Research Article
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Forecasting of Potato Late Blight Disease Using Alternative Sets of Meteorological Data and Disease Epidemiyology

Year 2021, Volume: 24 Issue: 6, 1213 - 1220, 31.12.2021


Phytophthora infestans (Mont) de Bary, the causal agent of late blight of potato is one of the most important plant pathogens. The disease can occur in a wide variety of weather conditions and can be very devastating if no controlled. To reduce yield losses, different protective measures are used, including fungicide treatment. Uncontrolled and numerous fungicide applications cause environmental pollution. Accordingly, crop protection strategies optimizing the number of treatments are of great interest. Prediction of potato late blight epidemics, was studied in two different locations of Adana. Meteorological data (hourly) were recorded by an iMETOS® automatic weather station installed in the field and were compared with regional station Winstel, Blite Cast and Ullrich Schrodter models. Three disease warning models were compared to forecast the development of potato late blight in Adana between 2013 and 2014 first time. In the Çukurova region, the Winstel model yielded more accurate results in predicting infection conditions compared to the other two models. Studies provided that, the conditions of potato late blight disease formation in the region were determined and the use of the Winstel early warning system in accordance with the regional conditions and biotechnical methods which will be alternative to chemical control were provided by the regional farmers.

Supporting Institution


Project Number



This study is a part of the project fully supported by the Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) with project number, TOVAG-112O112. The author is thankful to colleague Prof Dr. Canan Can.


  • Agrios G 1997. Plant Pathology 4th ed. Academic Pres, Inc. San Diego, CA, 656 sy.
  • Baykal N 1995. Fitopatoloji, UludağÜniversitesi Basımevi, Bursa 47-49.
  • Boonekamp PM 2005. The Netherlands Umbrella Plan Phytophthora in (inter)national perspective. In: Haverkort AJ, Struik PC (eds) Potato in progress: science meets practice. Wageningen Academic, Wageningen 282-289.
  • Erdiller G 1992. Bitki Hastalıkları Epidemiyolojisi. Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları: 1258, Ders Kitabı: 361, Ankara 264 sy.
  • Fry WE, Apple AE, Bruhn JA 1983. Evaluation of potato late blight forecasts modified to incorporate host resistance and fungicide weathering. Phytopathology 73:1054-1059.
  • Gunacti H, Ay T, Can C 2016. Çukurova'da Patates Mildiyösü Erken Uyarı Sisteminin Oluşturulması ve Phytophthora infestans Populasyonunun Moleküler ve Biyokimyasal Karakterizasyonu. Tübitak Projesi 1120112: Sonuç Raporu 69 sy.
  • Gunacti H, Ay T, Can C 2019. Genotypic and phenotypic characterization of Phytophthora infestans populations from potato in Turkey. Phytoparasitica 47:429–439.
  • Hansen JG 1993. The use of meteorological data for potato late blight forecasting in Denmark. Workshop on computer-based DSS on crop protection. Parma, Italy. In: SP report no. 7:183-192.
  • Hansen JG, Andersson B 1996. Development and practical implementation of a system for potato late blight forecasting in potatoes. In: International Symposium on Applied Agrometeorology and Agroclimatology. European Commission. Cost 77, 79, 711. (Eds. Dalezios, N.R) 251-258.
  • Hansen JG, Colon LT, Cooke DEL, Lassen P, Nielsen B, Cooke LR, Andrivon D, Lees AK 2007. Eucablight – collating and analysing pathogenicity and resistance data on a European scale. EPPO Bulletin 37: 383–390.
  • Hansen JG, Kleinhenz B, Jorg E, Wander JGN, Spits HG, Dowley LJ, Rauscher E, Michelante D, Dubois L, Steenblock T 2002. Results of validation trials of Phytophthora DSS s in Europe, 2001. Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop of an European Network for development of an Integrated Control Strategy of potato late blight, Edinburgh, Scotland, 26-30 September 2001. PPO-Special Report no. 8, 231 – 242.
  • Harrison JG, Lowe R 1989. Effect of humidity and air speed on sporulation of Phytophthora infestans on potato leaves. Plant Pathology 38: 585-591.
  • Harrison JG 1992. Effects of the aerial environment on late blight of potato foliage. Plant pathology 41:384-416.
  • Harrison JG 1995. Factors involved in the development of potato late blight diseases (Phytophthorainfestans). in Potato Ecolgy and Modelling of Crops Under Conditions Limiting Growth. eds AJ Haverkort and DKL McKerron. Kluwer Acsdemic Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands 215-236.
  • Hensen JE, Andersson B, Hermansen A 1995. NEGFRY-A system for scheduling chemical control of late blight in potatoes. . In: Phytophthorainfestans 150: (L.J. Dowley et al editors). Boole Press, Ltd. Dublin. 382, 201-208.
  • Hyre RA 1954. Progress in forecasting late blight of potato and tomato. Plant Disease reporter 38:245-253.
  • Krause RA, Massie LB Hyre RA 1975. Blitecast a computerized forecast of potato late blight. Plant Disease Reporter 59:95-98. McCown RL 2002. Locating agricultural decisions support systems in the troubled past and sociotechnical complexity of models for management. Agric. Sys. 74:11–25
  • McLoad A, Denman S, Sadie A, Denner FDN 2001. Characterization of South African isolates of Phytophthora infestans. Plant Disease 85:287-291.
  • Sato N, 1994. Effect of sporulating temperature on the limit temperature in indirect germination of the sporangia of Phytophthora infestans. Ann. Phytopath. Soc. Japan. 60: 60-65.
  • Schepers HTAM, Spits HG 2006. The development and control of Phytophthora infestans in Europe in 2004–2005. In: Westerdijk CE, Schepers HTAM (eds) Proceedings of the ninth workshop of an European network for development of an integrated control strategy of potato late blight. PPO special report no 11: 11–22.

Patates Mildiyösü Hastalığının Epidemiyolojisi ve Hastalık Tahmininde Farklı Meteorolojik Sistemlerin Kullanım Olanakları

Year 2021, Volume: 24 Issue: 6, 1213 - 1220, 31.12.2021


ÖZET: Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) De Bary'ın neden olduğu Patates Mildiyö Hastalığı tüm dünyada ürün kayıplarına neden olan önemli bir hastalıktır. Hastalık, çok çeşitli iklim koşullarında ortaya çıkabilir ve kontrol edilemezse bitkinin tamamen kuruması ve tüm yapraklarının dökülmesine neden olur. Bölgede hastalıkla mücadelede ürün kayıplarını en aza indirmek için fungusit uygulamaları dahil olmak üzere çeşitli koruyucu önlemler kullanılmaktadır. Fungusitlerin kontrolsüz ve çok sayıda uygulanması çevre kirliliğine neden olmaktadır. Bu nedenle ilaçlama sayısını optimize eden bitki koruma stratejileri büyük ilgi görmektedir. Çalışmalar, 2013 ve 2014 yıllarında, iklim verilerini değerlendirerek bölge koşullarında en doğru enfeksiyon tahminine olanak veren erken uyarı modelinin belirlenmesi amacıyla yürütülmüştür. Bu amaçla yaprak ıslaklık süresi hava sıcaklığı, yağış ve nispi nem değerleri anlık olarak ölçülmüştür. Patates mildiyösü hastalığının tahmin çalışmaları, Adana ilinde ticari patates yetiştiriciliğin yoğun olarak yapıldığı 2 farklı alanda iMETOS® elektronik iklim istasyonunun bulunduğu tarlalarda yürütülmüştür. Bölgede ilk defa yapılan bu çalışma kapsamında Ullrich Schrodter, Winstel ve Blitecast modelleri karşılaştırılmalı olarak uygulanarak bölge koşullarında en doğru enfeksiyon tahminine olanak veren erken uyarı modeli belirlenmiştir. Çukurova bölgesinde Winstel modelinin diğer iki modele gore en iyi sonuç gösterdiği tespit edilmiştir

Project Number



  • Agrios G 1997. Plant Pathology 4th ed. Academic Pres, Inc. San Diego, CA, 656 sy.
  • Baykal N 1995. Fitopatoloji, UludağÜniversitesi Basımevi, Bursa 47-49.
  • Boonekamp PM 2005. The Netherlands Umbrella Plan Phytophthora in (inter)national perspective. In: Haverkort AJ, Struik PC (eds) Potato in progress: science meets practice. Wageningen Academic, Wageningen 282-289.
  • Erdiller G 1992. Bitki Hastalıkları Epidemiyolojisi. Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları: 1258, Ders Kitabı: 361, Ankara 264 sy.
  • Fry WE, Apple AE, Bruhn JA 1983. Evaluation of potato late blight forecasts modified to incorporate host resistance and fungicide weathering. Phytopathology 73:1054-1059.
  • Gunacti H, Ay T, Can C 2016. Çukurova'da Patates Mildiyösü Erken Uyarı Sisteminin Oluşturulması ve Phytophthora infestans Populasyonunun Moleküler ve Biyokimyasal Karakterizasyonu. Tübitak Projesi 1120112: Sonuç Raporu 69 sy.
  • Gunacti H, Ay T, Can C 2019. Genotypic and phenotypic characterization of Phytophthora infestans populations from potato in Turkey. Phytoparasitica 47:429–439.
  • Hansen JG 1993. The use of meteorological data for potato late blight forecasting in Denmark. Workshop on computer-based DSS on crop protection. Parma, Italy. In: SP report no. 7:183-192.
  • Hansen JG, Andersson B 1996. Development and practical implementation of a system for potato late blight forecasting in potatoes. In: International Symposium on Applied Agrometeorology and Agroclimatology. European Commission. Cost 77, 79, 711. (Eds. Dalezios, N.R) 251-258.
  • Hansen JG, Colon LT, Cooke DEL, Lassen P, Nielsen B, Cooke LR, Andrivon D, Lees AK 2007. Eucablight – collating and analysing pathogenicity and resistance data on a European scale. EPPO Bulletin 37: 383–390.
  • Hansen JG, Kleinhenz B, Jorg E, Wander JGN, Spits HG, Dowley LJ, Rauscher E, Michelante D, Dubois L, Steenblock T 2002. Results of validation trials of Phytophthora DSS s in Europe, 2001. Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop of an European Network for development of an Integrated Control Strategy of potato late blight, Edinburgh, Scotland, 26-30 September 2001. PPO-Special Report no. 8, 231 – 242.
  • Harrison JG, Lowe R 1989. Effect of humidity and air speed on sporulation of Phytophthora infestans on potato leaves. Plant Pathology 38: 585-591.
  • Harrison JG 1992. Effects of the aerial environment on late blight of potato foliage. Plant pathology 41:384-416.
  • Harrison JG 1995. Factors involved in the development of potato late blight diseases (Phytophthorainfestans). in Potato Ecolgy and Modelling of Crops Under Conditions Limiting Growth. eds AJ Haverkort and DKL McKerron. Kluwer Acsdemic Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands 215-236.
  • Hensen JE, Andersson B, Hermansen A 1995. NEGFRY-A system for scheduling chemical control of late blight in potatoes. . In: Phytophthorainfestans 150: (L.J. Dowley et al editors). Boole Press, Ltd. Dublin. 382, 201-208.
  • Hyre RA 1954. Progress in forecasting late blight of potato and tomato. Plant Disease reporter 38:245-253.
  • Krause RA, Massie LB Hyre RA 1975. Blitecast a computerized forecast of potato late blight. Plant Disease Reporter 59:95-98. McCown RL 2002. Locating agricultural decisions support systems in the troubled past and sociotechnical complexity of models for management. Agric. Sys. 74:11–25
  • McLoad A, Denman S, Sadie A, Denner FDN 2001. Characterization of South African isolates of Phytophthora infestans. Plant Disease 85:287-291.
  • Sato N, 1994. Effect of sporulating temperature on the limit temperature in indirect germination of the sporangia of Phytophthora infestans. Ann. Phytopath. Soc. Japan. 60: 60-65.
  • Schepers HTAM, Spits HG 2006. The development and control of Phytophthora infestans in Europe in 2004–2005. In: Westerdijk CE, Schepers HTAM (eds) Proceedings of the ninth workshop of an European network for development of an integrated control strategy of potato late blight. PPO special report no 11: 11–22.
There are 20 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural, Veterinary and Food Sciences

Hale Günaçtı 0000-0002-5587-1845

Tahsin Ay 0000-0002-8158-7880

Project Number 1120112
Publication Date December 31, 2021
Submission Date January 18, 2021
Acceptance Date March 11, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021Volume: 24 Issue: 6


APA Günaçtı, H., & Ay, T. (2021). Forecasting of Potato Late Blight Disease Using Alternative Sets of Meteorological Data and Disease Epidemiyology. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım Ve Doğa Dergisi, 24(6), 1213-1220.

Cited By

Postharvest Losses in Onion: Causes and Determinants
Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi

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KSU Journal of Agriculture and Nature

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