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Phenolic Profile and Antioxidant Capacity of Helichrysum arenarium Extracts: A Comprehensive LC-MS/MS and Antioxidant Analysis

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 28 Sayı: 1, 1 - 8, 12.02.2025


Helichrysum arenarium, commonly known as the immortal or everlasting flower, is a member of the Asteraceae family celebrated for its potential medicinal properties. This study aims to elucidate the phenolic profile and antioxidant properties of H. arenarium using advanced analytical techniques. Methanol extract of H. arenarium was analyzed using Liquid Chromatography coupled with Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) to identify and quantify various phenolic compounds. The phenolic profile revealed high concentrations of luteolin (744.57 mg 100-1 g-1), quercetin (113.13 mg 100-1 g-1), and naringenin (229.60 mg 100-1 g-1), while other compounds were below the limit of quantification. The antioxidant capacity was evaluated using DPPH, ABTS, CUPRAC, and FRAP assays, showing moderate activity compared to standard antioxidants such as BHA, BHT, and Trolox. The methanol extract exhibited DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging activities of 19.14% and 26.91%, respectively, with FRAP and CUPRAC absorbance values of 0.441 and 0.653. These findings highlight the potential of H. arenarium as a source of natural antioxidants and pave the way for future research to optimize its therapeutic applications, especially in combating oxidative stress-related conditions.

Etik Beyan

This study doesn't require an ethics committee decision.


  • Apak, R., Güçlü, K., Ozyürek, M., & Karademir, S. E. (2004). Novel total antioxidant capacity index for dietary polyphenols and vitamins C and E, using their cupric ion reducing capability in the presence of neocuproine: CUPRAC method. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 52(26), 7970–7981.
  • Babota, M., Mocan, A., Vlase, L., Crișan, O., Ielciu, I., Gheldiu, A. M., Vodnar, D. C., Crișan, G., & Păltinean, R. (2018). Phytochemical Analysis, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activities of Helichrysum arenarium (L.) Moench. and Antennaria dioica (L.) Gaertn. Flowers. Molecules, 23(2), 409.
  • Boudet, A. M. (2007). Evolution and current status of research on phenolic compounds. Phytochemistry, 68(22-24), 2725-2735.
  • Çuhacı, Ç., Karaat, F. E., Uğur, Y., Erdoğan, S., & Asma, B. M. (2021). Fruit quality and biochemical characteristics of new early ripening apricots of Turkey. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 15(1), 841-850.
  • Elmastaş, M., Gülçin, İ., Beydemir, Ş., İrfan Küfrevioğlu, Ö., & Aboul‐Enein, H. Y. (2006). A Study on the In Vitro Antioxidant Activity of Juniper (Juniperus communis L.) Fruit Extracts. Analytical Letters, 39(1), 47–65.
  • Eroğlu, H. E., Hamzaoǧlu, E., Budak, Ü., Aksoy, A. & Albayrak S. (2010). Cytogenetic effects of Helichrysum arenarium in human lymphocytes cultures. Turkish J Biol, 34(3), 253–259. https://
  • Gao, L., & Hu, Y. (2015). Quantification of phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity of plant extracts using LC-MS/MS and spectrophotometric assays. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 63(17), 4180-4188.
  • Gradinaru, A. C., Silion, M., Trifan, A., Miron, A., & Aprotosoaie, A. C. (2014). Helichrysum arenarium subsp. arenarium: phenolic composition and antibacterial activity against lower respiratory tract pathogens. Natural Product Research, 28(22), 2076–2080.
  • Grinev, V.S., Shirokov, A.A., Navolokin, N.A. et al. (2016). Polyphenolic compounds of a new biologically active extract from immortelle sandy flowers (Helichrysum arenarium (L.) Moench.). Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry, 42, 770–776.
  • Gülçin, I., Oktay, M., Küfrevioğlu, O. I., & Aslan, A. (2002). Determination of antioxidant activity of lichen Cetraria islandica (L) Ach. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 79(3), 325–329.
  • Gülhan, B., & Yangılar, F. (2022). Determination of antibacterial activities of stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) ethanol extract at different bacterial concentrations. Bitlis Eren Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 11(4), 953-959.
  • Güzel, A., & Elmastaş, M. (2020). Antioxidant Activity, Isolation and Identification of Some Chemical Constituents of Sphaerophysa kotschyana. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi, 23(2), 289-296.
  • Halliwell, B., & Gutteridge, J. M. C. (2007). Free Radicals in Biology and Medicine. Oxford University Press. Işık, M. (2020). Anticholinergic, antioxidant activity and LC-MS/MS analysis of ethanol extract from Salvia officinalis L. International Journal of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, 3(1), 51-61.
  • Jarzycka, A., Lewińska, A., Gancarz, R., & Wilk, K. A. (2013). Assessment of extracts of Helichrysum arenarium, Crataegus monogyna, Sambucus nigra in photoprotective UVA and UVB; photostability in cosmetic emulsions. Journal of photochemistry and photobiology. B, Biology, 128, 50–57.
  • Kaygısız, F., Kaya, E., & Yılmaz, M. A. (2024). Nizip Yaglık Olive Leaves (Olea europaea L.) Collected at Different Seasons and Altitudes: Enzyme Inhibition, Antioxidant Activities and Phenolic Compound Profiles. Food Bioscience, 62, 105524.
  • La Fata, G., Weber, P., & Mohajeri, M. H. (2014). Effects of vitamin E on cognitive performance during ageing and in Alzheimer's disease. Nutrients, 6(12), 5453–5472.
  • Miller, H. E., & Rice-Evans, C. (1997). The comparative antioxidant activities of the flavonoids quercetin, kaempferol, and myricetin. Free Radical Research, 26(5), 419-427.
  • Miller, H.E. (1971). A simplified method for the evaluation of antioxidants. Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society, 48, 91.
  • Necip, A., Mesut, I. Ş. I. K., Güzel, A., Takim, K., & Kaygisiz, F. (2021). LC-MS/MS analysis, antioxidant properties and inhibition effect on some important metabolic enzymes of Nicotiana rustica L. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi, 24(5), 930-938.
  • Pljevljakušić, D., Bigović, D., Janković, T., Jelačić, S., & Šavikin, K. (2018). Sandy Everlasting (Helichrysum arenarium (L.) Moench): Botanical, Chemical and Biological Properties. Frontiers in plant science, 9, 1123.
  • Prior, R. L., & Cao, G. (2000). Antioxidant phytochemicals in fruits and vegetables: diet and health implications. Horticultural Science, 35(5), 588-592.
  • Sarker, U., & Oba, S. (2020). The Response of Salinity Stress-Induced A. tricolor to Growth, Anatomy, Physiology, Non-Enzymatic and Enzymatic Antioxidants. Frontiers in plant science, 11, 559876.
  • Sroka, Z., Kuta, I., Cisowski, W. & Dryś, A. (2004). Antiradical Activity of Hydrolyzed and Non-hydrolyzed Extracts from Helichrysi inflorescentia and its Phenolic Contents. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C, 59(5-6), 363-367.
  • Uğur, Y., Zengin, R., Ernim, C., Günhan, Z. İ., Şalva, E., & Erdoğan, S. (2024). Changes in the Phenolic, Melatonin, Sugar Contents and Antioxidant Capacity, Depending on Ripening Stage in Different Cornelian Cherry (Cornus mas L.) Fruits. ChemistrySelect, 9(7), e202304682.
  • Uğur, Y., & Güzel, A. (2023). Determination of phytochemical content by LC-MS/MS, investigation of antioxidant capacity, and enzyme inhibition effects of nettle (Urtica dioica). European Review for Medical & Pharmacological Sciences, 27(5), 1793-1800.
  • Umaz, A., Umaz, K., Aydın, F. & Aydın, I. (2023). Determination of Multi-Elemental Analysis and Antioxidant Activities of Helichrysum arenarium (L.) Moench Species. HUJPHARM, 43(2), 128-141.
  • Zengin, R., Maraş, Z., Uğur, Y., Özhan, O., Karaat, F. E., & Erdoğan, S. (2024). Determination of Phytochemical Composition in Fruits and Leaves from Different Origins: Black Mulberry, Chokeberry and Elderberry Genotypes. Analytical Letters, 1-23.

Helichrysum arenarium Ekstraktlarının Fenolik Profili ve Antioksidan Kapasitesi: Kapsamlı LC-MS/MS ve Antioksidan Analizi

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 28 Sayı: 1, 1 - 8, 12.02.2025


Helichrysum arenarium, halk arasında ölümsüz veya sonsuz çiçek olarak bilinen, Asteraceae familyasına ait bir bitkidir ve potansiyel tıbbi özellikleriyle tanınmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, H. arenarium'un fenolik profilini ve antioksidan özelliklerini ileri düzey analitik tekniklerle açıklığa kavuşturmaktır. H. arenarium'un metanol ekstraktı, çeşitli fenolik bileşenleri tanımlamak ve miktarlarını belirlemek üzere Sıvı Kromatografi-Tandem Kütle Spektrometrisi (LC-MS/MS) kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Fenolik profil, luteolin (744.57 mg 100-1 g-1), kuersetin (113.13 mg 100-1 g-1) ve naringenin (229.60 mg 100-1 g-1) gibi yüksek konsantrasyonlarda bileşenler içerirken, diğer bileşenler tespit sınırının altındadır. Antioksidan kapasite, DPPH, ABTS, CUPRAC ve FRAP testleri kullanılarak değerlendirilmiş ve standart antioksidanlar olan BHA, BHT ve Trolox ile karşılaştırıldığında orta derecede aktivite gözlenmiştir. Metanol ekstraktı, DPPH ve ABTS radikal temizleme aktiviteleri sırasıyla %19.14 ve %26.91, FRAP ve CUPRAC absorbans değerleri ise sırasıyla 0.441 ve 0.653 olarak belirlenmiştir. Bu bulgular, H. arenarium'un doğal antioksidan kaynağı olarak potansiyelini vurgulamakta ve özellikle oksidatif stresle ilgili koşullarla mücadelede terapötik uygulamalarını optimize etmek için gelecekteki araştırmaların yolunu açmaktadır.

Etik Beyan

Bu çalışma etik kurulu kararı gerektirmemektedir.


  • Apak, R., Güçlü, K., Ozyürek, M., & Karademir, S. E. (2004). Novel total antioxidant capacity index for dietary polyphenols and vitamins C and E, using their cupric ion reducing capability in the presence of neocuproine: CUPRAC method. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 52(26), 7970–7981.
  • Babota, M., Mocan, A., Vlase, L., Crișan, O., Ielciu, I., Gheldiu, A. M., Vodnar, D. C., Crișan, G., & Păltinean, R. (2018). Phytochemical Analysis, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activities of Helichrysum arenarium (L.) Moench. and Antennaria dioica (L.) Gaertn. Flowers. Molecules, 23(2), 409.
  • Boudet, A. M. (2007). Evolution and current status of research on phenolic compounds. Phytochemistry, 68(22-24), 2725-2735.
  • Çuhacı, Ç., Karaat, F. E., Uğur, Y., Erdoğan, S., & Asma, B. M. (2021). Fruit quality and biochemical characteristics of new early ripening apricots of Turkey. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 15(1), 841-850.
  • Elmastaş, M., Gülçin, İ., Beydemir, Ş., İrfan Küfrevioğlu, Ö., & Aboul‐Enein, H. Y. (2006). A Study on the In Vitro Antioxidant Activity of Juniper (Juniperus communis L.) Fruit Extracts. Analytical Letters, 39(1), 47–65.
  • Eroğlu, H. E., Hamzaoǧlu, E., Budak, Ü., Aksoy, A. & Albayrak S. (2010). Cytogenetic effects of Helichrysum arenarium in human lymphocytes cultures. Turkish J Biol, 34(3), 253–259. https://
  • Gao, L., & Hu, Y. (2015). Quantification of phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity of plant extracts using LC-MS/MS and spectrophotometric assays. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 63(17), 4180-4188.
  • Gradinaru, A. C., Silion, M., Trifan, A., Miron, A., & Aprotosoaie, A. C. (2014). Helichrysum arenarium subsp. arenarium: phenolic composition and antibacterial activity against lower respiratory tract pathogens. Natural Product Research, 28(22), 2076–2080.
  • Grinev, V.S., Shirokov, A.A., Navolokin, N.A. et al. (2016). Polyphenolic compounds of a new biologically active extract from immortelle sandy flowers (Helichrysum arenarium (L.) Moench.). Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry, 42, 770–776.
  • Gülçin, I., Oktay, M., Küfrevioğlu, O. I., & Aslan, A. (2002). Determination of antioxidant activity of lichen Cetraria islandica (L) Ach. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 79(3), 325–329.
  • Gülhan, B., & Yangılar, F. (2022). Determination of antibacterial activities of stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) ethanol extract at different bacterial concentrations. Bitlis Eren Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 11(4), 953-959.
  • Güzel, A., & Elmastaş, M. (2020). Antioxidant Activity, Isolation and Identification of Some Chemical Constituents of Sphaerophysa kotschyana. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi, 23(2), 289-296.
  • Halliwell, B., & Gutteridge, J. M. C. (2007). Free Radicals in Biology and Medicine. Oxford University Press. Işık, M. (2020). Anticholinergic, antioxidant activity and LC-MS/MS analysis of ethanol extract from Salvia officinalis L. International Journal of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, 3(1), 51-61.
  • Jarzycka, A., Lewińska, A., Gancarz, R., & Wilk, K. A. (2013). Assessment of extracts of Helichrysum arenarium, Crataegus monogyna, Sambucus nigra in photoprotective UVA and UVB; photostability in cosmetic emulsions. Journal of photochemistry and photobiology. B, Biology, 128, 50–57.
  • Kaygısız, F., Kaya, E., & Yılmaz, M. A. (2024). Nizip Yaglık Olive Leaves (Olea europaea L.) Collected at Different Seasons and Altitudes: Enzyme Inhibition, Antioxidant Activities and Phenolic Compound Profiles. Food Bioscience, 62, 105524.
  • La Fata, G., Weber, P., & Mohajeri, M. H. (2014). Effects of vitamin E on cognitive performance during ageing and in Alzheimer's disease. Nutrients, 6(12), 5453–5472.
  • Miller, H. E., & Rice-Evans, C. (1997). The comparative antioxidant activities of the flavonoids quercetin, kaempferol, and myricetin. Free Radical Research, 26(5), 419-427.
  • Miller, H.E. (1971). A simplified method for the evaluation of antioxidants. Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society, 48, 91.
  • Necip, A., Mesut, I. Ş. I. K., Güzel, A., Takim, K., & Kaygisiz, F. (2021). LC-MS/MS analysis, antioxidant properties and inhibition effect on some important metabolic enzymes of Nicotiana rustica L. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi, 24(5), 930-938.
  • Pljevljakušić, D., Bigović, D., Janković, T., Jelačić, S., & Šavikin, K. (2018). Sandy Everlasting (Helichrysum arenarium (L.) Moench): Botanical, Chemical and Biological Properties. Frontiers in plant science, 9, 1123.
  • Prior, R. L., & Cao, G. (2000). Antioxidant phytochemicals in fruits and vegetables: diet and health implications. Horticultural Science, 35(5), 588-592.
  • Sarker, U., & Oba, S. (2020). The Response of Salinity Stress-Induced A. tricolor to Growth, Anatomy, Physiology, Non-Enzymatic and Enzymatic Antioxidants. Frontiers in plant science, 11, 559876.
  • Sroka, Z., Kuta, I., Cisowski, W. & Dryś, A. (2004). Antiradical Activity of Hydrolyzed and Non-hydrolyzed Extracts from Helichrysi inflorescentia and its Phenolic Contents. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C, 59(5-6), 363-367.
  • Uğur, Y., Zengin, R., Ernim, C., Günhan, Z. İ., Şalva, E., & Erdoğan, S. (2024). Changes in the Phenolic, Melatonin, Sugar Contents and Antioxidant Capacity, Depending on Ripening Stage in Different Cornelian Cherry (Cornus mas L.) Fruits. ChemistrySelect, 9(7), e202304682.
  • Uğur, Y., & Güzel, A. (2023). Determination of phytochemical content by LC-MS/MS, investigation of antioxidant capacity, and enzyme inhibition effects of nettle (Urtica dioica). European Review for Medical & Pharmacological Sciences, 27(5), 1793-1800.
  • Umaz, A., Umaz, K., Aydın, F. & Aydın, I. (2023). Determination of Multi-Elemental Analysis and Antioxidant Activities of Helichrysum arenarium (L.) Moench Species. HUJPHARM, 43(2), 128-141.
  • Zengin, R., Maraş, Z., Uğur, Y., Özhan, O., Karaat, F. E., & Erdoğan, S. (2024). Determination of Phytochemical Composition in Fruits and Leaves from Different Origins: Black Mulberry, Chokeberry and Elderberry Genotypes. Analytical Letters, 1-23.
Toplam 27 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Bitki Biyokimyası, Tıbbi ve Aromatik Bitkiler
Bölüm ARAŞTIRMA MAKALESİ (Research Article)

Yılmaz Uğur 0000-0002-9040-4249

Abdussamat Güzel 0000-0001-7810-4510

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 30 Ocak 2025
Yayımlanma Tarihi 12 Şubat 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 9 Eylül 2024
Kabul Tarihi 25 Aralık 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025Cilt: 28 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Uğur, Y., & Güzel, A. (2025). Phenolic Profile and Antioxidant Capacity of Helichrysum arenarium Extracts: A Comprehensive LC-MS/MS and Antioxidant Analysis. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım Ve Doğa Dergisi, 28(1), 1-8.


2022-JIF = 0.500

2022-JCI = 0.170

Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi (International Peer Reviewed Journal)

       Dergimiz, herhangi bir başvuru veya yayımlama ücreti almamaktadır. (Free submission and publication)

      Yılda 6 sayı yayınlanır. (Published 6 times a year)


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Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi
e-ISSN: 2619-9149