In this study, Allium tuncelianum, one of the endemic garlic species growing in
Anatolia, was investigated for its phytochemical content. LC-MS/MS, HPLC,
GC-MS, GC-FID and ICP-OES techniques were used for this purpose. Major phenolic
components of Allium tuncelianum were
found to be malic acid (3322.6 µg/g), kainic acid (626.8 µg/g), cinnamic acid
(69.15 µg/g), fumaric acid (13.02 µg/g) and catechin (3933.3 µg/g). The main
components of volatile oil, on the other hand, were detected as diallyl
disulfide (28.30%), diallyl trisulfide (30.90%) and allyl methyl trisulfide
(9.44%). The fatty acid composition of the plant was revealed as oleic acid
(27.19%), linoleic acid (19.46%) and elaidic acid (3%) whereas high content of
potassium (4207± 67 mg/kg), calcium (518± 35 mg/kg) and magnesium (376 ± 20
mg/kg) was determined as the minerals. Moreover, cytotoxic effects of
ethanol/water and hexane/chloroform extracts of the plant were evaluated in
prostate, colon, cervical and breast cancer cell lines and cytotoxicity of both
extracts were detected for all the cell lines studied. Therefore, we conclude that Allium tuncelianum may be a new phytotherapy agent with its rich
phytochemical content and anticancer activity.
Harran University Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit.
Thanks to Harran University Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit.
çalışmada, Anadoluda yetişen endemik sarımsak türlerinden biri olan Tunceli Dağ
Sarımsağı (Allium tuncelianum) incelenmiştir. Fitokimyasal içeriği belirlemek
için LC-MS / MS, HPLC, GC-MS, GC-FID ve ICP-OES teknikleri kullanılmıştır. Allium tuncelianum'un başlıca fenolik
bileşenleri; malik asit (3322,6 µg / g), kainik asit (626.8 µg / g), sinamik
asit (69.15 µg / g), fumarik asit (13.02 µg / g) ve kateşin (3933.3 µg / g)
olduğu belirlendi. Uçucu yağın ana bileşenleri, dialil disülfit (% 28.30),
dialil trisülfit (% 30.90) ve allil metil trisülfit (% 9.44) idi. Yağ asidi
bileşimi; oleik asit (% 27.19), linoleik asit (% 19.46) ve elaidik asit (% 3)
iken, mineral içeriğindeki major elementler; potasyum (4207 ± 67 mg / kg), kalsiyum
(518 ± 35 mg / kg) ve magnezyum (376 ± 20) mg / kg) olarak belirlenmiştir.
Prostat, kolon, servikal ve meme kanseri hücre dizilerinde sitotoksik etki de
incelenmiştir. Kolon, Meme, Servikal ve Prostat kanseri hücre hatlarında
sitotoksik etki tespit edildi. Bu sonuçlar göstermektedir ki; Allium tuncelianum, zengin fitokimyasal
içeriği ve antikanser aktivitesi ile yeni bir fitoterapi ajanı olabilir.
Primary Language | English |
Subjects | Structural Biology |
Journal Section | RESEARCH ARTICLE |
Authors | |
Project Number | 16187 |
Publication Date | February 28, 2020 |
Submission Date | July 4, 2019 |
Acceptance Date | September 11, 2019 |
Published in Issue | Year 2020Volume: 23 Issue: 1 |
International Peer Reviewed Journal
Free submission and publication
Published 6 times a year
KSU Journal of Agriculture and Nature
e-ISSN: 2619-9149