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Türkiye'de Bir Deniz Akvaryumunda Humpback Red Snapper (Lutjanus gibbus Foorsskal, 1775) ve Golden Trevally'de (Gnathanodon speciosus Foorsskal, 1775) Vibriozisin Teşhisi

Yıl 2018, , 587 - 592, 31.08.2018


Bu çalışma, Türkiye'de bir deniz akvaryumunda
bulunan humpback red snapper (Lutjanus
) ve golden trevally (Gnathanodon
) balıklarının ölüm nedenlerinin belirlenmesi amacıyla
yapılmıştır. Hasta balıklarda, üst ve alt çenelerde yaygın hemoraji, yüzeysel
ve ülseratif deri lezyonları, kuyruk yüzgecinde erime ve solungaçların solgun
olduğu gözlemlendi. İç bakıda, periton boşluğunda berrak sıvı birikmesi ve solgun
karaciğer tespit edildi. İzole edilen bakteriler morfolojik, fizyolojik,
biyokimyasal özelliklerine ve API 20E sonuçlarına göre Vibrio harveyi olarak tanımlandı. Bu bakteriyel tanımlamalar 16S
rRNA gen dizisi analizi ile de doğrulanmıştır. İzolatların
sülfametoksazol/trimetoprim, florfenikol ve flumequin'e duyarlı oldukları ve
eritromisin, kanamisin ve ampisiline dirençli oldukları belirlendi. Vibrio harveyi ile enfekte olmuş
balıklarda genellikle solungaç filamentlerinde epitel hiperplazisi, ülseratif
deri lezyonları, hepatik hücrelerde, böbrek tübüllerinde ve dalağın parankim
hücrelerinde dejenerasyon veya nekroz, böbrekte multifokal melanomakrofaj
merkezleri ve dalakta hemopoietik dokuda boşalma tespit edildi.


  • Austin B 2010. Vibrios as Causal Agents of Zoonoses. Veterinary Microbiology, 140(3-4): 310-317. doi:10.1016/j.vetmic.2009.03.015
  • Austin B, Austin DA 2007. Bacterial Fish Pathogens: Disease of Farmed and Wild Fish (4th edn.). Springer Praxis, Godalming. ISBN 9781402060687.
  • Austin B, Zhang X 2006. Vibrio harveyi: a Significant Pathogen of Marine Vertebrates and Invertebrates. Letters in Applied Microbiology, 43: 119–124.
  • Balebona MC, Zorrilla I, Moriñigo MA, Borrego JJ 1998. Survey of Bacterial Pathologies Affecting Farmed Gilt-head Sea Bream (Sparus aurata L.) in South Western Spain from 1990 to 1996. Aquaculture 166: 19-35.
  • Buller N.B. 2004. Bacteria from Fish and Other Aquatic Animals: A Practical Identification Manual (pp. 149-154). CABI Publishing, UK. ISBN 0851997384.
  • Bullock AM 1978. Laboratory Methods in Fish Pathology. (Bailliere Tindall, London Ed by Roberts RJ.) 235-267. ISBN 9781444332827.
  • Cano-Gomez A, Bourne DG, Hall MR, Owens L, Hoj L 2009. Molecular Identification, Typing and Tracking of Vibrio harveyi in Aquaculture Systems: Current Methods and Future Prospects. Aquaculture, 287:1-10. doi:10.1016/j.aquaculture.2008.10.058
  • Clinical and Laboratory Standard Institute (CLSI) 2010. Performance Standards for Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing; 20th Informational Supplement. CLSI Document M100-S20. CLSI, Wayne, PA: Clinical and Laboratory Standard Institute.
  • FAO 2016. Webpage visiting
  • Haldar S, Maharajan A, Chatterjee S, Hunter S, Chowdhury N, Hinenoya A, Asakura M, Yamasaki S 2010. Identification of Vibrio harveyi as A Causative Bacterium for a Tail Rot Disease of Sea Bream Sparus aurata from Research Hatchery in Malta. Microbiological research 165: 639-648.
  • Hall TA 1999. BioEdit: A User-friendly Biological Sequence Alignment Editor and Analysis Program for Windows 95/98/NT. Vol. 41, pp. 95-98.
  • Karataş S, Candan A 2007. Important Bacterial Viral Disease and Treatment in Marine Aquaculture, Marine Aquaculture in Turkey, Ed. by A. Candan, S. Karataş, H. Küçüktaş, İ. Okumuş, Turkish Marine Research Foundation, İstanbul.
  • Korun J, Akaylı T 2004. Kültür Levrek Balıklarında Parazitik Bir Isopod: Ceratothoa oestroides ve Sekonder Bakteriyel Enfeksiyonlar Olgusu. İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 30(2): 123-132.
  • Korun J, Timur G 2008. Marine Vibrios Associated with Diseased Sea Bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) in Turkey. Journal of, 2(1): 66-76. doi:10.3153/jfscom.2008007
  • Larkin MA, Blackshields G, Brown N, Chenna R, McGettigan PA, McWilliam H, Valentin F, Wallace IM, Wilm A, Lopez R 2007. Clustal W and Clustal X version 2.0. Bioinformatics, 23: 2947-2948.
  • Lee YR, Jun JW, Giri SS, Kim HJ, Yun SK, Chi C, Kim SG, Koh JR, Jung JY, Park SC 2016. Isolation and Identification of Vibrio harveyi, from Chub Mackerel (Scomber japonicus). Korean J Vet Res, 56(1):45-46.
  • Liu PC, Lee KK, Chen SN 1997. Susceptibility of Different Isolates of Vibrio harveyi to Antibiotics. Microbios, 91: 175- 180.
  • Liu PC, Lin JY, Chuang WH, Lee KK 2004. Isolation and Characterization of Pathogenic Vibrio harveyi (V. carchariae) from the Farmed Marine Cobia Fish Rachycentron canadum L. with Gastroenteritis Syndrome. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 20: 495- 499. doi:10.1023/B:WIBI.0000040402.44340.0e
  • López JR, de la Roca E, Núñez S, de la Herran R, Navas JI, Manchado M, Herrera M, Toranzo AE 2009. Identification of Vibrio harveyi Isolated from Diseased Cultured Wedge Sole Dicologoglossa cuneata. Dis Aquat Organ 84: 209-217.
  • Pujalte M, Sitja-Bobadilla A, Macián M, Belloch C, Alvarez-Pellitero P, Perez-Sanchez J, Uruburu F, Garay E 2003. Virulence and Molecular Typing of Vibrio harveyi Strains Isolated from Cultured Dentex, Gilthead Sea Bream and European Sea Bass. Syst Appl Microbiol 26: 284-292.
  • Raja K, Fernando O.J, Thavasi R., Jayalaksmi S., Balasubramanian T 2006. Diversity of Bacterial Populations in Recirculating Marine Aqaurium with Different Marine Ornamental Fishes. Research Journal of Microbiology, 1(5):448-452.
  • Turgay E, Karataş S 2016. First Report of Vibrio harveyi Infection in Diseased Common Dentex (Dentex dentex) Cultured in Turkey. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Eğirdir Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Dergisi 12: 170-176.
  • Yalçınkaya F, Ergin Ç, Ağalar C, Kaya S, Aksoylar MY 2003. The Presence and Antimicrobial Susceptibilities of Human Pathogen Vibrio spp. Isolated from Blue Crab (Callinectes sapidus) in Belek Tourism Coast, Turkey. International Journal of Environmental Health Research, 13: 95 – 98. doi:10.1080/0960312021000063304.
  • Zhang Z, Schwartz S, Wagner L, Miller W 2000. A Greedy Algorithm for Aligning DNA Sequences. Journal of Computational biology 7: 203-214.
  • Zorrilla A, Arijo S, Chabrillon M, Diaz P, Martinez-Manzanares E, Balebona MC, Morinigo MA 2003. Vibrio Species Isolated from Diseased Farmed Sole Solea senegalensis (Kaup), and Evaluation of the Potential Virulence Role of Their Extracellular Products. Journal of Fish Diseases, 26: 103–108. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2761.2003.00437.

Diagnosis of Vibriosis in Humpback Red Snapper (Lutjanus gibbus Foorsskal, 1775) and Golden Trevally (Gnathanodon speciosus Foorsskal, 1775) in a Marine Aquarium, Turkey

Yıl 2018, , 587 - 592, 31.08.2018


This study was carried out to determine the reason of mortalities in
humpback red snapper (Lutjanus gibbus) and golden trevally (Gnathanodon speciosus) kept
in a marine aquarium in Turkey. Moribund fish showed diffuse
haemorrhages on upper and lower jaws, superficial
and ulcerative skin lesions, tail rot and pale gills. Internally, clear fluid
in peritoneal cavity and pale liver were observed.
isolated bacteria were identified as Vibrio
according to their morphological, physiological, biochemical
characteristics and API 20E results. These bacterial identifications were also
confirmed with 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis. The isolates were determined to
be sensitive to sulphamethoxazole/
trimethoprim, florphenicol
and flumequine
and were resistant to erythromycin, kanamycin and
ampicillin. Vibrio
infected fish generally showed
epithelial hyperplasia in the
gill filaments, ulcerative skin lesions, degeneration or
necrosis of the hepatic cells, kidney tubules and parenchyma cells of the
spleen, multifocal melanomacrophage centres in the kidney and reduced
hemopoietic tissue in the spleen.


  • Austin B 2010. Vibrios as Causal Agents of Zoonoses. Veterinary Microbiology, 140(3-4): 310-317. doi:10.1016/j.vetmic.2009.03.015
  • Austin B, Austin DA 2007. Bacterial Fish Pathogens: Disease of Farmed and Wild Fish (4th edn.). Springer Praxis, Godalming. ISBN 9781402060687.
  • Austin B, Zhang X 2006. Vibrio harveyi: a Significant Pathogen of Marine Vertebrates and Invertebrates. Letters in Applied Microbiology, 43: 119–124.
  • Balebona MC, Zorrilla I, Moriñigo MA, Borrego JJ 1998. Survey of Bacterial Pathologies Affecting Farmed Gilt-head Sea Bream (Sparus aurata L.) in South Western Spain from 1990 to 1996. Aquaculture 166: 19-35.
  • Buller N.B. 2004. Bacteria from Fish and Other Aquatic Animals: A Practical Identification Manual (pp. 149-154). CABI Publishing, UK. ISBN 0851997384.
  • Bullock AM 1978. Laboratory Methods in Fish Pathology. (Bailliere Tindall, London Ed by Roberts RJ.) 235-267. ISBN 9781444332827.
  • Cano-Gomez A, Bourne DG, Hall MR, Owens L, Hoj L 2009. Molecular Identification, Typing and Tracking of Vibrio harveyi in Aquaculture Systems: Current Methods and Future Prospects. Aquaculture, 287:1-10. doi:10.1016/j.aquaculture.2008.10.058
  • Clinical and Laboratory Standard Institute (CLSI) 2010. Performance Standards for Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing; 20th Informational Supplement. CLSI Document M100-S20. CLSI, Wayne, PA: Clinical and Laboratory Standard Institute.
  • FAO 2016. Webpage visiting
  • Haldar S, Maharajan A, Chatterjee S, Hunter S, Chowdhury N, Hinenoya A, Asakura M, Yamasaki S 2010. Identification of Vibrio harveyi as A Causative Bacterium for a Tail Rot Disease of Sea Bream Sparus aurata from Research Hatchery in Malta. Microbiological research 165: 639-648.
  • Hall TA 1999. BioEdit: A User-friendly Biological Sequence Alignment Editor and Analysis Program for Windows 95/98/NT. Vol. 41, pp. 95-98.
  • Karataş S, Candan A 2007. Important Bacterial Viral Disease and Treatment in Marine Aquaculture, Marine Aquaculture in Turkey, Ed. by A. Candan, S. Karataş, H. Küçüktaş, İ. Okumuş, Turkish Marine Research Foundation, İstanbul.
  • Korun J, Akaylı T 2004. Kültür Levrek Balıklarında Parazitik Bir Isopod: Ceratothoa oestroides ve Sekonder Bakteriyel Enfeksiyonlar Olgusu. İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 30(2): 123-132.
  • Korun J, Timur G 2008. Marine Vibrios Associated with Diseased Sea Bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) in Turkey. Journal of, 2(1): 66-76. doi:10.3153/jfscom.2008007
  • Larkin MA, Blackshields G, Brown N, Chenna R, McGettigan PA, McWilliam H, Valentin F, Wallace IM, Wilm A, Lopez R 2007. Clustal W and Clustal X version 2.0. Bioinformatics, 23: 2947-2948.
  • Lee YR, Jun JW, Giri SS, Kim HJ, Yun SK, Chi C, Kim SG, Koh JR, Jung JY, Park SC 2016. Isolation and Identification of Vibrio harveyi, from Chub Mackerel (Scomber japonicus). Korean J Vet Res, 56(1):45-46.
  • Liu PC, Lee KK, Chen SN 1997. Susceptibility of Different Isolates of Vibrio harveyi to Antibiotics. Microbios, 91: 175- 180.
  • Liu PC, Lin JY, Chuang WH, Lee KK 2004. Isolation and Characterization of Pathogenic Vibrio harveyi (V. carchariae) from the Farmed Marine Cobia Fish Rachycentron canadum L. with Gastroenteritis Syndrome. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 20: 495- 499. doi:10.1023/B:WIBI.0000040402.44340.0e
  • López JR, de la Roca E, Núñez S, de la Herran R, Navas JI, Manchado M, Herrera M, Toranzo AE 2009. Identification of Vibrio harveyi Isolated from Diseased Cultured Wedge Sole Dicologoglossa cuneata. Dis Aquat Organ 84: 209-217.
  • Pujalte M, Sitja-Bobadilla A, Macián M, Belloch C, Alvarez-Pellitero P, Perez-Sanchez J, Uruburu F, Garay E 2003. Virulence and Molecular Typing of Vibrio harveyi Strains Isolated from Cultured Dentex, Gilthead Sea Bream and European Sea Bass. Syst Appl Microbiol 26: 284-292.
  • Raja K, Fernando O.J, Thavasi R., Jayalaksmi S., Balasubramanian T 2006. Diversity of Bacterial Populations in Recirculating Marine Aqaurium with Different Marine Ornamental Fishes. Research Journal of Microbiology, 1(5):448-452.
  • Turgay E, Karataş S 2016. First Report of Vibrio harveyi Infection in Diseased Common Dentex (Dentex dentex) Cultured in Turkey. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Eğirdir Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Dergisi 12: 170-176.
  • Yalçınkaya F, Ergin Ç, Ağalar C, Kaya S, Aksoylar MY 2003. The Presence and Antimicrobial Susceptibilities of Human Pathogen Vibrio spp. Isolated from Blue Crab (Callinectes sapidus) in Belek Tourism Coast, Turkey. International Journal of Environmental Health Research, 13: 95 – 98. doi:10.1080/0960312021000063304.
  • Zhang Z, Schwartz S, Wagner L, Miller W 2000. A Greedy Algorithm for Aligning DNA Sequences. Journal of Computational biology 7: 203-214.
  • Zorrilla A, Arijo S, Chabrillon M, Diaz P, Martinez-Manzanares E, Balebona MC, Morinigo MA 2003. Vibrio Species Isolated from Diseased Farmed Sole Solea senegalensis (Kaup), and Evaluation of the Potential Virulence Role of Their Extracellular Products. Journal of Fish Diseases, 26: 103–108. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2761.2003.00437.
Toplam 25 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm ARAŞTIRMA MAKALESİ (Research Article)

Remziye Eda Yardımcı

Emre Turgay

Süheyla Karataş

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ağustos 2018
Gönderilme Tarihi 2 Şubat 2018
Kabul Tarihi 13 Mart 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018

Kaynak Göster

APA Yardımcı, R. E., Turgay, E., & Karataş, S. (2018). Diagnosis of Vibriosis in Humpback Red Snapper (Lutjanus gibbus Foorsskal, 1775) and Golden Trevally (Gnathanodon speciosus Foorsskal, 1775) in a Marine Aquarium, Turkey. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım Ve Doğa Dergisi, 21(4), 587-592.


2022-JIF = 0.500

2022-JCI = 0.170

Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi (International Peer Reviewed Journal)

       Dergimiz, herhangi bir başvuru veya yayımlama ücreti almamaktadır. (Free submission and publication)

      Yılda 6 sayı yayınlanır. (Published 6 times a year)


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Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi
e-ISSN: 2619-9149