Çapakçur Havzasında (Bingöl Türkiye) Toprak Kayıplarının RUSLE Metodu ile Tahmini ve Sediment Verimi ile Karşılaştırılması
Year 2022,
Volume: 25 Issue: Ek Sayı 2, 523 - 537, 30.12.2022
Yasin Demir
Alperen Meral
Azize Doğan Demir
Bu çalışmada yüksek erozyon riski bulunan Çapakçur havzasında toplam ve net erozyonun belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu doğrultuda Çapakçur havzasında yıllık toprak kaybı, RUSLE modeli kullanılarak tahmin edilmiştir. Net erozyon ise Çapakçur çayının 2019 yılı boyunca aylık debi ve sediment konsantrasyonlarının belirlenmesi ile doğrudan ölçülmüştür. Çapakçur havzasında meydana gelen toprak kaybı 96916.20 ton yıl-1 olarak tahmin edilmiş ve Çapakçur çayından taşınan toprak miktarı ise 68656.09 ton yıl-1 olarak gerçekleşmiştir. Havzada, sediment iletim oranı (SDR) 0.78 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Bu oran Türkiye ortalamasının (0.23) oldukça üstündedir. Havzadaki eğim uzunluğu ve derecesinin yüksek, yağış ve vejetasyon kapalılık oranının düşük olması SDR’nin yüksek olmasının ana nedenidir. Yüksek SDR nedeniyle havzanın verimli olan üst toprak katmanı Murat Nehrine taşınmaktadır. Bu durum hem toprakların verimsizleşmesine hem de kısıtlı olan tatlı su kaynaklarının kirlenmesine neden olmaktadır. Havzada bitki örtüsü ve amenajman, uygulamalarının iyileştirilmesi için ağaçlandırma ve teras, tel kafes ve oyuntularda taş duvar gibi toprak koruma uygulamalarının arttırılması gerekmektedir.
Supporting Institution
Bingöl Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinatörlüğü
Project Number
- Alencar PHL, Paton EN, de Araujo JC 2021. Entropy-Based Temporal Downscaling of Precipitation as Tool for Sediment Delivery Ratio Assessment. Entrophy, 2021(23): 1615-1633. doi.org/10.3390/ e23121615.
- Ali KF, De Boer DH 2010. Spatially distributed Erosion and Sediment Yield Modeling in the Upper Indus River Basin. Water Resources Research, 46: 1-16.
- Alkharabsheh MM, Alexandridis TK, Bilas G, Misopolinos, N, Silleos N 2013. Impact of Land Cover Change on Soil Erosion Hazard in Northern Jordan Using Remote Sensing and GIS. Procedia Environmental Sciences 19: 912-921. doi.org/10.1016/j.proenv.2013.06.101
- Amezketa E 1999. Soil Aggregate Stability: A Review. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 14(2-3): 83-151. doi.org/10.1300/J064v14n02_08
- Angima SD, Stott DE, O’Neill MK, Ong CK, Weesies GA 2003. Soil Erosion Predicting Using RUSLE for Central Kenyan Higkland Conditions. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 97: 295-308.
- Anonymous 2015. Çapakçur Microcatchment Rehabilitation Plan.
- Baartman JE, Temme AJ, Veldkamp T, Jetten VG, Schoorl JM 2013. Exploring the Role of Rainfall Variability and Extreme Events in Long-Term Landscape Development. Catena 109: 25-38. doi.org/10.1016/j.catena.2013.05.003.
- Berta A, Elias E, Soromessa T, Legese G 2020. Land use/Land Cover Change Effect on Soil Erosion and Sediment Delivery in the Winike Watershed, Omo Gibe Basin, Ethiopia. Sci Total Environment, 728:138776. doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.138776.
- Boardman J 2006. Soil Erosion Science: Reflections On The Limitations of Current Approaches. Catena 68(2-3): 73-86. doi.org/10.1016/ j.catena.2006.03.007
- Boyce R 1972. Sediment Routing With Sediment-Delivery Ratios. In Present and Prospective Technology For Predicting Sediment Yields and Sources Proceedings of The Sediment Yield Workshop USDA Sedimentation Laboratory Oxford Mississippi 61-65.
- Carter MR, Gregorich EG, 2007. Soil Sampling and Methods of Analysis. CRC press.
- ÇEM 2015. Murat River Rehabilitation Project Çapakçur Microcatchment Plan General Directorate of Combating Desertification and Erosion. Ministry press 66-248.
- De Vente J, Poesen J 2005. Predicting Soil Erosion and Sediment Yield at the Basin Scale: Scale İssues and Semi-Quantitative Models. Earth-Science Reviews 71(1-2): 95-125. doi.org/10.1016/ j.earscirev.2005.02.002
- Demir Y, Ersoy Mirici M 2020. Effect of Land Use and Topographic Factors on Soil Organic Carbon Content and Mapping of Organic Carbon Distribution Using Regression Kriging Method. Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 15(2): 311-322. doi.org/10.26471/ cjees/2020/015/131
- Dexter AR 1988. Advances İn Characterization of Soil Structure. Soil and Tillage Research 11(3-4): 199-238. doi.org/10.1016/0167-1987(88)90002-5
- Diodato N, Borrelli P, Fiener P, Bellocchi G, Romano N 2017. Discovering Historical Rainfall Erosivity With A Parsimonious Approach: A Case Study İn Western Germany. J. Hydrology 544: 1–9. doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2016.11.023
- Doğan DA, Demir Y 2016. Temporal Changes and Evaluation of Quantity Suspense Sediment Transport at Murat River in Palu Precipitation Basin. Iğdır University Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 6(2): 61-68.
- Dong YF, Wu YQ, Zhang TY, Yang W, Liu BY 2013. The sediment delivery ratio in a small catchment in the black soil region of northeast China. International Journal of Sediment Research. 2013: 111-117. doi.org/10.1016/S1001-6279(13)60023-2.
- Dutta S 2016. Soil erosion, sediment yield and sedimentation of reservoir: a review. Modeling Earth System and Environment. 123(2016): 1-18. doi.org/10.1007/s40808-016-0182-y.
- Edwards K 1987. Runoff and Soil Loss Studies İn New South Wales. A National Soil Conservation Program Project. 268-274.
- Erpul G, Şahin S, İnce K, Küçümen A, Akdağ MA, Demirtaş İ, Çetin E 2018. Turkey Water Erosion Atlas. Publications of the General Directorate of Combating Desertification and Erosion. 1-132.
- Farhan Y, Nawaiseh S 2015. Spatial Assessment of Soil Erosion Risk Using RUSLE and GIS Techniques. Environment Earth Science 2015(74): 4649-4669. doi.org/10.1007/s12665-015-4430-7
- Fayas CM, Abeysingha NS, Nirmanee KGS, Samaratunga D, Mallawatantri A 2019. Soil Loss Estimation Using Rusle Model to Prioritize Erosion Control İn KELANI River Basin İn Sri Lanka. International Soil and Water Conservation Research 7(2): 130-137. doi.org/10.1016/ j.iswcr. 2019.01.003
- Fistikoglu O, Harmancioglu NB 2002. Integration of GIS With USLE İn Assessment of Soil Erosion. Water Resources Management 16: 447-467. doi.org/10.1023/A:1022282125760
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Estimation of Soil Losses in Çapakcur Watershed (Bingol, Turkey) Using RUSLE Method and Comparison of Predicted Soil Losses with Sediment Yield
Year 2022,
Volume: 25 Issue: Ek Sayı 2, 523 - 537, 30.12.2022
Yasin Demir
Alperen Meral
Azize Doğan Demir
The present study aimed to determine the total and net erosion in the Capakcur watershed, which has a high erosion risk. Accordingly, annual soil loss in the Capakcur watershed was estimated using RUSLE method. Net erosion was determined directly by measuring the monthly flow rate and sediment concentrations of the Capakcur stream, which originated from the Capakcur watershed and flowed into the Murat River throughout 2019. Estimated soil loss in the Capakcur watershed was 96916.20 ton yr-1, and the amount of soil transported from the Capakcur stream was 68656.09 ton yr-1. Sediment delivery ratio (SDR) was calculated as 0.78. This ratio was well above the average SDR of Turkey (0.23). Topographic factors such as slope length and degree, rainfall, and low vegetation cover ratio in the watershed are the main causes of the high SDR. Due to the high SDR, the fertile surface soil layers of lands in the basin are carried to the streams. This causes both decrease in fertility in soils and pollution of the limited freshwater resources. In order to improve vegetation and management practices in the watershed, soil protection practices such as afforestation and terraces, wire cages and stone walls in gullies should be increased.
Project Number
- Alencar PHL, Paton EN, de Araujo JC 2021. Entropy-Based Temporal Downscaling of Precipitation as Tool for Sediment Delivery Ratio Assessment. Entrophy, 2021(23): 1615-1633. doi.org/10.3390/ e23121615.
- Ali KF, De Boer DH 2010. Spatially distributed Erosion and Sediment Yield Modeling in the Upper Indus River Basin. Water Resources Research, 46: 1-16.
- Alkharabsheh MM, Alexandridis TK, Bilas G, Misopolinos, N, Silleos N 2013. Impact of Land Cover Change on Soil Erosion Hazard in Northern Jordan Using Remote Sensing and GIS. Procedia Environmental Sciences 19: 912-921. doi.org/10.1016/j.proenv.2013.06.101
- Amezketa E 1999. Soil Aggregate Stability: A Review. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 14(2-3): 83-151. doi.org/10.1300/J064v14n02_08
- Angima SD, Stott DE, O’Neill MK, Ong CK, Weesies GA 2003. Soil Erosion Predicting Using RUSLE for Central Kenyan Higkland Conditions. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 97: 295-308.
- Anonymous 2015. Çapakçur Microcatchment Rehabilitation Plan.
- Baartman JE, Temme AJ, Veldkamp T, Jetten VG, Schoorl JM 2013. Exploring the Role of Rainfall Variability and Extreme Events in Long-Term Landscape Development. Catena 109: 25-38. doi.org/10.1016/j.catena.2013.05.003.
- Berta A, Elias E, Soromessa T, Legese G 2020. Land use/Land Cover Change Effect on Soil Erosion and Sediment Delivery in the Winike Watershed, Omo Gibe Basin, Ethiopia. Sci Total Environment, 728:138776. doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.138776.
- Boardman J 2006. Soil Erosion Science: Reflections On The Limitations of Current Approaches. Catena 68(2-3): 73-86. doi.org/10.1016/ j.catena.2006.03.007
- Boyce R 1972. Sediment Routing With Sediment-Delivery Ratios. In Present and Prospective Technology For Predicting Sediment Yields and Sources Proceedings of The Sediment Yield Workshop USDA Sedimentation Laboratory Oxford Mississippi 61-65.
- Carter MR, Gregorich EG, 2007. Soil Sampling and Methods of Analysis. CRC press.
- ÇEM 2015. Murat River Rehabilitation Project Çapakçur Microcatchment Plan General Directorate of Combating Desertification and Erosion. Ministry press 66-248.
- De Vente J, Poesen J 2005. Predicting Soil Erosion and Sediment Yield at the Basin Scale: Scale İssues and Semi-Quantitative Models. Earth-Science Reviews 71(1-2): 95-125. doi.org/10.1016/ j.earscirev.2005.02.002
- Demir Y, Ersoy Mirici M 2020. Effect of Land Use and Topographic Factors on Soil Organic Carbon Content and Mapping of Organic Carbon Distribution Using Regression Kriging Method. Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 15(2): 311-322. doi.org/10.26471/ cjees/2020/015/131
- Dexter AR 1988. Advances İn Characterization of Soil Structure. Soil and Tillage Research 11(3-4): 199-238. doi.org/10.1016/0167-1987(88)90002-5
- Diodato N, Borrelli P, Fiener P, Bellocchi G, Romano N 2017. Discovering Historical Rainfall Erosivity With A Parsimonious Approach: A Case Study İn Western Germany. J. Hydrology 544: 1–9. doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2016.11.023
- Doğan DA, Demir Y 2016. Temporal Changes and Evaluation of Quantity Suspense Sediment Transport at Murat River in Palu Precipitation Basin. Iğdır University Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 6(2): 61-68.
- Dong YF, Wu YQ, Zhang TY, Yang W, Liu BY 2013. The sediment delivery ratio in a small catchment in the black soil region of northeast China. International Journal of Sediment Research. 2013: 111-117. doi.org/10.1016/S1001-6279(13)60023-2.
- Dutta S 2016. Soil erosion, sediment yield and sedimentation of reservoir: a review. Modeling Earth System and Environment. 123(2016): 1-18. doi.org/10.1007/s40808-016-0182-y.
- Edwards K 1987. Runoff and Soil Loss Studies İn New South Wales. A National Soil Conservation Program Project. 268-274.
- Erpul G, Şahin S, İnce K, Küçümen A, Akdağ MA, Demirtaş İ, Çetin E 2018. Turkey Water Erosion Atlas. Publications of the General Directorate of Combating Desertification and Erosion. 1-132.
- Farhan Y, Nawaiseh S 2015. Spatial Assessment of Soil Erosion Risk Using RUSLE and GIS Techniques. Environment Earth Science 2015(74): 4649-4669. doi.org/10.1007/s12665-015-4430-7
- Fayas CM, Abeysingha NS, Nirmanee KGS, Samaratunga D, Mallawatantri A 2019. Soil Loss Estimation Using Rusle Model to Prioritize Erosion Control İn KELANI River Basin İn Sri Lanka. International Soil and Water Conservation Research 7(2): 130-137. doi.org/10.1016/ j.iswcr. 2019.01.003
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