Research Article
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Comparison of Morphometric Traits of Pecan Cultivars

Year 2022, Volume: 25 Issue: Ek Sayı 2, 421 - 429, 30.12.2022


Pecan is a major horticultural nut tree that originated in North America and, in Turkey, it is generally cultivated in the Aegean and Mediterranean regions. In this study, morphometric traits of twenty-one cultivars grown under equal ecological conditions in the Southeastern region of Turkey were determined. In addition, a multivariate analysis was performed on morphometric traits for determining suitable cultivars that show the best performance in these ecological conditions. The nut weight ranged from 3.66 g for ‘Cherokee’ to 10.35 g for the ‘Shoshoni’ cultivar. The ‘Choctaw’ had the highest kernel weight and kernel ratio ranging from 5.63 g to 58.60%. While the ‘Cherokee’ had the lowest ranging from 0.91 g to 22.84 g, respectively. A significant positive correlation between nut weight and kernel ratio was determined. The kernel weight was also highly correlated with nut weight and height. The use of clustering analysis according to Ward’s method allowed the establishment of relationships between pecan cultivars by separating them into four main clusters. Also, these results were supported by principal component analysis, and ‘Big Z’ and ‘Ideal’ cultivars were determined to be the closest cultivars. Results showed that there are quantitative differences regarding the genetic property of pecan cultivars and more than half of the examined cultivars showed a good performance in terms of nut quality criteria that are crucial in marketing. Furthermore, the multivariate analysis was effective in the differentiation of pecan cultivars and it has been evaluated that it can be used successfully in future studies.


  • Badyal JM, Upadhayay SK 2004. Evaluation of various cultivars of pecan under the subtropical climate of India. Acta Hortic, 662:167-169.
  • Başak İ, Özer G, Muradoğlu F 2022. Morphometric traits and iPBS based molecular characterizations of walnut (Juglans regia L) genotypes. Genet Resour Crop Evol.
  • Binici Akkuş S, Muradoglu F, Ak BE, Akkus G 2020. Determination of pomological and biochemical features of some pecan nut cultivars which are grown in the Southeastern Anatolia region. Acta Hortic, 1299:295-300.
  • Corona P, Frangipane MT, Moscetti R, Lo Feudo G, Castellotti T, Massantini R 2012. Chestnut cultivar identification through the data fusion of sensory quality and FT-NIR spectral data. Foods 10:2575.
  • Curiel-Maciel NF, Arreola-Ávila JG, Esparza-Rivera JR, Luna-Zapién EA, Minjares-Fuentes JR, Sierra-Campos E, Meza-Velázquez JA 2021. Nutritional quality, fatty acids content and antioxidant capacity of pecan nut fruits from Criolla and Improved walnut varieties. Not Bot Horti Agrobot Cluj-Napoca, 49(2):12021.
  • Dolgun O, Tekintaş FE, Bayram S, Kurtaslan T 2020. Determination of the development performances of pecan saplings in Aydin ecological conditions. Asian J. Adv. Agric. Res, 14(3): 11-19.
  • Duke JA 2001. Handbook of Nuts. CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, FL, Pp 69-72.
  • Fuentealba C, Hernandez I, Saa S, Toledo L, Burdiles P, Chirinos R, Campos D, Brown P, Pedreschi R 2017. Colour and in vitro quality attributes of walnuts from different growing conditions correlate with key precursors of primary and secondary metabolism. Food Chem, 232: 664-672.
  • Gebhardt SE, Thomas RG 2002. Nutritive value of foods. United states department of agriculture, agricultural research service, Home and Garden Bulletin, 72, Maryland, USA, 97 P.
  • Giuffré L, Romaniu, R, Ríos RP, Zubillaga MM, Rastrelli L 2011. Sustainable management in pecan cultivation in Argentina. Emir J Food Agric, 23:243–248.
  • Guler E, Bak T, Karadeniz T, Muradoğlu F 2021. Relationships of fruit characteristics of rosehips (Rosa canina L.) grown in Bolu city center. Journal of The Institute of Science and Technology, 11(2):831-838.
  • Hadjgeorgalis E, Lillywhite JM, Herrera E 2005. International trade in pecans. College of Agriculture, Consumer and Environmental Sciences New Mexico State University.
  • Khadivi A, Montazeran A, Rezaei M, Ebrahimi A 2019. The pomological characterization of walnut (Juglans regia L.) to select the superior genotypes–An opportunity for genetic improvement. Sci Hortic, 248: 29-33.
  • Khadivi-Khub A, Ebrahim, A, Sheiban, F, Esmaeili A 2015. Phenological and pomological characterization of Persian walnut to select promising trees. Euphytica, 205: 557–567.
  • Mohammadzedeh M, Fattahi R, Zamani Z, Khadivi-Khub K 2014. Genetic identity and relationships of hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) landraces as revealed by morphological characteristics and molecular markers. Sci Hortic, 167: 17-26.
  • Muradoğlu F, Gürsoy S, Güler E 2021. Multivariate analysis revealed the morphological variability among crataegus species. Yuzuncu Yil Univ J Agric Sci, 31(4): 961-972.
  • Muradoglu, F., Balta, F., (2010). A comparative study on GC analysis of kernel fatty acids of Turkish walnut (Juglans regia L.) genotypes. Asian J Chem, 22(6):4863-4872.
  • Özcan A, Sütyemez M, Nar A, Yıldırım E, Süslüoglu Z 2020. Similarities of leafing and leaf fall date of 'Pedro' walnut variety with its progenies in breeding programs. Physiol Mol Biol Plants, 1945-1959.
  • Özdemir M, Ağsaran B, Gubbuk H, Kafkas E 2021. Comparison of some pomological characteristics, fat and fatty acid composition of some pecan (Carya illinoensis) cultivars. Acta Hortic, 1318: 209-214.
  • Poggetti L, Ermacora P, Cipriani G, Pavan F, Testolin R 2017. Morphological and carpological variability of walnut germplasm (Juglans regia L.) collected in North-Eastern Italy and selection of superior genotypes. Sci Hortic, 225(18): 615-619.
  • Poletto T, Poletto I, Moraes Silva LM, Brião Muniz MF, Silveira Reiniger LR, Richards N, Marcos Stefenon V 2020. Morphological, chemical and genetic analysis of southern Brazilian pecan (Carya illinoinensis) accessions. Sci Hortic, 261:108863.
  • Prasad RNB 1993. Walnuts and Pecans. (In Encyclopedia of Food Science and Technology, 7. Academic Press, London, Ed. Macrae R, Robinson RK., and Sadler MJ) pp. 4828-4834
  • Reid W, Hunt KL 2000. Pecan production in the northern United States. Horttechonolgy, 10(2): 298-301.
  • Ros E 2010. Health Benefits of Nut Consumption. Nutrients, 2(7):652–682.
  • Rosengarten F 1984. The Book of Edible Nuts. Walker and company, New York, 384 Pp
  • Rudrappa U 2016. Pecan nutrition facts. pecans. html.
  • Thompson TE, Conner PJ 2012. Pecan. (In Fruit Breeding, Handbook of Plant Breeding, Springer, New York, USA. Ed. M.L. Badenes, D.H. Byrne) 875 P.
  • USDA 2004. National nutrient database for standard reference, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture,
  • Venkatachalam M, Kshirsagar HH, Seeram NP, Heber D, Thompson TE, Roux KH, Sathe SK 2007. Biochemical composition and immunological comparison of select pecan [Carya illinoinensis (Wangenh.) K. Koch] cultivars. J Agric Food Chem, 55: 9899–9907.
  • Wakeling LT, Mason RL, D’Arcy BR, Caffin NA 2000. Australian Pecan Nut Production and Processing. Food Aust, 52: 574–578.
  • Wei T, Simko V 2017. R Package “Corrplot”: Visualization of A Correlation Matrix (Version 0.84).
  • Wells M, D Carlson, R Philip 2009. Profitability of mechanical fruit thinning of ‘Sumner’ and ‘Cape Fear’ pecan. Horttechnology, 19:518–520.
  • Wickham H 2016. Ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis. Springer-Verlag New York. ISBN 978-3-319 24277-4, Https://Ggplot2.Tidyverse.Org.
  • Zhang R, Peng F, Li Y 2015. Pecan production in China. Sci Hortic, 197:719–727.

Pikan Çeşitlerinin Morfometrik Özellikler Bakımından Karşılaştırılması

Year 2022, Volume: 25 Issue: Ek Sayı 2, 421 - 429, 30.12.2022


Pikan, aslen Kuzey Amerika orjinli olan ve Türkiye'de genellikle Ege ve Akdeniz bölgelerinde yetiştirilen önemli bir sert kabuklu meyve türüdür. Çalışmada, Türkiye'nin Güneydoğu bölgesinden aynı ekolojik koşullar altında yetiştirilen yirmi bir pikan çeşidinin morfometrik özellikleri belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca, bu ekolojik koşullarda en uygun çeşitlerin belirlenmesi için morfometrik özellikler üzerine çok değişkenli istatiksel analiz uygulanmıştır. Çeşitlerin meyve ağırlığı 3.66 g 'Cherokee' ile 10.35 g 'Shoshoni' arasında değişmiştir. En yüksek iç ağırlığı ve iç oranı 'Choctaw' çeşidinde (5.63 g ve %58.60) en düşük ise "Cherokee" çeşidinde (0.91 g ile 22.84 %) belirlenmiştir. Meyve ağırlığı ile iç oranı arasında anlamlı pozitif bir ilişki bulunmuştur. Ayrıca, iç ağırlığının meyve ağırlığı ve yüksekliği ile yüksek önemli ilişkili olduğu belirlenmiştir. Ward yöntemine göre yapılan kümeleme analizi, pikan çeşitleri arasında ilişkilerin kurulmasına izin vermiş ve çeşitleri dört ana kümeye ayırmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlar temel bileşen analizi ile desteklenmiş ve çeşitlerden en yakın ilişkisi ‘Big Z’ ile ‘Ideal’ arasında belirlenmiştir. Sonuçlar pikan çeşitlerinin genetik özellikleri ile ilgili niceliksel farklılıkların olduğu ve incelenen çeşitlerin yarısından fazlasının pazar tarafından arzu edilen meyve kalitesi açısından iyi bir performans sergilediğini göstermiştir. Ayrıca çok değişkenli analiz pikan çeşitlerinin ayrımında oldukça etkili olmuş ve ileriki çalışmalarda başarıyla kullanılabileceği değerlendirilmiştir


  • Badyal JM, Upadhayay SK 2004. Evaluation of various cultivars of pecan under the subtropical climate of India. Acta Hortic, 662:167-169.
  • Başak İ, Özer G, Muradoğlu F 2022. Morphometric traits and iPBS based molecular characterizations of walnut (Juglans regia L) genotypes. Genet Resour Crop Evol.
  • Binici Akkuş S, Muradoglu F, Ak BE, Akkus G 2020. Determination of pomological and biochemical features of some pecan nut cultivars which are grown in the Southeastern Anatolia region. Acta Hortic, 1299:295-300.
  • Corona P, Frangipane MT, Moscetti R, Lo Feudo G, Castellotti T, Massantini R 2012. Chestnut cultivar identification through the data fusion of sensory quality and FT-NIR spectral data. Foods 10:2575.
  • Curiel-Maciel NF, Arreola-Ávila JG, Esparza-Rivera JR, Luna-Zapién EA, Minjares-Fuentes JR, Sierra-Campos E, Meza-Velázquez JA 2021. Nutritional quality, fatty acids content and antioxidant capacity of pecan nut fruits from Criolla and Improved walnut varieties. Not Bot Horti Agrobot Cluj-Napoca, 49(2):12021.
  • Dolgun O, Tekintaş FE, Bayram S, Kurtaslan T 2020. Determination of the development performances of pecan saplings in Aydin ecological conditions. Asian J. Adv. Agric. Res, 14(3): 11-19.
  • Duke JA 2001. Handbook of Nuts. CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, FL, Pp 69-72.
  • Fuentealba C, Hernandez I, Saa S, Toledo L, Burdiles P, Chirinos R, Campos D, Brown P, Pedreschi R 2017. Colour and in vitro quality attributes of walnuts from different growing conditions correlate with key precursors of primary and secondary metabolism. Food Chem, 232: 664-672.
  • Gebhardt SE, Thomas RG 2002. Nutritive value of foods. United states department of agriculture, agricultural research service, Home and Garden Bulletin, 72, Maryland, USA, 97 P.
  • Giuffré L, Romaniu, R, Ríos RP, Zubillaga MM, Rastrelli L 2011. Sustainable management in pecan cultivation in Argentina. Emir J Food Agric, 23:243–248.
  • Guler E, Bak T, Karadeniz T, Muradoğlu F 2021. Relationships of fruit characteristics of rosehips (Rosa canina L.) grown in Bolu city center. Journal of The Institute of Science and Technology, 11(2):831-838.
  • Hadjgeorgalis E, Lillywhite JM, Herrera E 2005. International trade in pecans. College of Agriculture, Consumer and Environmental Sciences New Mexico State University.
  • Khadivi A, Montazeran A, Rezaei M, Ebrahimi A 2019. The pomological characterization of walnut (Juglans regia L.) to select the superior genotypes–An opportunity for genetic improvement. Sci Hortic, 248: 29-33.
  • Khadivi-Khub A, Ebrahim, A, Sheiban, F, Esmaeili A 2015. Phenological and pomological characterization of Persian walnut to select promising trees. Euphytica, 205: 557–567.
  • Mohammadzedeh M, Fattahi R, Zamani Z, Khadivi-Khub K 2014. Genetic identity and relationships of hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) landraces as revealed by morphological characteristics and molecular markers. Sci Hortic, 167: 17-26.
  • Muradoğlu F, Gürsoy S, Güler E 2021. Multivariate analysis revealed the morphological variability among crataegus species. Yuzuncu Yil Univ J Agric Sci, 31(4): 961-972.
  • Muradoglu, F., Balta, F., (2010). A comparative study on GC analysis of kernel fatty acids of Turkish walnut (Juglans regia L.) genotypes. Asian J Chem, 22(6):4863-4872.
  • Özcan A, Sütyemez M, Nar A, Yıldırım E, Süslüoglu Z 2020. Similarities of leafing and leaf fall date of 'Pedro' walnut variety with its progenies in breeding programs. Physiol Mol Biol Plants, 1945-1959.
  • Özdemir M, Ağsaran B, Gubbuk H, Kafkas E 2021. Comparison of some pomological characteristics, fat and fatty acid composition of some pecan (Carya illinoensis) cultivars. Acta Hortic, 1318: 209-214.
  • Poggetti L, Ermacora P, Cipriani G, Pavan F, Testolin R 2017. Morphological and carpological variability of walnut germplasm (Juglans regia L.) collected in North-Eastern Italy and selection of superior genotypes. Sci Hortic, 225(18): 615-619.
  • Poletto T, Poletto I, Moraes Silva LM, Brião Muniz MF, Silveira Reiniger LR, Richards N, Marcos Stefenon V 2020. Morphological, chemical and genetic analysis of southern Brazilian pecan (Carya illinoinensis) accessions. Sci Hortic, 261:108863.
  • Prasad RNB 1993. Walnuts and Pecans. (In Encyclopedia of Food Science and Technology, 7. Academic Press, London, Ed. Macrae R, Robinson RK., and Sadler MJ) pp. 4828-4834
  • Reid W, Hunt KL 2000. Pecan production in the northern United States. Horttechonolgy, 10(2): 298-301.
  • Ros E 2010. Health Benefits of Nut Consumption. Nutrients, 2(7):652–682.
  • Rosengarten F 1984. The Book of Edible Nuts. Walker and company, New York, 384 Pp
  • Rudrappa U 2016. Pecan nutrition facts. pecans. html.
  • Thompson TE, Conner PJ 2012. Pecan. (In Fruit Breeding, Handbook of Plant Breeding, Springer, New York, USA. Ed. M.L. Badenes, D.H. Byrne) 875 P.
  • USDA 2004. National nutrient database for standard reference, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture,
  • Venkatachalam M, Kshirsagar HH, Seeram NP, Heber D, Thompson TE, Roux KH, Sathe SK 2007. Biochemical composition and immunological comparison of select pecan [Carya illinoinensis (Wangenh.) K. Koch] cultivars. J Agric Food Chem, 55: 9899–9907.
  • Wakeling LT, Mason RL, D’Arcy BR, Caffin NA 2000. Australian Pecan Nut Production and Processing. Food Aust, 52: 574–578.
  • Wei T, Simko V 2017. R Package “Corrplot”: Visualization of A Correlation Matrix (Version 0.84).
  • Wells M, D Carlson, R Philip 2009. Profitability of mechanical fruit thinning of ‘Sumner’ and ‘Cape Fear’ pecan. Horttechnology, 19:518–520.
  • Wickham H 2016. Ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis. Springer-Verlag New York. ISBN 978-3-319 24277-4, Https://Ggplot2.Tidyverse.Org.
  • Zhang R, Peng F, Li Y 2015. Pecan production in China. Sci Hortic, 197:719–727.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural, Veterinary and Food Sciences

Ferhad Muradoğlu 0000-0001-6595-7100

Sibel Binici Akkuş 0000-0003-1236-2001

Gökhan Akkuş 0000-0003-0675-755X

İbrahim Başak 0000-0002-5160-3229

Publication Date December 30, 2022
Submission Date December 14, 2021
Acceptance Date June 1, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022Volume: 25 Issue: Ek Sayı 2


APA Muradoğlu, F., Binici Akkuş, S., Akkuş, G., Başak, İ. (2022). Comparison of Morphometric Traits of Pecan Cultivars. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım Ve Doğa Dergisi, 25(Ek Sayı 2), 421-429.

International Peer Reviewed Journal
Free submission and publication
Published 6 times a year


KSU Journal of Agriculture and Nature

e-ISSN: 2619-9149