aim of the study is to determine the marketing tactic and strategies based on
Erzurum Moldy Cheese consumption preferences and their purchase patterns of the
consumers dwelling in Erzurum. The main material of the study was provided by
the primary data obtained from a survey conducted on 401 households residing in
Erzurum during 2015, and consuming Erzurum Moldy Cheese. Principal Component Analysis(PCA) and Two-step Cluster Analysis were
used to determine the main factores impacting on their purchase decisions, and
then to segment homogenous clusteres according to their purchase frequencies by
taking into consideration the data, respectively. The results of the study
highlighted that the heavy users appracited to Erzurum Moldy Cheese’s core
benefit image under generic brand based on the local products oriented core
benefit to accelerate rural development. On the other hand, the medium and
light users gave a bigger attention to its augmented product image covering the
local individual brands to contribute rural development by considering sensory
quality attributes, and with the actual product image by taking into
consideration the components related to the visual quality attributes and
promotion mix on their purchase decisions.
Adanacıoğlu H, Albayram Z 2012. A Conjoint Analysis of Consumer Preferences for Traditional Cheeses in Turkey: A Case Study on Tulum Cheese. Korean Journal of Food Science Analize, 32 (4): 458-466.
Addor F, Grazioli A 1997. Geographical Indications beyond Wines and Spirits. The Journal of World Intellectual Property, 5: 6-11.
Almli VG, Qvrum A, Hersleth M, Almqy T, Naes T 2015. Investigating Individual Preferences in Rating and Ranking Conjoint Experiments. A Case Study on Semi-hard Cheese. Food Quality and Preference, 39: 28-39.
Altuntaş A, Gülçubuk B 2014. Yerel Kalkınmada Yaygınlaşan bir Araç Olarak Geleneksel Gıdalar ve Geleneksel Gıda Mevzuatının Yaygınlaştırılabilirliği. GOP Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 31 (3): 73-81.
Anonim 2015. Coğrafi işaretli ürün stratejileri., (Erişim tarihi: 15.03.2016).
Anonim 2016. Erzurum Büyük Şehir Belediyesi Hanehalkı Verileri, 2016, Erzurum.
Aprile MC, Caputo V, Nayga RM 2016. Consumers’ Preferences and Attitudes toward Local Food Products. Journal of Food Products Marketing, 22 (1): 19-42.
Barnes RN, Bosworth RC, Bailey D, Curtis KR 2014. Connecting Sensory Quality Caracteristic and Local Designations to Willingness to Pay for Cheese at the Retail Levels. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 17(3): 12-25.
Batra R, Ramaswamy V, Alden DL, Steenkamp JEM, Ramachander S. 2010. Effects of Brand Local and Nonlocal Origin on Consumer Attitudes in Developing Countries. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 9 (2): 83-95.
Cadena RS, Bolini HMA 2011. Time-intensity Analysis and Acceptance Test for Traditional and Light Vanilla Ice Cream. Food Research International, 44 (2011): 677-683.
Braghieri A, Girolami A, Riviezzi A, Piazzolla N, Napolitano F 2014. Liking of Traditional Cheese and Consumer Willingness to Pay. Italian Journal of Animal Science, 13 (1): 3018-3029.
Cacciolatti LA, Garcia CC, Kalantzakis M 2015. Traditional Food Products: The Effect of Consumers’ Characteristics, Product Knowledge, and Perceived Value on Actual Purchase. Journal of International Food and Agribusiness Marketing, 27 (3): 155-176.
CDIC 2015. Global Cheese Consumption in North and Central Amerika. Canadian Dairy Information Center., (Access data: 20.03.2017).
Chiciudean G, Chiciudean G 2013. Consumer Segmentation by Attributes Considered During the Buying Desicion-Making Process for Cheese. Bulletin UASVM Horticulture, 70 (2): 287-292.
Chrysouchou P 2010. Food Health Branding: The Role of Marketing Mix Elements and Public Discourse in Conveying a Healthy Brand Image. Journal of Marketing Communications, 16 (1-2): 69-85.
Darby K, Batte MT, Ernst S, Roe B 2008. Decomposıng Local: A Conjoınt Analysis of Locally Produced Foods. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 90 (2): 476–486.
Darby K, Batte MT, Roe B 2006. Willingness to Pay for Locally Produced Foods: A Customer Intercept Study of Direct Market and Grocery Store Shoppers. American Agricultural Economics Association, Annual Meeting, California, June 2006, pp. 23-26.
FAOSTAT 2017. Download and visualize data of livestouc processed and primary product production., (Access data: 10.03.2017).
Goosen C 2014. Consumer Acceptance of Chedder Cheese: Intrinsic, Extrinsic and Socio-demographic Influences. Stellenbosch Univ. Faculty of Agrisciences Agricultural Management, Master Thesis, South Africa.
Hair JF, Black WC, Babin BJ, Anderson RE 2010. Multivariate Data Analysis (7th Edition), 816 pp., ISBN-13: 9780138132637, USA.
Jekanowski MD, Williams DR, Schiek WA 2000. Consumer’s Willingness to Purchase Locally Produced Agricultural Products: An Analysis of Indiana Survey. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, 29 (8): 43-53.
Kalaycı S 2009. SPSS Applications, Multi-variables Statistics Techniques, (5th edition), 273 pp., Asil Publish, ISBN 975-9091-14-3, Ankara.
Kamber U 2007. The Traditional Cheeses of Turkey: The Aegean Region, Food Reviews International, 24 (1): 39-61.
Kan M, Gülçubuk B 2008. Kırsal Ekonominin Canlanmasında ve Yerel Sahiplenmede Coğrafi İşaretler. Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 22 (2): 57-66.
Kan M, Gülçubuk B, Küçükçongar M 2012. Coğrafi İşaretlerin Kırsal Turizmde Kullanılma Olanakları. KMÜ Sosyal ve Ekonomik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 6 (2): 52-64.
Kotler P, Armstrong G 2004. Principles of Marketing, (10th Edition). Canada: R Donnelley-Willaard.
Kergoat M, Giboreau A, Nicod H, Faye P, Diaz E, Beetschen MA, Gerritsen N,
Mayer T 2010. Psychographic Measures and Sensory Consumer Test: When Emotional Experience and Feeling-based Judgments Account for Prefernces. Food Quality and Prefernce, 21: 178-187.
Koutroullou A, Tsourgiannis L 2011. Factos Affecting Consumers’ Purchasing Behaviour towards Local Foods in Greece: The Case of the Prefecture of Xanthi. Scientific Bulletin-Economic Science, 10 (2): 34-47.
Lobb AE, Mazzocchi M 2007. Domestically Produced Food: Consumer Perceptions of Origin, Safety and the Issue of Trust. Food Economics-Acta Agriculture Scand C, 4: 3-12.
MacRae R, Gallant E, Patel S, Michalak M, Bunch M, Schaffner S 2010. Could Toronto Provide of its Fresh Vegetable Requirements from within its Own Boundaries? Matching Consumption Requirements with Growing Spaces. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 4 (2): 45-60.
Magistris T, Gracia A 2016. Consumers’ Willingness to Pay for Light, Organic and PDO Cheese. British Food Journal, 118 (3): 560-571.
Matic A, Kalit S, Salajpal K, Ivankovic S, Saric Z 2014. Consumers’ Preferences and Composition of Livanjski Cheese in Relation to its Sensory Characteristics: Livanjski Cheese. Mljekarstvo, 64 (3): 170-177.
Menapace L, Moschini G 2012. Quality Certification by Geographical İndication, Trademarks and Firm Reputation. European Review of Agricultural Economics, 39 (4): 539-566.
Nellemann C, Arendal G 2009. The Environmental Food Crisis: The Environment’s Role in Averting Future Food Crises: A Unep Rapid Response Assessment. UNEP, 12: 1-10.
Orhan A 2010. Yerel Değerlerin Turizm Ürününe Dönüştürülmesinde Coğrafi Işaretlerin Kullanımı: İzmir Pişmaniyesi Örneği. Anatolia: Turizm Araştırma Dergisi, 21(2): 243-254.
Pinto VRA, Melo LF, Balbino DF, Novaes JF, Negrete MC, Sousa TD 2016. The Evaluation of Consumer Behavior Influence on the Buying Process of Dairy Products in Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, 4 (1): 51-59.
Sajiki T, Sawauchi D, Tokoro S, Iwamoto H, Nakatani T, Yamamoto Y 2009. Influencing Factors of Japanese Consumer Purchasing Decisions for Locally Produced Agricultural Products. Journal of Research Faculty of Agriculture-Hokkaido University, 73 (1): 1-8.
Sengul M, Gurses M, Dervisoglu M, Yazici F 2006. A Survey on the Some Chemical and Biochemical Properties of Civil Cheese, a Traditional Turkish Cheese. International Journal of Food Properties, 9 (4): 791-801.
SPSS Base 20.0. 2016. SPSS Base 15 User’s Guide. Chicago, IL., 161-184 pp.
Sriwaranun Y, Gan C, Lee M, Cohen DA 2015. Consumers’ Willingness to Pay for Organic Products in Thailand. International Journal of Social Economics, 42 (5): 480-510.
TEPGE 2017. Tarımsal Ekonomi ve Politika Geliştirme Enstitüsü Müdürlüğü., (Erişim tarihi: 03.03.2017).
Topcu Y 2015. Turkish Consumer Decisions Affecting Ice Cream Consumption. Italian Journal of Food Science, 27 (2): 1-11.
Topcu Y 2012. Toplumsal Pazarlama Yaklaşimi ile Kırsal Kalkınmada Yerel Ürünlerin Etkileri: Erzurum Civil Peyniri Örneği. X. Ulusal Tarım Ekonomisi Kongresi, 5-7 Eylül 2012, Konya.
Topcu Y 2012a. Tarımsal Ürünlerin Pazarlanması (Basılmamış ders notları). Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Tarım Ekonomisi Bölümü, Erzurum.
Topcu Y 2012b. The Integrated Marketing Approach as a Rural Development Tool. (Rural Development-Contemporary Issue and practices, InTech-Open Access Publisher: Ed. R.S. Adisa) 257-280 pp.
TPE 2017. Coğrafi İşaretli Ürünler., (Erişim tarihi: 20.03. 2017).
Uzundumlu AS, Topcu Y 2016. Determining Turkish Consumers’ Consumption Satisfaction with Erzurum Civil Cheese. British Food Journal, 118 (4): 896-914.
Vandermersch M, Mathijs E 2004. Consumer Willingness to Pay for Domestic Milk. Working Paper 91, Centre for Agricultural and Food Economics-Katholieke University, 12-15 September, Leuven.
Vanhonacker F, Lengard V, Hersleth M, Verbeke W 2010. Profiling European Traditional Food Consumers. British Food Journal, 112 (8): 871-886.
Weber MJ, Lambert JT, Canrad KA, Jenninmgs SS 2015. Consumer Ethnocentrism and Tendencies to Protect Wisconsin-Made Cheese Products. International Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, 19 (3): 149-168.
Coğrafi İşaretli Erzurum Küflü Peyniri’nin Tüketici Tercihlerine Dayalı Pazarlama Taktik ve Stratejileri
amacı, Erzurum’da ikamet eden tüketicilerin Erzurum Küflü Peynir tüketim
tercihleri ve satın alma modellerine dayalı pazarlama taktik ve stratejilerini
belirlemektir. Çalışmanın ana materyalini Erzurum ilinde ikamet eden ve Erzurum
Küflü Peyniri tüketen 401 hanehalkı ile yapılan anket çalışmasından elde edilen
birincil veriler oluşmaktadır. Elde edilen verileri dikkate alarak, satın alma
kararı üzerinde etkili olan ana faktörlerin belirlenmesinde Temel Bileşenler Analizi(PCA) ve tüketicilerin tüketim
sıklıklarına göre kümelerin oluşturulmasında İki Aşamalı Kümeleme Analizi kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonuçları,
yoğun kullanıcıların satın alma kararlarında temel fayda odaklı yerel ürünlere
dayalı kırsal kalkınmaya ivme kazandırmak için jenerik marka altında temel
fayda imajına büyük önem atfetmişlerdir. Diğer taraftan ılımlı ve düşük düzeyde
tüketiciler ise duyusal kalite niteliklerini dikkate alarak kırsal kalkınmaya
katkı vermek için yerel bireysel marka kapsamında genişletilmiş mamul imajı ve
görsel kalite ile iletişim karması bileşenlerini dikkate alan gerçek ürün
imajlı Erzurum Küflü Peyniri’ne büyük bir önem vermişlerdir
Adanacıoğlu H, Albayram Z 2012. A Conjoint Analysis of Consumer Preferences for Traditional Cheeses in Turkey: A Case Study on Tulum Cheese. Korean Journal of Food Science Analize, 32 (4): 458-466.
Addor F, Grazioli A 1997. Geographical Indications beyond Wines and Spirits. The Journal of World Intellectual Property, 5: 6-11.
Almli VG, Qvrum A, Hersleth M, Almqy T, Naes T 2015. Investigating Individual Preferences in Rating and Ranking Conjoint Experiments. A Case Study on Semi-hard Cheese. Food Quality and Preference, 39: 28-39.
Altuntaş A, Gülçubuk B 2014. Yerel Kalkınmada Yaygınlaşan bir Araç Olarak Geleneksel Gıdalar ve Geleneksel Gıda Mevzuatının Yaygınlaştırılabilirliği. GOP Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 31 (3): 73-81.
Anonim 2015. Coğrafi işaretli ürün stratejileri., (Erişim tarihi: 15.03.2016).
Anonim 2016. Erzurum Büyük Şehir Belediyesi Hanehalkı Verileri, 2016, Erzurum.
Aprile MC, Caputo V, Nayga RM 2016. Consumers’ Preferences and Attitudes toward Local Food Products. Journal of Food Products Marketing, 22 (1): 19-42.
Barnes RN, Bosworth RC, Bailey D, Curtis KR 2014. Connecting Sensory Quality Caracteristic and Local Designations to Willingness to Pay for Cheese at the Retail Levels. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 17(3): 12-25.
Batra R, Ramaswamy V, Alden DL, Steenkamp JEM, Ramachander S. 2010. Effects of Brand Local and Nonlocal Origin on Consumer Attitudes in Developing Countries. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 9 (2): 83-95.
Cadena RS, Bolini HMA 2011. Time-intensity Analysis and Acceptance Test for Traditional and Light Vanilla Ice Cream. Food Research International, 44 (2011): 677-683.
Braghieri A, Girolami A, Riviezzi A, Piazzolla N, Napolitano F 2014. Liking of Traditional Cheese and Consumer Willingness to Pay. Italian Journal of Animal Science, 13 (1): 3018-3029.
Cacciolatti LA, Garcia CC, Kalantzakis M 2015. Traditional Food Products: The Effect of Consumers’ Characteristics, Product Knowledge, and Perceived Value on Actual Purchase. Journal of International Food and Agribusiness Marketing, 27 (3): 155-176.
CDIC 2015. Global Cheese Consumption in North and Central Amerika. Canadian Dairy Information Center., (Access data: 20.03.2017).
Chiciudean G, Chiciudean G 2013. Consumer Segmentation by Attributes Considered During the Buying Desicion-Making Process for Cheese. Bulletin UASVM Horticulture, 70 (2): 287-292.
Chrysouchou P 2010. Food Health Branding: The Role of Marketing Mix Elements and Public Discourse in Conveying a Healthy Brand Image. Journal of Marketing Communications, 16 (1-2): 69-85.
Darby K, Batte MT, Ernst S, Roe B 2008. Decomposıng Local: A Conjoınt Analysis of Locally Produced Foods. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 90 (2): 476–486.
Darby K, Batte MT, Roe B 2006. Willingness to Pay for Locally Produced Foods: A Customer Intercept Study of Direct Market and Grocery Store Shoppers. American Agricultural Economics Association, Annual Meeting, California, June 2006, pp. 23-26.
FAOSTAT 2017. Download and visualize data of livestouc processed and primary product production., (Access data: 10.03.2017).
Goosen C 2014. Consumer Acceptance of Chedder Cheese: Intrinsic, Extrinsic and Socio-demographic Influences. Stellenbosch Univ. Faculty of Agrisciences Agricultural Management, Master Thesis, South Africa.
Hair JF, Black WC, Babin BJ, Anderson RE 2010. Multivariate Data Analysis (7th Edition), 816 pp., ISBN-13: 9780138132637, USA.
Jekanowski MD, Williams DR, Schiek WA 2000. Consumer’s Willingness to Purchase Locally Produced Agricultural Products: An Analysis of Indiana Survey. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, 29 (8): 43-53.
Kalaycı S 2009. SPSS Applications, Multi-variables Statistics Techniques, (5th edition), 273 pp., Asil Publish, ISBN 975-9091-14-3, Ankara.
Kamber U 2007. The Traditional Cheeses of Turkey: The Aegean Region, Food Reviews International, 24 (1): 39-61.
Kan M, Gülçubuk B 2008. Kırsal Ekonominin Canlanmasında ve Yerel Sahiplenmede Coğrafi İşaretler. Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 22 (2): 57-66.
Kan M, Gülçubuk B, Küçükçongar M 2012. Coğrafi İşaretlerin Kırsal Turizmde Kullanılma Olanakları. KMÜ Sosyal ve Ekonomik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 6 (2): 52-64.
Kotler P, Armstrong G 2004. Principles of Marketing, (10th Edition). Canada: R Donnelley-Willaard.
Kergoat M, Giboreau A, Nicod H, Faye P, Diaz E, Beetschen MA, Gerritsen N,
Mayer T 2010. Psychographic Measures and Sensory Consumer Test: When Emotional Experience and Feeling-based Judgments Account for Prefernces. Food Quality and Prefernce, 21: 178-187.
Koutroullou A, Tsourgiannis L 2011. Factos Affecting Consumers’ Purchasing Behaviour towards Local Foods in Greece: The Case of the Prefecture of Xanthi. Scientific Bulletin-Economic Science, 10 (2): 34-47.
Lobb AE, Mazzocchi M 2007. Domestically Produced Food: Consumer Perceptions of Origin, Safety and the Issue of Trust. Food Economics-Acta Agriculture Scand C, 4: 3-12.
MacRae R, Gallant E, Patel S, Michalak M, Bunch M, Schaffner S 2010. Could Toronto Provide of its Fresh Vegetable Requirements from within its Own Boundaries? Matching Consumption Requirements with Growing Spaces. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 4 (2): 45-60.
Magistris T, Gracia A 2016. Consumers’ Willingness to Pay for Light, Organic and PDO Cheese. British Food Journal, 118 (3): 560-571.
Matic A, Kalit S, Salajpal K, Ivankovic S, Saric Z 2014. Consumers’ Preferences and Composition of Livanjski Cheese in Relation to its Sensory Characteristics: Livanjski Cheese. Mljekarstvo, 64 (3): 170-177.
Menapace L, Moschini G 2012. Quality Certification by Geographical İndication, Trademarks and Firm Reputation. European Review of Agricultural Economics, 39 (4): 539-566.
Nellemann C, Arendal G 2009. The Environmental Food Crisis: The Environment’s Role in Averting Future Food Crises: A Unep Rapid Response Assessment. UNEP, 12: 1-10.
Orhan A 2010. Yerel Değerlerin Turizm Ürününe Dönüştürülmesinde Coğrafi Işaretlerin Kullanımı: İzmir Pişmaniyesi Örneği. Anatolia: Turizm Araştırma Dergisi, 21(2): 243-254.
Pinto VRA, Melo LF, Balbino DF, Novaes JF, Negrete MC, Sousa TD 2016. The Evaluation of Consumer Behavior Influence on the Buying Process of Dairy Products in Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, 4 (1): 51-59.
Sajiki T, Sawauchi D, Tokoro S, Iwamoto H, Nakatani T, Yamamoto Y 2009. Influencing Factors of Japanese Consumer Purchasing Decisions for Locally Produced Agricultural Products. Journal of Research Faculty of Agriculture-Hokkaido University, 73 (1): 1-8.
Sengul M, Gurses M, Dervisoglu M, Yazici F 2006. A Survey on the Some Chemical and Biochemical Properties of Civil Cheese, a Traditional Turkish Cheese. International Journal of Food Properties, 9 (4): 791-801.
SPSS Base 20.0. 2016. SPSS Base 15 User’s Guide. Chicago, IL., 161-184 pp.
Sriwaranun Y, Gan C, Lee M, Cohen DA 2015. Consumers’ Willingness to Pay for Organic Products in Thailand. International Journal of Social Economics, 42 (5): 480-510.
TEPGE 2017. Tarımsal Ekonomi ve Politika Geliştirme Enstitüsü Müdürlüğü., (Erişim tarihi: 03.03.2017).
Topcu Y 2015. Turkish Consumer Decisions Affecting Ice Cream Consumption. Italian Journal of Food Science, 27 (2): 1-11.
Topcu Y 2012. Toplumsal Pazarlama Yaklaşimi ile Kırsal Kalkınmada Yerel Ürünlerin Etkileri: Erzurum Civil Peyniri Örneği. X. Ulusal Tarım Ekonomisi Kongresi, 5-7 Eylül 2012, Konya.
Topcu Y 2012a. Tarımsal Ürünlerin Pazarlanması (Basılmamış ders notları). Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Tarım Ekonomisi Bölümü, Erzurum.
Topcu Y 2012b. The Integrated Marketing Approach as a Rural Development Tool. (Rural Development-Contemporary Issue and practices, InTech-Open Access Publisher: Ed. R.S. Adisa) 257-280 pp.
TPE 2017. Coğrafi İşaretli Ürünler., (Erişim tarihi: 20.03. 2017).
Uzundumlu AS, Topcu Y 2016. Determining Turkish Consumers’ Consumption Satisfaction with Erzurum Civil Cheese. British Food Journal, 118 (4): 896-914.
Vandermersch M, Mathijs E 2004. Consumer Willingness to Pay for Domestic Milk. Working Paper 91, Centre for Agricultural and Food Economics-Katholieke University, 12-15 September, Leuven.
Vanhonacker F, Lengard V, Hersleth M, Verbeke W 2010. Profiling European Traditional Food Consumers. British Food Journal, 112 (8): 871-886.
Weber MJ, Lambert JT, Canrad KA, Jenninmgs SS 2015. Consumer Ethnocentrism and Tendencies to Protect Wisconsin-Made Cheese Products. International Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, 19 (3): 149-168.
Baran, D., & Topçu, Y. (2018). Coğrafi İşaretli Erzurum Küflü Peyniri’nin Tüketici Tercihlerine Dayalı Pazarlama Taktik ve Stratejileri. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım Ve Doğa Dergisi, 21(2), 191-202.