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Bazı Baklagil Ağaç Yapraklarının Alternatif Yem Kaynağı Olarak Besin Madde İçerikleri ve Sindirilebilirliklerinin Belirlenmesi

Year 2022, , 1191 - 1197, 31.10.2022


Çalışmada, Niğde-Bor yolunda ve Niğde Ömer Halisdemir (OHU) Üniversitesi kampüs içerisinde bulunan farklı baklagil (Fabaceae) ağaçlarından (Leucaeno leucacephala, Robinia pseudoacacia, Colutea arborescens, Cercis siliquastrum, Wisteria sinensis) toplanan yaprakların besin madde içerikleri vein vitro sindirilebilirliklerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmada kullanılan yem materyallerinde kuru madde (KM), ham protein (HP), ham yağ (HY), ham selüloz (HS) ve ham kül (HK) analizleri ile asit çözücülerde çözünmeyen lifli madde (ADF), nötr çözücülerde çözünmeyen lifli madde (NDF) ve nitrojensiz öz madde (NÖM) değerleri belirlenmiştir. Örneklerin in vitro gaz ve metan gazı üretim miktarları, metabolik enerji (ME), net enerji laktasyon (NEL) ve in vitro organik madde sindirim derecesi (IVOMSD) değerlerinin saptanması amacıyla mezbahanede yeni kesilen koçlardan elde edilen rumen sıvısı kullanılmıştır. Farklı dönemlerde toplanan yapraklar ve türler arasındaki farklılık HSdışı tüm (KM, HK, HP, NDF, ADF ve ADL) değerler için istatistiki olarak önemli bulunmuştur (P<0.05). Baklagil yapraklarının birinci hasatında HP değerleri ikinci hasata göre sayısal olarak daha fazla çıkmıştır. İstatistik analizinde birinci dönemde hasat edilen Robınıa pseudoacacıa (RP) HP değerinin (%18.16) en fazla olduğu bulunmuştur. Ağaç yapraklarının KM içerikleri %86.34-93.04 arasında, HK içerikleri %5.79-18.49 arasında, HP içerikleri %9.43-18.16 arasında, HY içerikleri %4.98-8.14 arasında NDF içerikleri %21.18-37.75 arasında değişmiştir. GÜ(Gaz üretimi):21.50-36.75, ME:6.63-8.85 MJ kg-1 KM, NEL:2.11-4.67, MJ kg-1 KM OMS: %33.13-56.65, Metan:%11.75-14.75 arasında bulunmuştur. Gaz üretimi, ME, NEL ve OMS değerleri, birinci dönemde toplanan Gleditsia triancanthos L türünde daha fazla elde edilmiştir (sırasıyla 36.75, 8.85, 4.67 ve 56.65). Metan üretiminin birinci dönemde Robınıa pseudoacacıa tür ağaç yapraklarında daha fazla olduğu belirlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak, besin madde içerikleri ve gaz üretim değerleri bakımından baklagil ağaç yapraklarının ruminant hayvan beslemede kullanılabileceği belirtilebilir.

Supporting Institution

Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Birimi

Project Number

TGT 2019/03-BAGEP


Çalışmanın yapılmasında TGT 2019/03-BAGEP nolu proje ye Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri biriminin katkılarından dolayı teşekkür ederiz.


  • Açıkgöz E, Hatipoğlu R, Altınok S, Sancak C, Tan A, Uraz D 2005. Yem bitkileri üretimi ve sorunları. Türkiye Ziraat Mühendisliği VI. Teknik Kongresi, 503-518.
  • Aganga AA, Tshwenyane SO 2007. Feeding Values and Anti- Nutritive Factors of Forage Tree Legumes. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2(3): 170-177.
  • Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC) 1990. Official Method of Analysis. 15th. ed. Washington DC. USA, 66-88.
  • Başer A, Kamalak A 2020. Türkiye’nin Akdeniz Bölgesinde Yetişen Bazı Baklagil Ağaç Yapraklarının Yem Değerleri ve İn Vitro Fermantasyon Özellikleri. Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi, 7(4): 940–947.
  • Beauchemin KA, McAllister TA, McGinn SM 2009. Dietary Mitigation of Enteric Methane from Cattle. CAB Reviews: Perspectives. In Agriculture Veterinary Science Nutrition and Natural Resources, 4(35): 1-18.
  • Brewbaker JL, Sorensson CT 1990. New Tree Crops From İnterspecific Leucaena Hybrids. In: Janick, J. and Simon, J.E. (eds), Advances in New Crops. Timber Press, Portland, 283-289.
  • Canbolat Ö 2012. Determination of Potential Nutritive Value of Exotic Tree Leaves in Turkey. Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 18(3): 419-423.
  • Castro-Montoya JM, Dickhoefer U 2020. The Nutritional Value of Tropical Legume Forages Fed to Ruminants as Affected by Their Growth Habit and Fed Form: A Systematic Review. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 269: 114641.
  • Cheema UB, Younas M, Sultan JI, Virk MR, Tariq M., Waheed A 2011. Fodder Tree Leaves: An Alternative Source of Livestock Feeding. Advances in Agricultural Biotechnology, 2: 22-33.
  • Demirkol İ 2019. Akasya Yaprağının Besleme Değeri ve Metan Üretim Potansiyelinin Belirlenmesi, Harran Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Zootekni Anabilim Dalı, Doktora Tezi, 24 sy.
  • Devendra C 1994. Composition and Nutritive Value of Browse Legumes, In Forage Tree Legumes in Tropical Agricultures, 49-65.
  • Frutos P, Hervas G, Ramos G, Giraldez FJ, Mantecon AR 2002. Condensed Tannin Content of Several Shrub Species From a Mountain Area in Northern Spain, and İts Relationship to Various İndicators of Nutritive Value. Animal Feed Science Technology, 95:215-226.
  • Goel G, Makkar HPS, Becker K 2008. Effect of Sesbania Sesban and Carduus Pycnocephalus Leaves and Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L) Seeds and Their Extract on Partitioning of Nutrients from Roughage and Concentrate-Based Feeds to Methane. Anim Feed Sci Technol, 147 (1-3): 72-89.
  • Hernández SR, Pérez JO, Elghandour MMMY, Cipriano-Salazar M, Avila-Morales B. Camacho-Díaz LM, Soto MC 2015. Effect of Polyethylene Glycol on İn Vitro Gas Production of Some Non-Leguminous Forage Trees in Tropical Region of The South of Mexico. Agroforestry systems, 89(4): 735-742.
  • Hoover WH, Stokes SR 1991. Balancing Carbohydrates and Proteins for Optimum Rumen Microbial Yield. Journal of Dairy Science, 74(10): 3630-3644.
  • Hove L, Ndlova LR, Sibanda S 2003. The Effects of Drying Temperature on Chemical Composition and Nutritive Value of Some Tropical Fodder Shrubs. Agroforestry Systems, 59(3): 231–241.
  • Kjeldahl JGCT 1883. A new method for the estimation of nitrogen in organic compounds. Z. Anal. Chem, 22(1): 366-382.
  • Kurt Ö, Öztürk D 2018. Bazı Baklagil Ağaç Meyvelerinin Besleme Değerinin Belirlenmesi. Black Sea Journal of Agriculture, 1(3): 60-65.
  • Kutlu HR 2008. Yem Değerlendirme ve Analiz Yöntemleri. Çukurova Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi Ders Notları. Adana.
  • Leng RA 1997. Tree Foliage in Ruminant Nutrition Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, 139.
  • Maasdorp BV, Muchenje V, Titterton M 1999. Palatability and Effect on Dairy Cow Milk Yield of Dried Fodder From The Forage Trees Acacia Boliviana, Calliandra Calothyrsus and Leucaena leucocephala. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 77(1-2): 49-59.
  • Masama E, Topps JH, Ngongoni NT, Maasdorp BV 1997. Effects of Supplementation with Foliage from The Tree Legumes Acacia Angustissima, Cajanus Cajan, Calliandra Calothyrsus and Leucaena Leucocephala on Feed İntake, Digestibility and Nitrogen Metabolism of Sheep Given Maize Stover Adlibitum. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 69(1-3): 233-240.
  • Menke KH, Raab L, Salewski A, Steingass H, Fritz D, Schneider W 1979. The Estimation of The Digestibility and Metabolizable Energy Content of Ruminant Feedstuffs from The Gas Production when They are İncubated with Rumen Liquor. The Journal of Agricultural Science, 93: 217–222.
  • Menke KH, Steingass H 1988. Estimation of The Energetic Feed Value Obtained from Chemical Analysis and İn Vitro Gas Production Using Rumen Fluid. Animal Research and Development, 28: 7–55.
  • Norton BW 1994. Tree Legumes as Dietary Supplements for Ruminants. Forage Tree Legumes in Tropical Agriculture, 192-201.
  • Pal K, Patra AK, Sahoo A, Kumawat PK 2015. Evaluation of Several Tropical Tree Leaves for Methane Production Potential, Degradability and Rumen Fermentation İn Vitro. Livestock Science, 180: 98-105.
  • Papachristou TG, Platis PD, Papanastasis VP, Tsiouvaras CN 1999. Use of Deciduous Woody Species as A Diet Supplement for Goats Grazing Mediterranean Shrublands During The Dry Season. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 80(3-4): 267-279.
  • Rubanza CDK, Shem MN, Bakengesa SS, Ichinohe T, Fujihara T 2007. The Content of Protein, Fibre and Minerals of Leaves of Selected Acacia Species İndigenous to North-western Tanzania. Archives of Animal Nutrition, 61(2): 151-156.
  • Speedy A, Pugliese PL 1992. Legume Trees and Other Fodder Trees as Protein Sources for Livestock (No. 633.3/S742). Food and Agriculture Organization of The United Nations, 14-18 October 1991, Rome
  • Talamucci P, Pardini A 1999. Pastoral Systems Dominated by Fodder Crops Harvesting and Grazing. Cahiers Options Méditerranéennes, 39: 29-44.
  • Tan HY, Sieo CC, Abdullah N, Liang JB, Huang XD, Ho YW 2011. Effects of condensed tannins from Leucaena on methane production, rumen fermentation and populations of methanogens and protozoa in vitro. Animal feed science and technology, 169(3-4): 185-193.
  • Tatlıyer A, Kamalak A, Öztürk D 2019. Sandal Ağacı (Arbutus andrachne) Yapraklarının Potansiyel Besleme Değerinin Belirlenmesi. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi, 22(2): 315-321.
  • Van Soest PJ 1994. Nutritional ecology of the ruminant. Cornell university press, London, 58sy.
  • Van Soest PJ, Robertson JD, Lewis BA 1991. Methods for Dietary Fibre, Neutral Detergent Fibre and Non-starch Polysaccharides in Relation to Animal Nutrition. Journal of Dairy Sci., 74: 3583-3597.

Determination of Nutrient Content and Digestibility of Some Leguminous Tree Leaves as Alternative Feed Sources

Year 2022, , 1191 - 1197, 31.10.2022


In this study, it was aimed to determine the nutrient content and in vitro digestibility of the leaves collected from different legume (Fabaceae) trees (Leucaeno leucacephala, Robinia pseudoacacia, Colutea arborescens, Cercis siliquastrum, Wisteria sinensis) on the Niğde-Bor road and in the campus of Niğde Ömer Halisdemir (OHU) University. Dry matter (KM), crude protein (HP), crude oil (HY), crude cellulose (HS) and crude ash (HK) analyzes in the feed materials used in the research, fibrous material insoluble in acid solvents (ADF), fibrous material insoluble in neutral solvents ( NDF) and nitrogen-free core (NPM) values were determined. In order to determine the in vitro gas and methane gas production amounts, metabolic energy (ME), net energy lactation (NEL) and in vitro organic matter digestion degree (IVOMSD) values of the samples, rumen fluid obtained from newly slaughtered rams in the slaughterhouse was used. The difference between leaves and species collected at different periods was found to be statistically significant (P<0.05) for all non-HS values (KM, HK, HP, NDF, ADF and ADL). HP values in the first harvest of legume leaves were numerically higher than in the second harvest. In the statistical analysis, it was found that the HP value (18.16%) of Robinia pseudoacacia (RP) harvested in the first period was the highest. The KM contents of tree leaves varied between 86.34% and 93.04%, HK contents between 5.79% and 18.49%, HP contents between 9.43-18.16%, HY contents between 4.98-8.14% and NDF contents between 21.18% and 37.75%. GU (Gas production): 21.50-36.75, ME: 6.63-8.85 MJ kg-1 KM, NEL: 2.11-4.67, MJ kg-1 KM OMS: 33.13-56.65%, Methane: 11.75-14.75% was found among. Gas production, ME, NEL and OMS values were higher in Gleditsia triancanthos L species collected in the first period (36.75, 8.85, 4.67 and 56.65, respectively). It was determined that methane production was higher in Robinia pseudoacacia species tree leaves in the first period. As a result, it can be stated that legume tree leaves can be used in ruminant animal nutrition in terms of nutrient content and gas production values.

Project Number

TGT 2019/03-BAGEP


  • Açıkgöz E, Hatipoğlu R, Altınok S, Sancak C, Tan A, Uraz D 2005. Yem bitkileri üretimi ve sorunları. Türkiye Ziraat Mühendisliği VI. Teknik Kongresi, 503-518.
  • Aganga AA, Tshwenyane SO 2007. Feeding Values and Anti- Nutritive Factors of Forage Tree Legumes. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2(3): 170-177.
  • Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC) 1990. Official Method of Analysis. 15th. ed. Washington DC. USA, 66-88.
  • Başer A, Kamalak A 2020. Türkiye’nin Akdeniz Bölgesinde Yetişen Bazı Baklagil Ağaç Yapraklarının Yem Değerleri ve İn Vitro Fermantasyon Özellikleri. Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi, 7(4): 940–947.
  • Beauchemin KA, McAllister TA, McGinn SM 2009. Dietary Mitigation of Enteric Methane from Cattle. CAB Reviews: Perspectives. In Agriculture Veterinary Science Nutrition and Natural Resources, 4(35): 1-18.
  • Brewbaker JL, Sorensson CT 1990. New Tree Crops From İnterspecific Leucaena Hybrids. In: Janick, J. and Simon, J.E. (eds), Advances in New Crops. Timber Press, Portland, 283-289.
  • Canbolat Ö 2012. Determination of Potential Nutritive Value of Exotic Tree Leaves in Turkey. Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 18(3): 419-423.
  • Castro-Montoya JM, Dickhoefer U 2020. The Nutritional Value of Tropical Legume Forages Fed to Ruminants as Affected by Their Growth Habit and Fed Form: A Systematic Review. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 269: 114641.
  • Cheema UB, Younas M, Sultan JI, Virk MR, Tariq M., Waheed A 2011. Fodder Tree Leaves: An Alternative Source of Livestock Feeding. Advances in Agricultural Biotechnology, 2: 22-33.
  • Demirkol İ 2019. Akasya Yaprağının Besleme Değeri ve Metan Üretim Potansiyelinin Belirlenmesi, Harran Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Zootekni Anabilim Dalı, Doktora Tezi, 24 sy.
  • Devendra C 1994. Composition and Nutritive Value of Browse Legumes, In Forage Tree Legumes in Tropical Agricultures, 49-65.
  • Frutos P, Hervas G, Ramos G, Giraldez FJ, Mantecon AR 2002. Condensed Tannin Content of Several Shrub Species From a Mountain Area in Northern Spain, and İts Relationship to Various İndicators of Nutritive Value. Animal Feed Science Technology, 95:215-226.
  • Goel G, Makkar HPS, Becker K 2008. Effect of Sesbania Sesban and Carduus Pycnocephalus Leaves and Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L) Seeds and Their Extract on Partitioning of Nutrients from Roughage and Concentrate-Based Feeds to Methane. Anim Feed Sci Technol, 147 (1-3): 72-89.
  • Hernández SR, Pérez JO, Elghandour MMMY, Cipriano-Salazar M, Avila-Morales B. Camacho-Díaz LM, Soto MC 2015. Effect of Polyethylene Glycol on İn Vitro Gas Production of Some Non-Leguminous Forage Trees in Tropical Region of The South of Mexico. Agroforestry systems, 89(4): 735-742.
  • Hoover WH, Stokes SR 1991. Balancing Carbohydrates and Proteins for Optimum Rumen Microbial Yield. Journal of Dairy Science, 74(10): 3630-3644.
  • Hove L, Ndlova LR, Sibanda S 2003. The Effects of Drying Temperature on Chemical Composition and Nutritive Value of Some Tropical Fodder Shrubs. Agroforestry Systems, 59(3): 231–241.
  • Kjeldahl JGCT 1883. A new method for the estimation of nitrogen in organic compounds. Z. Anal. Chem, 22(1): 366-382.
  • Kurt Ö, Öztürk D 2018. Bazı Baklagil Ağaç Meyvelerinin Besleme Değerinin Belirlenmesi. Black Sea Journal of Agriculture, 1(3): 60-65.
  • Kutlu HR 2008. Yem Değerlendirme ve Analiz Yöntemleri. Çukurova Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi Ders Notları. Adana.
  • Leng RA 1997. Tree Foliage in Ruminant Nutrition Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, 139.
  • Maasdorp BV, Muchenje V, Titterton M 1999. Palatability and Effect on Dairy Cow Milk Yield of Dried Fodder From The Forage Trees Acacia Boliviana, Calliandra Calothyrsus and Leucaena leucocephala. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 77(1-2): 49-59.
  • Masama E, Topps JH, Ngongoni NT, Maasdorp BV 1997. Effects of Supplementation with Foliage from The Tree Legumes Acacia Angustissima, Cajanus Cajan, Calliandra Calothyrsus and Leucaena Leucocephala on Feed İntake, Digestibility and Nitrogen Metabolism of Sheep Given Maize Stover Adlibitum. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 69(1-3): 233-240.
  • Menke KH, Raab L, Salewski A, Steingass H, Fritz D, Schneider W 1979. The Estimation of The Digestibility and Metabolizable Energy Content of Ruminant Feedstuffs from The Gas Production when They are İncubated with Rumen Liquor. The Journal of Agricultural Science, 93: 217–222.
  • Menke KH, Steingass H 1988. Estimation of The Energetic Feed Value Obtained from Chemical Analysis and İn Vitro Gas Production Using Rumen Fluid. Animal Research and Development, 28: 7–55.
  • Norton BW 1994. Tree Legumes as Dietary Supplements for Ruminants. Forage Tree Legumes in Tropical Agriculture, 192-201.
  • Pal K, Patra AK, Sahoo A, Kumawat PK 2015. Evaluation of Several Tropical Tree Leaves for Methane Production Potential, Degradability and Rumen Fermentation İn Vitro. Livestock Science, 180: 98-105.
  • Papachristou TG, Platis PD, Papanastasis VP, Tsiouvaras CN 1999. Use of Deciduous Woody Species as A Diet Supplement for Goats Grazing Mediterranean Shrublands During The Dry Season. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 80(3-4): 267-279.
  • Rubanza CDK, Shem MN, Bakengesa SS, Ichinohe T, Fujihara T 2007. The Content of Protein, Fibre and Minerals of Leaves of Selected Acacia Species İndigenous to North-western Tanzania. Archives of Animal Nutrition, 61(2): 151-156.
  • Speedy A, Pugliese PL 1992. Legume Trees and Other Fodder Trees as Protein Sources for Livestock (No. 633.3/S742). Food and Agriculture Organization of The United Nations, 14-18 October 1991, Rome
  • Talamucci P, Pardini A 1999. Pastoral Systems Dominated by Fodder Crops Harvesting and Grazing. Cahiers Options Méditerranéennes, 39: 29-44.
  • Tan HY, Sieo CC, Abdullah N, Liang JB, Huang XD, Ho YW 2011. Effects of condensed tannins from Leucaena on methane production, rumen fermentation and populations of methanogens and protozoa in vitro. Animal feed science and technology, 169(3-4): 185-193.
  • Tatlıyer A, Kamalak A, Öztürk D 2019. Sandal Ağacı (Arbutus andrachne) Yapraklarının Potansiyel Besleme Değerinin Belirlenmesi. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi, 22(2): 315-321.
  • Van Soest PJ 1994. Nutritional ecology of the ruminant. Cornell university press, London, 58sy.
  • Van Soest PJ, Robertson JD, Lewis BA 1991. Methods for Dietary Fibre, Neutral Detergent Fibre and Non-starch Polysaccharides in Relation to Animal Nutrition. Journal of Dairy Sci., 74: 3583-3597.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Agricultural, Veterinary and Food Sciences

Mustafa Boğa 0000-0001-8277-9262

Barış Cem Avcı 0000-0002-8895-2959

Hatice Nur Kılıç 0000-0001-9131-4010

Ayşe Gül Civaner 0000-0001-7498-328X

Project Number TGT 2019/03-BAGEP
Publication Date October 31, 2022
Submission Date September 10, 2021
Acceptance Date October 29, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Boğa, M., Avcı, B. C., Kılıç, H. N., Civaner, A. G. (2022). Bazı Baklagil Ağaç Yapraklarının Alternatif Yem Kaynağı Olarak Besin Madde İçerikleri ve Sindirilebilirliklerinin Belirlenmesi. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım Ve Doğa Dergisi, 25(5), 1191-1197.


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       Dergimiz, herhangi bir başvuru veya yayımlama ücreti almamaktadır. (Free submission and publication)

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Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi
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