Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University Journal of Agriculture and Nature (Journal of Agricultural and Natural) accepts research articles online with the Open Journal System (OJS) and offers it to the stakeholders with unlimited accessibility of the articles in all issues. As it is known, Open Journal Systems increase the impact level of articles by providing more qualified viewing opportunities to all readers on a national and international scale compared to subscription and distribution systems. OJS systems are also easily available to researchers in terms of indexing, re-access, free access, and duplication.
Our journal, which accepts articles at the national and international levels, has internationally accepted SCI-Expanded, etc. It tries to fulfill the necessary conditions to be scanned in indexes such as Our journal has been indexed by the Web of Science and Emerging Sources Citation Index since 2017. Our journal, which will continue on its way within the framework of scientific and ethical rules in its next publication life, will provide you, esteemed scientists and readers, scientific research written in Turkish and English; The article will continue to be published as a note to the editor, review and research note.
The citations to be made by researchers to the articles published in our journal are very important for our journals to be scanned and accepted by national and international indexes.
Research Article
Transfer Öğrenme Temelli Bitki Yaprak Hastalıklarının Tespiti İçin Karşılaştırmalı Bir ÇalışmaResearch Article
Effect of abiotic stresses on primary/secondary metabolites and resveratrol in cv. Cabernet-Sauvignon grapesResearch Article
Topraksız Tarımda Hıyar Yetiştiriciliğinde Farklı Kompost Materyallerinin Yetiştirme Ortamı Olarak Kullanım Olanaklarının AraştırılmasıResearch Article
Soil Nematode Community Analysis of Four Chickpea Cultivated Areas in Aksaray, TürkiyeResearch Article
Aspir Genotiplerinin Sap Verimi ve Samanlarının Bazı Yem Değerlerinin Belirlenmesi ve Buğday ile KarşılaştırılmasıResearch Article
Aydın İlinde Sığır ve Küçükbaş Hayvanlarda Refah: 1-Çiftlikte refah algısıResearch Article
Aydın İlinde Sığır ve Küçükbaş Hayvanlarda Refah: 2-Taşımada refah algısıResearch Article
Centaurea lycaonica Bitkisinin İnsan Servikal Kanser Hücre Hattında Sitotoksisitesinin MTT Testi ve xCELLigence Sistemi ile DeğerlendirilmesiResearch Article
Phenolic Profile and Antioxidant Capacity of Helichrysum arenarium Extracts: A Comprehensive LC-MS/MS and Antioxidant AnalysisInternational Peer Reviewed Journal
Free submission and publication
Published 6 times a year
KSU Journal of Agriculture and Nature
e-ISSN: 2619-9149