Research Article
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Effects of Different Feeding Systems on Performance and Milk Composition of German Fawn and Saanen Does

Year 2018, Volume: 21 Issue: 2, 209 - 214, 30.04.2018


objective of this study was to compare the effects of two feeding systems
(total mixed ration; TMR vs. roughage and concentrate offered
separately; SF) on performance and
milk composition of German Fawn (n=
16) and Saanen (n= 16) dairy goats.
Animals were randomly allocated into 2 sub-groups and fed TMR or SF system.
Roughage:concentrate ratio were arranged as 60:40 in TMR groups. Wheat straw
(25%) and chopped alfalfa hay (75%) were used as roughage. Roughage was offered
at ad libutum while concentrate was
given in two equal meals (total 800 g/goat per day) in SF groups. The study was
lasted 50 days. Live weights were recorded before morning feeding. Milk yields
were recorded weekly. Individual milk samples were collected to determine total
solids, fat, protein, casein, lactose, and urea-N. Feeding systems did not
affect (P>0.05) milk yield, body weight, total solid, fat, protein, and
casein concentrations. Separate access to roughage and concentrate decreased
dry matter intake (P<0.01) and tended to decrease urea-N concentration (P=
0.053). Milk yield of German Fawn does was lower than Saanen does (P< 0.01; 1205.4
g/d vs. 1476.8 g/d). When milk
composition of two genotypes were compared, protein was higher (P<0.01) in
German Fawn does than Saanen does. In conclusion, there was no advantage of
mixed diet over separate feeding for dairy goats having moderate milk yield
(1200-1500 g/d).


  • Agnew KW, Mayne CS, Doherty JG 1996. An Examination of The Effect of Method and Level of Concentrate Feeding on Milk Production in Dairy Cows Offered A Grass Silage-Based Diet. Journal of Animal Science, 63: 21-31. AOAC 1999. Official Method of Analysis, 16th edn. Arlington, VA, USA. Association of Official Analytical Chemists
  • Archimede H, Sauvant D, Schimidely P 1995. Quantitative Review of Ruminal and Total Tract Digestion of Mixed Diet Organic Matter and Carbohydrates. Reproduction Nutrition Development, 37: 173-189.
  • Bach A, Iglesias C, Devant M 2007. Daily Rumen pH Pattern of Loosehoused Dairy Cattle as Affected by Feeding Pattern and Live Yeast Supplementation. Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences, 136: 146-153.
  • Darcan N, Güney O 2002. Comparative Study on The Performance of Crossbred Goats Under Cukurova Subtropical Climate. Journal of Applied Animal Research, 22: 61-64.
  • DeVries TJ, von Keyserlingk MAG 2009. Feeding Methods Affects The Feeding Behavior of Growing Dairy Heifers. Journal of Dairy Science, 92: 1161-1168.
  • Forbes JM 1983. Physiology of Regulation of Food Intake. In: J.A.F. Rook and P.C. Thomas (Editors). Nutritional Physiology of Farm Animals. Longman, USA.
  • Fox DG, Sniffen CJ, O’connor JD, Russell JB, Van Soest PJ 1990. The Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System for Evaluating Cattle Diets, No. 34. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station.
  • Fukasawa M, Tsukada H, Kosako T 2005. Selective Feeding Behaviour of Calves is Affected by Basal Diet. Journal of Animal Science, 76: 171-177.
  • Giger-Reverdin S, Sauvant D, Hervieu J 1987. Influence of The Kind of Compound Feed on Goat Milk Production and Composition. Annales de Zootechnie, 36: 334-335.
  • Glimp HA, Hart ST, VonTungeln D 1989. Effect of Altering Nutrient Density (Concentrate to Roughage Ratio) and Restricting Energy Intake on Rate, Efficiency and Composition of Growing Lambs. Journal of Animal Science, 67: 865-871.
  • Godden SM, Lissemore KD, Keton DF, Leslie KE, Walton JS, Lumsden JH 2001. Factors Associated with Milk Urea Concentrations in Ontario Dairy Cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 84: 107–114.
  • Goetsch AL, Detweiler G, Sahlu T, Hayes J, Puchala R 2003. Effects of Separate Offering of Forage and Concentrate on Feed Intake and Growth of Alpine Doelings. Small Ruminant Research, 48: 209-216.
  • Gordon GLR, McSweeney CS, Phillips MW 1995. An Important Role for Ruminal Anaerobic Fungi in The Voluntary Intake of Poor Quality Forages by Ruminants.
  • In: Wallace, R.J. and LahlouKassi, A. (eds.) Rumen Ecology Research Planning. Proceedings of a Workshop Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
  • Görgülü M, Güney O, Torun O, Özuyanık O, Kutlu HR 2003. An Alternative Feeding System for Dairy Goats: Effects of Free-Choice Feeding on Milk Yield and Milk Composition of Lactating Suckling Damascus Goats. Journal of Animal Feed Science, 12: 33-44.
  • Görgülü M, Kutlu HR, Demir E, Öztürkcan O, Forbes JM 1996. Nutritional Consequances of Free-Choice Among Feed Ingredients by Awassi Lambs. Small Ruminant Research, 20: 23-29.
  • Huuskonen A, Pesonen M, Joki-Tokola E 2014. Effects of Supplementary Concentrate Level Separate or Total Mixed Ration Feeding on Performance of Growing Dairy Bulls. Agricultural and Food Science, 23: 257-265.
  • Ingvartsen KL, Aaes O, Jens Bech A 2001. Effects of Pattern of Concentrate Allocation in the Dry Period and Early Lactation on Feed Intake and Lactational Performance in Dairy Cows. Livestock Science, 71: 207-221.
  • Kleen JL, Hooijer GA, Rehage J, Noordhuizen JPTM 2003. Subacute Ruminal Acidosis (SARA): A Review. Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series A, 50: 406-414.
  • Maltz E, Silanikove N, Karaso Y, Shefet G, Meltzer A, Barak M 1991. A Note on The Effects of Feeding Total Mixed Ration on Performance of Dairy Goats in Late Lactation. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 35: 15-20.
  • Mellado M, Rodríguez A, Olvera A, Villarreal JA, Lopez R 2004. Diets of Nubian and Granadina Goats Grazing on Arid Rangeland. Journal of Range Management, 57: 630-634.
  • Miguel-Romera JA, Calvo-Ruiz JL, Ciria-Ciria J, Asenjo-Martin B 2011. Effect of Feeding Systems on Live-Weight, Reproductive Performance, Milk Yield and Composition, and The Growth of Lambs in Native Spanish Ojalada Sheep. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 9: 769-780.
  • Mioc B, Prpic Z, Vnucec I, Barac Z, Susic V, Samarzija D, Pavic V 2008. Factors Affecting Goat Milk Yield and Composition. Mljekarstvo, 58: 305-313.
  • Monzon-Gil E, Castanon JIR, Ventura MR 2010. Effect of Low-Forage Rations on Milk Production of Dairy Goats: Separate Concentrate-Forage Versus Mixed Rations. Small Ruminant Research, 94: 196–200.
  • Morand-Fehr P, Bas P, Blanchart G, Daccord R, Giger-Reverdin S, Gihad EA, Hadjipanayiotou M, Mowlem A, Remeuf F, Sauvant D 1991. Influence of Feeding on Goat Milk Composition and Technological Characteristics. In: P. Morand-Fehr, Goat Nutrition (p. 25-36). Publication - European Association for Animal Production (46) Wageningen, NLD.
  • NRC 2001. Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle. Washington DC, USA: 7th Review Ed. National Academy of Sciences
  • Pambu RG, Webb EC, Mohale L 2011. Differences in Milk Yield and Composition of Different Goat Breeds Raised in The Same Environment in South Africa. Agricultural Journal, 6: 237-242.
  • Pathak AK 2008. Various Factors Affecting Microbial Protein Synthesis in The Rumen. Veterinary World, 1: 186-189.
  • Provenza FD, Villalba JJ, Dziba LE, Atwood SB, Banner RE 2003. Linking Herbivore Experience, Varied Diets, and Plant Biochemical Diversity. Small Ruminant Research, 49: 257-274.
  • Rodriquez AB, Bodas R, Fernandez B, Lopez-Campos O, Mantecon AR, Giraldez FJ 2007. Feed Intake and Performance of Growing Lambs Raised on Concentrate-Based Diets Under Cafeteria Feeding Systems. Animal, 1: 459–466.
  • Sanz Sampelayo MR, Perez L, Boza J, Amigo L 1998. Forage of Different Physical Forms in The Diets of Lactating Granadina Goats: Nutrient Digestibility and Milk Production and Composition. Journal of Dairy Science, 81: 492-498. SAS 2000. SAS User’s Guide: Statistics, Version 8.0. SAS Inst, Inc, Cary, NC, USA.
  • Sauvant D, Morand-Fehr P, Giger Reverdin S 1991. Dry Matter Intake of Adult Goats. In: P. Morand-Fehr, Goat Nutrition. Publication - European Association for Animal Production (46) Wageningen, NLD.
  • Silva FG, Torres RA, Brito LF, Silva LP, Menezes GR, Brito LC, Euclydes RF, Rodrigues MT 2013. Genetic Evaluation of Alpine Goats Using Different Milk Control Intervals. Genetics and Molecular Research, 12: 2455-2464.
  • Türk Standartları Enstitüsü 2008. Hayvan Yemleri-Metabolik (Çevrilebilir) Enerji Tayini Kimyasal Metot. TS 9610, Ankara.
  • Tufarelli V, Dario M, Laudadio V 2009. Forage to Concentrate Ratio in Jonica Breed Goats: Influence on Lactation Curve and Milk Composition. Journal of Dairy Research, 76: 124–128.
  • Van Soest PJ, Robertson JB, Lewis BA 1991. Methods for Dietary Fiber, Neutral Detergent Fiber, and Nonstarch Polysaccharides in Relation to Animal Nutrition. Journal of Dairy Science, 74: 3583-3597.
  • Yrjänen S, Kaustell K, Kangasniemi R, Sariola J, Khalili H 2003. Effets of Concentrate Feeding Strategy on The Performance of Dairy Cows House in A Free Stall Barn. Livestock Production Science, 81: 173-181.
  • Yurtseven S, Görgülü M 2007. The Effects of Multiple Choices for Grain and Protein Sources Differing in Ruminal Degradability on Diet Selection and Performance of Lactating Dairy Goats. Journal of Animal Production, 48: 7-14

Farklı Yemleme Sistemlerinin Alman Alaca ve Saanen Keçilerinde Performans ve Süt Kompozisyonu Üzerine Etkisi

Year 2018, Volume: 21 Issue: 2, 209 - 214, 30.04.2018


çalışmada 2 yemleme sisteminin (toplam karışım rasyon; TMR ve stratejik yemleme; SY)
Alman Alaca (n= 16) ve Saanen (n= 16) ırkı sütçü keçilerde performans
ve süt kompozisyonu üzerine etkisi araştırılmıştır. Keçi ırkları şansa bağlı
olarak 2 alt gruba ayrılmış gruplardan biri TMR, diğeri SY sistemi ile
beslenmiştir. Her iki yemleme sisteminde de kaba yem:konsantre yem oranı 60:40
olarak düzenlenmiştir. Kaba yem olarak buğday samanı (%25) ve yonca samanı
(%75) kullanılmıştır. Stratejik yemleme sistemi uygulanan alt gruplarda kaba
yem ad libutum verilmiş, konsantre yem ise sabah ve akşam eşit miktarlarda
olmak üzere 800 g/keçi şeklinde verilmiştir. Araştırma 50 gün sürmüştür.
Araştırma süresince canlı ağırlıklar sabah yemlemesinden önce belirlenmiştir.
Süt verimleri haftalık olarak saptanmıştır. Süt kuru madde, yağ, protein,
kazein, laktoz ve üre-N düzeylerini belirlemek için haftalık bireysel süt
örnekleri alınmıştır. Süt verimi, canlı ağırlık, süt kuru madde, yağ, protein
ve kazein konsantrasyonlarının yemleme sistemleri arasında benzer (P>0.05)
olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Kaba yem ve kesif yemin ayrı ayrı verildiği SY yemleme
sisteminin kuru madde tüketimini azalttığı (P<0.01) ve süt üre-N
konsantrasyonunu azaltma eğiliminde (P= 0.053) olduğu belirlenmiştir. Araştırma
sonucunda, Alman Alaca keçilerin Saanen ırkına göre daha düşük süt verimine
(P< 0.01; 1205.4 g/d vs. 1476.8 g/d)
sahip oldukları saptanmıştır. Alman Alaca keçi sütlerinde protein düzeyinin
Saanen ırkı keçilerden yüksek olduğu (P<0.01) belirlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak,
orta düzeyde süt verimine sahip (1200-1500 g/d) sütçü keçilerde TMR yemleme
sisteminin stratejik yemlemeye göre avantaj sağlamadığı söylenebilir.


  • Agnew KW, Mayne CS, Doherty JG 1996. An Examination of The Effect of Method and Level of Concentrate Feeding on Milk Production in Dairy Cows Offered A Grass Silage-Based Diet. Journal of Animal Science, 63: 21-31. AOAC 1999. Official Method of Analysis, 16th edn. Arlington, VA, USA. Association of Official Analytical Chemists
  • Archimede H, Sauvant D, Schimidely P 1995. Quantitative Review of Ruminal and Total Tract Digestion of Mixed Diet Organic Matter and Carbohydrates. Reproduction Nutrition Development, 37: 173-189.
  • Bach A, Iglesias C, Devant M 2007. Daily Rumen pH Pattern of Loosehoused Dairy Cattle as Affected by Feeding Pattern and Live Yeast Supplementation. Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences, 136: 146-153.
  • Darcan N, Güney O 2002. Comparative Study on The Performance of Crossbred Goats Under Cukurova Subtropical Climate. Journal of Applied Animal Research, 22: 61-64.
  • DeVries TJ, von Keyserlingk MAG 2009. Feeding Methods Affects The Feeding Behavior of Growing Dairy Heifers. Journal of Dairy Science, 92: 1161-1168.
  • Forbes JM 1983. Physiology of Regulation of Food Intake. In: J.A.F. Rook and P.C. Thomas (Editors). Nutritional Physiology of Farm Animals. Longman, USA.
  • Fox DG, Sniffen CJ, O’connor JD, Russell JB, Van Soest PJ 1990. The Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System for Evaluating Cattle Diets, No. 34. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station.
  • Fukasawa M, Tsukada H, Kosako T 2005. Selective Feeding Behaviour of Calves is Affected by Basal Diet. Journal of Animal Science, 76: 171-177.
  • Giger-Reverdin S, Sauvant D, Hervieu J 1987. Influence of The Kind of Compound Feed on Goat Milk Production and Composition. Annales de Zootechnie, 36: 334-335.
  • Glimp HA, Hart ST, VonTungeln D 1989. Effect of Altering Nutrient Density (Concentrate to Roughage Ratio) and Restricting Energy Intake on Rate, Efficiency and Composition of Growing Lambs. Journal of Animal Science, 67: 865-871.
  • Godden SM, Lissemore KD, Keton DF, Leslie KE, Walton JS, Lumsden JH 2001. Factors Associated with Milk Urea Concentrations in Ontario Dairy Cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 84: 107–114.
  • Goetsch AL, Detweiler G, Sahlu T, Hayes J, Puchala R 2003. Effects of Separate Offering of Forage and Concentrate on Feed Intake and Growth of Alpine Doelings. Small Ruminant Research, 48: 209-216.
  • Gordon GLR, McSweeney CS, Phillips MW 1995. An Important Role for Ruminal Anaerobic Fungi in The Voluntary Intake of Poor Quality Forages by Ruminants.
  • In: Wallace, R.J. and LahlouKassi, A. (eds.) Rumen Ecology Research Planning. Proceedings of a Workshop Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
  • Görgülü M, Güney O, Torun O, Özuyanık O, Kutlu HR 2003. An Alternative Feeding System for Dairy Goats: Effects of Free-Choice Feeding on Milk Yield and Milk Composition of Lactating Suckling Damascus Goats. Journal of Animal Feed Science, 12: 33-44.
  • Görgülü M, Kutlu HR, Demir E, Öztürkcan O, Forbes JM 1996. Nutritional Consequances of Free-Choice Among Feed Ingredients by Awassi Lambs. Small Ruminant Research, 20: 23-29.
  • Huuskonen A, Pesonen M, Joki-Tokola E 2014. Effects of Supplementary Concentrate Level Separate or Total Mixed Ration Feeding on Performance of Growing Dairy Bulls. Agricultural and Food Science, 23: 257-265.
  • Ingvartsen KL, Aaes O, Jens Bech A 2001. Effects of Pattern of Concentrate Allocation in the Dry Period and Early Lactation on Feed Intake and Lactational Performance in Dairy Cows. Livestock Science, 71: 207-221.
  • Kleen JL, Hooijer GA, Rehage J, Noordhuizen JPTM 2003. Subacute Ruminal Acidosis (SARA): A Review. Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series A, 50: 406-414.
  • Maltz E, Silanikove N, Karaso Y, Shefet G, Meltzer A, Barak M 1991. A Note on The Effects of Feeding Total Mixed Ration on Performance of Dairy Goats in Late Lactation. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 35: 15-20.
  • Mellado M, Rodríguez A, Olvera A, Villarreal JA, Lopez R 2004. Diets of Nubian and Granadina Goats Grazing on Arid Rangeland. Journal of Range Management, 57: 630-634.
  • Miguel-Romera JA, Calvo-Ruiz JL, Ciria-Ciria J, Asenjo-Martin B 2011. Effect of Feeding Systems on Live-Weight, Reproductive Performance, Milk Yield and Composition, and The Growth of Lambs in Native Spanish Ojalada Sheep. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 9: 769-780.
  • Mioc B, Prpic Z, Vnucec I, Barac Z, Susic V, Samarzija D, Pavic V 2008. Factors Affecting Goat Milk Yield and Composition. Mljekarstvo, 58: 305-313.
  • Monzon-Gil E, Castanon JIR, Ventura MR 2010. Effect of Low-Forage Rations on Milk Production of Dairy Goats: Separate Concentrate-Forage Versus Mixed Rations. Small Ruminant Research, 94: 196–200.
  • Morand-Fehr P, Bas P, Blanchart G, Daccord R, Giger-Reverdin S, Gihad EA, Hadjipanayiotou M, Mowlem A, Remeuf F, Sauvant D 1991. Influence of Feeding on Goat Milk Composition and Technological Characteristics. In: P. Morand-Fehr, Goat Nutrition (p. 25-36). Publication - European Association for Animal Production (46) Wageningen, NLD.
  • NRC 2001. Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle. Washington DC, USA: 7th Review Ed. National Academy of Sciences
  • Pambu RG, Webb EC, Mohale L 2011. Differences in Milk Yield and Composition of Different Goat Breeds Raised in The Same Environment in South Africa. Agricultural Journal, 6: 237-242.
  • Pathak AK 2008. Various Factors Affecting Microbial Protein Synthesis in The Rumen. Veterinary World, 1: 186-189.
  • Provenza FD, Villalba JJ, Dziba LE, Atwood SB, Banner RE 2003. Linking Herbivore Experience, Varied Diets, and Plant Biochemical Diversity. Small Ruminant Research, 49: 257-274.
  • Rodriquez AB, Bodas R, Fernandez B, Lopez-Campos O, Mantecon AR, Giraldez FJ 2007. Feed Intake and Performance of Growing Lambs Raised on Concentrate-Based Diets Under Cafeteria Feeding Systems. Animal, 1: 459–466.
  • Sanz Sampelayo MR, Perez L, Boza J, Amigo L 1998. Forage of Different Physical Forms in The Diets of Lactating Granadina Goats: Nutrient Digestibility and Milk Production and Composition. Journal of Dairy Science, 81: 492-498. SAS 2000. SAS User’s Guide: Statistics, Version 8.0. SAS Inst, Inc, Cary, NC, USA.
  • Sauvant D, Morand-Fehr P, Giger Reverdin S 1991. Dry Matter Intake of Adult Goats. In: P. Morand-Fehr, Goat Nutrition. Publication - European Association for Animal Production (46) Wageningen, NLD.
  • Silva FG, Torres RA, Brito LF, Silva LP, Menezes GR, Brito LC, Euclydes RF, Rodrigues MT 2013. Genetic Evaluation of Alpine Goats Using Different Milk Control Intervals. Genetics and Molecular Research, 12: 2455-2464.
  • Türk Standartları Enstitüsü 2008. Hayvan Yemleri-Metabolik (Çevrilebilir) Enerji Tayini Kimyasal Metot. TS 9610, Ankara.
  • Tufarelli V, Dario M, Laudadio V 2009. Forage to Concentrate Ratio in Jonica Breed Goats: Influence on Lactation Curve and Milk Composition. Journal of Dairy Research, 76: 124–128.
  • Van Soest PJ, Robertson JB, Lewis BA 1991. Methods for Dietary Fiber, Neutral Detergent Fiber, and Nonstarch Polysaccharides in Relation to Animal Nutrition. Journal of Dairy Science, 74: 3583-3597.
  • Yrjänen S, Kaustell K, Kangasniemi R, Sariola J, Khalili H 2003. Effets of Concentrate Feeding Strategy on The Performance of Dairy Cows House in A Free Stall Barn. Livestock Production Science, 81: 173-181.
  • Yurtseven S, Görgülü M 2007. The Effects of Multiple Choices for Grain and Protein Sources Differing in Ruminal Degradability on Diet Selection and Performance of Lactating Dairy Goats. Journal of Animal Production, 48: 7-14
There are 38 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish

Uğur Serbester

M.e.m. Awlad Mohammad

Nazan Koluman

Murat Görgülü

Publication Date April 30, 2018
Submission Date March 27, 2017
Acceptance Date June 5, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2018Volume: 21 Issue: 2


APA Serbester, U., Mohammad, M. A., Koluman, N., Görgülü, M. (2018). Farklı Yemleme Sistemlerinin Alman Alaca ve Saanen Keçilerinde Performans ve Süt Kompozisyonu Üzerine Etkisi. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım Ve Doğa Dergisi, 21(2), 209-214.

International Peer Reviewed Journal
Free submission and publication
Published 6 times a year


KSU Journal of Agriculture and Nature

e-ISSN: 2619-9149