Research Article
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The Effect of Sumac Juice Given to Broilers by Drinking and Inhalation on Performance, Immunity Response and Some Blood Parameters

Year 2023, Volume: 26 Issue: 3, 702 - 710, 30.06.2023


This study was planned to determine the effects of sumac juice and different application methods on the fattening and immune performance of broiler chickens. The study started with 240 Ross 308 broiler chickens at the age of 1 day. The trial model consisted of 6 groups in total, in the 3*2 interaction model, in which three different sumac levels were given in two different ways. Each group was arranged to contain 4 replications, and 10 broilers per replication. Birds were supplemented with three different levels (0, 5, and 10 g/liter) of sumac both in drinking water and via inhalation. This experiment lasted 42 days. Live weight and feed consumption were determined on the 10th, 24th, and 42nd days. On the 32nd day of the study, the chickens were vaccinated against infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) and Newcastle disease virus (NDV) by adding them to drinking water for an immunity test. During slaughter, blood samples were taken for antibody titers, and hematological tests and lipid profiles were performed. It was observed that the additive of sumac given by drinking water or inhalation did not have a significant effect on the growth performance of broilers. However, steam application significantly reduced feed consumption and body weight gain. Sumac was not effective in reducing the lipid profile, particularly cholesterol, in the serum of broiler chickens. In addition, although the production of antibodies against NDV and IBV in broilers was improved to some extent, the antibody titer against IBV showed a significantly positive improvement with inhalation administration.


  • Ahmadian, A., Seidavi, A., & Phillips, C.J.C. (2020). Growth, carcass composition, haematology and immunity of broilers supplemented with sumac berries (Rhus coriariaL.) and thyme (Thymus vulgaris). Animals, 10(3), 1–14. 10.3390/ani10030513.
  • AOAC (1990). Official Methods of Analysis 15th Edition, The Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Methods 950.02, 930.15, 942.05, 954.01. Gaithersburg, MD, USA.
  • BIOLABO (2022). Biochimie and Coagulatin. 02160 Maizy, France
  • Asgary, A., Pantin, B., & Selvadurai, A. (2018). Managing Disaster Mutual Assistance Operations in Electricity Companies: Developing an Arc. GIS Online Web Map Application. IEEE Electrical Power and Energy Conference, 10-11 October 2018, Canada. 2018. 8598398.
  • Beckett, J.M., Hartley, T.F., & Ball, J.M. (2009). Evaluation of the Randox colorimetric serum copper and zinc assays against atomic absorption spectroscopy. Annuals of Clinical Biochemistry, 1-9
  • Bursal, E., & Kösal, E. (2011). Evaluation of reducing power and radical scavenging activities of water and ethanol extracts from sumac (Rhus coriaria L.). Food Research International, 44, 2217–2221.
  • Cakmak, M., Ozcan, N., & Denli, M. (2017). Effects of sumac powder (Rhus coriaria L.) on growth performance, serum biochemistry and intestinal microbioata in broilers at different stocking densities. Scientific Papers Series D. Animal Science, 60, 70–74.
  • Choi, H.S., Kim, M.K., Park, H.S., Yun, S.E., Mun, S.P., Kim, J.S., Sapkota, K., Kim, S., Kim, T.Y., & Kim, S.J. (2007). Biological detoxification of lacquer tree (Rhus verniciflua Stokes) stem bark by mushroom species. Food Science and Biotechnology, 16(6), 935–942.
  • Cook, J.K., Jackwood, M., & Jones, R.C. (2012). The long view: 40 years of infectious bronchitis research. Avian Pathology, 41, 239–250. 10.1080/03079457.2012.680432.
  • Cunningham, C.H. (1971). Virologia Practica, 6th ed.; AR: Acribia, Zaragoza 260 p.
  • Dogan, A., & Celic, I. (2015). Potential Therapeutic Properties of Rhus Coriaria on Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats. 2nd International Conference on Natural Products Utilization. 14-17 October 2015, Bulgaria.
  • Fan, W., Tang, N., Dong, Z., Chen, J., Zhang, W., Zhao, C., He, Y., Li, M., Wu, C., Wei, T., Huang, T., Mo, M., & Wei, P. (2019). Genetic Analysis of Avian Coronavirus Infectious Bronchitis Virus in Yellow Chickens in Southern China over the Past Decade: Revealing the Changes of Genetic Diversity, Dominant Genotypes and Selection Pressure. Viruses, 11, 2-26. https://doi: 10.3390/v11100898.
  • Ghasemi, R., Faghani, M., Reza, J.P., Khonmirzaie, N., & Rahimian, Y. (2014). Using sumac (Rhus coriaria L.) extract affect performance and intestinal characteristics of broiler chicks. Scholarly Journal of Agricultural Science, 4(8), 442-445.
  • Golzadeh, M,, Farhoomand, P., & Daneshyar, M. (2012). Dietary Rhus coriaria L. powder reduces the blood cholesterol, VLDL-c and glucose, but increases abdominal fat in broilers. South African Journal of Animal Sciences, 42(4), 398–405.
  • Huang, X.J., Choi, Y.K., Im, H.S., Yarimaga, O., Yoon, E., & Kim, H.S. (2006). Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST/GOT) and Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT/GPT) Detection Techniques. Sensors, 6:756-782.
  • Khataby, K., Kasmi, Y., Souiri, A., Loutfi, C., & Ennaji, M.M. (2020). Avian Coronavirus: Case of Infectious Bronchitis Virus Pathogenesis, Diagnostic Approaches, and Phylogenetic Relationship Among Emerging Strains in Middle East and North Africa Regions. In Ennaji MM (Eds.) Emerging and Reemerging Viral Pathogens. Ap Academic Press.
  • Kheiri., F., Rahimian, Y., & Nasr, J. (2015). Application of sumac and dried whey in female broiler feed. Archives Animal Breeding, 58, 205–210.
  • Kossah, R., Nsabimana, C., Zhao, J., Chen, H., Tian, F., Zhang, H., & Chen, W. (2009). Comparative study on the chemical composition of Syrian sumac (Rhus coriaria L.) and Chinese sumac (Rhus typhina L.) fruits. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 8, 1570–1574. pjn.2009. 1570.1574.
  • Li, F. (2016). Structure, function, and evolution of coronavirus spike proteins. Annual Review of Virology, 3, 237–261. annurev-virology-110615-042301.
  • Mehrdad, M., Zebardast, M., Abedi, G., Koupaei, M.N., Rasouli H., & Talebi, M. (2009). Validated high-throughput HPLC method for the analysis of flavonol aglycones myricetin, quercetin, and kaempferol in Rhus coriaria L. using a monolithic column. Journal of AOAC International, 92(4), 1035-1043.
  • Miller, P.J., Decanini, E.L., & Afonso, C.L. (2010). Newcastle disease: evolution of genotypes and the related diagnostic challenges. Infection Genetics and Evolution, 10(1), 26-35. j.meegid.2009.09.012.
  • Monavari, H.R., Hamkar, R., Norooz-Babaei, Z., Adibi, L., Noroozi, M., & Ziaei, A. (2007). Antiviral effect assay of twenty-five species of various medicinal plants families in Iran. Iranian Journal of Medical Microbiology, 1(2), 49-59.
  • NRC (National Research Council) (1994). Nutrient Requirements of Poultry (9th ed.), National Academy Press, Washington, DC (1994).
  • Özcan, M., & Haciseferogullari, H. (2004). A condiment [sumac (Rhus coriaria L.) fruits]: some physicochemical properties. Bulgarian Journal of Plant Physiology, 30(3-4), 74–84.
  • Sabzghabaee, A.M., Kelishadi, R., Golshiri, K., Ghannadi, A., & Badri, S. (2014). Clinical effects of Rhus coriariafruits on dyslipidemia 308 in Adolescents: a triple-blinded randomized placebo-controlled trial. Medical Archives (Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina), 68(5), 308–312. 10.5455/medarh.2014.68.308-312.
  • Shata, R.F.H. (2017). Effect of dietary sumac seed powder as antioxidants and growth promoter on egg production performance and blood of Japanese quail laying. Egyptian Journal of Nutrition and feeds, 20 (2), 237-247. ejnf.2017.75175.
  • Toghyani, M., & Faghan, N. (2017). Effect of sumac (Rhus coriaria L.) fruit powder as an antibiotic growth promoter substitution on growth performance, immune responses and eerum lipid profile of broiler chicks. Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, 51(3), 295–298.

Etlik Piliçlere İçme ve İnhalasyon Yoluyla Verilen Sumak Suyunun Performans ve Bağışıklık Tepkisi Üzerine Etkisi

Year 2023, Volume: 26 Issue: 3, 702 - 710, 30.06.2023


Bu çalışma, sumak suyunun farklı uygulama yollarının etlik piliçlerin besi süresi ve bağışıklık performansına etkilerini belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Çalışma kuluçkahaneden alınan 1 günlük 240 Ross 308 etlik civciv ile başlatılmıştır. Üç farklı sumak seviyesinin iki farklı şekilde verildiği 3*2 interaksiyon modelinde deneme modeli toplam 6 gruptan oluşmuştur. Her grup, 4 tekerrür ve her bir tekerrürde 10 piliç içerecek şekilde düzenlenmiştir. Piliçlere hem içme suyu hem de inhalasyon yoluyla üç farklı seviyede (0, 5 ve 10 g/litre) sumak suyu verilmiştir. Çalışma süresi 42 gün olmuş ve deneme süresince canlı ağırlık, ağırlık artışı, yem tüketimi ve yem dönüşüm oranını belirlemek için 10, 24 ve 42. günlerde canlı ağırlıklar ve yem tüketimleri ölçülmüştür. Çalışmanın 32. gününde tavuklar, bağışıklık testi için içme suyu ile verme yöntemi ile Enfeksiyöz bronşit virüsü (IBV) ve Newcastle hastalığı virüsüne (NDV) karşı aşılanmıştır. Kesim sırasında antikor titreleri için kan örnekleri alınmıştır. Piliçlerin kesiminden sonra hematolojik testler ve lipid profili incelenmiştir. İçme suyu veya inhalasyon yoluyla verilen sumak suyu uygulamasının etlik piliçlerin büyüme performansı üzerinde önemli bir etkisinin olmadığı görülmüştür. Bununla birlikte, buhar uygulaması, yem tüketimi ve canlı ağırlık artışını önemli ölçüde azaltmıştır. Sumak, etlik piliçlerin serumundaki lipid profilini, özellikle kolesterolü düşürmede etkili olmamış ve piliçlerin NDV ve IBV aşısına karşı antikor üretimi bir dereceye kadar geliştirilmiş olsada, IBV'ye karşı antikor titresi, inhalasyon uygulamasıyla önemli ölçüde pozitif bir gelişme göstermiştir.


  • Ahmadian, A., Seidavi, A., & Phillips, C.J.C. (2020). Growth, carcass composition, haematology and immunity of broilers supplemented with sumac berries (Rhus coriariaL.) and thyme (Thymus vulgaris). Animals, 10(3), 1–14. 10.3390/ani10030513.
  • AOAC (1990). Official Methods of Analysis 15th Edition, The Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Methods 950.02, 930.15, 942.05, 954.01. Gaithersburg, MD, USA.
  • BIOLABO (2022). Biochimie and Coagulatin. 02160 Maizy, France
  • Asgary, A., Pantin, B., & Selvadurai, A. (2018). Managing Disaster Mutual Assistance Operations in Electricity Companies: Developing an Arc. GIS Online Web Map Application. IEEE Electrical Power and Energy Conference, 10-11 October 2018, Canada. 2018. 8598398.
  • Beckett, J.M., Hartley, T.F., & Ball, J.M. (2009). Evaluation of the Randox colorimetric serum copper and zinc assays against atomic absorption spectroscopy. Annuals of Clinical Biochemistry, 1-9
  • Bursal, E., & Kösal, E. (2011). Evaluation of reducing power and radical scavenging activities of water and ethanol extracts from sumac (Rhus coriaria L.). Food Research International, 44, 2217–2221.
  • Cakmak, M., Ozcan, N., & Denli, M. (2017). Effects of sumac powder (Rhus coriaria L.) on growth performance, serum biochemistry and intestinal microbioata in broilers at different stocking densities. Scientific Papers Series D. Animal Science, 60, 70–74.
  • Choi, H.S., Kim, M.K., Park, H.S., Yun, S.E., Mun, S.P., Kim, J.S., Sapkota, K., Kim, S., Kim, T.Y., & Kim, S.J. (2007). Biological detoxification of lacquer tree (Rhus verniciflua Stokes) stem bark by mushroom species. Food Science and Biotechnology, 16(6), 935–942.
  • Cook, J.K., Jackwood, M., & Jones, R.C. (2012). The long view: 40 years of infectious bronchitis research. Avian Pathology, 41, 239–250. 10.1080/03079457.2012.680432.
  • Cunningham, C.H. (1971). Virologia Practica, 6th ed.; AR: Acribia, Zaragoza 260 p.
  • Dogan, A., & Celic, I. (2015). Potential Therapeutic Properties of Rhus Coriaria on Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats. 2nd International Conference on Natural Products Utilization. 14-17 October 2015, Bulgaria.
  • Fan, W., Tang, N., Dong, Z., Chen, J., Zhang, W., Zhao, C., He, Y., Li, M., Wu, C., Wei, T., Huang, T., Mo, M., & Wei, P. (2019). Genetic Analysis of Avian Coronavirus Infectious Bronchitis Virus in Yellow Chickens in Southern China over the Past Decade: Revealing the Changes of Genetic Diversity, Dominant Genotypes and Selection Pressure. Viruses, 11, 2-26. https://doi: 10.3390/v11100898.
  • Ghasemi, R., Faghani, M., Reza, J.P., Khonmirzaie, N., & Rahimian, Y. (2014). Using sumac (Rhus coriaria L.) extract affect performance and intestinal characteristics of broiler chicks. Scholarly Journal of Agricultural Science, 4(8), 442-445.
  • Golzadeh, M,, Farhoomand, P., & Daneshyar, M. (2012). Dietary Rhus coriaria L. powder reduces the blood cholesterol, VLDL-c and glucose, but increases abdominal fat in broilers. South African Journal of Animal Sciences, 42(4), 398–405.
  • Huang, X.J., Choi, Y.K., Im, H.S., Yarimaga, O., Yoon, E., & Kim, H.S. (2006). Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST/GOT) and Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT/GPT) Detection Techniques. Sensors, 6:756-782.
  • Khataby, K., Kasmi, Y., Souiri, A., Loutfi, C., & Ennaji, M.M. (2020). Avian Coronavirus: Case of Infectious Bronchitis Virus Pathogenesis, Diagnostic Approaches, and Phylogenetic Relationship Among Emerging Strains in Middle East and North Africa Regions. In Ennaji MM (Eds.) Emerging and Reemerging Viral Pathogens. Ap Academic Press.
  • Kheiri., F., Rahimian, Y., & Nasr, J. (2015). Application of sumac and dried whey in female broiler feed. Archives Animal Breeding, 58, 205–210.
  • Kossah, R., Nsabimana, C., Zhao, J., Chen, H., Tian, F., Zhang, H., & Chen, W. (2009). Comparative study on the chemical composition of Syrian sumac (Rhus coriaria L.) and Chinese sumac (Rhus typhina L.) fruits. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 8, 1570–1574. pjn.2009. 1570.1574.
  • Li, F. (2016). Structure, function, and evolution of coronavirus spike proteins. Annual Review of Virology, 3, 237–261. annurev-virology-110615-042301.
  • Mehrdad, M., Zebardast, M., Abedi, G., Koupaei, M.N., Rasouli H., & Talebi, M. (2009). Validated high-throughput HPLC method for the analysis of flavonol aglycones myricetin, quercetin, and kaempferol in Rhus coriaria L. using a monolithic column. Journal of AOAC International, 92(4), 1035-1043.
  • Miller, P.J., Decanini, E.L., & Afonso, C.L. (2010). Newcastle disease: evolution of genotypes and the related diagnostic challenges. Infection Genetics and Evolution, 10(1), 26-35. j.meegid.2009.09.012.
  • Monavari, H.R., Hamkar, R., Norooz-Babaei, Z., Adibi, L., Noroozi, M., & Ziaei, A. (2007). Antiviral effect assay of twenty-five species of various medicinal plants families in Iran. Iranian Journal of Medical Microbiology, 1(2), 49-59.
  • NRC (National Research Council) (1994). Nutrient Requirements of Poultry (9th ed.), National Academy Press, Washington, DC (1994).
  • Özcan, M., & Haciseferogullari, H. (2004). A condiment [sumac (Rhus coriaria L.) fruits]: some physicochemical properties. Bulgarian Journal of Plant Physiology, 30(3-4), 74–84.
  • Sabzghabaee, A.M., Kelishadi, R., Golshiri, K., Ghannadi, A., & Badri, S. (2014). Clinical effects of Rhus coriariafruits on dyslipidemia 308 in Adolescents: a triple-blinded randomized placebo-controlled trial. Medical Archives (Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina), 68(5), 308–312. 10.5455/medarh.2014.68.308-312.
  • Shata, R.F.H. (2017). Effect of dietary sumac seed powder as antioxidants and growth promoter on egg production performance and blood of Japanese quail laying. Egyptian Journal of Nutrition and feeds, 20 (2), 237-247. ejnf.2017.75175.
  • Toghyani, M., & Faghan, N. (2017). Effect of sumac (Rhus coriaria L.) fruit powder as an antibiotic growth promoter substitution on growth performance, immune responses and eerum lipid profile of broiler chicks. Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, 51(3), 295–298.
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural, Veterinary and Food Sciences

Hersih Izadeen Rasheed 0000-0002-2269-191X

Sabri Yurtseven

Sleman Said Mohammed Beski 0000-0001-9048-1546

Early Pub Date April 10, 2023
Publication Date June 30, 2023
Submission Date May 7, 2022
Acceptance Date September 11, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2023Volume: 26 Issue: 3


APA Izadeen Rasheed, H., Yurtseven, S., & Beski, S. S. M. (2023). The Effect of Sumac Juice Given to Broilers by Drinking and Inhalation on Performance, Immunity Response and Some Blood Parameters. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım Ve Doğa Dergisi, 26(3), 702-710.

International Peer Reviewed Journal
Free submission and publication
Published 6 times a year


KSU Journal of Agriculture and Nature

e-ISSN: 2619-9149