Research Article
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Investigation of Uluköy and Alemsah Earth-Fill Dam(Canakkale-Turkey) Sediments in terms of Heavy

Year 2021, Volume: 24 Issue: 2, 372 - 378, 30.04.2021


Objective of this study was to determine some physico-chemical properties and heavy metal concentrations of Uluköy and Alemşah pond sediments and to evaluate them based on different ecological risk indices in Çanakkale Ezine. Within the time frame of one year (from April of 2019 to April 2020), the decided study area were constructed, samples were collected and the data analysis were performed. Texture, pH, electrical conductivity, lime and organic carbon content, heavy metal concentrations of sediment samples were determined. Pollution indices of sediment heavy metals (enrichment factor, geoaccumulation index, pollution load index) were also determined. Heavy metal enrichment factors were ordered as Cu>Pb>Zn>Mn>Cr>Ni in Uluköy dam and as Cu>Pb>Zn>Mn>Cr=Ni in Alemşah dam. In Uluköy dam, geoaccumulation index was identified as 8.55, 4.82, and 3.06 for Fe, Mn, and Cr, respectively. In Alemşah dam, however, this value was 8.72, 5.13, 3.22 and 3.12 for Fe, Mn, Cr, and Zn, respectively. Heavy metal pollution was not detected in sediment samples of both dams. It was concluded that more of monitoring and assessment studies should be recommended for effective and sustainable use of natural resources.


  • Aissaoui A, Ahmed D S A, Cherchar N, Gherib A 2017. Assessment and Biomonitoring of Aquatic Pollution by Heavy Metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb and Zn) in Hammam Grouz Dam of Mila (Algeria). International Journal of Environmental Studies 74(3): 428-442.
  • Akcay H, Oguz A, Karapire C 2003. Study of Heavy Metal Pollution and Speciation in Buyuk Menderes and Gediz River Sediments. Water Research 37: 813-822.
  • Akın BS, Kırmızıgül O 2017. Heavy Metal Contamination in Surface Sediments of Gökçekaya Dam Lake, Eskişehir, Turkey. Environmental Earth Sciences 76(11): 402. doi 10.1007/s12665-017-6744-0.
  • Aküzüm T, Öztürk F 1996. Topraksu Yapıları. Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi. Yayın No: 1448, Ankara, 521 sy.
  • Bölükbaşı V, Akın B S 2016. Agriculturally Induced Heavy Metal Accumulation in Seyfe Lake, Turkey. Bulletin Environmental of Contamination and Toxicology 96:401–407.
  • Büyükgaga İ, Taş İ 2004. Çanakkale’ nin Su Varlığı. Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Tarımsal Yapılar ve Sulama Bölümü. Lisans Bitirme Tezi. 38 sy.
  • Cymes I, Glinska-Lewczuk K, Szymczyk S, Sidoruk M, Potasznik A 2017. Distribution and Potential Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals and Arsenic in Sediments of a Dam Reservoir: A Case Study of the Łoje Retention Reservoir, NE Poland. Journal of Elementology 22(3): 843-856.
  • Çevik F, Göksu M Z L, Derici O B, Fındık Ö 2009. An Assessment of Metal Pollution in Surface Sediments of Seyhan Dam by Using Enrichment Factor, Geoaccumulation Index and Statistical Analyses. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 152: 309-317.
  • Everest T, Özcan H 2018. Toprak Verimliliğinin Değerlendirilmesinde Pedo-Jeolojik Yaklaşım. Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi 5(4): 589–603.
  • Farsani M N, Haghparast R J, Naserabad S S, Moghadas F, Bagheri T, Gerami MH 2019. Seasonal Heavy Metal Monitoring of Water, Sediment and Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio) in Aras Dam Lake of Iran. International Journal of Aquatic Biology 7(3): 123-131.
  • Fuge R 2005. Antropogenic Sources. (Essentials of Medical Geology, Impacts of the Natural Environment on Public Health, Chapter 3, Elsevier Academic Press, USA and UK: Ed. Selinus O, Alloway BJ, Centeno JA, Finkelman RB, Fuge R, Lindh U, Smedley P, 43-60.
  • Gee G W, Or D 2002. Particle-Size Analysis. Pages 255-293. in J.H. Dane, G.C. Topp, eds. Methods of soil analysis. Part 4, physical methods. SSSA Book Series 5. Madison, Wisconsin.
  • Karadede H, Ünlü E 2000. Concentrations of some heavy metals in water, sediment and fish species from the Ataturk Dam Lake (Euphrates), Turkey. Chemosphere 41: 1371-1376.
  • Keskin Ş 2012. Distribution and Accumulation of Heavy Metals in the Sediments of Akkaya Dam, Nigde, Turkey. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 184: 449-460.
  • Kucukosmanoglu A S, Filazi A 2020. Investigation of the Metal Pollution Sources in Lake Mogan, Ankara, Turkey. Biological Trace Element Research.
  • Kutlu B 2018. Dissemination of Heavy Metal Contamination in Surface Sediments of the Uzunçayır Dam Lake, Tunceli, Turkey. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 24(8): 2182-2194.
  • Kükrer S, Çakır Ç, Kaya H, Erginal AE 2019. Historical Record of Metals in Lake Küçükçekmece and Lake Terkos (Istanbul, Turkey) based on Anthropogenic Impacts and Ecological Risk Assessment. Environmental Forensics 20(4): 385-401.
  • Kükrer S, Erginal A E, Şeker S, Karabıyıkoğlu M 2015. Distribution and Environmental Risk Evaluation of Heavy Metal in Core Sediments from Lake Çıldır (NE Turkey). Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 187:453. doi 10.1007/s10661-015-4685-1
  • Liu R, Bao K, Yao S, Yang F, Wang X 2018. Ecological Risk Assessment and Distribution of Potentially Harmful Trace Elements in Lake Sediments of Songnen Plain, NE China. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 163: 117-124.
  • Loeppert R H, Suarez D L 1996. Carbonate and Gypsum. Pages 437-474.. in D.L. Sparks, ed. Methods of soil analysis. Part 3. Chemical Methods. American Society of Agronomy, Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
  • Nelson R E, Sommers L E 1996. Total Carbon, Organic Carbon and Organic Matter. Pages 961-1010. in D.L. Sparks, ed. Methods of soil analysis. Part 3. Chemical Methods. American Society of Agronomy, Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
  • Omwene P I, Öncel M S, Çelen M, Kobya M 2018. Heavy Metal Pollution and Spatial Distribution in Surface Sediments of Mustafakemalpaşa¸ Stream Located in the World's Largest Borate Basin(Turkey). Chemosphere 208: 782-792.
  • Özdemir N, Yılmaz F, Tuna A L, Demirak A 2010. Heavy Metal Concentrations in Fish (Cyprinus carpio and Carassius carassius), Sediment, and Water Found in the Geyik Dam Lake, Turkey. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 19(5): 798-804.
  • Rhoades J D 1996. Salinity: Electrical Conductivity and Total Dissolved Solids. Pages 417-436. in D.L. Sparks, ed. Methods of soil analysis. Part 3. Chemical Methods. American Society of Agronomy, Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
  • Salem Z B, Capelli N, Laffray X, Elise G, Ayadi H, Aleya L 2014. Seasonal Variation of Heavy Metals in Water, Sediment and Roach Tissues in a Landfill Draining System Pond (Etueffont, France). Ecological Engineering 69: 25-37.
  • Suresh G, Ramasamy V, Meenakshisundaram, V, Venkatachalapathy R, Ponnu- Samy V 2011. Influence of mineralogical and heavy metal composition on natural radionuclide contents in the river sediments. Applied Radiation and Isotopes 69: 1466–1474.
  • Sutherland R A 2000. Bed Sediment-Associated Trace Metals in an Urban Stream, Oahu, Hawaii. Environmental Geology 39: 611–627.
  • Thomas G W 1996. Soil pH and Soil Acidity. Pages 475-490. in D.L. Sparks, ed. Methods of soil analysis. Part 3. Chemical Methods. American Society of Agronomy, Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
  • USEPA (United States Environmental Protection Agency) 1996. Method 3050B: Acid Digestion of Sediments, Sludges, and Soils. (Revision 2).
  • Ustaoğlu F, İslam MS 2020. Potential Toxic Elements in Sediment of Some Rivers at Giresun, Northeast Turkey: A Preliminary Assessment for Ecotoxicological Status and Health Risk. Ecological Indicators 113: 106237. ecolind.2020.106237.
  • Varol M, Canpolat Ö, Eriş K K, Çağlar M 2020. Trace Metals in Core Sediments from a Deep Lake in Eastern Turkey: Vertical Concentration Profiles, Eco-Environmental Risks and Possible Sources. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 189: doi: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2019.110060
  • Wedepohl K H 1995. The Composition of the Continental Crust. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 59(7): 1217–1232.
  • Yalcin MG, Narin I, Soylak M 2008. Multivariate Analysis of Heavy Metal Contents of Sediments from Gumusler Creek, Nigde, Turkey. Environmental Geology 54: 1155-1163.
  • Zhang M, He P, Qiao G, Huang J, Yuan X, Q Li 2019. Heavy Metal Contamination Assessment of Surface Sediments of the Subei Shoal, China: Spatial Distribution, Source Apportionment and Ecological Risk. Chemosphere 223: 211-222.
  • Zhuang W, Ying S C, Frie A L, Wang Q, Song J, Liu Y, Chen Q, Lai X 2019. Distribution, Pollution Status, and Source Apportionment of Trace Metals in Lake Sediments under the Influence of the South-to-NorthWater Transfer Project, China. Science of the Total Environment 671: 108-118.

Uluköy ve Alemşah Sulama Göletleri(Çanakkale Türkiye) Sedimentlerinin Ağır Metal Kirliliği Bakımından İncelenmesi

Year 2021, Volume: 24 Issue: 2, 372 - 378, 30.04.2021


Bu çalışmada, Çanakkale Ezine’de bulunan Uluköy ve Alemşah göletleri sedimentlerinin bazı fiziko-kimyasal özelliklerinin ve ağır metal konsantrasyonlarının belirlenmesi ve farklı ekolojik risk indislerine göre değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Alanın belirlenmesi, örneklerin alınması ve analizlerin gerçekleştirilmesi (Nisan 2019-Nisan 2020) tarihleri arasında bir yıllık bir süreç içinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Sediment örneklerinde tekstür, pH, elektriksel iletkenlik, kireç, organik karbon ile ağır metal konsantrasyonları belirlenmiştir. İlaveten sedimentlerdeki ağır metallerin kirlenme indisleri de (zenginleşme faktörü, jeobirikim indeksi ve kirlilik yük indeksi) saptanmıştır. Ağır metallerin zenginleşme faktörü Uluköy sulama göletinde Cu>Pb>Zn>Mn>Cr>Ni iken Alemşah sulama göletinde ise Cu>Pb>Zn>Mn>Cr=Ni sıralamasında belirlenmiştir. Uluköy sulama göletinde jeobirikim indeksi Fe için 8.55, Mn için 4.82, Cr için 3.06; Alemşah sulama göletinde ise Fe için 8.72, Mn için 5.13, Cr için 3.22 ve Zn için 3.12 olarak saptanmıştır. Hem Uluköy hem de Alemşah sulama göletleri sedimentlerinde ağır metallerce kirlenme saptanamamıştır. Kaynakların sürdürülebilir ve etkin kullanılması için bu tür izleme ve değerlendirme çalışmalarına önem verilmesi önerilmektedir.


  • Aissaoui A, Ahmed D S A, Cherchar N, Gherib A 2017. Assessment and Biomonitoring of Aquatic Pollution by Heavy Metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb and Zn) in Hammam Grouz Dam of Mila (Algeria). International Journal of Environmental Studies 74(3): 428-442.
  • Akcay H, Oguz A, Karapire C 2003. Study of Heavy Metal Pollution and Speciation in Buyuk Menderes and Gediz River Sediments. Water Research 37: 813-822.
  • Akın BS, Kırmızıgül O 2017. Heavy Metal Contamination in Surface Sediments of Gökçekaya Dam Lake, Eskişehir, Turkey. Environmental Earth Sciences 76(11): 402. doi 10.1007/s12665-017-6744-0.
  • Aküzüm T, Öztürk F 1996. Topraksu Yapıları. Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi. Yayın No: 1448, Ankara, 521 sy.
  • Bölükbaşı V, Akın B S 2016. Agriculturally Induced Heavy Metal Accumulation in Seyfe Lake, Turkey. Bulletin Environmental of Contamination and Toxicology 96:401–407.
  • Büyükgaga İ, Taş İ 2004. Çanakkale’ nin Su Varlığı. Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Tarımsal Yapılar ve Sulama Bölümü. Lisans Bitirme Tezi. 38 sy.
  • Cymes I, Glinska-Lewczuk K, Szymczyk S, Sidoruk M, Potasznik A 2017. Distribution and Potential Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals and Arsenic in Sediments of a Dam Reservoir: A Case Study of the Łoje Retention Reservoir, NE Poland. Journal of Elementology 22(3): 843-856.
  • Çevik F, Göksu M Z L, Derici O B, Fındık Ö 2009. An Assessment of Metal Pollution in Surface Sediments of Seyhan Dam by Using Enrichment Factor, Geoaccumulation Index and Statistical Analyses. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 152: 309-317.
  • Everest T, Özcan H 2018. Toprak Verimliliğinin Değerlendirilmesinde Pedo-Jeolojik Yaklaşım. Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi 5(4): 589–603.
  • Farsani M N, Haghparast R J, Naserabad S S, Moghadas F, Bagheri T, Gerami MH 2019. Seasonal Heavy Metal Monitoring of Water, Sediment and Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio) in Aras Dam Lake of Iran. International Journal of Aquatic Biology 7(3): 123-131.
  • Fuge R 2005. Antropogenic Sources. (Essentials of Medical Geology, Impacts of the Natural Environment on Public Health, Chapter 3, Elsevier Academic Press, USA and UK: Ed. Selinus O, Alloway BJ, Centeno JA, Finkelman RB, Fuge R, Lindh U, Smedley P, 43-60.
  • Gee G W, Or D 2002. Particle-Size Analysis. Pages 255-293. in J.H. Dane, G.C. Topp, eds. Methods of soil analysis. Part 4, physical methods. SSSA Book Series 5. Madison, Wisconsin.
  • Karadede H, Ünlü E 2000. Concentrations of some heavy metals in water, sediment and fish species from the Ataturk Dam Lake (Euphrates), Turkey. Chemosphere 41: 1371-1376.
  • Keskin Ş 2012. Distribution and Accumulation of Heavy Metals in the Sediments of Akkaya Dam, Nigde, Turkey. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 184: 449-460.
  • Kucukosmanoglu A S, Filazi A 2020. Investigation of the Metal Pollution Sources in Lake Mogan, Ankara, Turkey. Biological Trace Element Research.
  • Kutlu B 2018. Dissemination of Heavy Metal Contamination in Surface Sediments of the Uzunçayır Dam Lake, Tunceli, Turkey. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 24(8): 2182-2194.
  • Kükrer S, Çakır Ç, Kaya H, Erginal AE 2019. Historical Record of Metals in Lake Küçükçekmece and Lake Terkos (Istanbul, Turkey) based on Anthropogenic Impacts and Ecological Risk Assessment. Environmental Forensics 20(4): 385-401.
  • Kükrer S, Erginal A E, Şeker S, Karabıyıkoğlu M 2015. Distribution and Environmental Risk Evaluation of Heavy Metal in Core Sediments from Lake Çıldır (NE Turkey). Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 187:453. doi 10.1007/s10661-015-4685-1
  • Liu R, Bao K, Yao S, Yang F, Wang X 2018. Ecological Risk Assessment and Distribution of Potentially Harmful Trace Elements in Lake Sediments of Songnen Plain, NE China. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 163: 117-124.
  • Loeppert R H, Suarez D L 1996. Carbonate and Gypsum. Pages 437-474.. in D.L. Sparks, ed. Methods of soil analysis. Part 3. Chemical Methods. American Society of Agronomy, Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
  • Nelson R E, Sommers L E 1996. Total Carbon, Organic Carbon and Organic Matter. Pages 961-1010. in D.L. Sparks, ed. Methods of soil analysis. Part 3. Chemical Methods. American Society of Agronomy, Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
  • Omwene P I, Öncel M S, Çelen M, Kobya M 2018. Heavy Metal Pollution and Spatial Distribution in Surface Sediments of Mustafakemalpaşa¸ Stream Located in the World's Largest Borate Basin(Turkey). Chemosphere 208: 782-792.
  • Özdemir N, Yılmaz F, Tuna A L, Demirak A 2010. Heavy Metal Concentrations in Fish (Cyprinus carpio and Carassius carassius), Sediment, and Water Found in the Geyik Dam Lake, Turkey. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 19(5): 798-804.
  • Rhoades J D 1996. Salinity: Electrical Conductivity and Total Dissolved Solids. Pages 417-436. in D.L. Sparks, ed. Methods of soil analysis. Part 3. Chemical Methods. American Society of Agronomy, Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
  • Salem Z B, Capelli N, Laffray X, Elise G, Ayadi H, Aleya L 2014. Seasonal Variation of Heavy Metals in Water, Sediment and Roach Tissues in a Landfill Draining System Pond (Etueffont, France). Ecological Engineering 69: 25-37.
  • Suresh G, Ramasamy V, Meenakshisundaram, V, Venkatachalapathy R, Ponnu- Samy V 2011. Influence of mineralogical and heavy metal composition on natural radionuclide contents in the river sediments. Applied Radiation and Isotopes 69: 1466–1474.
  • Sutherland R A 2000. Bed Sediment-Associated Trace Metals in an Urban Stream, Oahu, Hawaii. Environmental Geology 39: 611–627.
  • Thomas G W 1996. Soil pH and Soil Acidity. Pages 475-490. in D.L. Sparks, ed. Methods of soil analysis. Part 3. Chemical Methods. American Society of Agronomy, Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
  • USEPA (United States Environmental Protection Agency) 1996. Method 3050B: Acid Digestion of Sediments, Sludges, and Soils. (Revision 2).
  • Ustaoğlu F, İslam MS 2020. Potential Toxic Elements in Sediment of Some Rivers at Giresun, Northeast Turkey: A Preliminary Assessment for Ecotoxicological Status and Health Risk. Ecological Indicators 113: 106237. ecolind.2020.106237.
  • Varol M, Canpolat Ö, Eriş K K, Çağlar M 2020. Trace Metals in Core Sediments from a Deep Lake in Eastern Turkey: Vertical Concentration Profiles, Eco-Environmental Risks and Possible Sources. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 189: doi: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2019.110060
  • Wedepohl K H 1995. The Composition of the Continental Crust. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 59(7): 1217–1232.
  • Yalcin MG, Narin I, Soylak M 2008. Multivariate Analysis of Heavy Metal Contents of Sediments from Gumusler Creek, Nigde, Turkey. Environmental Geology 54: 1155-1163.
  • Zhang M, He P, Qiao G, Huang J, Yuan X, Q Li 2019. Heavy Metal Contamination Assessment of Surface Sediments of the Subei Shoal, China: Spatial Distribution, Source Apportionment and Ecological Risk. Chemosphere 223: 211-222.
  • Zhuang W, Ying S C, Frie A L, Wang Q, Song J, Liu Y, Chen Q, Lai X 2019. Distribution, Pollution Status, and Source Apportionment of Trace Metals in Lake Sediments under the Influence of the South-to-NorthWater Transfer Project, China. Science of the Total Environment 671: 108-118.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Agricultural, Veterinary and Food Sciences

Mehmet Parlak 0000-0002-4813-1152

Timuçin Everest 0000-0002-3670-2114

Tülay Tunçay 0000-0001-5398-5497

Publication Date April 30, 2021
Submission Date June 14, 2020
Acceptance Date August 17, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2021Volume: 24 Issue: 2


APA Parlak, M., Everest, T., & Tunçay, T. (2021). Uluköy ve Alemşah Sulama Göletleri(Çanakkale Türkiye) Sedimentlerinin Ağır Metal Kirliliği Bakımından İncelenmesi. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım Ve Doğa Dergisi, 24(2), 372-378.

International Peer Reviewed Journal
Free submission and publication
Published 6 times a year


KSU Journal of Agriculture and Nature

e-ISSN: 2619-9149