmen –Implication for Agricultural and Rural Development in Nigeria. Pg 99 – 118 in, Rural Development–Contemporary Issues and Practices. downladed 29/8/2024.
  • Aguibiade, M.O & Oke, J.T.O (2019). Poverty Analysis of Cassava Farming Households in Osun State, Nigeria. Journal of Development Economics, 11 (1), 9 – 14.
  • Ahmed, F. F., Eugene, C. E. & Abah, P. O. (2019). Analysis of Food Security among Farming Households in Borno State, Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural Economics, Environment and Social Sciences, 1(1):130–141.
  • Ajuwon, S.S. (2004). Case Study: Conflict in Fadama Communities. In: Managing Conflict in Communities Development Session 5, Community Driven Development.
  • Alabi, O.O., Sunday, A.G., Waziri-Ugwu, P.R., Umar, S.A., Osundiya, O.N., Olumuyiwa, S.A., Emeghara, U.U., Sanusi, S.O., Omole, E.B. & Shaba, M.G. (2021). Smallholder Rural Women Rice (Oryza sativa) Farmers’ Decision Maing Process, Agricultural Intensification and Poverty Status, Abuja, Nigeria. Australian Journal of Science and Technology, 5 (1), 448 – 459.
  • Ali, A., Sapna, J., Jibrin, J.M. & Ayinde, A.H. (2017). Gender Analysis on Food Consumption Patterns for Enhancing Food Security in Nigeria. International Journal of Agriculture, Innovation and Research, 5 (6), 891 – 897.
  • Deere, C.D. & Doss, C.R. (2006). Gender and the Distribution of Wealth in Developing Countries UNU-WIDER Research Paper NO. 2006/115, Helsinki, 2006.
  • FAO (2024). Food and Agriculture Organization, Data Base, Rome, Italy.
  • FAO (2011). The State of Food and Agriculture: Women in Agriculture, Closing the Gender Gap for Development, Food and Agriculture Organization,Rome, Italy.
  • FAO (2010). The State of Food Insecurity in the World 2010: Addressing Food Security in Protracted Crisis, Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome, Italy.
  • Fasona,M.J & Omojola, A.S. (2005). Climate Change, Human Security and Communal Clashes Change, Holmen Fjord Hotel,Oslo Oct. 21 – 23, 2005.
  • Folorunso,S.T., Gama, E.N & Ademiluyi,I.O (2018). Analysis of Food Security and Poverty Status among Agro–Pastoralists in Barkin–Ladi Local Governement Area, Plateau State, Nigeria. FUDMA Journal of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology, 4(1), 32 – 46.
  • Folorunsho, S.T., Gama, E.N. & Ademiluyi, I.O. (2014). Pastoral Livelihood of the Fulani on the Jos Plateau of Nigeria. Pastoralism, Resarch, Policy and Practice, FUDMA Journal of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology, 4:2.
  • Hussaini, A.S & Oladimeji, Y. & Sanni, S. & Abdulrahman, S. (2020). Determinants of Rice Farmers’ Investment in Value Addition and Its Effect on Poverty Status in Kebbi State, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 28:75-84.
  • Igbalajobi, O., Fatuase A.I. & Ajibefun, I. (2013). Determinants of Poverty Incidence among Rural Farmers in Ondo State, Nigeria. American Journal of Rural Development, 1(5), 131 – 137.
  • Lawal, A.F., Alabi, O.O. & Oladele, A.O. (2017). Elements of Rural Economics: Access to Agricultural Information among Rural Women Farmers in Abuja, Nigeria. The Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 12 (2), 63 – 75.
  • Moore, N.C., Moore, C.S. & Onugu, C.U. (2015). Gender Attitude on Access to Farm Productive Resources among Women Farmers in Awka North Communities of South Eastern Nigeria. Proceedings of Academics World 8th International Conference, Dubai, UAE, 13th November, 2015.
  • Nwaiwu, J.C., Nnaemeka, S., Onyeike, G.C.& Ndinechi, P.C. (2022). Analysis of Vegetable Production among Rural Women Farmers in Imo State, Nigeria. GHP Journal of Agricultural Research, 5(5), 1 – 9.
  • Nextzon (2018). Ginger Production in Nigeria: Overview, Processes and Opportunities. Nextzon Business Services Limited. downloaded 27/8/2024.
  • Ofuoku, A.U., Emah, G.N. & Itedjere, B.E. (2008). Information Utilization among Rural Fish Farmers in Central Agricultural Zone of Delta State, Nigeria. World Journal of Agricultural Science, 4(5), 558 – 564.
  • Ogunlela, Y.I. & Mukhtar, A.A. (2009). Gender Issues in Agricultural and Rural Development in Nigeria: The Role of Women. Human and Social Sciences Journal, 4(1), 19 – 30.
  • Ogunyemi, O (2019).Farmers and Herdsmen Crisis: A Major Threat to Food Production in Nigeria( A Case Study of Yelwa North Local Government in Ogun State, Nigeria.1st National Conference of WITED,Ilaro Chapter, The Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro, Nigeria.
  • Olorunsanya, E. O., Adenuga, A.H., & Awontunde, O.E. (2012), Determinants of Poverty among Dry Season Women Vegetable Farmers in Kwara State, North Central Nigeria, Journal of Agricultural Science and Environment, 12(2), 23-33.
  • Omonona, B.T. & Agoi, G.A. (2007). An Analysis of Food Security Situation among Nigeria Households: Evidence from Lagos State, Nigeria. Journal of Central European Agriculture, 8(3), 397 – 406.
  • Omonona,B.T., Udoh, E.J & Egunjobi,G.J (2006). Urban People’s Perception and Causes of Poverty in Nigeria. Agricultural Journal Development Studies, 1 (1), 3 – 5.
  • Oyekale,T.O., Bayedo,O.P & Olugbire,O.O (2021). Determinants of Poverty Status among Farming Households in Odogbolu Local Governement Area, Ogun State, Nigeria. Journal of Economic and Allied Research,6(1), 38 – 50.
  • Solomon, B.L. (2021). Impact of the Farmers and Herdsmen Conflict on Food Security: Focus on Taraba State. International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science, (IJRISS), Volume V, Issue III, 564 – 573.
  • World Bank (2008). Gender and Agriculture Sourcebook, Washington DC. The World Bank.
  • World Food Program (2018). Better Food for more People retrieved from on 15th March, 2024.
  • Yamane, T. (1967). Statistics: An Introductory Analysis, 2nd Edition., New York: Harper and Row. Pp. 33-50.
Toplam 31 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Çiftlik İşletmeleri, Sürdürülebilir Tarımsal Kalkınma, Tarım Politikaları, Tarım Ekonomisi (Diğer)
Bölüm ARAŞTIRMA MAKALESİ (Research Article)

Olugbenga Oladele 0000-0001-8831-5979

Ibrahim Maharazu 0000-0002-0968-6112

Olugbenga Omotayo Alabı 0000-0002-8390-9775

Jeremiah Aluwong 0000-0001-8462-538X

Proje Numarası NIL
Erken Görünüm Tarihi 19 Aralık 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 24 Haziran 2024
Kabul Tarihi 5 Eylül 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Oladele, O., Maharazu, I., Alabı, O. O., Aluwong, J. (2024). Estimating the Poverty Status Among Ginger Women Farmers in Kaduna State, Nigeria. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım Ve Doğa Dergisi, 27(Ek Sayı 2 (Suppl 2), 475-482.


2022-JIF = 0.500

2022-JCI = 0.170

Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi (International Peer Reviewed Journal)

       Dergimiz, herhangi bir başvuru veya yayımlama ücreti almamaktadır. (Free submission and publication)

      Yılda 6 sayı yayınlanır. (Published 6 times a year)


Bu web sitesi Creative Commons Atıf 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı ile lisanslanmıştır.


Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi
e-ISSN: 2619-9149