Research Article
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Effect of Vermicompost on Macro and Micro Nutrients of Lettuce (Lactuca Sativa Var. Crispa) Under Salt Stress Conditions

Year 2020, Volume: 23 Issue: 1, 33 - 43, 28.02.2020


This study was conducted in order to determine the
effect of vermicompost (V) on macro and micro nutrients of lettuce (Lactuca sativa Var. crispa) exposed to salt stress (SS). V doses; 0 (V0), 2.5% (V1) and
5% (V2) (w/w) and salt stress levels; control (SS0) (0 dS m-1 NaCl),
medium salt stress (SS4) (4 dS m-1 NaCl), severe salt stress (SS8)
(8 dS m-1 NaCl) were used. In order to make evaluation in terms of
the nutrients, plants were kept under controlled conditions
humidity 50-55%, daytime/night time temperature 24/20 °C)
the greenhouse for 46 days
(May 24 and July 10, 2017).
While the medium and severe salt stress decreased the P, K, Mg, Fe, Mn and Zn
concentrations of plants significantly, compared to the control, it caused
increase in N and Na concentration. While Na decreased due to the V, other
mineral element concentrations increased significantly and these increases were
found more effective in 5% V application. The effect of SS x V interaction was
statistically significant in terms of N, P, Mg, Na, Fe, Mn and Zn, whereas it
was found insignificant for K, Ca and Cu. It was shown that in lettuce growing,
V applications in areas with salinity problems could contribute to reducing the
toxic effects of salinity on the plant and improving the imbalance in nutrient

Supporting Institution

Soil, Fertilizer and Water Resources Central Research Institute, Ankara, Turkey


The authors would like to thank the Center for Research on Soil Fertilizers and Water Resources for providing the working environment and facilities for this study.


  • Abbaspour H, Saeidi-Sarb S, Afsharia H, Abdel-Wahhabc MA 2012. Tolerance of Mycorrhiza İnfected Pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) Seedling to Drought Stress Under Glasshouse Conditions. Journal of Plant Physiology, 169: 704-709.
  • Alam SM 1999. Nutrient uptake by plants under stress conditions, in Pessarakli, M.: Handbook of Plant and Crop Stress.Marcel Dekker, New York, pp. 285–314.
  • Arancon NQ, Lee S, Edwards CA, Atiyeh R 2003. Effects of humic acid derived from cattle, food and paper-waste vermicomposts on growth of green-house plants. Pedobiologia., 47:741-744.
  • Arancon NQ, Edwards CA, Bierman P 2006. Influences of vermicomposts on field stawberries: Part 2. Effects on soil microbiolgical and chemical properties. Bioresource Technology 97:831-840.
  • Ayyobi H, Olfati JA, Peyvast GA 2014. The effects of cow manure vermicompost and municipal solid waste compost on peppermint (Mentha piperita L.) in Torbat-e-Jam and Rasht regions of Iran. Int J Recycl Org Waste Agric., 3: 147–153.
  • Azarmi R, Giglou MT, Taleshmikail RD 2008. Influence of vermicompost on soil chemical and phsical properties in tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum) field. African Journal of Biotechnology 14:2397-2401.
  • Azevedo Neto AD, Prisco JT, Eneas-Filho J 2004. Effects of salt stress on plant growth, stomatal response and solute accumulation of different maize genotypes. Braz. J. Plant Physiol.,16(1):31-38.
  • Bidabadi SS, Dehghanipoodeh S, Wright GC 2017. Vermicompost leachate reduces some negative effects of salt stress in pomegranate. Int J Recycling Organic Waste Agric., 6(3):255–263.
  • Bressan RA 2008. ‘‘Stres Fizyolojisi’’, Editörler: Taiz, L., Zeiger, E., Çeviri Editörü: Türkan Đ., ‘‘Bitki Fizyolojisi’’, Palme Yayıncılık, Ankara, 591-620.
  • Çamoğlu G, Demirel K 2015. Marulda Farklı Tuz ve Potasyum Uygulamalarının Verim ve Bazı Fizyo-Morfolojik Özelliklere Etkileri, Ç.O.M.Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 1:89-97.
  • de Lacerda CF, Cambraia J, Oliva MA, Ruiz HA 2005. Changes in growth and insolute concentrations in sorghum leaves and roots during salt stress recovery. Environmental and Experimental Botany 54(1):69–76.
  • Ferroni L, Baldısserotto C, Pantaleoni l, Bıllı P, Fasulo MP, Pancaldı S 2007. High Salinity Alters Chloroplast Morpho-physiology in a Fresh Water Kırchneriella species (Selenastraceae) from Ethiopian Lake Awasa, American Journal of Botany, 94(12):1972-1983.
  • Filek M, Walas S, Mrowiec H, Rudolphy-Sko´rska E, Sieprawska A, Biesaga-Kos´cielniak J 2012. Membrane Permeability and Micro- and Macroelement Accumulation in Spring Wheat Cultivars During the Short-Term Effect of Salinity- and Peg-İnduced Water Stress. Acta Physiolog Plant, 34:985–995.
  • Ghafoor A, Qadir M, Murtaza G 2004. Salt-affected soils: Principles of management. Allied Book Centre Publications, Lahore, Pakistan. pp. 110-123.
  • Gopal M, Gupta A, Planiswami C, Dhanapal R, Thomas GV 2010. Coconut leaf vermiwash: a bio-liquid from coconut leaf vermicompost for improving the crop production capacities of soil. Current Science Vol. 98, No. 9.Grattan SR, Grieve CM 1999. Salinity-mineral nutrient relations in horticultural crops. Scientia Horticulturae 78:127-157.
  • Hashemimajd K, Kalbasi M, Golchin A, Shariatmadari H 2004. Comparison of vermicompost and composts as potting media for growth of tomatoes. Journal of Plant Nutrition 27:1107-1123.
  • Hu Y, Schmidhalter U 2005. Drought and Salinity: A Comparison of Their Effects on Mineral Nutrition of Plants. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 168:541-549.
  • Jabeen N, Ahmad R 2017. Growth response and nitrogen metabolism of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) to vermicompost and biogas slurry under salinity stress. Journal of Plant Nutrition Volume 40.
  • Kacar B, İnal A 2008. “Bitki Fizyolojisi”. Nobel Yayın No:1241-477. Ankara.
  • Kıran S 2019. Effects of Vermicompost on Some Morphological. Physiological and Biochemical Parameters of Lettuce (Lactuca sativa var. crispa) under Drought Stress. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 47(2):352-358.
  • Koca H, Bor M, Özdemir F, Türkan Đ 2007. ‘‘The effect of salt stress on lipid peroxidation, antioxidative enzymes and proline content of sesame cultivars’’, Environmental and Experimental Botany, 60:344-351.
  • Kumari MSS, Ushakumari K 2002. Effect of vermicompost enriched with rock phosphate on the yield and uptake of nutrients in cowpea (Vigna Unguiculata L. Walp). Journal of Tropical Agriculture 40:27-30.
  • Kusvuran S, Yasar F, Abak K, Ellialtıoğlu S 2008. Tuz stresi altında yetistirilen tuza tolerant ve duyarlı Cucumis sp.’nin bazı genotiplerinde lipid peroksidasyonu, klorofil ve iyon miktarlarında meydana gelen değisimler, Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi (J. Agric. Sci.), 18 (1):13-20.
  • Lakhdar A, Rabhi M, Ghnaya T, Montemurro F, Jedidi N, Abdelly C 2009. Effectiveness of compost use in salt-affected soil. J. Hazard Mater., 171:29-37.
  • Mahajan S, Tuteja N 2005. Cold, salinity and drought stress: an overview, Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 444:139-158.
  • Marschner H 1995. Mineral nutrition of higher plants. 2nd Edition. Academic Press, London. UK. 901p.
  • McCauley A, Jones C, Jacobsen J 2009. Nutrient Management. Nutrient management module 9 Montana State University Extension Service. Publication, 4449(9):1–16.
  • Mehrotra NK, Khanna VK, Agarwala SC 1986. Soil-sodicity-induced zinc deficiency in maize. Plant Soil 92:63-71.
  • Munns R, Tester M 2008. Mechanisms of salinity tolerance. Annu Rev Plant Biol., 59:651-681.
  • Page AL, Chang AC, Adriano DC 1990. Deficiencies and toxicities of trace elements. Agricultural Salinity Assessment and Management, Chapter 7, ASCE Manuals and Reports on Eng. Practice No. 71, ASCE, pp.138-160.
  • Pant AP, Radovich TJK, Theodore NVH, Talcott ST, Krenek KA 2009. Vermicompost Extracts İnfluence Growth. Mineral Nutrients. Phytonutrients and Antioxidant Activity in Pak Choi Grown under Vermicompost and Chemical Fertiliser. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 89:2383–2392.
  • Parida AK, Das AB 2005. Salt Tolerance and Salinity Effects on Plants: a Review, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 60:324-349.
  • Parvaiz A, Satyawati S 2008. Salt stress and phyto-biochemical responses of plants review. Plant Soil Envir.,54:88–99.
  • Qin L, Guo S, Ai W, Tang Y, Cheng Q, Chen G 2013. Effect of salt stress on growth and physiology in amaranth and lettuce: Implications for bioregenerative life support system. Advances in Space Res., 51:476-482.
  • Rangarajan A, Leonard B, Jack A 2008. Cabbage transplant production using organic media on farm. In: Proceedings of National Seminar on Sustainable Environment. N. Sukumaran (Ed). Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, pp. 45-53.
  • Rengel Z 1992. The Role Calcium in Salt Toxicity, Plant Cell and Environment, 15:625-632.
  • Tester M, Davenport R 2003. Na+ Tolerance and Na+ Transport in Higher Plants, Annals of Botany, 91:503-527.
  • Uma B, Malathi M 2009. Vermicompost as a soil supplement to improve growth and yield of Amaranthus species. Research Journal of Agriculture and Biological Science 5:1054-1060.
  • Yang L, Li T, Li F, Lemcoff JH, Cohen S 2008. Fertilization regulates soil enzymatic activity and fertility dynamics in a cucumber field. Scientia Horticulturae 116:21-26.
  • Yokoi S, Bressan RA, Hasegawa PM 2002. Salt Stress Tolerance of Plants, JIRCAS Working Report, 25-33.

Tuz Stresi Altında Vermikompost Uygulamasının Kıvırcık Salatada (Lactuca Sativa Var. Crispa) Makro ve Mikro Element İçerikleri Üzerine Etkisi

Year 2020, Volume: 23 Issue: 1, 33 - 43, 28.02.2020


Bu çalışma, tuz stresine (SS) maruz kalmış kıvırcık
salata bitkisinin (Lactuca sativa Var. crispa) makro ve mikro besin içerikleri
üzerine vermikompostun (V), etkisini belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. V’un
dozları ile; 0 (V0), %2.5 (V1) ve %5 (V2) (w/w), tuz stresi seviyeleri; kontrol
(SS0) (0 dS m-1 NaCl), orta derecede tuz stresi (SS4) (4 dS m-1 NaCl), şiddetli
tuz stresi (SS8) (8 dS m-1 NaCl) kullanılmıştır. Besin içerikleri bakımından
değerlendirmek amacıyla bitkiler 46 gün (24 Mayıs-10 Temmuz 2017) boyunca
serada kontrollü koşullar altında tutulmuştur. Orta ve şiddetli tuz stresi
bitkilerin P, K, Mg, Fe, Mn ve Zn konsantrasyonlarını kontrole göre önemli
seviyelerde azaltırken, N ve Na konsantrasyonlarında ise artışa neden olmuştur.
V uygulamaları ile Na azalırken diğer mineral element içerikleri önemli ölçüde
artmış ve bu artışlar %5 V uygulamasında daha etkili bulunmuştur. SS x V
interaksiyonunun etkisi N, P, Mg, Na, Fe, Mn ve Zn bakımından istatistiksel
olarak önemli bulunurken, K, Ca ve Cu için önemsiz olmuştur. Tuzluluk
probleminin bulunduğu alanlarda V uygulamalarının kıvırcık salata
yetiştiriciliğinde, tuzluluğun bitki üzerine olan toksik etkisini azaltmaya ve
besin maddelerinin alımındaki dengesizliği iyileştirmeye katkıda
bulunabildiğini göstermiştir.


  • Abbaspour H, Saeidi-Sarb S, Afsharia H, Abdel-Wahhabc MA 2012. Tolerance of Mycorrhiza İnfected Pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) Seedling to Drought Stress Under Glasshouse Conditions. Journal of Plant Physiology, 169: 704-709.
  • Alam SM 1999. Nutrient uptake by plants under stress conditions, in Pessarakli, M.: Handbook of Plant and Crop Stress.Marcel Dekker, New York, pp. 285–314.
  • Arancon NQ, Lee S, Edwards CA, Atiyeh R 2003. Effects of humic acid derived from cattle, food and paper-waste vermicomposts on growth of green-house plants. Pedobiologia., 47:741-744.
  • Arancon NQ, Edwards CA, Bierman P 2006. Influences of vermicomposts on field stawberries: Part 2. Effects on soil microbiolgical and chemical properties. Bioresource Technology 97:831-840.
  • Ayyobi H, Olfati JA, Peyvast GA 2014. The effects of cow manure vermicompost and municipal solid waste compost on peppermint (Mentha piperita L.) in Torbat-e-Jam and Rasht regions of Iran. Int J Recycl Org Waste Agric., 3: 147–153.
  • Azarmi R, Giglou MT, Taleshmikail RD 2008. Influence of vermicompost on soil chemical and phsical properties in tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum) field. African Journal of Biotechnology 14:2397-2401.
  • Azevedo Neto AD, Prisco JT, Eneas-Filho J 2004. Effects of salt stress on plant growth, stomatal response and solute accumulation of different maize genotypes. Braz. J. Plant Physiol.,16(1):31-38.
  • Bidabadi SS, Dehghanipoodeh S, Wright GC 2017. Vermicompost leachate reduces some negative effects of salt stress in pomegranate. Int J Recycling Organic Waste Agric., 6(3):255–263.
  • Bressan RA 2008. ‘‘Stres Fizyolojisi’’, Editörler: Taiz, L., Zeiger, E., Çeviri Editörü: Türkan Đ., ‘‘Bitki Fizyolojisi’’, Palme Yayıncılık, Ankara, 591-620.
  • Çamoğlu G, Demirel K 2015. Marulda Farklı Tuz ve Potasyum Uygulamalarının Verim ve Bazı Fizyo-Morfolojik Özelliklere Etkileri, Ç.O.M.Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 1:89-97.
  • de Lacerda CF, Cambraia J, Oliva MA, Ruiz HA 2005. Changes in growth and insolute concentrations in sorghum leaves and roots during salt stress recovery. Environmental and Experimental Botany 54(1):69–76.
  • Ferroni L, Baldısserotto C, Pantaleoni l, Bıllı P, Fasulo MP, Pancaldı S 2007. High Salinity Alters Chloroplast Morpho-physiology in a Fresh Water Kırchneriella species (Selenastraceae) from Ethiopian Lake Awasa, American Journal of Botany, 94(12):1972-1983.
  • Filek M, Walas S, Mrowiec H, Rudolphy-Sko´rska E, Sieprawska A, Biesaga-Kos´cielniak J 2012. Membrane Permeability and Micro- and Macroelement Accumulation in Spring Wheat Cultivars During the Short-Term Effect of Salinity- and Peg-İnduced Water Stress. Acta Physiolog Plant, 34:985–995.
  • Ghafoor A, Qadir M, Murtaza G 2004. Salt-affected soils: Principles of management. Allied Book Centre Publications, Lahore, Pakistan. pp. 110-123.
  • Gopal M, Gupta A, Planiswami C, Dhanapal R, Thomas GV 2010. Coconut leaf vermiwash: a bio-liquid from coconut leaf vermicompost for improving the crop production capacities of soil. Current Science Vol. 98, No. 9.Grattan SR, Grieve CM 1999. Salinity-mineral nutrient relations in horticultural crops. Scientia Horticulturae 78:127-157.
  • Hashemimajd K, Kalbasi M, Golchin A, Shariatmadari H 2004. Comparison of vermicompost and composts as potting media for growth of tomatoes. Journal of Plant Nutrition 27:1107-1123.
  • Hu Y, Schmidhalter U 2005. Drought and Salinity: A Comparison of Their Effects on Mineral Nutrition of Plants. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 168:541-549.
  • Jabeen N, Ahmad R 2017. Growth response and nitrogen metabolism of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) to vermicompost and biogas slurry under salinity stress. Journal of Plant Nutrition Volume 40.
  • Kacar B, İnal A 2008. “Bitki Fizyolojisi”. Nobel Yayın No:1241-477. Ankara.
  • Kıran S 2019. Effects of Vermicompost on Some Morphological. Physiological and Biochemical Parameters of Lettuce (Lactuca sativa var. crispa) under Drought Stress. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 47(2):352-358.
  • Koca H, Bor M, Özdemir F, Türkan Đ 2007. ‘‘The effect of salt stress on lipid peroxidation, antioxidative enzymes and proline content of sesame cultivars’’, Environmental and Experimental Botany, 60:344-351.
  • Kumari MSS, Ushakumari K 2002. Effect of vermicompost enriched with rock phosphate on the yield and uptake of nutrients in cowpea (Vigna Unguiculata L. Walp). Journal of Tropical Agriculture 40:27-30.
  • Kusvuran S, Yasar F, Abak K, Ellialtıoğlu S 2008. Tuz stresi altında yetistirilen tuza tolerant ve duyarlı Cucumis sp.’nin bazı genotiplerinde lipid peroksidasyonu, klorofil ve iyon miktarlarında meydana gelen değisimler, Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi (J. Agric. Sci.), 18 (1):13-20.
  • Lakhdar A, Rabhi M, Ghnaya T, Montemurro F, Jedidi N, Abdelly C 2009. Effectiveness of compost use in salt-affected soil. J. Hazard Mater., 171:29-37.
  • Mahajan S, Tuteja N 2005. Cold, salinity and drought stress: an overview, Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 444:139-158.
  • Marschner H 1995. Mineral nutrition of higher plants. 2nd Edition. Academic Press, London. UK. 901p.
  • McCauley A, Jones C, Jacobsen J 2009. Nutrient Management. Nutrient management module 9 Montana State University Extension Service. Publication, 4449(9):1–16.
  • Mehrotra NK, Khanna VK, Agarwala SC 1986. Soil-sodicity-induced zinc deficiency in maize. Plant Soil 92:63-71.
  • Munns R, Tester M 2008. Mechanisms of salinity tolerance. Annu Rev Plant Biol., 59:651-681.
  • Page AL, Chang AC, Adriano DC 1990. Deficiencies and toxicities of trace elements. Agricultural Salinity Assessment and Management, Chapter 7, ASCE Manuals and Reports on Eng. Practice No. 71, ASCE, pp.138-160.
  • Pant AP, Radovich TJK, Theodore NVH, Talcott ST, Krenek KA 2009. Vermicompost Extracts İnfluence Growth. Mineral Nutrients. Phytonutrients and Antioxidant Activity in Pak Choi Grown under Vermicompost and Chemical Fertiliser. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 89:2383–2392.
  • Parida AK, Das AB 2005. Salt Tolerance and Salinity Effects on Plants: a Review, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 60:324-349.
  • Parvaiz A, Satyawati S 2008. Salt stress and phyto-biochemical responses of plants review. Plant Soil Envir.,54:88–99.
  • Qin L, Guo S, Ai W, Tang Y, Cheng Q, Chen G 2013. Effect of salt stress on growth and physiology in amaranth and lettuce: Implications for bioregenerative life support system. Advances in Space Res., 51:476-482.
  • Rangarajan A, Leonard B, Jack A 2008. Cabbage transplant production using organic media on farm. In: Proceedings of National Seminar on Sustainable Environment. N. Sukumaran (Ed). Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, pp. 45-53.
  • Rengel Z 1992. The Role Calcium in Salt Toxicity, Plant Cell and Environment, 15:625-632.
  • Tester M, Davenport R 2003. Na+ Tolerance and Na+ Transport in Higher Plants, Annals of Botany, 91:503-527.
  • Uma B, Malathi M 2009. Vermicompost as a soil supplement to improve growth and yield of Amaranthus species. Research Journal of Agriculture and Biological Science 5:1054-1060.
  • Yang L, Li T, Li F, Lemcoff JH, Cohen S 2008. Fertilization regulates soil enzymatic activity and fertility dynamics in a cucumber field. Scientia Horticulturae 116:21-26.
  • Yokoi S, Bressan RA, Hasegawa PM 2002. Salt Stress Tolerance of Plants, JIRCAS Working Report, 25-33.
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural, Veterinary and Food Sciences

Zeynep Demir 0000-0002-7589-3216

Sevinç Kıran 0000-0002-6756-0235

Publication Date February 28, 2020
Submission Date June 19, 2019
Acceptance Date October 10, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2020Volume: 23 Issue: 1


APA Demir, Z., & Kıran, S. (2020). Effect of Vermicompost on Macro and Micro Nutrients of Lettuce (Lactuca Sativa Var. Crispa) Under Salt Stress Conditions. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım Ve Doğa Dergisi, 23(1), 33-43.

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