The objective of this study
was to determine some biological parameters of red California worm (Eisenia fetida) in pesticides applied
vermicompost. The study conducted under in-vitro conditions, as Randomized Block Design with five raplications. Commonly
used Granland®, Demond® and Safacol®
pesticides in Muş province (Turkey) were used as treatments. The temperature
and humidity ratio for the experiment were 20-29°C and 70 to 90%,
respectively. The experiments were
resumed until the young worms hatched from a cocoon reproduced cocoons again.
For investigating the effect of the treatments on specific features One-Way
Analysis of Variance (One-way ANOVA) and for determining of different groups
TUKEY Multiple Comparison Test were used.
Variance analysis indicated that there was no statistically differences
among fungicide doses in terms of worm weight (P=0.113);
however, there were differences in terms of insecticide and herbicide doses
(P=0.000). It was detected that there were significant differences among
pesticide doses in respect to the cocoon and worm numbers (P=0.000).
I would like to thank to Prof. Dr. Mehmet MENDEŞ for his help in the interpretations of the statistical analyses for the study. This study constitutes a part of a Master thesis (Some Biological Parameters of Eisenia foetida Grown in Pesticide Treated Vermicomposts, by author Birgül ILIKHAN, Bitlis Eren University).
Bustos-Obregón E, Goicochea RI 2002. Pesticide Soil Contamination Mainly Affects Worm Male Reproductive Parameters. Asian Journal of Andrology, 4(3): 195-200.
Correia FV, Moreira JC 2010. Effects of Glyphosate and 2, 4-D on Worms (Eisenia foetida) in Laboratory Tests. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 85(3): 264-268.
Dığrak M, Kaçar N, Sönmez A 1999. Pomarsol, Mitikol, Rubigan ve Platoon’un Toprak Mikroflorası Üzerine Etkileri. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 23(5): 1071-1077.
Espinoza‐Navarro O, Bustos‐Obregón E 2005. Effect of Malathion on the Male Reproductive Organs of Worms, Eisenia foetida. Asian Journal of Andrology, 7(1): 97-101.
Farrukh S, S-Ali A 2011. Effects of Dichlorovos Organophosphate on Growth, Reproduction, and Avoidance Behavior of Worm Eisenia foetida. Iranian Journal of Toxicology, 5(14): 495-501.
Gunadi B, Edwards CA, Blount C 2002. The Influence of Different Moisture Levels on the Growth, Fecundity and Survival of Eisenia fetida in Cattle and Pig Manure Solids. The Ohio State University, Columbus (USA).
Gupta RD, Chakravorty PP, Kaviraj A 2011. Susceptibility of Epigeic Worm Eisenia fetida to Agricultural Application of Six Insecticides. Chemosphere, 84(5): 724-726.
Haque A, Ebing W 1983. Toxicity Determination of Pesticides to Worms in the Soil Substrate. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection, 395-408.
Helling B, Reinecke SA, Reinecke AJ 2000. Effects of the Fungicide Copper Oxychloride on the Growth and Reproduction of Eisenia fetida (Oligochaeta). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 46(1): 108-116.
Heimbach F 1992. Correlation Between Data from Laboratory and Field Tests for Investigating the Toxicity of Pesticides to Worms. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 24(12): 1749-1753.
Jovana M, Tanja M, Mirjana S 2014. Effects of Three Pesticides on the Worm Eisenia fetida (Savigny 1826) Under Laboratory Conditions: Assessment of mortality, biomass and growth inhibition. European Journal of Soil Biology, 62: 127-131.
Rico A, Sabater C, Castillo MA 2016. Lethal and Sub-lethal Effects of Five Pesticides used in Rice Farming on the Worm Eisenia fetida. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 127: 222-229.
Vermeulen LA, Reinecke AJ, Reinecke SA 2001. Evaluation of the Fungicide Manganese-Zinc Ethylene Bis (Dithiocarbamate)(Mancozeb) for Sublethal and Acute Toxicity to Eisenia fetida (Oligochaeta). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 48(2): 183-189.
Wang Y, Wu S, Chen L, Wu C, Yu R, Wang Q, Zhao X 2012. Toxicity Assessment of 45 Pesticides to the Epigeic Worm Eisenia fetida. Chemosphere, 88(4): 484-491.
Wang Y, An X, Shen W, Chen L, Jiang J, Wang Q, Cai L 2016. Individual and Combined Toxic Effects of Herbicide Atrazine and Three İnsecticides on the Worm, Eisenia fetida. Ecotoxicology, 25(5): 991-999.
Winer BJ, Brown DR, Michels KM 1971. Statistical principles in experimental design. Vol. 2. McGraw-Hill, New York (USA).
Xiao N, Jing B, Ge F, Liu X 2006. The Fate of Herbicide Acetochlor and Its Toxicity to Eisenia fetida Under Laboratory Conditions. Chemosphere, 62(8): 1366-1373.
Yasmin S, Souza DD’ 2007. Effect of Pesticides on the Reproductive Output of Eisenia fetida. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 79(5): 529-532.
Yasmin S, Souza DD’ 2010. Effects of Pesticides on the Growth and Reproduction of Worm: A Review. Applied and Environmental Soil Science, 1-9.
Pestisit Uygulanmış Vermikompostta Eisenia fetida (Savigny, 1826)’nın Bazı Biyolojik Parametreleri
Bu çalışmanın amacı,
pestisit uygulanmış vermikompostlarda kırmızı Kaliforniya solucanının (Eisenia fetida)bazı biyolojik parametrelerini belirlemektir. Çalışma in-vitro şartlarda, Tesadüf Parselleri
Deneme Düzeninde 5 tekerrürlü olarak yapılmıştır. Pestisit muamelesinde, Muş
ilinde çokça kullanılan bazı pestisitler (Granland®, Demond®
ve Safacol®) kullanılmıştır.
Deney ortamının sıcaklığı 20-29oC ve nem oranı %70-90 arasında
tutulmuş ve deney, kokonlardan çıkan yavru bireylerin tekrar kokon vermesine
kadar devam etmiştir. Muamelelerinin belirlenen özelliklere etkisinin
araştırılmasında Tek Yönlü Varyans Analizi Tekniğinden (One-way ANOVA), farklı
grupların belirlenmesinde ise TUKEY Çoklu Karşılaştırma Testi’nden
yararlanılmıştır. Yapılan varyans analizi sonucunda; solucan ağırlığı
bakımından fungisit dozları arasında istatistiksel olarak önemli farkların
bulunmadığı (P=0.113), buna karşın insektisit ve herbisit dozları bakımından
söz konusu farkların önemli olduğu görülmüştür (P=0.000). Kokon ve solucan sayıları bakımından ise
pestisit dozları arasında önemli farkların bulunduğu tespit edilmiştir
Bustos-Obregón E, Goicochea RI 2002. Pesticide Soil Contamination Mainly Affects Worm Male Reproductive Parameters. Asian Journal of Andrology, 4(3): 195-200.
Correia FV, Moreira JC 2010. Effects of Glyphosate and 2, 4-D on Worms (Eisenia foetida) in Laboratory Tests. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 85(3): 264-268.
Dığrak M, Kaçar N, Sönmez A 1999. Pomarsol, Mitikol, Rubigan ve Platoon’un Toprak Mikroflorası Üzerine Etkileri. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 23(5): 1071-1077.
Espinoza‐Navarro O, Bustos‐Obregón E 2005. Effect of Malathion on the Male Reproductive Organs of Worms, Eisenia foetida. Asian Journal of Andrology, 7(1): 97-101.
Farrukh S, S-Ali A 2011. Effects of Dichlorovos Organophosphate on Growth, Reproduction, and Avoidance Behavior of Worm Eisenia foetida. Iranian Journal of Toxicology, 5(14): 495-501.
Gunadi B, Edwards CA, Blount C 2002. The Influence of Different Moisture Levels on the Growth, Fecundity and Survival of Eisenia fetida in Cattle and Pig Manure Solids. The Ohio State University, Columbus (USA).
Gupta RD, Chakravorty PP, Kaviraj A 2011. Susceptibility of Epigeic Worm Eisenia fetida to Agricultural Application of Six Insecticides. Chemosphere, 84(5): 724-726.
Haque A, Ebing W 1983. Toxicity Determination of Pesticides to Worms in the Soil Substrate. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection, 395-408.
Helling B, Reinecke SA, Reinecke AJ 2000. Effects of the Fungicide Copper Oxychloride on the Growth and Reproduction of Eisenia fetida (Oligochaeta). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 46(1): 108-116.
Heimbach F 1992. Correlation Between Data from Laboratory and Field Tests for Investigating the Toxicity of Pesticides to Worms. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 24(12): 1749-1753.
Jovana M, Tanja M, Mirjana S 2014. Effects of Three Pesticides on the Worm Eisenia fetida (Savigny 1826) Under Laboratory Conditions: Assessment of mortality, biomass and growth inhibition. European Journal of Soil Biology, 62: 127-131.
Rico A, Sabater C, Castillo MA 2016. Lethal and Sub-lethal Effects of Five Pesticides used in Rice Farming on the Worm Eisenia fetida. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 127: 222-229.
Vermeulen LA, Reinecke AJ, Reinecke SA 2001. Evaluation of the Fungicide Manganese-Zinc Ethylene Bis (Dithiocarbamate)(Mancozeb) for Sublethal and Acute Toxicity to Eisenia fetida (Oligochaeta). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 48(2): 183-189.
Wang Y, Wu S, Chen L, Wu C, Yu R, Wang Q, Zhao X 2012. Toxicity Assessment of 45 Pesticides to the Epigeic Worm Eisenia fetida. Chemosphere, 88(4): 484-491.
Wang Y, An X, Shen W, Chen L, Jiang J, Wang Q, Cai L 2016. Individual and Combined Toxic Effects of Herbicide Atrazine and Three İnsecticides on the Worm, Eisenia fetida. Ecotoxicology, 25(5): 991-999.
Winer BJ, Brown DR, Michels KM 1971. Statistical principles in experimental design. Vol. 2. McGraw-Hill, New York (USA).
Xiao N, Jing B, Ge F, Liu X 2006. The Fate of Herbicide Acetochlor and Its Toxicity to Eisenia fetida Under Laboratory Conditions. Chemosphere, 62(8): 1366-1373.
Yasmin S, Souza DD’ 2007. Effect of Pesticides on the Reproductive Output of Eisenia fetida. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 79(5): 529-532.
Yasmin S, Souza DD’ 2010. Effects of Pesticides on the Growth and Reproduction of Worm: A Review. Applied and Environmental Soil Science, 1-9.
Koç, İ., & Ilıkhan, B. (2020). Some Biological Parameters of Eisenia fetida (Savigny, 1826) in Pesticide-Applied Vermicompost. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım Ve Doğa Dergisi, 23(2), 367-378.