Research Article
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Relationships Between Some Agronomical Traits in Genotypes of Rusty Foxglove (Digitalis ferrruginea subsp. ferruginea)

Year 2020, Volume: 23 Issue: 1, 77 - 82, 28.02.2020


This research was
conducted at experimental site (41°10.668′ N latitude, 40°54.018′E longitude),
with 65 m elevetion in Turkey. In the study, 8 different genotypes of Digitalis ferrruginea subsp. ferruginea, selected in the previous
years with high performance, were used.
These genotypes, grown in 2016-2017, were
compared in terms of plant height, panicle length, number of capsules per
panicle, capsule length, seeds yield per plant and 1000 seeds weight, and a
modeling was developed to estimate seed yield per plant. The mean values
obtained for the investigated traits were 95.21–130.43 cm for plant height,
46.29–72.57 cm for panicle length (PL), 9.63–11.14 mm for capsule length,
99.29–146.57 units for the number of capsules per panicle, 2.00–5.26 g/plant
for seed yield per plant (SYP) and 0.34–0.49 g for 1000 seeds weight (TSW).
However, in terms of the traits examined, each genotype showed a wide variation
within itself. Multiple regression analysis was performed for the
yield-prediction model relation to the seed yield per plant using the values
obtained under the present conditions. As a result of the regression analysis,
an equation of SYP=(-2.54)+ (0.11xPL)-(2.18xTSW) was obtained.


  • Agomoh I, Zvomuya F, Hao X, Benke M 2018. Modeling Barley Yield in a Dark Brown Chernozem after Discontinuation of Long-term Manure Application. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 82: 392-402.
  • Başaran MS, Adıgüzel N 2001. Flora of Hazelnut Plantation in Bolu, Bartın and Zonguldak Provinces. Plant Protection Bulletin, 41(1-2): 39-66.
  • Baytop T 1999. Therapy with Medicinal Plants in Turkey (2nd ed, in Turkish). Nobel Medicine Publication, Istanbul.
  • Chiej R 1988. The Macdonald Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants. Macdonald & Co. Ltd. Shoe Lane London. p 66-73.
  • Clemente ES, Müller-Uri F, Nebauer SG, Segura J, Kreis W, Arrillaga I 2011. Digitalis. (Wild Crop Relatives: Genomic and Breeding Resources: Plantation and Ornamental Crops. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg: Ed. Chittaranjan K) 73-112.
  • Davis PH 1978. Digitalis L. in “Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands, University Press: Edinburgh, Vol. 6, 680 p.
  • Deveci M, Bayrak Özbucak T, Demirkol G 2012. Determination of Ordu University Campus Flora. Akademic Journal of Agriculture, 1(2): 107-116.
  • Eminağaoğlu Ö, Anşin R 2005. The Flora of Cerattepe, Meydanlar, Demirci, Gavur Creek and Near Environment in Artvin. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University, 55(2): 31-46.
  • Confalonieri R, Rosenmund AS, Baruth B 2009. An Improved Model to Simulate Rice Yield. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 29(3): 463-474.
  • Duarte GV, Braga A, Miquelluti DL, Ozaki VA 2018. Modeling of Soybean Yield Using Symmetric, Asymmetric and Bimodal Distributions: Implications for Crop Insurance. Journal of Applied Statistics, 45(11): 1920-1937.
  • Griffin TS, Johnson BS, Ritchie JT 1993. A Simulation Model for Potato Growth and Development: SUBSTOR-Potato Version 2.0. IBSNAT Research Report Series 02. Dept. of Agronomy and Soil Science. College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, 29 p.
  • Gurel E, Karvar S, Yucesan B, Eker I, Sameeullah M 2117. An Overview of Cardenolides in Digitalis - more than A Cardiotonic Compound. Current Pharmaceutical Design, 23(34): 5104-5114.
  • Jolliffe IT, Cadima J 2016. Principal Component Analysis: a Review and Recent Developments. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, A 374:20150202, p 1-16.
  • Jones JW, Dayan E, Allen LH, Keulen HV, Challa H 1991. A Dynamic Tomato Growth and Yield Model (TOMGRO). American Society of Agricultural Engineers. 34(2): 663-672.
  • Kanoğlu SS, Aksoy N, Kaya A 2016. The Flora of Sülüklü Göl Around (Bolu-Adapazarı / Turkey). Journal of Vineyard-Garden Science, 3(2): 20-42.
  • Kalaji MH, Pietkiewicz S 2004. Review: Some Physiological Indices to be Exploited as a Crucial Tool in Plant Breeding. Plant Breeding and Seed Science, 49: 19-39.
  • Kurtar ES, Odabaş S 2010. Modelling of the Yield of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) Using Light Intensity, Temperature and Spad Value. Advances in Food Sciences, 32(3): 170-173.
  • Lopez-Lazaro M 2007. Digitoxin as an Anticancer agent with Selectivity for Cancer Cells: Possible Mechanisms Involved. Expert Opin Ther Targets, 11(8): 1043-53.
  • Müjdeci M, Sarıyev A, Polat, V 2005. Mathematical Modelling of Wheat Yield (Triticum aestivum L.). Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 11(4): 349-353.
  • Newman RA, Yang P, Pawlus AD, Block KI 2008. Cardiac Glycosides as Novel Cancer Therapeutic Agents. Molecular Interventions, 8(1): 36-49.
  • Penning De Vries FWT 1983. Modeling of Growth and Production. (Physiological Plant Ecology IV. Encyclopedia of Plant Physiology (New Series), Vol 12 / D. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg: Ed. Lange OL, Nobel PS, Osmond CB, Ziegler H) 117-150.
  • Perez-Bermudez P, Cornejo MJ, Segura J 1990. Digitalis spp.: In vitro Production of Haploids. (Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry, Haploids in Crop Improvement I. Berlin, Springer-Verlag, Vol. 12: Ed. Bajaj YPS) 277-288.
  • Savsatli Y 2017. Digitalis Species in Flora of Turkey and Possibilities of Utilization from These Species. 4. National Agriculture Congress, Afyon, 19-22 October, 62 p.
  • Savsatli Y, Catal MI, Seyis F 2016. Variation in Digitalis ferrugineae L. Multiplicated with Seed under the Province Rize Conditions in Turkey. VII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium “Agrosym 2016”, Jahorina, 06-09 October, p 1043-1048.
  • Sen A, Srivastava M 1990. Regression Analysis-Theory Methods and Applications. Springer-Verlag, New York inc, 365 p.
  • Yeh JY, Huang WJ, Kan SF, Wang PS 2001. Inhibitory Effects of Digitalis on the Proliferation of Androgen Dependent and Independent Prostate Cancer Cells. Journal of Urology, 166(5): 1937-1942.

Pas Renkli Yüksükotu (Digitalis ferrruginea subsp. ferruginea) Genotiplerinde Bazı Agronomik Özellikler Arasındaki İlişkiler

Year 2020, Volume: 23 Issue: 1, 77 - 82, 28.02.2020


Bu araştırma, Türkiye’de 41°10.668′ N kuzey
enlemi 40°54.018′E doğu boylamında ve deniz seviyesinden 65 m yüksekliğinde
bulunan deneme arazisinde yürütülmüştür. Araştırmada önceki yıllarda seçilen Digitalis ferrruginea subsp. ferruginea’ya ait yüksek performans
gösteren 8 farklı genotip kullanılmıştır. 2016-2017 yıllarında yetiştirilen bu
genotipler, bitki boyu, salkım uzunluğu, salkımda kapsül sayısı, kapsül
uzunluğu, bitki başına tohum verimi ve 1000 tohum ağırlığı bakımından
karşılaştırılmış ve tohum verimini tahmin etmek için bir modelleme
geliştirilmiştir. İncelenen özelliklere ait elde edilen ortalama değerler,
genotipler arasında bitki boyu için 95,21-130,43 cm, salkım uzunluğu (SU) için
46,29-72,57 cm, kapsül uzunluğu için 9,63-11,14 mm, salkımda kapsül sayısı için
99,29-146,57 adet, tohum verimi için 2,00-5,26 g/bitki (BTV) ve 1000 tohum
ağırlığı için (BTA) 0,34-0,49 g arasında değişim göstermiştir. Bununla
birlikte, incelenen özellikler bakımından her bir genotip kendi içerisinde
geniş bir varyasyon göstermiştir. Mevcut koşullar altında elde edilen değerler
kullanılarak, bitkide tohum verimine ilişkin verim-tahmin modeli için çoklu
regresyon analizi yapılmıştır. Regresyon analizi sonucunda,
BTV=(-2.54)+(0,11xSU)-(2.18xBTA) şeklinde bir eşitlik elde edilmiştir.


  • Agomoh I, Zvomuya F, Hao X, Benke M 2018. Modeling Barley Yield in a Dark Brown Chernozem after Discontinuation of Long-term Manure Application. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 82: 392-402.
  • Başaran MS, Adıgüzel N 2001. Flora of Hazelnut Plantation in Bolu, Bartın and Zonguldak Provinces. Plant Protection Bulletin, 41(1-2): 39-66.
  • Baytop T 1999. Therapy with Medicinal Plants in Turkey (2nd ed, in Turkish). Nobel Medicine Publication, Istanbul.
  • Chiej R 1988. The Macdonald Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants. Macdonald & Co. Ltd. Shoe Lane London. p 66-73.
  • Clemente ES, Müller-Uri F, Nebauer SG, Segura J, Kreis W, Arrillaga I 2011. Digitalis. (Wild Crop Relatives: Genomic and Breeding Resources: Plantation and Ornamental Crops. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg: Ed. Chittaranjan K) 73-112.
  • Davis PH 1978. Digitalis L. in “Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands, University Press: Edinburgh, Vol. 6, 680 p.
  • Deveci M, Bayrak Özbucak T, Demirkol G 2012. Determination of Ordu University Campus Flora. Akademic Journal of Agriculture, 1(2): 107-116.
  • Eminağaoğlu Ö, Anşin R 2005. The Flora of Cerattepe, Meydanlar, Demirci, Gavur Creek and Near Environment in Artvin. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University, 55(2): 31-46.
  • Confalonieri R, Rosenmund AS, Baruth B 2009. An Improved Model to Simulate Rice Yield. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 29(3): 463-474.
  • Duarte GV, Braga A, Miquelluti DL, Ozaki VA 2018. Modeling of Soybean Yield Using Symmetric, Asymmetric and Bimodal Distributions: Implications for Crop Insurance. Journal of Applied Statistics, 45(11): 1920-1937.
  • Griffin TS, Johnson BS, Ritchie JT 1993. A Simulation Model for Potato Growth and Development: SUBSTOR-Potato Version 2.0. IBSNAT Research Report Series 02. Dept. of Agronomy and Soil Science. College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, 29 p.
  • Gurel E, Karvar S, Yucesan B, Eker I, Sameeullah M 2117. An Overview of Cardenolides in Digitalis - more than A Cardiotonic Compound. Current Pharmaceutical Design, 23(34): 5104-5114.
  • Jolliffe IT, Cadima J 2016. Principal Component Analysis: a Review and Recent Developments. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, A 374:20150202, p 1-16.
  • Jones JW, Dayan E, Allen LH, Keulen HV, Challa H 1991. A Dynamic Tomato Growth and Yield Model (TOMGRO). American Society of Agricultural Engineers. 34(2): 663-672.
  • Kanoğlu SS, Aksoy N, Kaya A 2016. The Flora of Sülüklü Göl Around (Bolu-Adapazarı / Turkey). Journal of Vineyard-Garden Science, 3(2): 20-42.
  • Kalaji MH, Pietkiewicz S 2004. Review: Some Physiological Indices to be Exploited as a Crucial Tool in Plant Breeding. Plant Breeding and Seed Science, 49: 19-39.
  • Kurtar ES, Odabaş S 2010. Modelling of the Yield of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) Using Light Intensity, Temperature and Spad Value. Advances in Food Sciences, 32(3): 170-173.
  • Lopez-Lazaro M 2007. Digitoxin as an Anticancer agent with Selectivity for Cancer Cells: Possible Mechanisms Involved. Expert Opin Ther Targets, 11(8): 1043-53.
  • Müjdeci M, Sarıyev A, Polat, V 2005. Mathematical Modelling of Wheat Yield (Triticum aestivum L.). Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 11(4): 349-353.
  • Newman RA, Yang P, Pawlus AD, Block KI 2008. Cardiac Glycosides as Novel Cancer Therapeutic Agents. Molecular Interventions, 8(1): 36-49.
  • Penning De Vries FWT 1983. Modeling of Growth and Production. (Physiological Plant Ecology IV. Encyclopedia of Plant Physiology (New Series), Vol 12 / D. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg: Ed. Lange OL, Nobel PS, Osmond CB, Ziegler H) 117-150.
  • Perez-Bermudez P, Cornejo MJ, Segura J 1990. Digitalis spp.: In vitro Production of Haploids. (Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry, Haploids in Crop Improvement I. Berlin, Springer-Verlag, Vol. 12: Ed. Bajaj YPS) 277-288.
  • Savsatli Y 2017. Digitalis Species in Flora of Turkey and Possibilities of Utilization from These Species. 4. National Agriculture Congress, Afyon, 19-22 October, 62 p.
  • Savsatli Y, Catal MI, Seyis F 2016. Variation in Digitalis ferrugineae L. Multiplicated with Seed under the Province Rize Conditions in Turkey. VII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium “Agrosym 2016”, Jahorina, 06-09 October, p 1043-1048.
  • Sen A, Srivastava M 1990. Regression Analysis-Theory Methods and Applications. Springer-Verlag, New York inc, 365 p.
  • Yeh JY, Huang WJ, Kan SF, Wang PS 2001. Inhibitory Effects of Digitalis on the Proliferation of Androgen Dependent and Independent Prostate Cancer Cells. Journal of Urology, 166(5): 1937-1942.
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural, Veterinary and Food Sciences

Yusuf Şavşatlı 0000-0001-9246-6710

Mehmet Serhat Odabaş 0000-0002-1863-7566

Publication Date February 28, 2020
Submission Date July 8, 2019
Acceptance Date September 25, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2020Volume: 23 Issue: 1


APA Şavşatlı, Y., & Odabaş, M. S. (2020). Relationships Between Some Agronomical Traits in Genotypes of Rusty Foxglove (Digitalis ferrruginea subsp. ferruginea). Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım Ve Doğa Dergisi, 23(1), 77-82.

International Peer Reviewed Journal
Free submission and publication
Published 6 times a year


KSU Journal of Agriculture and Nature

e-ISSN: 2619-9149