Writing Rules



·           Journal of Agricultural and Nature Sciences is abstracted and/or indexed in: Emerging Sources Citation Index, TUBITAK-ULAKBİM, CAB Abstracts, CiteFactor, DRJI (Directory of Research Journal Indexing) and EBSCO.

·           KSU J. Agric Nat. is an international, double-blind peer-reviewed, open-access journal, published by the Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University. The journal invites original research papers containing new insight into any aspect of Agricultural and Biological Sciences that are not published or not being considered for publication elsewhere. Preliminary, confirmatory or inconclusive research, review articles, case and local studies and works presenting taxonomy will not be published.

·           Before preparing papers for journal, authors should read through the Guide for Authors and consult a current issue to make themselves familiar with general journal format.

·           The journal uses double-blind system for peer-review; both reviewers and authors’ identities remain anonymous. The paper will be peer-reviewed by two reviewers from outside and one editor from the journal typically involve in reviewing a submission. Authors will normally receive reviewers’ comments within 8 weeks of submission. Please note that authors do not pay any article submission or processing fee.


Manuscript Submissions

Manuscript should be submitted to journal’s online submission system by the corresponding author. All submissions should include following documents:

1)     Title page with author names, titles, addresses and contact information (in Word format).

2)     Manuscript (in Word format version 2003 or above). All author names, titles and affiliations should be excluded.

3)     Transfer of Copyright Form. This form should be filled and signed by all authors and sent electronically as a scanned copy. Authors of the accepted papers should send the original version of this form.

4)     Document showing the result of iThenticate (max. 20% match accepted).

5)     Ethics Committee Approval (if needed).


Papers should be written with fluent English without any grammatical and typographical errors. Manuscripts with any of those errors will be rejected and sent back to the authors for corrections before submission and review. The font size used for the preparation of the manuscript must be 12 points with numbered lines, in the left-hand margin and double spacing throughout, i.e. also for abstracts, footnotes and references. All manuscript pages, including the title page, abstract, references, tables, etc. should be numbered consecutively. All margins width should be 3 cm. The tables and figures with captions should be placed after the text. Each figure and table should be referred in the text. Excessive use of italics to emphasize part of the text should be avoided.


To Submit


Manuscripts should include the following sections;

·         Title (short, specific and informative),

·         Keywords (indexing terms, up to 6 items),

·         Abstract (not exceeding 200 words ), - Introduction,

·         Material and Methods,

·         Results and Discussion,

·         Conclusions,

·         Acknowledgements (if needed),

·         Abbreviations and Symbols (if needed),

·         References, Figures and Tables with captions not exceeding 16 pages (with references). All headings and titles should be written in bold.



Acknowledgements should be brief at the end of the text and may include source of financial support. The contract number should be provided.



Cite references in the text as author‘s family name should be followed by the year of the publication in parentheses (Peter 2010; Basunia and Abe 2001). Use et al after the first author’s family name for citations with three or more authors (Lawrence et al 2001). For citations of the same authors published on the same year, letters after the year should be used (Dawson 2009a). References cited in the text should be arranged chronologically. The references should be listed alphabetically on author’s surnames, and chronological per author. Names of journals should be in full titles rather than the abbreviations. Avoid using citations of abstract proceedings. The following examples are for guidance.


Journal Articles

Kaygısız A 2013. Estimation of Genetic Parameters and Breeding Values for Dairy Cattle Using Test-Day Milk Yields. The Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences, 23(2): 345-349.

Ihsan Izzaddeen S, Kaygısız A 2018. Effect of Essential Oil of Laurel (Laurus nobilis L.) on Performance, Blood and Fecal Parameters of Holstein Calves during Suckling Period. Pakistan J. Zool. 50 (3) : 1087-1096.

Lawrence KC, Funk DB, Windham WR 2001. Dielectric moisture sensor for cereal grains and soybeans. Transactions of the ASAE 44(6): 1691-1696

Akpinar E, Midilli A, Biçer Y 2003a. Single layer drying behavior of potato slices in a convective cyclone dryer and mathematical modeling. Energy Conversion and Management 44(10): 1689-1705



Mohsenin NN 1970. Physical Properties of Plant and Animal Materials. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, New York


Book Chapter

Rizvi SSH 1986. Thermodynamic properties of foods in dehydration. In: M A Rao & S S H Rizvi (Eds.), Engineering Properties of Foods, Marcel Dekker, New York, pp. 190-193

Publications of Institutions / Standard Books

ASAE 2002. Standards S352.2, 2002, Moisture measurement - unground grain and seeds. ASAE, St. Joseph, MI


Internet Sources

FAO 2013. Classifications and standards. Retrieved in April, 12, 2011 from http://www.fao.org/economic/ess/ess-standards/en/


Thesis and Dissertations

Berbert PA 1995. On-line density-independent moisture content measurement of hard winter wheat using the capacitance method. Crandfield University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Chemistry, PhD Thesis, (Unpublished), 78 pp, UK


Conference Proceedings (Full papers)

Yağcıoğlu A, Değirmencioğlu A, Çağatay F 1999. Drying characteristics of laurel leaves under different drying conditions. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Congress on Agricultural Mechanization and Energy, 26-27 May, Adana, pp. 565-569


Tables and Figures

Tables and Figures should be numbered consecutively and accompanied by a title at the top. All tables and figures should not exceed 16x20 cm size. Figures should have high resolution, minimum 600dpi in jpg format. For publication purposes use grayscale images. Avoid using vertical lines in tables.



Do not use figures that duplicate matter in tables. Figures can be supplied in digital format, or photographs and drawings, which can be suitable for reproduction. Label ach figure number consecutively.



Units of measurement should all be in SI units. Use a period in decimal fractions (1.24 rather than 1,24). Avoid using “/”. Include a space between the units (m s-1 rather than m/s, J s-1 rather than J/s, kg m s-2 rather thankg m/s2 ). Units should have a single space between the number and the unit (4 kg N ha-1 , 3 kg m-1 s -2 , 20 N m, 1000 s-1 , 100 kPa, 22 °C). The only exceptions are for angular definitions, minutes, seconds and percentage; do not include a space (10°, 45’, 60’’, 29%). The abbreviation of liter is “L”.


Formulas and Equations

Number each formula with the reference number placed in parentheses at the end. Use Word mathematical processor for formulas with 12pt., variances in Italics, numbers and mathematical definitions in plain text. If needed, refer as “Equation 1” in the text (….the model, as given in Equation 1).


The name of the payee

The journal doesn’t have APC or any submission charges.

International Peer Reviewed Journal
Free submission and publication
Published 6 times a year


KSU Journal of Agriculture and Nature

e-ISSN: 2619-9149