Aim & Scope

Hendese Journal of Technical Sciences and Engineering has the mission of monitoring important developments in the engineering discipline and contributing to society at national and international levels. The journal supports scientific progress in the field of engineering and technical sciences by publishing original research studies carried out using well-founded experimental and numerical methods. It focuses specifically on the rapidly evolving fields of science and technology and gives priority to articles published in these fields. It encourages interdisciplinary approaches, contributes to the discovery and development of new methods and technologies, and aims to bring the latest scientific and technological developments in this field to researchers and relevant communities.

Hendese Journal of Technical Sciences and Engineering, as an academic refereed journal that accepts only original research articles, covers current scientific studies in engineering, science and similar technical disciplines. The journal aims to make scientific contributions to important problems in engineering and technical sciences by focusing on topics such as innovation, design, analysis, experimental studies and theoretical research. Articles are reviewed by independent referees and host high-quality scientific contributions. Articles can be submitted in Turkish and English. In order to increase the international recognition of research articles, it is recommended that the articles be written in English.

Period Months
April October