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Tüketicilerin Mahreç İşaretli Gümüşhane Ev Tipi Dut Ürünleri Satın Alma Motivasyonu: Gümüşhane Örneği

Year 2022, Volume: 25 Issue: Ek Sayı 1, 242 - 250, 30.12.2022


Bu çalışmanın amacı, Gümüşhane’de ikamet eden tüketicilerin geleneksel yöntemlerle işlenmiş mahreç işaretli Gümüşhane ev tipi dut ürünlerini satın alması üzerinde etkili olan motivasyon faktörlerini ortaya koymak ve her bir kitle için müşteri odaklı pazarlama stratejilerini belirlemektir. Çalışmada kullanılan veriler, Basit Tesadüfi Örnekleme Yöntemi ile 2017 yılında Gümüşhane İlinde bu ürünleri tüketen 300 hane halkı ile yapılan anket çalışmasından elde edilmiştir. Elde edilen veriler, tüketim motivasyon faktörlerini belirlemek için Temel Bileşenler Analizi ve homojen tüketici gruplarını oluşturmak için de K-Ortalamalar Küme Analizinde kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonuçları; mahreç işaretli Gümüşhane ev tipi dut ürünlerini yoğun düzeyde tüketen kullanıcıların satın alma memnuniyeti üzerinde kültürel entegrasyon ve sosyal çevrenin etkisi altında yüksek besin değerli beğenmeli mamullere ulaşımı temel alan hedonik ve faydacı motivasyon faktörlerinin önemine vurgu yapmıştır. Benzer şekilde, ılımlı düzeyde tüketen tüketicilerin tüketim motivasyonu üzerinde pozitif sağlık güdüsü altında yüksek besin değerli doğal yerel ürünlere doğrudan pazarlama yaklaşımı ile bölgesel kalkınmaya katkı sunan faydacı ve hedonik motivasyon faktörleri etkili olmuştur. Diğer taraftan düşük düzeyde dut ürünleri tüketen kullanıcılar, sosyal entegrasyon altında tamamlayıcılık niteliği arz eden beğenmeli doğal yerel ürünlere ulaşım için doğrudan pazarlama yaklaşımıyla bölgesel kalkınmaya katkı sunmak için hedonik motif faktörleri üzerine odaklanmışlardır. Sonuç olarak, her bir tüketici kitlesi için hedonik ve faydacı motivasyon odaklı pazarlama stratejilerinin uygulanması hem tüketicilerin tüketim memnuniyetlerini hem de arz edenlerin kazançlarını maksimum kılabilir.

Supporting Institution

Atatürk Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinatörlüğü

Project Number



  • Andini MK, Famiola M 2019. Understanding Consumer’s Behavior and Customer Segmentation of Homemade and Ready-to-drink Products. Proceeding of the 4th ICMEM 2019 and the 11th IICIES 2019, 7-9 August, Bali, Indonesia.
  • Anonim 2014. Ulusal Coğrafi Işaret Strateji Belgesi ve Eylem Plani (2015-2018). Türk Patent Enstitüsü Yayın Kurulu, Haziran 2015, Anakara.
  • ATO 2021. Coğrafi İşaretli Ürünler. Ankara Ticaret Odası, Arkadaş Basım San. Ltd. Şti. Ankara.
  • Baran D, Topcu Y 2018. Coğrafi Işaretli Erzurum Küflü Peynir Tüketim Tercihlerine Dayalı Pazarlama Taktik ve Stratejileri. KSÜ Tarım ve Doğa Derg 21(2): 191-202.
  • Bursal M 2019. SPSS ile Temel Veri Analizleri (İkinci Baskı). Anıl Yayıncılık, Ankara,135 sy.
  • Cassago AL, Artencio MM, Giraldi JME, Costa FB 2021. Metabolomics as a Marketing Tool for Geographical Indication Products: A Literature Review. Europ Food Res Tech 247: 2143-2159.
  • Cavalla C, Sacchi G, Carfora V 2020. Resilience Effects in Food Consumption Behavior at the Time of Covid-19: Perspectives from Italy. Heliyon 6: e05676.
  • Devia G, Forli S, Vidal L, Curutchet MR, Ares G 2021. References to Homemade and Natural Foods on the Labels of Ultra-processed Products Increase Healthfulness Perception and Purchase Intention: Insights for Policy Making. Food Qual Pref 88: 104110.
  • Giovannucci D, Josling T, Kerr W, Connor B, Yeung MT 2009. Guide to Geographical Indications: ITC, Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Graham T, Abrahamse W 2017. Communicating the Climate Impacts of Meat Consumption: the Effect of Values and Message Framing. Global Env Chang 44: 98-108.
  • Gujarati DN, Porter DC 2020. Temel Ekonometri (Beşinci Basım). Literatür Yayıncılık, İstanbul, 135 sy.
  • Haas R, Canavari M, Slee B, Tong C, Anurugsa B 2010. Looking East, Loking West: Organic and Quality Food Marketing in Asia and Europe. Wageningen Academic Publisheers, the Netherlands, 135 pg.
  • Hlee S, Yang SB, Koo C 2019. The Moderating Effect of Restaurant Type on Hedonic versus Utilitarian Review Evaluations. Inter Hospit Manag 77: 195-206.
  • Honkanen P, Frewer L 2009. Russian Consumers’ Motives for Food Choice. Appetite 52: 363-371. Irkın H 2013. Gümüşhane'de Pestil ve Köme Sektörünün Analizi. https://www.haberler.com/gumushane-de-pestil-kome-sektorunun-analizi (Alınma tarihi: 15.10.2017).
  • Kalkışım Ö, Onaran A, Azeri FN, Turan A 2011. Gümüşhane İli ve İlçelerinde Meyveciliğin Genel Durumu ve Çiftçi Uygulamaları Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Güfbeed 1(2): 123-134.
  • Kanematsu LRA, Müller J, Scapin T, Fabri RK, Colussi CF, Bernardo LC, Fernandes AC, Proenca RPC, Uggioni PL 2020. Do Foods Products Labeled “Homemade” Contain Fewer Additives? Brazilian Survey. Food Prod Mark 26 (7): 486-498.
  • Kara Ö, Akyüz A 2016. Gümüşhane Örnekleminde Pestil ve Köme Markalarının Algısal Konumlarının Çok Boyutlu Ölçekleme Analizi ile Belirlenmesi. Gümüşhane Üniv Sosyal Bilim Ens Derg 7(16): 41-52.
  • Karagöz Y 2019. Scientific Research Methods: SPSS and AMOS Applications. Nobel Yayın, Ankara,1336 sy.
  • Lee H, Chang C, Chen Y, Huang Y 2018. The Spell of Cuteness in Food Consumption? It Depends on Food Type and Consumption Motivation. Food Qual & Pref. 65: 110-117.
  • Li S, Kallas Z, Rahmani D 2022. Did the Covid-19 Lockdown Affect Consumers’ Sustainable Behavior in Food Purchasing and Consumption in China? Food Cont 132: 108352.
  • Li J, Abbasi A, Cheema A, Abraham LB 2020. Path to Purpose? How Online Customer Journeys Differ for Hedonic versus Utilitarian Purchases. J Mark 84(4): 127-146.
  • Martinez UJ, Mediano J, Rodriguez AL 2021. The Impact of the Covid-19 Crisis on Consumer Purchasing Motivation and Behavior. Europ Res Manag Bus Econ 27(3): 1-18.
  • Marty L, Guillain B, Labesse M, Nicklaus S 2021. Food Choice Motives and the Nutritional Quality of Diet during the Covid-19 Lockdown in France. Appetite 157: 105005.
  • Özbek A 2010. Gümüşhane Ilinde Pestil ve Köme Üretim ve Ticaretinin Ekonomik Analizi. GOP Üniv Sosyal Bilimler Enst İktisat ABD, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 130 sy.
  • Pettinger C, Holdworth M, Gerber M 2004. Psycho-social Influences on Food Choice in Southern France and Central England. Appetite 42: 307-316.
  • Picot-Coupey K, Krey N, Huré E, Ackermann CL 2021. Still Work and/or Fun? Corroboration of the Hedonic and Utilitarian Shopping Value Scale. Business Res 126: 578-590.
  • Rahman LF, Alam L, Marufuzzaman M, Sumaila UR 2021. Traceability of Sustainability and Safety in Fishery SCM Systems Using Radio Frequency Identification Technology. Foods 10: 2265.
  • Rana J, Paul J 2017. Consumer Behavior and Purchase Intention for Organic Food: A Review and Research Agenda. Retail Cons Serv 38: 157-165.
  • Ritchie H, Reay DS, Higgins P 2018. The Impact of Global Dietary Guidelines on Climate Change. Glob Env Chan 49: 46–55.
  • Røed M, Vik FN, Hillesund ER, Lippevelde W, Øverby NC 2020. Associations between Parental Food Choice Motives, Health-Promoting Feeding Practices, and Infants’ Fruit and Vegetable Intakes: the Food4toddlers Study. Food Nut Res 64: 3730.
  • Sadler CR, Grassby T, Hart K, Raats M, Sokolovic M, Timotijevic L 2021. Processed Food Classification: Conceptualization and Challenges. Trend Food Sci Tech 112: 149-162.
  • Sanchez-Bravo PS, Chanbers E, Artiaga L, Lluch D, Chambers E, Barrachina AA, Sendra E 2020. Consumers’ Attitude towards the Sustainability of Different Food Categories. Foods 9: 1608.
  • Skalkos D, Kosma IS, Vasiliou A, Guine RPF 2021. Consumers’ Trust in Greek Traditional Food in the post Covid-19 Era. Sustainability 13: 9975.
  • SPSS 20.0 2020. SPSS Base 15 User’s Guide. IL, Chicago.
  • Topcu Y 2012. The Integrated Marketing Approach as a Rural Development Tool. In. R.S. Adisa (Ed.), Rural Development-contemporary Issue and Practices, InTech-Open Access Publisher, Croatia, 257-282.
  • Topcu Y 2019. Determining Product Profiles Based on Consumers’ Consumption Satisfaction towards Drinking Milk with the Region of Origin: Case of Igdır Province. Anadolu Tarım Bilim Derg 34(3): 268-278.
  • TUİK 2017. Türkiye Nüfus İstatistikleri. http://www.tuik.gov.tr (Alınma tarihi: 10.08.2017).
  • TPE 2017. Coğrafi İşaretli Ürünler, Türk Patent Enstitüsü. http://www.tpe.gov.tr (Alınma tarihi: 25.10.2017). Xie X, Cai X, Zhu H, Li J 2021. Motivation-based Segmentation of Game Meat Consumers: A Look at the Beliefs of Food Consumers during the Covid-19 Crisis in China. Vet Med Sci 7: 1980-1988.

Consumers’ Purchase Motivations Towards Gümüşhane Homemade Type Mulberry Products With Protected Geographical Indication (PGI): Case of Gümüşhane

Year 2022, Volume: 25 Issue: Ek Sayı 1, 242 - 250, 30.12.2022


The aim of the study was to explate the motivation factors influesing on purchse of Gümüşhane homemade type mulberry products with Protect ed Geographical Indication (PGI) processed by traditional methods of the consumers residing in Gümüşhane, and to determine the customer-oriented marketing strategies for each consumer mass. The data of the study were obtained from the survey conducted through the simple random sampling method in 2017 with 300 households consumed these products in Gümüşhane. The data were used in Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to determine the motivation factors affecting their consumption preferences, and in K-means Cluster Analysis to create homogeneous consumer segments. The results of the study highlighted that utilitarian and hedonic motivation factors based on accessing to shopping products with high nutritional value under cultural entegration and social enviromental impacts were of a higher effect on consumption satisfaction of heavy users puchasing Gumushane homemade type mulberry products with PGI. Similarly, utilitarian and hedonic motivation factors contributing to regional development with a direct marketing approach to natural local products with high nutritional value under positive health motive were effective on moderate users’ consumption motivation. On the other hand, light users focused on hedonic motivation factors contributing to regional development with a direct marketing approach for accessing to shopping natural local products with complementary attribute under social integration. Consequently, the implementation of hedonic and utilitarian motivation-oriented marketing strategies for each consumer mass could maximize both consumers’ consumption satisfaction and food supplers’ benefit.

Project Number



  • Andini MK, Famiola M 2019. Understanding Consumer’s Behavior and Customer Segmentation of Homemade and Ready-to-drink Products. Proceeding of the 4th ICMEM 2019 and the 11th IICIES 2019, 7-9 August, Bali, Indonesia.
  • Anonim 2014. Ulusal Coğrafi Işaret Strateji Belgesi ve Eylem Plani (2015-2018). Türk Patent Enstitüsü Yayın Kurulu, Haziran 2015, Anakara.
  • ATO 2021. Coğrafi İşaretli Ürünler. Ankara Ticaret Odası, Arkadaş Basım San. Ltd. Şti. Ankara.
  • Baran D, Topcu Y 2018. Coğrafi Işaretli Erzurum Küflü Peynir Tüketim Tercihlerine Dayalı Pazarlama Taktik ve Stratejileri. KSÜ Tarım ve Doğa Derg 21(2): 191-202.
  • Bursal M 2019. SPSS ile Temel Veri Analizleri (İkinci Baskı). Anıl Yayıncılık, Ankara,135 sy.
  • Cassago AL, Artencio MM, Giraldi JME, Costa FB 2021. Metabolomics as a Marketing Tool for Geographical Indication Products: A Literature Review. Europ Food Res Tech 247: 2143-2159.
  • Cavalla C, Sacchi G, Carfora V 2020. Resilience Effects in Food Consumption Behavior at the Time of Covid-19: Perspectives from Italy. Heliyon 6: e05676.
  • Devia G, Forli S, Vidal L, Curutchet MR, Ares G 2021. References to Homemade and Natural Foods on the Labels of Ultra-processed Products Increase Healthfulness Perception and Purchase Intention: Insights for Policy Making. Food Qual Pref 88: 104110.
  • Giovannucci D, Josling T, Kerr W, Connor B, Yeung MT 2009. Guide to Geographical Indications: ITC, Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Graham T, Abrahamse W 2017. Communicating the Climate Impacts of Meat Consumption: the Effect of Values and Message Framing. Global Env Chang 44: 98-108.
  • Gujarati DN, Porter DC 2020. Temel Ekonometri (Beşinci Basım). Literatür Yayıncılık, İstanbul, 135 sy.
  • Haas R, Canavari M, Slee B, Tong C, Anurugsa B 2010. Looking East, Loking West: Organic and Quality Food Marketing in Asia and Europe. Wageningen Academic Publisheers, the Netherlands, 135 pg.
  • Hlee S, Yang SB, Koo C 2019. The Moderating Effect of Restaurant Type on Hedonic versus Utilitarian Review Evaluations. Inter Hospit Manag 77: 195-206.
  • Honkanen P, Frewer L 2009. Russian Consumers’ Motives for Food Choice. Appetite 52: 363-371. Irkın H 2013. Gümüşhane'de Pestil ve Köme Sektörünün Analizi. https://www.haberler.com/gumushane-de-pestil-kome-sektorunun-analizi (Alınma tarihi: 15.10.2017).
  • Kalkışım Ö, Onaran A, Azeri FN, Turan A 2011. Gümüşhane İli ve İlçelerinde Meyveciliğin Genel Durumu ve Çiftçi Uygulamaları Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Güfbeed 1(2): 123-134.
  • Kanematsu LRA, Müller J, Scapin T, Fabri RK, Colussi CF, Bernardo LC, Fernandes AC, Proenca RPC, Uggioni PL 2020. Do Foods Products Labeled “Homemade” Contain Fewer Additives? Brazilian Survey. Food Prod Mark 26 (7): 486-498.
  • Kara Ö, Akyüz A 2016. Gümüşhane Örnekleminde Pestil ve Köme Markalarının Algısal Konumlarının Çok Boyutlu Ölçekleme Analizi ile Belirlenmesi. Gümüşhane Üniv Sosyal Bilim Ens Derg 7(16): 41-52.
  • Karagöz Y 2019. Scientific Research Methods: SPSS and AMOS Applications. Nobel Yayın, Ankara,1336 sy.
  • Lee H, Chang C, Chen Y, Huang Y 2018. The Spell of Cuteness in Food Consumption? It Depends on Food Type and Consumption Motivation. Food Qual & Pref. 65: 110-117.
  • Li S, Kallas Z, Rahmani D 2022. Did the Covid-19 Lockdown Affect Consumers’ Sustainable Behavior in Food Purchasing and Consumption in China? Food Cont 132: 108352.
  • Li J, Abbasi A, Cheema A, Abraham LB 2020. Path to Purpose? How Online Customer Journeys Differ for Hedonic versus Utilitarian Purchases. J Mark 84(4): 127-146.
  • Martinez UJ, Mediano J, Rodriguez AL 2021. The Impact of the Covid-19 Crisis on Consumer Purchasing Motivation and Behavior. Europ Res Manag Bus Econ 27(3): 1-18.
  • Marty L, Guillain B, Labesse M, Nicklaus S 2021. Food Choice Motives and the Nutritional Quality of Diet during the Covid-19 Lockdown in France. Appetite 157: 105005.
  • Özbek A 2010. Gümüşhane Ilinde Pestil ve Köme Üretim ve Ticaretinin Ekonomik Analizi. GOP Üniv Sosyal Bilimler Enst İktisat ABD, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 130 sy.
  • Pettinger C, Holdworth M, Gerber M 2004. Psycho-social Influences on Food Choice in Southern France and Central England. Appetite 42: 307-316.
  • Picot-Coupey K, Krey N, Huré E, Ackermann CL 2021. Still Work and/or Fun? Corroboration of the Hedonic and Utilitarian Shopping Value Scale. Business Res 126: 578-590.
  • Rahman LF, Alam L, Marufuzzaman M, Sumaila UR 2021. Traceability of Sustainability and Safety in Fishery SCM Systems Using Radio Frequency Identification Technology. Foods 10: 2265.
  • Rana J, Paul J 2017. Consumer Behavior and Purchase Intention for Organic Food: A Review and Research Agenda. Retail Cons Serv 38: 157-165.
  • Ritchie H, Reay DS, Higgins P 2018. The Impact of Global Dietary Guidelines on Climate Change. Glob Env Chan 49: 46–55.
  • Røed M, Vik FN, Hillesund ER, Lippevelde W, Øverby NC 2020. Associations between Parental Food Choice Motives, Health-Promoting Feeding Practices, and Infants’ Fruit and Vegetable Intakes: the Food4toddlers Study. Food Nut Res 64: 3730.
  • Sadler CR, Grassby T, Hart K, Raats M, Sokolovic M, Timotijevic L 2021. Processed Food Classification: Conceptualization and Challenges. Trend Food Sci Tech 112: 149-162.
  • Sanchez-Bravo PS, Chanbers E, Artiaga L, Lluch D, Chambers E, Barrachina AA, Sendra E 2020. Consumers’ Attitude towards the Sustainability of Different Food Categories. Foods 9: 1608.
  • Skalkos D, Kosma IS, Vasiliou A, Guine RPF 2021. Consumers’ Trust in Greek Traditional Food in the post Covid-19 Era. Sustainability 13: 9975.
  • SPSS 20.0 2020. SPSS Base 15 User’s Guide. IL, Chicago.
  • Topcu Y 2012. The Integrated Marketing Approach as a Rural Development Tool. In. R.S. Adisa (Ed.), Rural Development-contemporary Issue and Practices, InTech-Open Access Publisher, Croatia, 257-282.
  • Topcu Y 2019. Determining Product Profiles Based on Consumers’ Consumption Satisfaction towards Drinking Milk with the Region of Origin: Case of Igdır Province. Anadolu Tarım Bilim Derg 34(3): 268-278.
  • TUİK 2017. Türkiye Nüfus İstatistikleri. http://www.tuik.gov.tr (Alınma tarihi: 10.08.2017).
  • TPE 2017. Coğrafi İşaretli Ürünler, Türk Patent Enstitüsü. http://www.tpe.gov.tr (Alınma tarihi: 25.10.2017). Xie X, Cai X, Zhu H, Li J 2021. Motivation-based Segmentation of Game Meat Consumers: A Look at the Beliefs of Food Consumers during the Covid-19 Crisis in China. Vet Med Sci 7: 1980-1988.
There are 38 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Agricultural, Veterinary and Food Sciences

Yavuz Topcu 0000-0002-2260-3465

Mustafa Çavdar 0000-0002-6905-0773

Project Number BAP-2013/150
Publication Date December 30, 2022
Submission Date December 22, 2021
Acceptance Date June 23, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022Volume: 25 Issue: Ek Sayı 1


APA Topcu, Y., & Çavdar, M. (2022). Tüketicilerin Mahreç İşaretli Gümüşhane Ev Tipi Dut Ürünleri Satın Alma Motivasyonu: Gümüşhane Örneği. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım Ve Doğa Dergisi, 25(Ek Sayı 1), 242-250. https://doi.org/10.18016/ksutarimdoga.vi.1040076

International Peer Reviewed Journal
Free submission and publication
Published 6 times a year


KSU Journal of Agriculture and Nature

e-ISSN: 2619-9149