Farklı Renklerdeki Polietilen Malçların Serada Hıyar Yetiştiriciliği Üzerine Etkileri
Year 2022,
Volume: 25 Issue: Ek Sayı 2, 538 - 544, 30.12.2022
Mustafa Demirkaya
Sinan Gerçek
Doğan Işık
Bu çalışmada damla sulama ile kullanılan mavi ve siyah polietilen malçların Yağmur sırık hıyar çeşidinin verimi üzerine etkileri araştırılmış, malçsız damla sulama konuları ile kıyaslanmıştır. Deneme Kayseri iklim şartlarında, 2019 yılında polikarbon serada yürütülmüştür. Mevsimlik su uygulamaları malçlı ve malçsız konularda sırasıyla 655 ve 776 mm olarak ölçülmüştür. Damla sulama+malçlı konulara verilen sulama suyu miktarları malçsız damla sulama konusuna göre yaklaşık %16 daha az olmasına rağmen verim değerleri damla sulama+mavi malç konusunda %37, damla sulama+siyah malç konusunda ise %34 daha fazla bulunmuştur. En yüksek dekara hıyar meyve verimleri mavi ve siyah malç konularında sırasıyla 12296.7 ve 11783,6 kg, en az ise 7771 kg ile malçsız damla sulama konusundadır. Çalışmada en yüksek yabancı ot kuru biyoması malçsız damla sulama yapılan parsellerden 88.42 g m-2) elde edilmiştir. Malç uygulamaların yabancı ot biyomasına etkileri malçsız konuya göre istatistiki olarak önemli iken, malçlı konular kendi arasında istatistiki olarak farklı bulunmamıştır.
Supporting Institution
- Akça A, Işık D 2016. Kayseri İli şeker pancarı (Beta vulgaris L.) ekiliş alanlarında bulunan yabancı otların tespiti. Bitki Koruma Bülteni 56 (1):115-124.
- Anonymous 2021a. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Faostat. http://www.fao.org/faostat/en/#data/QCL. (Erişim Tarihi:12.08.2021).
- Anonymous 2021b. T.C. Tarım ve Orman Bakanlığı Bitkisel Üretim Verileri. https://www.tarimorman. gov.tr/sgb/Belgeler/SagMenuVeriler/BUGEM.pdf (Erişim Tarihi: 12.08.2021).
- Csizinky AA, Schuster DJ, Kring JB 1995. Color mulches influence yield and insect pest populations in tomatoes. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 120(5):778-784.
- Haapala T, Palonen P, Tamminen A, Ahokas J 2015. Effects of different paper mulches on soil temperature and yield of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) in the temperate zone. Agricultural and Food Science 24(1):52-58.
- Delibaş L 1994. Sulama. Trakya Üniversitesi Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Basımevi, Tekirdağ, 199 sy.
- Díaz-Pérez JC, Batal, KD 2002. Colored plastic film mulches affect tomato growth and yield via changes in root-zone temperature. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 127(1):127-136.
- Gerçek S, Demirkaya M 2020. Effects of colored water pillows on yield and water productivity of eggplant. Irrigation and Drainage 69:658-667.
- Gerçek S, Demirkaya M 2021. Impact of colored water pillows on yield and water productivity of pepper under greenhouse conditions. Agricultural Water Management 250:1-7.
- Gerçek S, Demirkaya M, Isik D 2017. Water pillow irrigation versus drip irrigation with regard to growth and yield of tomato grown under greenhouse conditions in a semi‐arid region. Agricultural Water
Management 180:172-177.
- Isik D, Kaya E, Ngouajio M, Mennan H 2009. Weed suppression in organic pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) with winter cover crops. Crop Protection, 24, 356–363.
- Jabran K 2019. Mulches for weed control in role of mulching in pest management and agricultural sustainability. Springer Briefs in Plant Science. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-22301-4_2
- Mennan H, Ngouajio M, Kaya E, Isık D 2009. Weed management in organically grown kale (Brassica oleracea var: acephala) using alternative cover cropping systems. Weed Technology 23:81-88.
- Özdemir Ç, Işık D 2020. Kayseri İli çerezlik kabak ekiliş alanlarında görülen yabancı otların tespiti. Türkiye Herboloji Dergisi 23(1):74-80.
- Ramakrishna A, Tam HM, Wani SP, Long TD 2006. Effects of mulch on soil temperature, moisture, weed infestation and yield of groundnut in northern Vietnam. Field Crop Research, 95:115-125.
- Rajablariani HR, Hassankhan F, Rafezi R 2012. Effect of colored plastic mulches on yield of tomato and weed biomass. Int. J. of Environmental Science and Development 3 (6):590-593.
- Spiżewski T, Frąszczak B, Kałużewicz A, Krzesinski W, Lisiecka J 2010. The effect of black polyethylene mulch on yield of field-grown cucumber. Acta scientiarum Polonorum. Hortorum Cultus 9:221-229.
- Şalk A, Arın L, Deveci M, Polat S 2008. Özel Sebzecilik. Sevil Cilt Evi ve Matbaası, Tekirdağ, S. 379.
- Tarara JM 2000. Microclimate modification with plastic mulch. HortScience 35:169-180.
- Teasdale JR, Mohler CL 2000. The quantitative relationship between weed emergence and the physical proprieties of mulches. Weed Sciences 48:385-392.
- Torres-Olivar V, Ibarra-Jiménez L, Cárdenas-Flores A, Hugo Lira-Saldivar R, Humberto Valenzuela-Soto J, Castillo-Campohermoso MA 2018. Changes induced by plastic film mulches on soil temperature and their relevance in growth and fruit yield of pickling cucumber. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B-Soil & Plant Science 68(2): 97-103.
- Yaghi T, Arslan A, Naoum F 2013. Cucumber (Cucumis sativus, L.) water use efficiency (WUE) under plastic mulch and drip irrigation. Agricultural Water Management 128:149-157.
Effects of Different Polyethylene Mulch Colors on Greenhouse Cucumber Cultivation
Year 2022,
Volume: 25 Issue: Ek Sayı 2, 538 - 544, 30.12.2022
Mustafa Demirkaya
Sinan Gerçek
Doğan Işık
In this study, effects of blue and black polyethylene mulches used together with drip irrigation on yield of Yağmur cucumber cultivar were investigated under greenhouse conditions and mulching treatments were compared with unmulched drip irrigation treatments. Experiments were conducted in a polycarbonate greenhouse in Kayseri province of Turkey in 2019. Throughout the growing season, 655 mm irrigation water was applied in drip+mulch treatments and 776 mm in unmulched drip irrigation treatments. Although 16% less water was applied in drip+mulch treatments, 37% more yield was obtained from drip+blue mulch treatments and 34% more from drip+black mulch treatments. The highest cucumber yields per decare (12296.7 and 11783.6 kg) were respectively obtained from drip+blue mulch and drip+black mulch treatments and the lowest (7771 kg) from unmulched drip irrigation treatments. The highest weed dry biomass (88.42 g m-2) was obtained from unmulched drip irrigation treatments. While the effects of mulching treatments on weed biomass were found to be significant as compared to unmulched treatments, blue and black mulches were not significantly different.
- Akça A, Işık D 2016. Kayseri İli şeker pancarı (Beta vulgaris L.) ekiliş alanlarında bulunan yabancı otların tespiti. Bitki Koruma Bülteni 56 (1):115-124.
- Anonymous 2021a. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Faostat. http://www.fao.org/faostat/en/#data/QCL. (Erişim Tarihi:12.08.2021).
- Anonymous 2021b. T.C. Tarım ve Orman Bakanlığı Bitkisel Üretim Verileri. https://www.tarimorman. gov.tr/sgb/Belgeler/SagMenuVeriler/BUGEM.pdf (Erişim Tarihi: 12.08.2021).
- Csizinky AA, Schuster DJ, Kring JB 1995. Color mulches influence yield and insect pest populations in tomatoes. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 120(5):778-784.
- Haapala T, Palonen P, Tamminen A, Ahokas J 2015. Effects of different paper mulches on soil temperature and yield of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) in the temperate zone. Agricultural and Food Science 24(1):52-58.
- Delibaş L 1994. Sulama. Trakya Üniversitesi Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Basımevi, Tekirdağ, 199 sy.
- Díaz-Pérez JC, Batal, KD 2002. Colored plastic film mulches affect tomato growth and yield via changes in root-zone temperature. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 127(1):127-136.
- Gerçek S, Demirkaya M 2020. Effects of colored water pillows on yield and water productivity of eggplant. Irrigation and Drainage 69:658-667.
- Gerçek S, Demirkaya M 2021. Impact of colored water pillows on yield and water productivity of pepper under greenhouse conditions. Agricultural Water Management 250:1-7.
- Gerçek S, Demirkaya M, Isik D 2017. Water pillow irrigation versus drip irrigation with regard to growth and yield of tomato grown under greenhouse conditions in a semi‐arid region. Agricultural Water
Management 180:172-177.
- Isik D, Kaya E, Ngouajio M, Mennan H 2009. Weed suppression in organic pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) with winter cover crops. Crop Protection, 24, 356–363.
- Jabran K 2019. Mulches for weed control in role of mulching in pest management and agricultural sustainability. Springer Briefs in Plant Science. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-22301-4_2
- Mennan H, Ngouajio M, Kaya E, Isık D 2009. Weed management in organically grown kale (Brassica oleracea var: acephala) using alternative cover cropping systems. Weed Technology 23:81-88.
- Özdemir Ç, Işık D 2020. Kayseri İli çerezlik kabak ekiliş alanlarında görülen yabancı otların tespiti. Türkiye Herboloji Dergisi 23(1):74-80.
- Ramakrishna A, Tam HM, Wani SP, Long TD 2006. Effects of mulch on soil temperature, moisture, weed infestation and yield of groundnut in northern Vietnam. Field Crop Research, 95:115-125.
- Rajablariani HR, Hassankhan F, Rafezi R 2012. Effect of colored plastic mulches on yield of tomato and weed biomass. Int. J. of Environmental Science and Development 3 (6):590-593.
- Spiżewski T, Frąszczak B, Kałużewicz A, Krzesinski W, Lisiecka J 2010. The effect of black polyethylene mulch on yield of field-grown cucumber. Acta scientiarum Polonorum. Hortorum Cultus 9:221-229.
- Şalk A, Arın L, Deveci M, Polat S 2008. Özel Sebzecilik. Sevil Cilt Evi ve Matbaası, Tekirdağ, S. 379.
- Tarara JM 2000. Microclimate modification with plastic mulch. HortScience 35:169-180.
- Teasdale JR, Mohler CL 2000. The quantitative relationship between weed emergence and the physical proprieties of mulches. Weed Sciences 48:385-392.
- Torres-Olivar V, Ibarra-Jiménez L, Cárdenas-Flores A, Hugo Lira-Saldivar R, Humberto Valenzuela-Soto J, Castillo-Campohermoso MA 2018. Changes induced by plastic film mulches on soil temperature and their relevance in growth and fruit yield of pickling cucumber. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B-Soil & Plant Science 68(2): 97-103.
- Yaghi T, Arslan A, Naoum F 2013. Cucumber (Cucumis sativus, L.) water use efficiency (WUE) under plastic mulch and drip irrigation. Agricultural Water Management 128:149-157.