Apricot flower midge (Contarinia pruniflorum Coutin & Rambier Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) was first detected in Prunus species in the 1950s and did not become a significant pest for a long time. However, towards the 2000s, the pest caused damage to apricot and plum especially in Mediterranean countries and its distribution continued to increase. The population density of the pest is closely related to the climate of the agricultural area. In recent years, the fluctuation in climatic data causes the population fluctuations. The study was carried out in the Kale and the Yeşilyurt district of Malatya province (Turkey) in 2017-2018. Some biological stages of apricot flower midge were determined in Malatya province and these data were interpreted together with climatic data. It was determined that the pest overwinters as a pupa in the soil. In February, the adult emerges from the pupa with the warming of the air and soil temperatures. It was determined that the adult emerged from the pupa when the soil temperature was 13-14 °C and the air temperature was 7-15 °C. At the beginning of the pink-bud stage of apricot, the pests lay eggs into flower buds. The larval development is approximately 25-28 days. The average number of larvae in the damaged buds was 14, the maximum number of larvae in a bud was 26, and the pest gave an offspring annually and the ratio of male to female was 0.08.
Tarım ve Orman Bakanlığı Tarımsal Araştırmalar ve Politikalar Genel Müdürlüğü
Proje Numarası
We are grateful to the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Agriculture And Forestry General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policies which provides financial support to our study.
Alford, D.V. (2007). Pests of Fruit Crops. Chapter 5. True flies, 3. Family Cecidomyiidae, Contarinia pruniflorum Coutin & Rambier, Plum fruit-bud midge, in Pest of fruit crops, A color handbook. Academic Press is an imprint Elsevier, Boston, San Diego, 177-178.
Alford, D.V. (2007). Pests of Fruit Crops. Chapter 5. True flies, 3. Family Cecidomyiidae, Contarinia pruniflorum Coutin & Rambier, Plum fruit-bud midge, in Pest of fruit crops, A color handbook. Academic Press is an imprint Elsevier, Boston, San Diego, 177-178.
Coutin, R. & Rambier, A. (1955). Description d'une nouvelle cécidomyie sur les fleurs des Prunus: Contarinia pruniflorum n. sp. et ses principaux caracteres biologiques (Dipt. Itonididae). Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France, 60: 104-110.
Coutin, R. & Rambier, A. (1955). Description d'une nouvelle cécidomyie sur les fleurs des Prunus: Contarinia pruniflorum n. sp. et ses principaux caracteres biologiques (Dipt. Itonididae). Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France, 60: 104-110.
Doğanlar, M., Yiğit, T., Aslan, A. & Karakaş, H. B. (2014). First record of the apricot flower midge, Contarina pruniflorum Coutin & Rambier (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) in Malatya province, Turkey. Munis Entomology & Zoology, 9 (2), 765-769.
Doğanlar, M., Yiğit, T., Aslan, A. & Karakaş, H. B. (2014). First record of the apricot flower midge, Contarina pruniflorum Coutin & Rambier (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) in Malatya province, Turkey. Munis Entomology & Zoology, 9 (2), 765-769.
Gagné, R. J. & Jaschhof, M. (2014). A Catalog of the Cecidomyiidae (Diptera) of the World. Digital version 2, 493. (Web page: https://www.ars.
usda.gov/ARSUserFiles/80420580/Gagne_2014_World_Cecidomyiidae_Catalog_3rd_Edition.pdf) (Date accessed: 12.10.2019)
Gagné, R. J. & Jaschhof, M. (2014). A Catalog of the Cecidomyiidae (Diptera) of the World. Digital version 2, 493. (Web page: https://www.ars.
usda.gov/ARSUserFiles/80420580/Gagne_2014_World_Cecidomyiidae_Catalog_3rd_Edition.pdf) (Date accessed: 12.10.2019)
Gagné, R. J. & Jaschhof, M. (2017). A Catalog of the Cecidomyiidae (Diptera) of the World. Digital, 762. (Web page: https://www.ars.usda.gov/ARSUser Files/ 80420580/Gagne_2017_World_Cat_4th_ed. pdf) (Date accessed: 12.10.2019)
Gagné, R. J. & Jaschhof, M. (2017). A Catalog of the Cecidomyiidae (Diptera) of the World. Digital, 762. (Web page: https://www.ars.usda.gov/ARSUser Files/ 80420580/Gagne_2017_World_Cat_4th_ed. pdf) (Date accessed: 12.10.2019)
Gomez, C., Chauvin-Buthaud, B. & Stevenin, S. (2006). Lutte contre la Cecidomyie Contarinia pruniflorum en verger d'abrıcotıers. Arborıculture 2006 (Fiche A06RA/02. (Web page: http://www.grab.fr/cd2006/Fiche%20ArboRA%202%20cecidomyie%202006.pdf) (Date accessed: 12.10. 2019)
Gomez, C., Chauvin-Buthaud, B. & Stevenin, S. (2006). Lutte contre la Cecidomyie Contarinia pruniflorum en verger d'abrıcotıers. Arborıculture 2006 (Fiche A06RA/02. (Web page: http://www.grab.fr/cd2006/Fiche%20ArboRA%202%20cecidomyie%202006.pdf) (Date accessed: 12.10. 2019)
Gunduz, O., Aslan, A., Ceyhan, V. & Bayramoglu, Z. (2021). Measuring the metafrontier efficiencies and technology gaps of dried apricot farms in different agro-ecological zones. Custos E Agronegocio on line, 17 (1), 63-87.
Gunduz, O., Aslan, A., Ceyhan, V. & Bayramoglu, Z. (2021). Measuring the metafrontier efficiencies and technology gaps of dried apricot farms in different agro-ecological zones. Custos E Agronegocio on line, 17 (1), 63-87.
International Nuts & Dried Fruit (2019). Statistical Yearbooks of The International Nut and Dried Fruit Council, from https://www.nutfruit.org/ industry/technical-resources?category=statistical-yearbooks (24/12/2019)
International Nuts & Dried Fruit (2019). Statistical Yearbooks of The International Nut and Dried Fruit Council, from https://www.nutfruit.org/ industry/technical-resources?category=statistical-yearbooks (24/12/2019)
Kaplan, M. (2014). A New Pest: Contarinia pruniflorum Coutin & Rambier (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) on apricot (Prunus armeniaca) in Malatya province, Turkey. Munis Entomology & Zoology, 9 (2), 947-949.
Kaplan, M. (2014). A New Pest: Contarinia pruniflorum Coutin & Rambier (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) on apricot (Prunus armeniaca) in Malatya province, Turkey. Munis Entomology & Zoology, 9 (2), 947-949.
Kaplan, M. & İnal, B. (2021). Molecular and Morphological Identification of Contarinia pruniflorum Coutin & Rambier (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) Which is a Harmful Pest in Apricot Orchards in Turkey. Erwerbs-Obstbau, 63 (4), 425-429. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10341-020-0602-5 (Online)
Kaplan, M. & İnal, B. (2021). Molecular and Morphological Identification of Contarinia pruniflorum Coutin & Rambier (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) Which is a Harmful Pest in Apricot Orchards in Turkey. Erwerbs-Obstbau, 63 (4), 425-429. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10341-020-0602-5 (Online)
Kyttariolou, K. S. & Tsagkarakis, A. E. (2013). Population density of Contarinia pruniflorum (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) in different apricot varieties. Abstr. of. 15th National Entomological Congress of Greece, 22-25 October 2013, Kavala, Greece, 17 p. (in Greek, English abstract)
Kyttariolou, K. S. & Tsagkarakis, A. E. (2013). Population density of Contarinia pruniflorum (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) in different apricot varieties. Abstr. of. 15th National Entomological Congress of Greece, 22-25 October 2013, Kavala, Greece, 17 p. (in Greek, English abstract)
Montuschi, C., Rossi, R. & Bariselli, M. (2004). Remove from marked Records red spot and flower midge worry apricot growers in Emilia-Romagna. Rivista di Frutticoltura e di Ortofloricoltura, 66 (6) pp. 51-53.
Montuschi, C., Rossi, R. & Bariselli, M. (2004). Remove from marked Records red spot and flower midge worry apricot growers in Emilia-Romagna. Rivista di Frutticoltura e di Ortofloricoltura, 66 (6) pp. 51-53.
Pierre, E. & Chauvin-Buthaud, B. (2001). Remove from marked records A "new" pest in the south of France: a midge which gives cause for concern on apricot blossom (Contarinia pruniflorum). Un « nouveau » ravageur dans le sud de la France: une cécidomyie préoccupante sur fleurs d'abricotiers. Phytoma 2001, 541, 38-39.
Pierre, E. & Chauvin-Buthaud, B. (2001). Remove from marked records A "new" pest in the south of France: a midge which gives cause for concern on apricot blossom (Contarinia pruniflorum). Un « nouveau » ravageur dans le sud de la France: une cécidomyie préoccupante sur fleurs d'abricotiers. Phytoma 2001, 541, 38-39.
Pollini, A. & Bariselli, M. (1996). Contarinia pruniflorum, a new pest of apricot. Informatore Agrario, 52, 71-73.
Pollini, A. & Bariselli, M. (1996). Contarinia pruniflorum, a new pest of apricot. Informatore Agrario, 52, 71-73.
Tommasini, M. G. (2006). Recenti problematiche fitosanitarie dell’albicocco. Frutticoltura, 9: 68.
Tommasini, M. G. (2006). Recenti problematiche fitosanitarie dell’albicocco. Frutticoltura, 9: 68.
Tsagarakis, Α. Ε. & Mitsopoulus, D. I. (2007). First record of the apricot flower midge Contarinia pruniflorum Coutin & Rambier (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) in Greece. (in Greek, English abstract) Abstr. of.
12th National Entomological Congress of Greece, 13-16 November 2007, Larnaca, Cyprus, 230 p.
Tsagarakis, Α. Ε. & Mitsopoulus, D. I. (2007). First record of the apricot flower midge Contarinia pruniflorum Coutin & Rambier (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) in Greece. (in Greek, English abstract) Abstr. of.
12th National Entomological Congress of Greece, 13-16 November 2007, Larnaca, Cyprus, 230 p.
Kayısı çiçek tomurcuğu sineği (Contarinia pruniflorum Coutin & Rambier Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) 1950 li yıllarda ilk olarak Prunus türlerinde tespit edilmiş olup uzun bir süre önemli bir zararlı olmamıştır. 2000’li yıllara doğru özellikle Akdeniz ülkelerinde kayısı ve erikde zarar oluşturmuş ve yayılış alanı artarak devam etmiştir. Zararlının popülasyon yoğunluğu yetiştiricilik yapılan alanın iklimi ile çok yakın ilişki içerisindedir. Son yıllarda iklimsel verilerdeki dalgalanma popülasyon seviyesinde de dalgalanmaya neden olmaktadır. Çalışma, 2017-2018 yıllarında Malatya ili Kale ve Yeşilyurt ilçelerinde yürütülmüştür. Çalışmada Malatya ilinde Kayısı çiçek tomurcuğu sineğinin özellikle mücadeleye esas bazı biyolojik dönemleri belirlenmiş ve bu veriler iklimsel verilerle birlikte yorumlanmıştır. Türün kışı toprakta pupa olarak geçirdiği, şubat ayı içerisinde hava (7-15 °C) ve toprak sıcaklıklarının (13-14 °C) ısınmasıyla birlikte erginin pupadan çıktığı tespit edilmiştir. Kayısının pembe tomurcuk döneminin başlarında çiçek tomurcukları içerisine yumurtasını bıraktığı, zarar görmüş tomurcuktaki ortalama larva sayısının 14 olduğu, bir tomurcukta görülen en fazla larva sayısının ise 26 adet olduğu ve yılda 1 döl verdiği, erkek bireylerinin dişi bireylere oranı ise 0.08 olarak belirlenmiştir.
Alford, D.V. (2007). Pests of Fruit Crops. Chapter 5. True flies, 3. Family Cecidomyiidae, Contarinia pruniflorum Coutin & Rambier, Plum fruit-bud midge, in Pest of fruit crops, A color handbook. Academic Press is an imprint Elsevier, Boston, San Diego, 177-178.
Alford, D.V. (2007). Pests of Fruit Crops. Chapter 5. True flies, 3. Family Cecidomyiidae, Contarinia pruniflorum Coutin & Rambier, Plum fruit-bud midge, in Pest of fruit crops, A color handbook. Academic Press is an imprint Elsevier, Boston, San Diego, 177-178.
Coutin, R. & Rambier, A. (1955). Description d'une nouvelle cécidomyie sur les fleurs des Prunus: Contarinia pruniflorum n. sp. et ses principaux caracteres biologiques (Dipt. Itonididae). Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France, 60: 104-110.
Coutin, R. & Rambier, A. (1955). Description d'une nouvelle cécidomyie sur les fleurs des Prunus: Contarinia pruniflorum n. sp. et ses principaux caracteres biologiques (Dipt. Itonididae). Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France, 60: 104-110.
Doğanlar, M., Yiğit, T., Aslan, A. & Karakaş, H. B. (2014). First record of the apricot flower midge, Contarina pruniflorum Coutin & Rambier (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) in Malatya province, Turkey. Munis Entomology & Zoology, 9 (2), 765-769.
Doğanlar, M., Yiğit, T., Aslan, A. & Karakaş, H. B. (2014). First record of the apricot flower midge, Contarina pruniflorum Coutin & Rambier (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) in Malatya province, Turkey. Munis Entomology & Zoology, 9 (2), 765-769.
Gagné, R. J. & Jaschhof, M. (2014). A Catalog of the Cecidomyiidae (Diptera) of the World. Digital version 2, 493. (Web page: https://www.ars.
usda.gov/ARSUserFiles/80420580/Gagne_2014_World_Cecidomyiidae_Catalog_3rd_Edition.pdf) (Date accessed: 12.10.2019)
Gagné, R. J. & Jaschhof, M. (2014). A Catalog of the Cecidomyiidae (Diptera) of the World. Digital version 2, 493. (Web page: https://www.ars.
usda.gov/ARSUserFiles/80420580/Gagne_2014_World_Cecidomyiidae_Catalog_3rd_Edition.pdf) (Date accessed: 12.10.2019)
Gagné, R. J. & Jaschhof, M. (2017). A Catalog of the Cecidomyiidae (Diptera) of the World. Digital, 762. (Web page: https://www.ars.usda.gov/ARSUser Files/ 80420580/Gagne_2017_World_Cat_4th_ed. pdf) (Date accessed: 12.10.2019)
Gagné, R. J. & Jaschhof, M. (2017). A Catalog of the Cecidomyiidae (Diptera) of the World. Digital, 762. (Web page: https://www.ars.usda.gov/ARSUser Files/ 80420580/Gagne_2017_World_Cat_4th_ed. pdf) (Date accessed: 12.10.2019)
Gomez, C., Chauvin-Buthaud, B. & Stevenin, S. (2006). Lutte contre la Cecidomyie Contarinia pruniflorum en verger d'abrıcotıers. Arborıculture 2006 (Fiche A06RA/02. (Web page: http://www.grab.fr/cd2006/Fiche%20ArboRA%202%20cecidomyie%202006.pdf) (Date accessed: 12.10. 2019)
Gomez, C., Chauvin-Buthaud, B. & Stevenin, S. (2006). Lutte contre la Cecidomyie Contarinia pruniflorum en verger d'abrıcotıers. Arborıculture 2006 (Fiche A06RA/02. (Web page: http://www.grab.fr/cd2006/Fiche%20ArboRA%202%20cecidomyie%202006.pdf) (Date accessed: 12.10. 2019)
Gunduz, O., Aslan, A., Ceyhan, V. & Bayramoglu, Z. (2021). Measuring the metafrontier efficiencies and technology gaps of dried apricot farms in different agro-ecological zones. Custos E Agronegocio on line, 17 (1), 63-87.
Gunduz, O., Aslan, A., Ceyhan, V. & Bayramoglu, Z. (2021). Measuring the metafrontier efficiencies and technology gaps of dried apricot farms in different agro-ecological zones. Custos E Agronegocio on line, 17 (1), 63-87.
International Nuts & Dried Fruit (2019). Statistical Yearbooks of The International Nut and Dried Fruit Council, from https://www.nutfruit.org/ industry/technical-resources?category=statistical-yearbooks (24/12/2019)
International Nuts & Dried Fruit (2019). Statistical Yearbooks of The International Nut and Dried Fruit Council, from https://www.nutfruit.org/ industry/technical-resources?category=statistical-yearbooks (24/12/2019)
Kaplan, M. (2014). A New Pest: Contarinia pruniflorum Coutin & Rambier (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) on apricot (Prunus armeniaca) in Malatya province, Turkey. Munis Entomology & Zoology, 9 (2), 947-949.
Kaplan, M. (2014). A New Pest: Contarinia pruniflorum Coutin & Rambier (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) on apricot (Prunus armeniaca) in Malatya province, Turkey. Munis Entomology & Zoology, 9 (2), 947-949.
Kaplan, M. & İnal, B. (2021). Molecular and Morphological Identification of Contarinia pruniflorum Coutin & Rambier (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) Which is a Harmful Pest in Apricot Orchards in Turkey. Erwerbs-Obstbau, 63 (4), 425-429. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10341-020-0602-5 (Online)
Kaplan, M. & İnal, B. (2021). Molecular and Morphological Identification of Contarinia pruniflorum Coutin & Rambier (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) Which is a Harmful Pest in Apricot Orchards in Turkey. Erwerbs-Obstbau, 63 (4), 425-429. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10341-020-0602-5 (Online)
Kyttariolou, K. S. & Tsagkarakis, A. E. (2013). Population density of Contarinia pruniflorum (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) in different apricot varieties. Abstr. of. 15th National Entomological Congress of Greece, 22-25 October 2013, Kavala, Greece, 17 p. (in Greek, English abstract)
Kyttariolou, K. S. & Tsagkarakis, A. E. (2013). Population density of Contarinia pruniflorum (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) in different apricot varieties. Abstr. of. 15th National Entomological Congress of Greece, 22-25 October 2013, Kavala, Greece, 17 p. (in Greek, English abstract)
Montuschi, C., Rossi, R. & Bariselli, M. (2004). Remove from marked Records red spot and flower midge worry apricot growers in Emilia-Romagna. Rivista di Frutticoltura e di Ortofloricoltura, 66 (6) pp. 51-53.
Montuschi, C., Rossi, R. & Bariselli, M. (2004). Remove from marked Records red spot and flower midge worry apricot growers in Emilia-Romagna. Rivista di Frutticoltura e di Ortofloricoltura, 66 (6) pp. 51-53.
Pierre, E. & Chauvin-Buthaud, B. (2001). Remove from marked records A "new" pest in the south of France: a midge which gives cause for concern on apricot blossom (Contarinia pruniflorum). Un « nouveau » ravageur dans le sud de la France: une cécidomyie préoccupante sur fleurs d'abricotiers. Phytoma 2001, 541, 38-39.
Pierre, E. & Chauvin-Buthaud, B. (2001). Remove from marked records A "new" pest in the south of France: a midge which gives cause for concern on apricot blossom (Contarinia pruniflorum). Un « nouveau » ravageur dans le sud de la France: une cécidomyie préoccupante sur fleurs d'abricotiers. Phytoma 2001, 541, 38-39.
Pollini, A. & Bariselli, M. (1996). Contarinia pruniflorum, a new pest of apricot. Informatore Agrario, 52, 71-73.
Pollini, A. & Bariselli, M. (1996). Contarinia pruniflorum, a new pest of apricot. Informatore Agrario, 52, 71-73.
Tommasini, M. G. (2006). Recenti problematiche fitosanitarie dell’albicocco. Frutticoltura, 9: 68.
Tommasini, M. G. (2006). Recenti problematiche fitosanitarie dell’albicocco. Frutticoltura, 9: 68.
Tsagarakis, Α. Ε. & Mitsopoulus, D. I. (2007). First record of the apricot flower midge Contarinia pruniflorum Coutin & Rambier (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) in Greece. (in Greek, English abstract) Abstr. of.
12th National Entomological Congress of Greece, 13-16 November 2007, Larnaca, Cyprus, 230 p.
Tsagarakis, Α. Ε. & Mitsopoulus, D. I. (2007). First record of the apricot flower midge Contarinia pruniflorum Coutin & Rambier (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) in Greece. (in Greek, English abstract) Abstr. of.
12th National Entomological Congress of Greece, 13-16 November 2007, Larnaca, Cyprus, 230 p.
Yiğit, T., & Tunaz, H. (2023). Evaluations on Bioecology of Contarinia pruniflorum Coutin & Rambier, 1955 (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae). Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım Ve Doğa Dergisi, 26(1), 47-54. https://doi.org/10.18016/ksutarimdoga.vi.1017321